Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 640 Long and Short

In the early period of the former Han Dynasty when the sudden cavalry was not formed, the infantry of the Han army faced the rangers of the Huns. While forming a formation, they could use the powerful suppression force of the crossbow to advance slowly.

When the sudden cavalry tactics appeared, especially when the ranger and the sudden cavalry were combined, the infantry faced a huge disadvantage when facing the cavalry.

In this case, the infantry faced the cavalry and became more dangerous.

Even if you form an formation, it won't take much advantage - you can't wipe out the enemy if you win, you can only watch the cavalry escape;

Therefore, when infantry confronts cavalry, they must be extremely cautious and form a tight formation on the spot, lest the cavalry find an opportunity to break the formation.

Not to mention advancing forward, forcing the cavalry to retreat step by step.

Seeing that half of the Han army had reached the south bank, Hao Zhao knew that if he didn't leave, all the Han troops would come over and block his way, and he was afraid that all the 20,000 elite cavalry he brought from Liangzhou would have to stay in Longxi.

What's more, there are still thousands of cavalry on the opposite side, hiding in places that I can't see, and may give me a fatal blow at any time.

So take advantage of the fact that not all of them are coming over from the opposite side, turn around and turn to the west.

"Even if you want to leave, you have to stop the rear, otherwise you will not be able to get away easily if you are chased by the cavalry of the Shu captives."

The prefect of Jincheng also knew that the situation in front of him was not good, and the formation in front of him was too weird.

It looks a bit like the Nine Armies and Eight Formations, but it is much more powerful than the Nine Armies and Eight Formations.

Once it changes, the formations are layer upon layer, with small formations nestled within large formations, which makes people feel airtight.

Obviously the strength of the troops on the opposite side is not far from his own, and his mobility is stronger than that of the opponent, but somehow, no matter from which direction to charge, the opposite side can always gather more troops than himself.

This feeling of not being able to start is really tricky.

Hao Zhao looked at the two wings, the bald Xianbei Jingqi was still galloping, pinning down the enemy.

"Bring the barbarians back and let them break the rear. They have excellent riding skills. Even if they are entangled by the opposite party, they can still have a chance to escape."

Hao Zhao immediately made a decision to send an order for the Xianbei cavalry on the two wings to withdraw to the middle camp.

"Hu people have no faith. If they are alone, they may flee in all directions. Please let the lower officials lead a thousand horses to lead the formation."

The prefect of Jincheng volunteered.

Hao Zhao looked at the prefect of Jincheng, with mixed feelings of resentment and guilt in his eyes.

If the Shu captives have no cavalry, it doesn't matter who is behind, because they can't catch up.

But Hao Zhao knew that the thousands of cavalry who had never shown up on the opposite side were waiting for the best time to enter the battlefield.

Therefore, nine times out of ten, the soldiers who were cut off had no chance to escape at all.

"General, without further ado, please order quickly!"

Jincheng prefect urged.

The expression on Hao Zhao's face returned to resoluteness, he nodded, and began to arrange the retreat.

"Cao thief is about to run." Zhuge Liang saw the abnormality of the two-winged Hu cavalry, and his expression was slightly concentrated. "This Hao Zhao is really a person who knows the current affairs."

Then he said with some gratitude, "Hao Zhao is good at defending the city. He defeated Wei Yan's siege at the beginning, which is enough to show his ability; but now it seems that his ability to fight in the field is not as good as defending the city."

"Bo Yue, if it were you, what would you do?"

Zhuge Liang was finally willing to put down the binoculars and asked.

When Jiang Wei heard the prime minister's question, he quickly replied, "If the last general is replaced, when the last general leads the troops to come to meet him, he will start to retreat, and will not be entangled so far, only thinking about retreating."

"Oh? Why?"

Zhuge Liang didn't seem to care about Wei Jun's actions at all, and asked with great interest.

"Hao Zhao's first confrontation with the prime minister should have known that he would not be able to break through the prime minister's army formation. Looking at what he has done now, it is obvious that he wants to retreat to the west and return to Liangzhou from Didao."

"Since you want to withdraw to Liangzhou, you should retreat directly. Knowing that the prime minister's army formation is indestructible, but you want to entangle with the prime minister and try to lead the entire army to retreat, it is too greedy!"

Jiang Wei commented, "This is called constant."

Zhuge Liang listened, nodded slightly, and then asked Feng Yong, "What about you? What do you think?"

"Boyo said it very well."

Feng Yong quickly agreed.

The prime minister of the big man glanced at him, "I'm asking you, if it were you, what would you do?"

If I knew that my opponent was an old guy named Zhuge Liang, without the reinforcement of famous general-level allies, I would of course run away...

Feng Tubie thought for a while, and then he choked out a sentence, "Anyway, the prefect of Longxi also said that the city was only guarded for one month, and now it has been four months. If I see the prime minister leading the troops, I will either surrender directly, or Go straight."

When Jiang Wei heard this, he couldn't help but looked over strangely.

Zhuge Liang just smiled when he heard the words, and asked calmly, "Tell me your reason."

"Longyou's overall situation has been decided, and Xiangwu is already an isolated city. Although there is Weishui to rely on, but long-term rules will inevitably lead to failure."

"Besides, now that the West has lost contact with Guan, even if Liangzhou can defend itself for a while, it will return to the Han sooner or later, so it is better to surrender early."

"Even if we take a step back, even if Hao Zhao believes that Liangzhou can prevent the Han from advancing westward, he should immediately lead the army back to the west to preserve the vitality and plan for the future. Hanging around here is useless."

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Zhuge Liang was silent for a long time, and at the same time secretly said in his heart, these words are in line with this kid's style: he likes to start from the long-term and the general situation, not sticking to temporary setbacks, and not greedy for immediate benefits.

Thinking of Nanxiang, Nanzhong, Longyou, and Guanzhong, he has made such a step-by-step layout, just like a chess player who seems to place a piece in a useless place, only to find out that it is his chess eye in the end.

Just the sentence "keep the vitality" won my heart, which is enough to prove that this son's foresight is extremely good.

It's a pity that he has extremely poor talent on the battlefield, and he can't learn even if he is taught by hand, which is really annoying.

As for Bo Yue, he is sensitive to military affairs, has a deep understanding of the military's will, and is quite courageous. He has taught the military formations and all understand it. In this regard, the talents of the two are simply the same as the sky and the earth.

If he can teach Boyue and do more training, he will definitely be a great general in the future.

It's a pity that from the words just now, it can also be seen that Boyue is a little too concerned about the present and forgets the long-term, and lacks a grasp of the overall situation. In terms of means, he is even worse than that kid.

Concentrating on the present and being courageous, I am afraid that sometimes there will be little flexibility in doing things, and if you insist on going your own way, then you will have small concerns and lose the overall situation.

Feng Yong and Jiang Wei naturally didn't know what the prime minister was thinking, they saw the prime minister raised his binoculars silently, and suddenly sent an order for Guan Xing to attack from the west.

Then he said again, "Hao Zhao is stuck in the rules, and he doesn't know how to adapt. First, he wanted to follow the laws of the Wei State and defend the city, and lost the best time to retreat. Then he wanted to retreat with the whole army, but he would get deeper and deeper."

"However, he is worthy of being a character in Hexi Town for a long time. Seeing that the timing is wrong at this time, he immediately thought of retreating. It seems that trying to encircle all Liangzhou soldiers and horses here may not work."

Zhuge Liang sighed, "You two should learn from others' strengths and discard their weaknesses, you know?"


Feng Yong and Jiang Wei agreed together.

At this time, Hao Zhao led the main force, had just broken away from contact with the Han army, and was about to withdraw from the battlefield, only to see smoke rising from the northwest, and the long-lurking cavalry of the Han army finally appeared.

The goal of the cavalry of the Han army is very clear, it is the connection between the rear troops and the main force.

Hao Zhao gritted his teeth when he saw the appearance of the cavalry of the Han army.

Judging from the current situation, the actions of the Han army are not only preparing to leave all the people behind, but also want to bite the tail of the main force again.

The opposite coach's eyes are too poisonous!

And the timing was also very delicate, as if a person had just stepped forward with his front foot and had just lifted his back foot halfway, when he was suddenly pushed from the side.

Even if the force is very light, it is enough to make people fall, not to mention this force is more like a violent blow.

This made Hao Zhao angry, but at the same time, a sense of powerlessness and fear rose in his heart: Could it be that the opponent really has the ability to predict his actions in advance?

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