Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 641 500,000 Fu

"General, quickly lead the army to retreat, or it will be too late!"

The prefect of Jincheng also saw the smoke rising not far away, his eyes were red, and he kept urging.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Hao Zhao couldn't help hesitating, and didn't dare to neglect any longer, so he led the people and headed west in panic without looking back.

The Jincheng prefect who stayed behind in the Chinese army drew his sword and shouted, "The captives invade the Wei territory, everyone, follow me to attack!"

After finishing speaking, he took the rest of the Wei army and rushed forward to stop the chasing Han cavalry.

The infantry formation on the opposite side is no longer the focus. As long as they leave the battlefield, it is impossible to run with two legs better than four legs.

So as long as this cavalry army can be blocked, General Hao can lead the army back to Liangzhou safely.

Of course, for the prefect of Jincheng, if he did this, he would also put himself in a dead end, which meant that he was likely to delay time with his life.

At this time, the bald Xianbei who was placed at the end to intercept the Han infantry formation finally realized something was wrong.

The bald man saw Hao Zhao fleeing away with his people, and cursed angrily, "The Han people are cunning!"

He didn't even want the entangled clansmen, and just took the rest of the clan's elite and fled, as much as he could escape.

This time, only a small number of Wei troops led by the prefect of Jincheng were desperately blocking the cavalry led by Guan Xing.

For a moment, Guan Xing couldn't get away.

There were not many cavalry troops in the Han army. At the beginning, there were only two thousand people.

During the several months of the Northern Expedition, this cavalry first swept Nan'an, then turned back to Jicheng, then galloped to the aid of Jieting, felled Qingshui, and finally attacked Linwei. The damage has already been more than half, and now there are only a few hundred cavalry left.

Although a lot of Qiang and Hu cavalry were gathered during the period, they were a group of mobs who could only fight with the wind, but they could not be expected to fight a tough battle.


Feng Yong couldn't help saying when he saw that the cavalry led by brother-in-law in the northwest were entangled.

Zhuge Liang issued another military order, and the army began to turn around slowly, encircling the broken Wei army, and then said, "There is nothing to regret."

"Hao Zhao initially led 20,000 elite Liangzhou cavalry to Longyou, but now only half of them can go back with them. Our army is all infantry and cannot pursue them."

"Those Qiang and Hu have been under the rule of the Cao bandits for a long time, and they dare to raise their troops. They are also scattered, so they can't be expected too much."

"Liangzhou Jingqi is well-known all over the world, how can it be regarded as an underdog? It is rare for us to lose half of them now."

Although Zhuge Liang regretted Hao Zhao's escape, he didn't take it too seriously.

On the contrary, the cavalry led by Guan Xing showed signs of collapsing at the forefront under the frenzied counterattack of the Wei army.

Seeing this, Guan Xing was furious. He personally stepped forward with a saber, beheaded the barbarians who had turned back and shouted, "There are only a thousand thieves, and I have thousands of horses. What are you afraid of?"

At the moment, he led two hundred Han cavalry straight to the front of the formation.

Seeing the big saber in his hand slashing fiercely, Wei Bing quickly raised his gun to block it.

Unexpectedly, Guan raised the saber with a long force and heavy force, but the spear couldn't stop the force, there was only a "click", and the barrel of the spear broke from the middle.

Guan Xing's saber did not lose momentum, and he slashed straight down, one of Wei Bing's shoulders was chopped off on the spot.

Wei Bing let out a scream, a column of blood spurted from half of his body, and he fell off his horse.

At this moment, the sun was scorching like fire, Guan Xing danced his long knife so that it was shining white, and he either chopped or picked it up, and the weapons clashed with clanging sounds, unexpectedly killing the Wei army through a gap.

Seeing Guan Xing's bravery, the cavalry of the Han army who followed him were greatly encouraged. They followed Guan Xing closely, holding their spears and shouting to charge.

The infantry finally surrounded the Wei army, which was less than a thousand men, from the east and south, and the encirclement became tighter and tighter.

Qianghu continued to draw and shoot from the west, further reducing the range of activities of the Wei army.

The prefect of Jincheng led the left and right siege, wielding a halberd and attacking rapidly, unable to break through.

Guan Xing shouted loudly: "Why don't you come down early!"

The prefect of Jincheng shouted, "A certain is deeply favored by the country. Today is the time to serve the country. Why do you say surrender?"

Inspired by it, the Wei army did not dismount and surrender, but fought to the death.

Horseshoes are like rumbling thunder, resounding far and near, like tens of thousands of hectares of raging waves hitting the mountains, bloody swords and halberds, shouts of killing rising into the sky, filled with smoke and dust, this tragic atmosphere of primitive fighting of the same kind envelopes this land, until one side falls completely.

When the Jincheng prefect's body crashed down, it was the end of this tragic battle.

Guan Xing felt his loyalty and helped to restrain the bones.

After the battle, everyone began to clean up the battlefield, and Feng Yong followed Zhuge Liang off the stage.

He was still immersed in the heroic death of the prefect of Jincheng and couldn't extricate himself, but he didn't know that when he saw the prime minister walking in front of him smoothly put the telescope into his arms, he became anxious all of a sudden.

"Prime Minister, this..."


Zhuge Liang turned around and asked.

"This, this telescope..." Feng Yong whispered.

"Telescope? What telescope?"

Zhuge Liang, a handsome middle-aged man, asked in a daze.

"That's the one..." Feng Yong pointed to the arms of the prime minister, and gestured, "The thing I lent you just now can see far away."

"Oh, so this treasure is called a telescope?" Zhuge Liang suddenly realized, "The name is indeed appropriate."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Feng Yong nodded quickly and said, "Can the prime minister pay me back?"

Zhuge Liang pondered and glanced at Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei walked away tactfully.

"Where did you get this kind of treasure?"

"Of course I did it myself."

Hearing this, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty showed great surprise, "I thought it was the treasure of your master, but I didn't expect it to be made by you."

Speaking of this, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up, "I see this thing is quite delicate, but I don't know how much it will cost to make it?"

Feng Yong stretched out a finger, just said the word "one hundred thousand", and seeing Zhuge Liang's burning eyes, he quickly turned his finger into a slap, and said, "500,000 yuan!"

Zhuge Liang couldn't help taking a deep breath, clutching the things in his arms involuntarily, and shouted, "Why is it so expensive!"

Two years ago, the annual tax of the big man was only more than one million yuan!

Even last year, it was only worth two million yuan. According to this, what the old man has in his arms is 25% of the annual tax income of the big man?

Zhuge Liang originally thought that since it was made by Feng Yong, if there is the first one, then naturally there can be the second one, and the third one...

From what I heard now, I am afraid that this kid only has such one in his hand.

"Prime Minister, the most precious thing about this telescope is the two pieces of water jade inside. It is necessary to find two complete large pieces of water jade, which must not only be crystal clear, but also free of impurities."

"This kind of water jade is extremely difficult to find. I don't know how much time, money and food I have spent on this alone, and how much relationship I have entrusted."

From Adou to Sun Quan, from Nanzhong to Dongwu, from Xinghanhui to Longyou Dazu, and even the rangers in Nanxiang have used them. The relationships used are all over the northwest, southwest, and southeast. Only then can we find enough materials.

"Then let the craftsman carefully grind it into two different transparent discs. I don't know how much water jade was wasted just for this one. The waste water jade is enough to be worth hundreds of thousands of grains."

"I made such a thing in the end. Prime Minister, I still charge for the cost of 500,000 yuan for your sake..."

Feng Tubie, who was doing business smoothly, slipped out another sentence at the end of his speech.

Zhuge Liang stared over, "Zhuzi dare you?"

"Ah, no, Prime Minister, I mean, to make such a thing, at least 500,000 yuan..."

Feng Yong realized all of a sudden that he was a Marquis of the Guan Nei after all, how could he be a businessman? Isn't this self-declination?

"I don't have five hundred thousand coins." The prime minister refused straight away, and then took another look at Feng Yong, "Besides, this thing is of no use to you, let me keep it for you first."

Well, when I was a child in my previous life, every Chinese New Year, my parents often said to me: This New Year's money is useless for you to hold, I will keep it for you first, and return it to you when you grow up.

"Prime Minister, I am also a general after all, how can I say that holding this thing is useless?"

Although the prime minister of the Han Dynasty was telling the truth, for General Feng who hadn't even learned the military formation, holding a telescope was really not very useful, but how could Feng Yong admit it?

Am I shameless?

"500,000 min..."

Feng Yong grunted.

Even if you are half of my father-in-law, a brother must always settle accounts clearly, right?

"Yinping, the capital of Wu, and the lands of Longyou, where there are many Qiang and Hu, the Great Han will definitely set up a position in charge of Qiang and Hu in the future."

Zhuge Liang was not in a hurry, he just said leisurely, "At present, the old man is still thinking about who is suitable..."

"Oh! Prime Minister, such an important matter must be carefully considered."

When Feng Yong heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

Although the Zhuge old demon deliberately let himself get in touch with the Qianghu of Longyou a few days ago, it can only be regarded as a temporary appointment after all, that is, he has reached an intention with those Qianghu Qushuai.

What happens in the end depends on the actual operation later.

But if I really can take full charge of Qianghu affairs, why don't I just do whatever I want?

If a telescope can be exchanged for Zhuge Old Demon's promise, then this business can really be done.

Seeing someone's drooling expression, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty smiled calmly, turned around and walked towards Shuai Ying, and asked, "If you are in charge, what do you think should be done?"

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