Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 642 Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones

"Just imitate the old example."

Feng Yong spoke without hesitation.

In fact, Longyou Qianghu is easier to deal with than the Nanman in Yuexie.

Because the barbarian tribes of Yuejue were rebels at the beginning, they needed to surrender by force first.

Moreover, many tribes live in the mountains and forests, and you have to find ways to move them to the flat land.

Finally, they can be taught to farm, or build a straw tower to adapt them to a settled life.

Therefore, a considerable part of the barbarians have changed from scratch to settled farming.

But the Qiang Hu in Longyou is different.

They kept migrating to Longyou and Guanzhong in order to have a good meal, so they had to learn farming both subjectively and objectively.

In fact, in Liangzhou, Longyou, and Guanzhong, the farther east you go, the more accustomed Qianghu is to farming.

Not to mention Guanzhong, most of the Qianghu in Longyou and Liangzhou are in the state of semi-nomadic and half-cultivating, and even a small part are in the state of being transformed into a complete farming nation.

The Qiang Hu continued to move inland, and at the same time it was constantly merging with the Han people.

Therefore, although the Qianghu rebellion is a headache, the foundation of Sinicization is indeed much better than that of the barbarians in Nanzhong.

The point is that the Han Dynasty was an era when Han chauvinism was prevalent, so the social status of Qianghu was not high.

In addition to having to hand over a considerable portion of the grain they grow, local officials will forcefully confiscate the rest of the grain at any time.

In the eyes of local officials and tyrants, they are regarded as slaves and are often enslaved at will.

"Those who belong to them are either in the right hand of the right hand, or bent in the hands of a servant", this is their true status.

The most tragic thing is that as the Qiang riots in Liangzhou became more frequent, Qianghu would often be used by frontier generals to pretend to be the leader of the army.

They have a very urgent need to improve their social status - if you don't give it, I will rebel and take it myself.

If it were the big Han before, or the Cao Wei and Soochow Wu who were the masters of the aristocratic family, it would be basically impossible for the imperial court to take the initiative to raise the status of Qiang Hu.

But Ji Han is different.

The basic national policy "Longzhong Dui" first put forward the suggestion of Nanfu Nanyi, which was affirmed by the founding emperor Liu Bei.

As a pragmatic prime minister of the Han Dynasty, the old demon Zhuge captured Meng Huo seven times during the southern expedition to the southern barbarians, swore an alliance with the southern and central barbarians, and promised that the Han and barbarians would be equal.

Although his actions had a specific political purpose, and they were also aimed at gathering as much manpower and material resources as possible for the Northern Expedition, it is undeniable that these actions objectively improved the status of the barbarians.

At the same time, it also promoted national integration and accelerated the development of Nanzhong.

Compared with Feng Yong's own notorious title of "King of Ghosts", which stinks like shit, Prime Minister Dahan is now honored as "Grandpa Zhuge" by many Southern Zhongyi people.

Compared with the days of precarity, lack of clothing, and food, at least there was a place to sleep in Nanzhong Plantation, not afraid of the invasion of beasts, clothes to wear, and food to eat.

Even when you are sick, there are medical workers to treat you - that is the students of Nanxiang Medical College practicing their hands.

In the eyes of the people in central Sichuan, this kind of life may be a hard life, but in the eyes of the Yi people in Nanzhong, it means that the quality of life is improving.

Therefore, it is inevitable that Zhuge Grandpa's name will be passed on to Nanzhong.

This made Feng Tubie feel deeply jealous.

There is no way to restore my reputation in Nanzhong, but Yinping Wudu and Longyou counties are different.

Feng Langjun's reputation is not so good.

Now that the big Han has the political and practical needs to improve the status of the Hu people, the Qiang Hu also has this urgent need, and the two hit it off.

So Feng Yong felt that he could take advantage of this wind to properly save his increasingly corrupt reputation.

The Qianghu people living in dire straits need my rescue!

If it is done well, the Qianghu people will spread the reputation of "Grandfather Feng" after thousands of years!

The big Han prime minister walking in front naturally didn't know that Feng Yongcai had turned so many thoughts in an instant, so he carefully recalled Feng Yong's actions in Yuexuan.

Sudden suspicion, this kid couldn't have planned it a long time ago, right?

There is almost no need to make too many changes to the practice of the Yi people and Hu people who graze in the mountains and forests, just take it and apply it.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang turned his head suspiciously, just in time to see Feng Yongzheng's demented look with a smirk on his face.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty frowned, "Is this what you planned long ago?"

Feng Tubie is immersed in the fantasy world and cannot extricate himself.

"Talking to you!"

Zhuge Liang raised his voice.

If someone else dared to be so rude in front of him, the prime minister would have already blacklisted him.

Just touching the half a million worth of binoculars in his arms, the prime minister felt that he could be given one more chance.

With a low drink, Feng Yong woke up. He subconsciously wiped the corners of his mouth, um, luckily there was no saliva.

"Ah? Oh, Prime Minister, I was just thinking about how to govern the barbarians in Longyou, and I lost my mind for a while. What were you talking about just now?"

Feng Yong came back to his senses, hurriedly took two steps, and asked.

"What you did in Yueyu, didn't you have a plan in advance?"

"No ah."

Feng Yong flatly denied it.

Zhuge Liang didn't believe it.

It's just that no matter whether Feng Yong has planned or not, it doesn't have much influence on the prime minister of Han Dynasty.

What he cares about is, at Feng Yong's age, whether he has the experience to deal with the next thing.

He stopped, waved his hands, and told the people below to disperse so that no one could hear their next conversation. Then he continued, "The drought in Longyou is now a foregone conclusion. The big man has just recovered Longyou. It was just too coincidental to encounter something like this.”

"If you want to appease the Qianghu, the most important thing is food. Without enough food, the Qianghu will probably commit thieves. And the big Han has just returned to Longyou, and in order to establish the majesty of the government, he must march to suppress him."

"Otherwise, the people of Longyou and the nobles will feel that the big Han is still like the later Han, with lax laws and no punishment. Once the people have no respect for the law, treacherous thoughts will arise."

"However, the Northern Expedition has already consumed most of the food stored in the treasury of Hanzhong. It is a blessing that the rest can barely appease the people of Longyou. If you take the matter of Qianghu, what should you do?"

When Feng Yong heard these words, he was startled on the spot: "What the prime minister means is that the imperial court has no extra food to help those Qiang Hus, so I have to figure out a way by myself?"

Longyou Qianghu is so spicy, where can I find so much food? For such a position, why don't you raise the price to the sky? Opening such a big mouth, do not consider whether I can afford it?

Feng Yong slandered, glanced at the prime minister of the big Han, and thought: You are forcing me to write "In the Name of Ji Han", prime minister!

"I originally planned to set up the post of Protector of the Qiang, to lead the protection of the Western Qiang with integrity, and to be in charge of the affairs of the Western Qiang. If the Qiang Hu can be appeased, I will appease him, and if the Qiang Hu rebellion, I will defeat it."

Zhuge Liang turned around and said solemnly, "This position has a lot of authority. Although it only manages the Qianghu in Longyou at present, in the future when Liangzhou and even Guanzhong are recovered, the Qianghu in these two places will also be under its jurisdiction."

"Protecting the Qiang school lieutenant not only needs to adjust the disputes between the various tribes of the Qianghu, but more importantly, prevents the Qianghu from being connected with the Cao Wei, and even prevents the Qianghu in Cao Wei's territory from being used by the Han."

"When I look at the territory of the Great Han, you are indeed the only one who is the most suitable. When the Longyou was restored at the beginning of the Great Han, and it coincided with the drought in Longyou, if you can appease the Qianghu and prevent them from causing trouble."

"Then who in the government and the opposition will say that you are not suitable for this important position? I just entrust you with the affairs of Xiqiang, so what's the matter?"

Feng Langjun, who was thinking about how to write "The Name of Ji Han", was shocked when he heard it: All the Qiang Hu in Longyou, Liangzhou, and Guanzhong are under my control?

From the point of view of Qianghu alone, this is much more powerful than the few governors of the big man!

Coupled with the low social status of Qianghu, if he really wants to become the captain of Qianghu, wouldn't he be the overlord of Qianghu?

At that time, which tribe dare not listen to Lao Tzu's words, the clan!

Ah, no, it is to lead the king's teacher to beg for disobedience, and by the way, bring a few cattle and sheep back for a tooth sacrifice...

Thinking of this, Feng Yong felt extremely hot all over, and blurted out, "Prime Minister, are you serious?"

"It's an important matter for the country, why would I joke with you?"

Seeing Feng Yong like this, Zhuge Liang had an unpredictable look in his eyes, but he smiled slightly.

Feng Yong rolled his eyes and asked, "As long as I can appease Qiang Hu?"

"It is to appease the Qiang Hu in Longyou this year." Zhuge Liang said with an accent, "This year, the chaos in Longyou is initially determined, so the main duty of the Qiang guard is to appease the Qiang Hu."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang would not understand Feng Yong's careful thinking, "Don't try to take advantage of any loopholes! You also said that if you want to imitate the old practice of Yue, then from next year, the Longyou Qianghu will be registered as a household register .”

"In the year to come, you will have to hand over a quota of cattle, sheep, horses, wool, and grain to the imperial court every year according to the number of household registrations. Only when Liangzhou and Guanzhong are restored, the quota will be increased according to the situation."

Feng Yong asked, "Is the quota also in accordance with the rules of Yue Yu?"

"For the time being, we will follow the old rules of Yuejue." Zhuge Liang seems to have considered this issue long ago, "I will make adjustments according to the actual situation in the future. After all, this is the first year of taxation in Yuejue's full implementation, right?"

Feng Yong nodded, "Yes."

Although Yue Yu was able to collect part of the tax last year, it can only be regarded as a trial.

Coupled with the Northern Expedition, which is a major event related to the life and death of the great man, Yue Yu implemented a wartime policy last year.

Only when this year is over and the Yuejuan statistical team headed by Amei collects all the statistics can we make targeted adjustments to Yuejuan's policies.

"That's right. The Yuejuan rules are initially set, and no one knows if there is anything inappropriate. This year, let's see if there are any omissions in Yuejuan that need to be patched up. After confirming that there are no errors, Longyou will follow the rules."

"no problem!"

Feng Yong nodded repeatedly.

There will be a whole year of gap next year, which is enough for me to get back all the money I spent in advance!

"The imperial court will harvest 30% of the wool harvested next year. From the year after that, 50% will be harvested."

Zhuge Liang added another sentence.

Feng Yong's face froze, and then he quickly calculated in his heart: In this way, the price of wool for the five workshops of the family in Central Shu can only be increased by another fifteen percent.


Seeing how happily Feng Yong agreed, Prime Minister Dahan suddenly felt a little regretful: If I had known earlier, I would have received 50% from the beginning.

"The lieutenant of Huqiang has a long history of officials, and the two Sima have a few jobs. You should draw up a list of these places and give it to me for review."

"Also, the Hu Qiang captain can lead an army of 10,000 people. At that time, you will be assigned 3,000 soldiers. The rest, you need to recruit from the Qiang and Hu tribes. After Liangzhou and Guanzhong are recovered, you will expand your army."

"After paying the full amount of taxes to the imperial court every year, the remaining money and food will be allocated by the lieutenant Huqiang himself. However, the lieutenant Huqiang belongs to the army, weapons, armor, food, etc., and the imperial court will no longer ration them separately. You have to think about it yourself. Method."

Hearing that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty gave the right to protect the Qiang captain, Feng Yong's first reaction was not to be happy, but to be surprised, and even a little chilled: I didn't do anything serious, right? Is this the rhythm of trying to kill me?

The lieutenant Huqiang has such great power, it will take a few years to say that no one will say wrongly, "The lieutenant Huqiang has the right to withdraw troops, and also has the duty to collect money and food, and he also buys his own armor."

"Besides, Qiang Hu regards Feng Yong as a god, which cannot be restrained by the court, and is the source of disaster..."

Blah blah and so on.

It is estimated that Zhang Xingcai did not want to marry her sister to me, but wanted to burn paper money for me.

Feng Yongzheng was thinking about how to evade it, only to hear the prime minister say again, "Five years, this method will be tried for five years first. After five years, the Hu people who have settled down will set up another county by the court and appoint officials. How about it?"

Isn't this the five-year plan plus one country, two systems?

Managing Qianghu is definitely different from managing Han people, so the old demon Zhuge let himself cross the river by feeling the stones first, and only reached out to pick peaches when the time was ripe.

But Feng Yong had to accept it.

First, the white wolf is empty-handed, taking five years of cattle, sheep, horses, wool and grain for nothing, and there is no risk at all.

Then I waited for myself to work hard, finish the hard work, and then easily reached out to pick the peaches.

This is a blatant conspiracy and an aboveboard political method.

But would Feng Yong refuse?

Certainly not.

Unless he wants nothing, no one can resist this temptation.

Five years is enough to eat a big belly.

Besides, it's not that there will be nothing left after five years, it's just that the Qianghu who have settled down completely are divided.

As the Han Dynasty entered Liangzhou in the west and returned to Guanzhong in the east, there would only be more and more Qianghu to be managed.

There are even those in the Western Regions. How long has it been?

More importantly, as long as I can become the captain of Hu Qiang, how many outlets can I find for the people below?

Disabled Nanxiang soldiers don't have to worry about arrangements, and even the students who come out of the school will be in short supply within five years, so the enrollment must be expanded immediately.

Even if the imperial court appoints officials five years later, will they know how to deal with the new production relationship of Longyou Qianghu?

At that time, won't we still have to rely on the grassroots personnel of the Xinghanhui system?

Thinking of this, Feng Yong rubbed his hands, leaned over to laugh and said, "The prime minister has an order, how dare I disobey it? Please rest assured, the prime minister, the money and food needed to appease Qiang Hu this year will definitely not let the court give out a grain of food. Just leave it to me."

Zhuge Liang smiled satisfied, "That's what you said, if you can't solve it properly, don't blame the old man for appointing someone else."

"no problem."

Feng Yong patted his chest in response.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth in secret. It stands to reason that after cutting a wave of leeks, he should water the leeks to let them breathe.

Originally, the drought in Longyou this year just happened to allow those who had their leeks cut off at the Nanxiang Exchange to recover their blood.

But as it stands now...

Needless to say, another wave has to be harvested!

No matter, for the stability of Longyou, everyone should take a long-term view, and consider it as a contribution to the court.

Speaking of long-term, Feng Yong touched his arms subconsciously again.


Where's my telescope?

Feng Tubie raised his head, only to realize that the prime minister had disappeared.

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