Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 643 Dispute

The next day, Zhuge Liang led the army to the city of Xiangwu, held Hao Zhaoshuai's flag and the golden drum at the foot of the city, and persuaded you to surrender to Chu.

When You Chu saw the various flags under the city, and heard that Hao Zhao had fled in defeat, his face turned pale.

He said to Chang Shi Ma Yong and Gongsun Zheng who joined the army, "Xiangwu is already an isolated city and must not be defended. I am the prefect of Longxi and have the responsibility to guard the land. If I can defend it, I will defend it to the death."

"However, the city cannot be defended now. If we forcibly reject the Shu captives, it will only cause the people in the city to suffer from the chaos of war. I can't bear to do that."

So he personally shouted to the city, "Please ask someone to appease the people in the city first, and then open the door and surrender in the future."

The soldiers under the city passed You Chu's words back to the Han army camp. Wei Yan was very annoyed when he heard the words, so he persuaded Zhuge Liang, "Prime Minister, he also said before that he would surrender in a month. Four months."

"Now the three counties in the east have already decided. Only Longxi still wants to resist the heavenly soldiers. The general feels that his words are just delaying time. I don't know what tricks he has. The general asks for orders and directly attacks the city."

Zhuge Liang didn't agree immediately, he looked at the city not far away, and suddenly asked, "Feng Mingwen, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong said quickly, "In the opinion of General Yimo, the prime minister might as well agree to him, it's just a matter of waiting for two more days."

Wei Yan on the side heard Feng Yong's words, immediately held the handle of the knife, and glared at Feng Yong, "How does Lizi know?"

Feng Yong squinted at the old man Wei, and sneered, "At the beginning, General Wei wanted to lead an army out of Xiegu, let the prime minister go out of Longyou, and threatened that he would be able to take Chang'an Tongguan all the way. According to the current situation, is it possible?"

Old thief Wei, are you still the same as when you first arrived in Hanzhong?

You can't even capture Xiangwu City, and you still want to attack Chang'an to take Tongguan? Big mouth Wei!

Cao Zhen in Meicheng is enough for you to drink a pot!

Wei Yan was furious, and stepped forward, with a "clang", the long knife was half out, and he wanted to force him up, and shouted, "Zhuzi, how dare you insult me? Are you looking for death?"

Feng Yong was slightly startled when he saw Wei Yan's appearance of wanting to choose someone and devour him, and couldn't help taking a step back.

Seeing that something was wrong, Guan Xing quickly stood in front of Feng Yong and said to Wei Yan, "General Wei has something to say!"

Feng Yong felt relieved and looked around, thinking that Lao Tzu's wife Guan Ji is not here, otherwise let's see how she will deal with you!

Knowing that the two had resentment, Zhuge Liang had a headache, so he immediately reprimanded, "In front of the army, what do you look like like this? Could it be that you are bullying that the military law is not strict?"

Wei Yan snorted, then put the knife back into its sheath, and returned to its original position angrily.

Guan Xing also retreated.

"Feng Yong, tell me, what is the reason for agreeing to the opposite party? If you can't say one, two, three, let's see how I deal with you."

Zhuge Liang turned to Feng Yong again, with a bad expression on his face.

Feng Yong naturally knew why Wei Yan wanted to attack the city.

He rushed to Longxi with a light soldier, intending to take Xiangwu without a fight, but unexpectedly, he was forced to retreat by You Chu.

Then Hao Zhao led the army to arrive, so he could only retreat to the Bindao in Nan'an County.

A few days ago, Zhuge Liang led the army to meet up, and he took the initiative to ask for orders to attack the city, but Hao Zhao burned him to the ground.

Having suffered continuous setbacks under Xiangwu City, I'm afraid he hated this Xiangwu City long ago.

In addition, since the Northern Expedition, he is the only one who has not made any contributions along the way.

Seeing that Xiangwu was already the final battle of the Northern Expedition, he still hadn't accomplished an inch. With his arrogant personality with eyes on his head, he felt that he had lost all face.

So Xiangwu, the place where he got credit for the last, he naturally didn't want to let it go.

But how could Feng Yong let him get what he wanted?

He could only hear him say slowly, "Prime Minister, now it seems that Xiangwu will be defeated, it just depends on whether it will be broken sooner or later. If it is attacked by force, it will definitely be taken in three to five days."

"But if the city is forcibly attacked, the people in the city will suffer from military disasters. At that time, the father and son will have to live and die, and there will be resentment. If this is the case, won't it only increase the difficulty of governing Longxi in the future?"

"Furthermore, even if the city wall is smashed with a catapult, wouldn't the soldiers still have to enter the city to fight, wouldn't there be casualties?"

"So in Yiyong's opinion, if you don't agree to him first, wait for two days. If he doesn't surrender after two days, it will be a breach of trust. We have no choice but to attack the city."

"When the time comes for the people in the city, all the crimes will be attributed to him, not me. It would be even better if he surrendered as scheduled. The big man can not only save the lives of the soldiers, but also the people in the city."

"It takes two days to get such benefits, why not do it?"

After Feng Yong finished speaking, before Zhuge Liang opened his mouth, Wei Yan said, "Since we start a war, how can we avoid casualties? If we are afraid of casualties, how can we command soldiers? It's better to go back to the rear and raise pigs."

Feng Yong glared at him immediately, this old man!

"Furthermore, in Xiangwu City, it first practiced deceit, and then stubbornly refused to surrender. Now that it can't do anything, it is really abominable. If you don't use military power, someone will follow suit in the future. "

Wei Yan had a plausible saying, "So it's better to take this opportunity, not to be surrendered, to break into the city, so as to deter those who come later."

Feng Yong did not give in, and retorted:

"When the first emperor raised his army, the princes of the world used to slaughter cities, especially the Cao bandits, who slaughtered countless cities. Only the first emperor, who acted with benevolence, can continue Hanzuo by weaving mats and selling shoes."

"Why? It's just because the first emperor regarded the people of the world as the people of a big man, so he couldn't bear to harm them. Cao Cao regarded the people of the world as pigs and dogs, so he drove them and slaughtered them without mercy."

"If you can protect the people, but you want to deliberately break into the city, how is it different from the Cao thief?"

It is said that the population dropped significantly during the Three Kingdoms period. In fact, to be precise, it should be the wars, hunger, cold, and plague before the Three Kingdoms, which were the main factors for the population decline.

Cao Cao was undeniably powerful. He unified the north and ended the war in the north.

But at the same time, the stain on his body that likes to slaughter cities can never be washed away.

The people who were massacred by him are really shocking.

After the establishment of the Three Kingdoms, the whole country was partially unified, the economy recovered somewhat, but the population did not decline any more, and even increased slightly.

Now that Feng Yongyi heard that Wei Yan wanted to break into the city, he was immediately annoyed.

To break the city and break the city is easy to say, but in fact it is just to break into the city and vent one's anger.

Because according to the ancient practice, if the defending party resists for more than a certain period of time, or the casualties suffered by the attacking party exceed a certain level, then the attacking party is very likely to massacre the city after breaking through the city.

It's just the difference between massacre, small massacre, all massacre, or partial massacre.

Seeing that Wei Yan was going to press Feng Yongjin again, Zhuge Liang hurriedly shouted, "Okay!"

This stopped the two arguing.

"General Wei is worried that the other party has plans and wants to enter the city as soon as possible. Feng Mingwen, you care about the people and don't want to attack. Both are justified. It's just that Feng Mingwen, as a junior, can't you be more polite to General Wei? "

Zhuge Liang reprimanded Feng Yong.

Feng Yong curled his lips and glanced at Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang stared back at him.

Feng Yong resentfully remained silent, muttering in his heart, his son is still my disciple, and he and I are of the same generation, how come we are juniors?

Although Zhuge Liang was reprimanding Feng Yong on the surface, in the eyes of Jiang Wei and other sharp-eyed people, it was clear at a glance who the prime minister was closer to when he said these words.

I heard Zhuge Liang say again, "But what you said is also reasonable. The people of Xiangwu are also the people of the Han Dynasty. How can I not treat them well? If they can avoid the disaster of war, that would be the best."

"So I not only have to agree to wait two more days, but also restore the flow of the Wei River, so as to avoid the worry of water shortage in the city, and at the same time, it can also amplify the virtue of the emperor of Han."

After the discussion was settled, Zhuge Liang asked people to go back to the city and conveyed his meaning in detail.

When You Chu heard this, he sighed, "In this way, the people in the city will all feel the virtue of Ji Han, and Zhuge Liang won the hearts of the people of Xiangwu without a single soldier!"

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