Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 644 Are you here?

In the Han army camp, after everyone dispersed after discussing, Guan Xing secretly found Feng Yong and asked, "Why are you so unfaithful to General Wei?"

"What's the matter?" Feng Yongman said indifferently, "Anyway, Old Wei... well, he has a very bad temper, let alone in the army, even in the court, no one dares to get close to him, right? I'm one more, isn't it? normal?"

When Guan Xing heard this, he thought of Wei Yan's arrogant personality and contempt for others, so everyone avoided him.

Yang Yi, on the other hand, was unwilling to accommodate Wei Yan. She had quarreled with him a few days ago and was almost killed by Wei Yanju. Yang Yi was so frightened that she ran around the camp.

He sighed again at the moment, "General Wei is extremely brave, but his temperament is a bit too arrogant..."

"That's none of my business?" Feng Yong sneered, "It's his business that he is arrogant, but the military is discussing matters, and the prime minister asked me something, and he scolded me in public, so I can't be ironic?"

Now there is still the old demon Zhuge protecting him, and when the old demon Zhuge is gone, he deserves to be pushed down by everyone!

After Wuzhangyuan, as the first person in the army, this old man Wei had no one to speak for him. He was obviously a general who was good at raising soldiers, but in the end even the soldiers he brought out with his own hands fled away.

This kind of failure in life cannot be covered up by a single failure in political struggle.

"Isn't his son your disciple?"

Guan Xing asked suspiciously.

Feng Yong didn't explain, but just replied, "Brother, there are some things that I can't say now. I just guessed randomly and took precautions in advance."

"Besides, even if his son is my disciple, I don't have to be kind to him, right?"

When Guan Xing heard this, he didn't pursue it any further. He just tried to persuade him, "If it's not necessary, it's better not to argue with him. He's a senior general in the army, and you're a latecomer, so as not to be said that you are arrogant."

Feng Yong nodded, "Okay, I know the size."

Two days later, the gate of Xiangwu city was opened wide, and the officials in the city led the crowd to surrender.

Zhuge highlighted all the people, and found that You Chu, the prefect of Xiangcheng, was missing.

Then he asked, "Where is the eunuch?"

Gongsun Zheng, who joined the army in Longxi and was a good friend who traveled to Chu, hurried forward and replied, "Back to the prime minister, the prefect is ill and cannot come. Please forgive me, prime minister."

Zhuge Liang understood as soon as he heard it, "This is because I feel ashamed."

So he appeased everyone first, and still ordered the old officials in the city to take up their duties.

"Prime Minister, some wine, water and meat have been prepared in the city, please go and enjoy it with all the soldiers."

Longxi County Chief Shi Ma Yong said again.

"My leader, Wang Shi, should be serious about military discipline. I know your intentions. But now that the war has stopped and the prohibition of alcohol in the army has not been lifted, let's go to this banquet."

Zhuge Liang explained, "Let's disperse, go back and appease the people first, Gongsun Zheng, you stay."

After all the officials in Xiangwu City had dispersed, Zhuge Liang asked, "Is Governor You sick?"

Gongsun Zheng knew that he couldn't hide it from Zhuge Liang, so he carefully explained, "Prime Minister, the prefect is from Pingyang County, Zuo Fengyi, Sili. Although both parents died, his wife and children are still in Guanzhong."

"The laws of the State of Wei state that when a soldier escapes, his family members may be deprived of their official position, or beheaded if they are serious; local officials who fail to guard the land are all given severe punishments. Although the prefect has committed the crime of losing the land, it can still be inferred that he is unable to defend it."

"However, if the big man is surrendered and Wei Guo finds out, I'm afraid that the family members in Guanzhong will be implicated, so I hope the prime minister will know."

Zhuge Liang heard this, and sighed, "I heard that Prefect You ruled Longxi for a long time, and won the hearts of the people. He is really a rare talent. I didn't expect that he can't be used by the country now. It's a pity."

Immediately, he sent someone to give You Chu a generous gift, and at the same time worshiped him as the prime minister's counselor, but You Chu refused.

At this time, Longyou was finally settled. Zhuge Liang ordered Chen Shi to lead the army to guard Longxi, considering that Longxi County Didao could pass through Liangzhou.

At the same time, Gao Xiang was asked to guard Nan'an in case of emergency.

Then lead the army back to Jicheng.

The Prime Minister's Mansion, who stayed in Jicheng, accompanied the army commander Shi Xianglang, and led all the officials out of the city to meet him.

Among the welcoming crowd, Shi Zhangyi, the governor of Jincheng's residence, also joined them.

On the face of it, Zhang Yi came to serve the army under the order of His Majesty, but in fact it was because of Li Yan's change.

Zhuge Liang got the news early, talked and laughed happily with the people who came to greet him, and announced the end of the Northern Expedition in public, and then planned to reward meritorious deeds, and held a celebration banquet with everyone in Jicheng, but he did not talk about Jincheng with Zhang Yi. thing.

This made Zhang Yi secretly anxious.

It was only at night that Zhuge Liang asked Zhang Yi to quietly take Zhang Yi to the room, and asked Zhang Yi carefully about Jincheng's affairs.

At today's banquet, Feng Yong, as the person who made the greatest contribution to the Northern Expedition, has already attracted people's attention.

In addition, he is a person with major relevant interests in his hands, and Zhuge Liang takes him by his side, and people come up to strike up a conversation all the time, so he can't be free for a moment.

It wasn't until the banquet was over that he returned to the small courtyard where he used to recuperate in a daze with his eyes closed under the protection of Buqu.

Jicheng is now regarded as the stronghold of the great Han in Longyou, and this banquet is a celebration banquet to celebrate the success of the Northern Expedition, and Jicheng's aristocratic family fully sponsored it.

So there was a lot of wine at the banquet.

At the banquet, besides the prime minister, he was the most popular figure.

No one in the prime minister would dare to toast casually, but toasting Feng Yong is called hospitality, so Feng Yong's belly is almost full of wine now.

It is estimated that this body has never drank alcohol before, and its tolerance to alcohol is a bit poor, so even if the alcohol content is extremely low, it still makes him a little confused.

"came back?"

Feng Yong felt someone supporting him, and at the same time a voice sounded.

Feng Yong grumbled, "Didn't you tell the Jiang family not to have a maid? Why did you send them here again?"

This small courtyard was specially vacated by the Jiang family to heal Feng Yong's injuries. At that time, he even said that he would send two maids here, but Feng Yong refused.

Now Feng Yong heard the woman's voice and thought it was Jiang's family who stuffed people into the yard while he was away.

Immediately, he tried hard to open his eyes, trying to see the person in front of him clearly.

When Zhang Xingyi heard Feng Yong say this, his brows and eyes were full of smiles, and his heart was full of joy, that's what she liked about him.

Compared with other second-generation dignitaries, he has never been in alleys, and he does not follow the example of those from aristocratic families, and has many maids.

"It looks like he drank a lot, and I can't even recognize him."

The nerves paralyzed by alcohol were a bit dull, Feng Yong knew that it should be someone he was familiar with when he heard this tone, and he immediately relaxed.

But he didn't want to admit that he didn't recognize the other party for a while, so he asked vaguely, "Why are you here?"

"Can you not come? Such a big thing happened, I'm almost worried to death." Zhang Xingyi's tone was a little scared, "There is no one to worry about."

Feng Yong smirked, and boasted, "Why don't you worry about it? That Zhang Yun was beaten to the bum by me. Let me tell you, he's dead..."

"Okay, okay, you are amazing! Are you done?"

Although Zhang Xingyi's words were full of praise, the tone was admonishing, "Swords and guns have no eyes in battle, you should be more careful when you encounter such things in the future."

"I've heard people say that it was extremely dangerous at that time. If the eldest brother hadn't brought people to arrive in time..."

Feng Yong couldn't fully hear what the other party was saying, so he said to himself, "Of course I'm amazing, that Brother Zhang family has stepped into the Yin-Yang Dao with one foot, it's not because I pulled him back... "

"Well, speaking of this, my little sister would like to thank Alang!" Zhang Xingyi was not annoyed by Feng Yong's interruption of her words, and even expressed gratitude in her words, "If it wasn't for Alang, I'm afraid my brother would..."

Hearing the beautiful woman's words, Feng Yong only felt light and at the same time felt a little wrong, "Thank me? Thank me for what? Big brother? What big brother? Who is your big brother?"

Before he finished speaking, he staggered and fell on the couch.

Looking at Feng Yong who fell asleep immediately on the couch, Zhang Xingyi frowned, and called a few more times, seeing that he didn't respond.

Reunited after a long absence, she was originally happy, but now she saw him sleeping like a dead pig, and she immediately became annoyed.

Immediately slapped it, and said angrily, "Drink, drink! You know how to drink!"

Her adult was wronged by alcohol, so she hates people who are drunk the most.

Feng Yong might feel some pain in his sleep, so he grunted, turned over and fell asleep again.

Zhang Xingyi lost his temper, so he had to help him take off his boots and put him back down again.

After a lot of tossing, Zhang Xingyi only felt that he was full of alcohol, and he became even more annoyed.

At this time, I saw a greeting coming from the door, "Si Niang, why is that kid..."

Before the word "Yang" could be said, the voice suddenly stopped. I saw Guan Xing half-stop at the door, looking into the house.

Under the light of the lamps and candles, the expression on his face turned blue and white, and he didn't know whether he should enter or not.

No money is required for the following words: Add an update for the birthday of book friend Dan Xinjian. Although it is not a big chapter, it is my heart anyway, happy birthday.

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