Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 646: Everything

"What's your second favor?"

Feng Yong asked.

"The affairs of the Inner Palace have continued to increase in the past two years, so there is a shortage of manpower. I would like to ask Feng Langjun for help..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Yong shook his head again and again, "How can I help with this? I can't help even if I want to."

The old monster Zhuge took away his five hundred Nanxiang soldiers, and the younger brothers of the Xinghan Society coveted the students of their own school, and now the royal family also wants to reach out.

I have accumulated talents for nearly five years, starting from part-time rural teachers who taught Zhuangzi's children "Thousand Characters", step by step, I have accumulated a school that I can barely make blood by myself.

The fruit that has been so hard to bear, you just think about reaching out, how can there be such a good thing?

Zhang Xingyi said angrily, "Can't you listen to me first?"

"What's there to say? Aren't you just staring at those students in Nanxiang Academy?" Feng Yong waved his hand, "Everything else is easy to talk about, and this matter is not for discussion."

If the royal family regarded those students as real talents, then Feng Yong wouldn't be so stingy.

But no matter those people from the Xinghan Society or the royal family, the students who come out of the school can only be regarded as tools in their hands, at most they are more convenient to use.

It is almost impossible for them to recognize those students as "scholars".

At least not currently possible.

But for Feng Yong, those students are seeds, seeds that have just germinated but will die at any time, and he must take care of them carefully.

This kind of thing can't be rushed, but as long as the current situation is found, these newly sprouted seeds will grow up one day.

Whether it grows into a grass or a tree with a crooked neck, it can add a glimmer of hope to the leaders of Guizhou who are isolated from knowledge.

Whether it is ten years or twenty years, even after thirty years, he will only be fifty years old, and he can wait.

As long as we can control the development direction of this force, let it grow into a force that reverses the inertia of history, and let the people of the Han people completely bypass that dark history, waiting for thirty years is nothing.

"I know that the students in those schools are your treasures, so I won't rob you."

Not to mention Zhang Xingyi, even Guan Ji, who is Feng Yong's pillow, feels that the reason why Feng Yong cherishes those school students is that they are easy to use.

Another even bigger reason is that he is very likely to be selecting students for the teacher, to see if he can pick out students who can inherit the knowledge of the teacher.

Because everyone in the small circle knows that Feng Yong's knowledge written silently over the years has already filled several big boxes.

It is said that it is all knowledge in the teacher's school.

Nor does he forbid others to watch.

But no one has ever been able to fully understand the knowledge in these boxes.

Guan Ji even specially copied a part of it and showed it to Huang Yueying, Huang Yueying could only sigh in the end, "This is a unique knowledge in the world, very well known to most people."

In Nanxiang Academy, only students with excellent talents have the opportunity to further get in touch with the knowledge in the box, so Guan Ji thinks that A Lang is selecting students for the teacher's school, she must be right.

Even Guan Ji, who knows everything, can only think of this step, let alone other people.

Zhang Xingyi stood up, walked to Feng Yong, and said coquettishly, "I have been to Nanxiang School many times, and I know that the things taught are different."

"According to these years, those students are still quite useful, but I don't know if Alang has any taboos in teaching in the school?"

Zhang Xingyi pinched his sleeve lightly, and then shook it lightly. (Don't dare to have physical contact)


Feng Yong's eyes lit up, and then he lowered them again, and then the other hand pinched his thigh fiercely to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

The pain made Feng Yong's expression very serious, "What does Si Niang mean by that?"

Looking at Feng Yong's expression, Zhang Xingyi said cautiously, "The palace wants to send some people here, they all can read a few words, and they want to learn something like those students."



Feng Yong pretended to be stupid and asked.

"Oh! It's not because the account rooms used by various industries of the Xinghan Society, as well as the method of accounting and the method of keeping accounts, are all different from those of other families."

"Every time people from the inner government go to check the accounts, if no one has personally instructed them, even the old accountants will not be able to figure out the way for a long time."

"This inner palace is getting bigger and bigger, how can it go on like this? So the palace thought, just send some people to the school."

"After you learn those calculations, you won't even need someone to teach you how to check the accounts. Otherwise, if someone really wants to do something, wouldn't the palace be aware of the disadvantages it has suffered?"

Zhang Xingyi said very dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Feng Yong laughed and said, "That's ridiculous! Who would dare to tamper with the tent in the palace?"

"Even if you don't dare, the tents in the inner palace can't even understand the tents. Isn't that a joke?" Zhang Xingyi curled his lips, "Just ask if you can teach me?"

Feng Yong looked her up and down, "You Shanggong haven't been working for a few days, and you start to think about the palace?"

Zhang Xingyi saw that the soft attack didn't work, so he glared and said fiercely, "Feng Langjun, please pay attention, it's Shanggong who is talking to you now."

Feng Yong nodded, "Oh, all right. Since you are a Shanggong, let's do business."

"The students recruited by Nanxiang Academy all have rules. If the palace wants to break the rules and force people in, it's not impossible, but there are other conditions."

"What conditions?"

Learning is the most valued thing in this world. Although this matter is related to the palace, Zhang Xingyi doesn't think there is anything wrong with Feng Yong's words.

Even the emperor should have a respectful attitude towards learning.

Although the study of Confucian classics is the most important thing in the world today, it is still a great question to be able to teach the knowledge of a master of mathematics within a few years.

What's more, Zhang Xingyi also knows that what is taught in the school should only be the basics.

One of the most widely circulated legends in Nanxiang Academy is that only the best students are qualified to learn more advanced knowledge.

It shows that what is taught in the school is actually far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

"It's very simple. For example, Xinghan Club has a rule that outsiders who want to use Xinghan Club's channel have to pay the selection fee every time."

"So, if you want to enter the school, you have to pay an extra sum of money. After all, the teachers in the school also have to eat!"

Feng Yong made the final decision for her with his fingers.

"No problem." Zhang Xingyi nodded, "If you want to learn knowledge, Shu Xiu must be indispensable."

Feng Yong reminded, "Don't rush to agree so readily, there are other conditions."

"Except for Shuxiu, Nanxiang Academy is completely closed on weekdays, so they have to provide them with food, clothing and lodging, so you have to pay for food, clothing, and accommodation, right?"

"Also, the purpose of Nanxiang Academy is to teach without discrimination. People from the palace are not allowed to reveal their identities after they come in, and the school will only treat them as ordinary students."

"What other students want to do and follow the rules, they must do the same. Without exception, if he really violates the rules, no matter what his status in the palace is, he will be dealt with according to the rules of the school."

Hearing these words, Zhang Xingyi had a somewhat embarrassed look on his face, "Wherever you go, you have to abide by the rules, that's the reason."

"It's just that people who come out of this palace have special identities. I can't agree to this matter for the time being. I have to tell the palace first."

Feng Yong nodded, "It's right to be cautious."

As he said that, he glanced at Zhang Xingyi again, emphasized his tone, and said, "Things in the palace may be the most complicated things in the world, and they may also be the most dangerous things. No matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious."

Zhang Xingyi heard this, her heart was a little sweet, but her mouth was unwilling to forgive, "You care about me? My sister is the queen, what are you afraid of?"

Feng Yong gave a "tsk", "This married daughter is like...cough, that is, I care about you, so I just mentioned it to you."

Feng Yong glanced at the door, once again to confirm that there was no one there, and then said cautiously, "Queen, she is the queen of the mother world first, and then your elder sister, understand?"

"I don't understand!" Zhang Xingyi glanced at him, "What can't be said openly, it's so vague that people can't understand it."

"Never mind."

Feng Yong was a little annoyed, and turned around to go out.

"Okay, okay, I understand. Doesn't it mean that sister should consider the palace first, and the royal family first?"

Zhang Xingyi quickly said, "I can't even make a joke, how petty! Do you think I'm so easy to be calculated by others?"

Feng Yong rubbed his forehead and sighed. He suddenly missed Xi Jun, who was very good at martial arts, but gentle and virtuous in private.

At least Guan Ji is more pure-minded than Siniang.

When you are happy, you will burst into a smile, like a hundred flowers blooming, and if you are not happy, you will roll up your sleeves and do it directly.

The first Northern Expedition was victorious, and the soldiers of the Han Dynasty rested in Jicheng for ten days.

But the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, the prime minister Shi Xianglang, the prime minister Yang Yi who joined the army, and others had no time to rest at all.

Drought cast a cloud over Longyou, which had just passed through the war.

It is necessary to transport grain from Hanzhong to relieve the disaster.

At the same time, it is necessary to preserve as much as possible the food that has been planted.

Otherwise, due to the war in the first half of this year, most of the areas have already had no crops. If there is another crop failure due to drought in the second half of the year, it is inevitable that there will be riots in Longyou.

On the edge of the Wei River, Zhuge Liang walked along the bank of the river, watching the farmers go from the bank to the deep valley to scoop water, and then took the pains to carry the water to the distant land, his eyes showed deep Deeply worried.

The water level of the Wei River is already very low.

Even the overturned carts used to fetch water were unusable because the water level was too low and the banks of the Weishui River were too high.

But compared to Longxi and Nan'an, Tianshui is already considered lucky, because there is a large tributary flowing into it in the middle reaches, and the Weishui River has not stopped flowing, at least it can be irrigated manually.

In Longxi and Nan'an, the Wei River has already started to dry up.

The worst is Nan'an County.

Because in addition to the Weishui River in Longxi, there is also the Taoshui River, the largest tributary of the upper reaches of the Yellow River, which can at least delay the drought.

But there is only such a Wei River in Nan'an, and the grain-producing areas are basically around the Wei River and its tributaries.

Now that the Wei River has stopped flowing, Nan'an has been sentenced in advance and is doomed to have no harvest this year.

Zhuge Liang's eyes fell on the lower reaches of the Wei River, where a group of people were installing something.

"Driving the pile deeper, it's firm."

Feng Yong was instructing the people of the engineering battalion to place wooden stakes of the same size in pairs in order, and drive them from the river to the river bank.

It has entered the hottest time, and you can feel the sweat dripping from your chest, and the clothes on your back have become wet, clinging to your body, sticky and uncomfortable.

The strong, shirtless man shouted slogans and kept smashing the piles into the soil.

Under the fierce sunlight, everyone's body is shiny.

"Okay, I'm going to change the batch. People below, come up and have a sip of Lu bean soup first."

Seeing the sun getting stronger and stronger, Feng Yong shouted.

Take turns to play, so that everyone is familiar with the process, and then they can separate and rush to work.

Seeing someone who couldn't bear the temptation of the coolness in the water and was about to roll down and come up again, Feng Yong was furious. He bent down to pick up a stone and smashed it down.

The person missed, and fell into the water in front of the person.

Feng Yong pointed at him and jumped and cursed, "How many times have I said that! Don't go into the water when you're sweating!"

"There's hair growing in your ears and you can't hear it, right? Then you'll cramp and fall into the water, and you won't even know it's washed away! Look, what are you looking at? It's you, why don't you hurry up and get out of here!"

Wen Shi took advantage of the time between replacements and took people down to measure the height of the piles and the distance between the two piles to see if the requirements had been met.

"How long will it take to finish? Are you sure?"

Feng Yongzheng watched and directed the next group of people to get rid of them, only to hear the prime minister's voice suddenly coming from behind him.

He turned around quickly and was about to salute when Zhuge Liang waved his hand.

"Returning to the Prime Minister, when I was in Yuejuan, I had people make water mills. In this engineering camp, there happened to be a few craftsmen who did water mills. They are familiar with this, and it is estimated that they will be able to make it in three days. "

"Prime Minister, don't worry, I modified the waterwheel last night, so I can't be less than 60% or 70% sure."

With such a simple principle, and with so many people under his command, even if a defective product is made in the end, Feng Yong is sure to turn it into a qualified product.

After the Northern Expedition ended, Zhuge Liang supposedly arranged for people to stay in Longyou, and then brought them back, either staying in Hanzhong or returning to Jincheng, and calculated the contributions of everyone in the Northern Expedition so that they could be rewarded for their merits.

Unexpectedly, because of the drought, he stayed in Longyou for a long time.

Feng Yong was naturally not idle.

The water level of the Wei River is too low, and the valleys in many places are too deep, and ordinary waterwheels cannot draw water, so we can only improve it.

Based on the illustrations of later generations, he first drew an idea of ​​a tall water tanker, and then found a few old craftsmen in the engineering camp to explain his idea himself.

Then I made a simple test product and felt that it was indeed feasible, so the construction officially started.

Zhuge Liang got the blueprint of the high-tube waterwheel from Feng Yong, and came to check the progress every day.

At the beginning, there are basically these two questions: "How long will it take to do it well? Are you sure?"

It could be seen that the drought in Longyou really worried him.

Compared to Longyou's wailing everywhere, Jincheng fell into great ecstasy.

With the victory of the Northern Expedition, the news that Longyou had been decided was sent back to Jincheng. Even the emperor couldn't help but order to cancel the curfew for three days, and enjoy the joy with the people.

At the same time, those who had already prepared to go to reward the Northern Expeditionary Army could finally start their journey.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

Since the news of the victory of the Northern Expedition came, especially the emperor had released the curfew, and because the prime minister set off from the north gate of Jincheng, even the northern wall of Jincheng had been released in the past few days.

The original intention of the government was to allow officials and people to climb onto the city wall, look to the north from a distance, and feel the might of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

Unexpectedly, there was a blind guy who took this opportunity to run up to the city wall, crying and laughing, yelling something crazy, "It's up, it's up."

"The most regrettable thing in this life is going to the place where the evil spirit was born..."

Some unintelligible words.

In the end, he took a leap and jumped off the city wall.

And there are not just one or two such people, there are several in a day, just like making dumplings, forcing the government to seal off the city wall in advance.

Do you think these people are sick?

It's just intentional to make trouble for everyone on this big day!

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