Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 647 Unexpected

A few days later, on the banks of the Wei River, a large wooden frame was erected in each river, and a wooden wheel was installed on the wooden frame.

Between the wooden frames on the shore and in the water, there is a row of piles facing each other.

A wooden plank was placed between the stakes to support the bamboo tubes containing the water.

Then use a thick hemp rope to fix the bamboo tube and connect it to the wooden frame.

As the wooden frame in the river began to rotate, the bamboo tube soaked in water was slowly pulled up along the plank. After passing the wooden wheel on the bank, the water in the wooden tube was poured into the ditch.

Accumulate less and become more, gradually converging into a canal of water, flowing to the distance.

"It's done?"

After so many days of hard work, when the water was actually brought up, the old craftsmen of the engineering camp couldn't believe their eyes.

"It's done!" Feng Yong nodded and gave an affirmative answer, "Didn't you already make a small model and try it? Didn't everyone say it would definitely be done!"

With trembling lips, the old craftsman rushed directly under the bamboo tube, stretched out his hands to hold the water, truly felt the cool water, and then raised his head excitedly.

His face was wet, and he didn't know whether it was splashed water or sweat, and it was more likely to be teardrops, "It's done!"

They all came from the ground to plan food, so why don't they know how useful this waterwheel is for farming?

As long as the flow continues, no matter how high the water bank is, water can be drawn up.

With the beginning of the old craftsman, everyone cheered loudly, scrambling to squeeze up, trying to get to the front, and really looked at everything carefully.

Some people even tried to touch the fruits of their labor these days.

"What are you doing?"

Feng Yong shouted, "Can't you see that this thing is spinning? Don't you know the danger?"

All of a sudden everyone drank again.

They looked at Feng Yong with awe in their eyes.

"Spread out, don't squeeze too far ahead, or accidentally knock this thing down, what should I do?"

Feng Yong waved his hand, and everyone quickly backed away.

"Prime Minister, come and take a look."

The majestic Feng Langjun turned around, changed his face again, and invited the big Han prime minister to the front.

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly, although he tried to keep calm on his face, but his eyes were always on the slowly turning water wheel, and he just walked over in a daze.

Because he didn't pay attention to his feet, he staggered and almost fell.

Feng Yong hurriedly stepped forward to support him, "Prime Minister, be careful."

Zhuge Liang didn't respond. He walked under the waterwheel, and finally stretched out his hand hidden in his wide sleeve. Feng Yong, who was standing beside him, could clearly see his hand trembling slightly.

"Prime Minister, this wooden wheel is spinning, be careful not to get scratched."

Feng Yong said in a low voice.

"Oh, good, good." Zhuge Liang responded, and stopped his hand less than three inches away from the waterwheel, as if stroking a rare treasure in the air.

"With this thing, there is finally room for relief for the drought in Longyou."

Zhuge Liang seemed to be muttering to himself, and seemed to be talking to Feng Yong. The smile on his face became wider and wider, and finally he laughed out loud, and the laughter gradually became louder.

The laughter infected the engineering battalion standing on the outskirts. There were nearly a hundred people, young, middle-aged, and a few old craftsmen. Nearly a hundred mouths opened almost simultaneously.

The booming sound seemed to arouse the resonance of the Wei River, and it seemed that everything near and far was cheering.

The farmer carrying water in the distance didn't know what happened, so he could only watch from a distance.

Zhuge Liang laughed enough, then turned his head, and asked in a low voice, "Your blueprint also said that if you connect a bamboo branch, you can use human power to make a vertical wheel, you can use animal power to make a crutch, and you can also use a foot to step on it." , yes or no?"

Feng Yong nodded, "If you encounter a place where the water cannot move the wooden wheel, you can connect these three things to the wooden wheel depending on the situation, and turn the wooden wheel with manpower or animal power, and you can also connect the water."

"Excellent!" Zhuge Liang received an affirmative answer, immediately held Feng Yong's hand tightly, and said excitedly, "This matter is as important as military merit!"

There are thirteen states in the world, Cao Wei monopolizes nine states, Eastern Wu occupies three states, and the Han Dynasty occupies only one state.

Therefore, as the prime minister of the great man, Zhuge Liang's biggest task is to tap the potential of the great man as much as possible, and at the same time weaken Cao Wei's power as much as possible.

Everyone present only saw that the waterwheel could alleviate the drought in Longyou, but Zhuge Liang could think further.

In places where the river valleys are too deep to be irrigated and cultivated, or the terrain is too high to allow water to flow up, can this kind of water wheel be used to turn wasteland into fertile land?

Preserving more vitality for Longyou and alleviating the drought can only be regarded as one of the uses of this thing. It can be used to open up more wasteland and produce more food, which is also a huge use.

"How many of these objects can be made in a day?"

"This is not a rare item. If other craftsmen come in, it may be slower, but there are a group of young craftsmen from Nanxiang in the engineering camp, although their skills are not as good as those of the old craftsmen."

"But as long as they can make something, no matter how skilled the old craftsman is, they can't beat them."

Unified scale and unit are the basis of standardization.

Although from the perspective of future generations, the precision of hand-made parts is simply appalling.

But Feng never cared.

As long as the part error is within the tolerance range, as long as they can be mixed and assembled together, it is considered a standardized part. If you don’t accept it, bite me?

Although the waterwheel was made by those old craftsmen together, it was all young apprentices from Nanxiang who started it.

It's not about creating "just big wood", standardization, do you understand standardization?

"Why is it not unusual? This is a rare item among the people! Soldiers must be sent to guard this waterwheel made this year, and ordinary people are not allowed to approach it easily."

Zhuge Liang directly set the policy.

"Prime Minister, why is this?"

Feng Yong was a little confused.

Zhuge Liang snorted, "There is a drought in Longyou, and it must be difficult for Guanzhong. As for Liangzhou, I'm afraid there will be even less rain. If they know how to make this thing, it's not an enemy. ?”

"I'm afraid this will last for two or three years at most..."

When Feng Yong heard it, he immediately understood, and then he was a little worried.

There is no patent protection law these days.

Even if there is, Cao thief will definitely not pay the patent fee.

I'm afraid they are about to hate themselves now: first they emptied the grain in Guanzhong, then set fire to Longguan, cutting off the way to quickly support Longyou, and finally blocked Zhang Yun at Jieting, allowing Cao Wei to take back Longyou shattered last hope.

There is definitely no patent fee, and it would be polite not to chop yourself into meat paste with an ax and a big knife.

"Two or three years is enough, and I didn't expect how long it would last." Zhuge Liang didn't expect that much, "Just like Quyuanli, if it can be passed on to Cao Wei two or three years later, it is already considered an effort. "

It is inconvenient to disseminate information these days. Even if the country puts effort into promoting it, it will take at least 20 or 30 years for it to spread from north to south.

Just like Quyuanli, even an ordinary carpenter can easily imitate it with wood.

But only in the Shu region, there is still such a powerful figure as the old demon Zhuge. Five years have passed, and I can only say that it has spread to every county, but it is only a county.

How many grassroots units such as townships, kiosks, and villages below the county have been popularized, so we have to put a question mark.

As for Ba Niuli, if ordinary people have seen it in the Zhuangzi of a wealthy family, they are already very knowledgeable.

What's more, the tall water wheel is more complicated than the curved plow.

The poor wisdom of the people, coupled with the slow speed of information dissemination in ancient times, various stubborn ideas, the efficiency of the feudal bureaucratic system, etc., are all obstacles that hinder the development of new things.

More importantly, the imperial court wants to promote new things, not just issue a document like later generations.

That requires people to transport the real objects to the place, and then ask the local officials to discuss with the villagers. At the same time, the imperial court has to send craftsmen who can make them to follow.

The promotion cost, production cost, transportation cost, and the cost of each link are simply astronomical sums.

Without a strong unified government, without a very affluent finances, without a long enough time, it is simply delusional - this long enough refers to ten years as the basic unit of calculation.

There are also those old folks, whether they are willing to accept these new things, that is also a big problem.

The disadvantage of imperial power not going to the countryside was clearly revealed at this time.

Even if the central government is capable and willing to bear the cost, if the unscrupulous people below are unwilling to accept your kindness, you can only stare and jump.

The efficiency of the government of the big Han must be higher than that of the Wei and Wu countries. The old monster Zhuge should be very confident in this, so he said this.

"With this waterwheel, I can finally be a teacher with peace of mind."

Zhuge Liang had a relieved look on his face.

Tianshui County is the essence of Longyou.

In the Later Han Dynasty, 60% of Longyou's population and grain production were in Tianshui.

Even though Cao Wei began to pay attention to Guangwei County in recent years, Tianshui is still the most important county in the four counties of Longyou due to its geographical location and historical reasons.

As long as Tianshui County is stable, Longyou will be half stable.

Moreover, it has been half a year since the soldiers went to war, and they have won another battle. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the rewards for military achievements to be honored.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang nodded to Feng Yong again, "You have contributed the most to this Northern Expedition!"

Having been affirmed by the prime minister, Feng Yong happily returned to the small courtyard. Zhang Xingyi greeted him with a gentle smile, "Are you back?"

Like a virtuous woman waiting for Alang to come home.

"Well, I'm back."

Feng Yong handed over the small wooden barrel in his hand.

"This is the fish that they specially asked them to catch today. Let them raise it for one night first. After spitting out the mud, I will cook fish soup for Brother Zhang's family to nourish his body."

Zhang Xingyi took it and looked inside, only to see small palm-sized crucian carp huddling together and writhing.

When she raised her head, she said softly, "Ah Lang has a heart."

"Cough..." Feng Yong coughed dryly, "What did Si Niang say? Since I call Zhang's elder brother, it is natural that I am like a family. Isn't this what I should do?"

Zhang Xingyi had a smile on his lips, and his eyebrows were affectionate, "What A Lang said is true, that concubine will not be polite to A Lang."

Feng Yong was afraid of her current appearance, he was a little embarrassed, he didn't know how to answer, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, but found a person walking out of the front hall, his expression changed, "Old General Zhao?"

Zhao Yun, with white hair and beard, stood there with a look of contempt on his face, "Why do you keep grinding? Are you tired?"

Zhang Xingyi heard someone suddenly interrupt the communication between the two, said "ah", and ran away blushing.

Feng Yong was left alone standing there with some embarrassment, he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave.

"Stupid, what are you doing standing there? Do you want me to invite you in?"

Zhao Yun is quite old, and this little affair between children can no longer enter his eyes, and he doesn't bother to care about it, "Hurry up, the old man will go to the prime minister later."

Feng Yong was shocked when he heard this.

Mr. Zhao, is something wrong?

As soon as Feng Yong walked into the front hall and sat down, Zhao Yun said directly, "You played well this Northern Expedition."

"Old General Zhao has won the prize."

Feng Yong hurriedly said modestly.

"Not bad is not bad. The military speaks on merit. You have contributed the most to the Northern Expedition. You don't need to be too self-effacing. When serving in the military, sometimes you have to be tough, otherwise others will think you are easy to bully."

Zhao Yun waved his hand, "This Northern Expedition, the old man finally saw that the great man has a successor. Even if he goes underground now, he dares to tell the first emperor that the great man is hopeful for recovery."

Although most of the young men of this generation are still very young, it can be seen that they definitely have potential.

As long as the big men can survive the ten-year gap between the new and the old, and let them grow up, it will definitely be the peak of talent, and it will never be the same as the grand occasion when the late emperor gathered the world's talents.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun was so relieved that he poured out a bowl of water and drank it like wine.

After drinking, he wiped the drops of water from his beard and asked, "Let me ask you, are you really sure to appease the barbarians in Longyou this year?"

Although he didn't understand why Zhao Yun asked this suddenly, Feng Yong still replied, "It is impossible to get all the barbarians to return to their hearts, but at least the barbarians in Tianshui and Nan'an can be gathered."

Zhao Yun listened and nodded, "You always plan before you act. Since you dare to say this in front of me, you must have some kind of plan. Since you can guarantee that the barbarians in Tianshui and Nan'an counties will not move lightly, What about Guangwei and Longxi?"

Feng Yong replied: "Longxi is too far away. Although Xiangwu City has been recovered now, the big man can't take care of Didao's side for a while, so he can only keep the eastern half of the county first."

"As for the Qiang Hu in Guangwei County, they were either moved here with the help of Cao Thief over the years, or they took the initiative to attach themselves. Cao Thief has treated them very well."

"I heard that this time the army went south from Jieting, and there were Hu people responding to the Cao bandits. Therefore, the two counties can only be determined according to the actual situation."

Zhao Yun pondered, then shook his head, "You understand Qianghu's matter better than this old man. Since you said that, then this old man will treat what you said as the truth."

"At that time, if there is any trouble in Tianshui and Nan'an counties, you will have to take responsibility. As for the Guangwei and Longxi counties, just as you said, let's see the situation first."

When Feng Yong heard Zhao Yun's words, he was a little confused at first, and thought to himself that you spoke in such a loud tone, as if you could control me.

Then he suddenly remembered something, and lost his voice, "The old general wants to guard Longyou?"

"I just said that you are clever." Zhao Yun smiled with satisfaction, and nodded him, "You can run an army when you get on a horse, and you can shepherd a herdsman when you get off a horse."

"Although the prime minister asked you to take care of Qianghu's affairs, the matter of people's livelihood in Longyou, the old man will have to trouble you in the future. Don't let me deliberately evade it when the time comes."

Feng Yong's mind was booming, and he couldn't turn the corner for a while.

Longyou must be guarded by a general. In fact, these days he has been wondering who the old demon Zhuge will arrange for him.

Looking at the whole big man, there are only three who are the most qualified and most likely.

The first one is Wei Yan.

He already had the experience of being the governor of Hanzhong alone, and he was the governor of Liangzhou far away, so he is the most likely.

But it was him who Feng Yong didn't want the most.

After all, with the bad character of that old man, Feng Yong really didn't want to have any interaction with him.

The second one is Wu Yi.

In this Northern Expedition, Wu Yi defeated Shangyu and Linwei. His contribution was not small, and he led the governor of Guanzhong from afar. At the same time, he was also a relative of the emperor and the elder brother of the Empress Dowager. He wanted to guard Longyou, and no one could blame him.

I heard that General Wu has an upright personality and likes to make friends with others.

In any case, my relationship with the palace is not too bad, and I will let the palace pass a message, thinking that when I arrive, I will not get along too bad with General Wu.

The third one is Zhao Yun.

This old man has nothing to say, he has the oldest qualifications and the highest status.

But he is too old, logically, after the Northern Expedition, he should be allowed to return to Jincheng to recuperate, as a deterrent strategic nuclear weapon exists, and generally should not be deployed lightly.

Otherwise, once it is dispatched, it will definitely attract the attention of the enemy.

This time, the division of troops out of Xiegu took advantage of the old man's reputation to attract Cao Zhen and the main force of Guanzhong to Jikou, catching Longyou by surprise.

Unexpectedly, among the three, the old man with the lowest possibility was selected instead, which is really unexpected.

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