Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 650 Identity and Status

Before Feng Yong could figure it out, Li Yi sighed again, "This Liu Yan can be regarded as the only veteran minister left. I didn't expect to be in such a situation."

It stands to reason that, as long as Liu Yan, an honored and veteran official, did not commit any taboos or was defeated in a certain political struggle, the court would still maintain a minimum of respect for them after all.

This is also something that Li Yi doesn't understand. It seems that the elder brother didn't deliberately target him, but he can restrain Liu Yan, which is really strange.

Feng Yong smiled slightly when he heard the words, "It's his own fault. If you can't keep up with the trend of the times, you will eventually be eliminated by the times."

"Just like those aristocratic families in central Sichuan who want to raise food prices this year, they still look at the problem with the same eyes as before, and they are unwilling to make changes, so they can only be treated as leeks."

Capital is greedy.

When Feng Yong opened the first workshop, he had already released the monster of capital.

Although compared to later generations, this monster is extremely weak and deformed, but for a big man with only one state, its impact is still very huge.

This is the situation where Feng Yong tried his best to tighten the rope.

Otherwise, maybe just distributing tickets can give the big man another baptism of inflation after Liu Bei's Zhibaiqian incident.

But cloth tickets are different from Zhibaiqian because they are supported by a certain foundation.

This foundation is the recovery and development of Dahan's economic expansion.

Improvements in farming tools and farming methods, increased food production, north-south exchange of labor (ahem), new production materials (wool), new production relations (workshop employees have nothing and can only sell their labor to survive), etc.

In Feng Yong's view, although the upstart interest groups still belong to the production relations of the feudal society, they are not even considered as the buds of capitalism.

However, there is a certain difference from the production relationship in which the old aristocratic family completely bound the peasants to the land.

So there must be conflicts between the two.

Those who hang themselves and jump over the city wall are just victims of the conflict, small roles, not worth mentioning.

Now this situation is about to usher in explosive development again. Regardless of whether they are passive or active, when they participate in the production of the workshop, they have to accept this kind of production relationship.

This kind of production relationship is put in the unified era when the aristocratic family is in power, and it is almost a 100% thing that the aristocratic family of the farming and studying heirs will join hands to strangle it to death.

But today's big man is different, the right time, place and people are all on Feng Yong's side.

More importantly, because the big man is small and the people are small, the new production relationship represented by Nanxiang has already kidnapped the big man very easily.

While strangling it to death, it will not only seriously hurt the vitality of the big man, but will even cause huge turmoil.

So whoever dares to do it will be strangled to death by the prime minister.

In fact, Liu Yan was dragged forward because he couldn't keep up with the changes and was still holding on to old ideas.

"However, since the Prime Minister is willing to help Liu Yan, there must be some reason. This Liu Liang has suffered enough. Tell the brothers in the meeting not to deliberately make things difficult for Liu Liang."

While Feng Yong said this, he kept muttering in his heart, what exactly does Zhuge Old Demon want to do?

As for Liu Liang, if Li Yi hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten about this character.

"Brother, do you want to see that Liu Yan?"

Li Yi asked again.

"What are you doing seeing him? Is it worth my time to see him for such a nonsense matter?" Feng Yong said disdainfully, "With this time, I might as well build another waterwheel to benefit the people."

"Brother said so."

While Li Yi agreed, he was silently speechless.

With his brother's current identity and status, the focus of his eyes is indeed different from before.

He had just flashed this thought, only to hear a sudden commotion in the distance.

Feng Yong first carefully covered his drinking bowl with a cloth, then he stood up cursingly and looked, "This group of unscrupulous people!"

Li Yi was a little confused, so he stood up.

In the distance, two groups of people were arguing about something, and many of them were still waving farm tools in their hands.

"Brother, this is..."

"It's grabbing water." Feng Yong's face was ugly, "Someone wants to swallow the water drawn from the Wei River."

As soon as the voice fell, two groups of people began to push and shoved, and some even threatened each other with farm tools.

Hearing this, Li Yi couldn't help but frown, "I'm afraid I have to find the village elders to mediate things like this."

"Old man?" Feng Yong sneered, "I'm afraid all the people from my hometown are there."

The food in the field is the lifeline. In the past, there was no water in the canals, and everyone had to pick it up by themselves. How much they could pick was their own business.

But in times of drought, when water comes from the canals, grabbing water is inevitable.

Villager? Villagers don't farm anymore?

I'm afraid I plant more than anyone else.

Seeing that the two groups of people were about to fight, they heard another rumbling sound suddenly, and at some point, a group of cavalry rushed out from another direction.

Li Yi's expression changed, "Hu man! Brother, let's go!"

Feng Yong waved his hand, "No hurry."

The barbarian cavalry rushed straight towards the two groups of people, yelling nonsense that people could not understand.

The two groups of people who were about to grab water saw the barbarians rushing towards them, and they were so frightened that they ran away.

How can two legs run better than four legs?

Some ran too slowly, and were whipped several times by barbarians, their skin was torn apart, and they cried for their father and mother.

Just wait for those people to flee in all directions, the barbarian roared, and ran away on his horse.

Li Yi stared blankly at what happened in front of him, "This... this barbarian..."

"I asked them to do this." Feng Yong sat down again, with a helpless face on his face, "There is a severe drought in Longyou, and the problem of water grabbing is getting worse."

"However, Longyou is a new land, and the big man hasn't had time to sort it out. Some of the big clans in this place are relying on their power, some are deliberately making things difficult for the big man, and some are secretly trying to grab all the water to their house. go……"

"Anyway, for various reasons, this water grabbing thing happens every day. You don't care, if you really get angry, there will be deaths and injuries. If you want to care, the big man took over Longyou, and the place is dark, how to deal with it? "

"So I recruited a group of barbarians. As long as I know where there are people grabbing water, I will send them there directly, and disperse them first."

Li Yi understood as soon as he heard it, his face was dumbfounded at first, and then he was a little worried, "Longyou is newly settled, the big man needs to appease the place, brother is like this, isn't it true? What if it causes dissatisfaction?"

"What excuse?" Feng Yong laughed, his face extremely sly, "They are unlucky, what does it have to do with me when they meet barbarians looting everywhere?"

"How dare they be dissatisfied? I am even more dissatisfied than them!" Feng Yong said, and then swore complacently, "It is said that the new official takes office three fires. Some people in Longyou probably want to take advantage of it The chance of a severe drought, to demonstrate to us."

Since ancient times, this kind of fighting among local villagers has been a chronic disease that is difficult to treat.

Plus it's a severe drought, who wouldn't want to put more water in their fields?

And I'm afraid that many big families are also testing the bottom line of the big man, so this vicious incident of water grabbing seems to be particularly numerous.

Anyway, the law does not blame the public!

According to their thinking, the big man just took over Longyou, isn't it the time when they are most needed?

Just took the opportunity to show the big guys their muscles, so as to gain a greater say in the local governance in the future.

At the same time, during this drought, grab more water by the way, so that the food in your family will not fail.

Kill two birds with one stone.

It's just that the spread of information is too slow in this day and age. They may have heard of the titles of Feng Langjun, ruthless and ruthless, but they don't know much about them.

So the Longyou family tasted the sour taste that the Shuzhong family had tasted for the first time.

Feng Yong directly recruited a group of Hu people to act as black gloves, specially hiding in the dark to do black hands.

Once it is found that someone dares to grab water, and does not distinguish between red and white, it will be a whipping.

It's so exciting to run after smoking!

Just like what those local rich people think in their hearts, you can arrest everyone if you have the ability.

Feng Tubie also thought the same way: If you have the ability, you two legs chase four legs and catch them all?

Of course, it's not that no one complained in tears, but Dudu Zhao said: the war in Longyou has just ended, and it's perfectly normal for barbarians to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble.

If you want to dispatch a large army to wipe out the barbarians, you must have food, right?

How about you guys come up with some food?

What? You said someone deliberately instigated it? Don't talk nonsense, old man, where's the evidence? There is no evidence for you to say such nonsense, you will be held legally responsible! Rumors to confuse the public to understand?

After listening to Feng Yong's cause and effect, Li Yi almost spit out his saliva, and laughed so hard that he could only give a thumbs up.

"Brother, your trick is absolutely perfect!"

The barbarian took the opportunity to make trouble, and like to use the horsewhip to whip the unscrupulous people who grab water, what does it matter to me? I didn't instigate it!

"It's just a small trick, it's not on the table." Feng Yong didn't think there was anything to brag about, "Anyway, it's all this kind of bullshit..."

Li Yi twitched his face and coughed, "Since brother thinks these things are not worth mentioning, then I have something to ask brother."

"What's the matter?" Feng Yong looked at Li Yi strangely, "Is there anything we can't say between you and me?"

Li Yi lowered his voice and asked, "Xinhou (Li Qiu) moved to Hanzhong this time, brother, do you think it's too fast?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong looked at Li Yi thoughtfully, "What do you think is the problem?"

Li Yi looked around, and then said again, "If Xin Hou is transferred to a remote county as the chief historian, that would be fine. But this is Hanzhong County, and it is one of the most important places for the big man."

"It's not that my younger brother belittled Xinhou, but that Xinhou's qualifications are indeed too shallow."

Feng Yong nodded and sighed, "According to my estimation, what Nanxiang did in the past six months should have irritated the prime minister."

The series of personnel transfers after Zhuge Old Demon returned to Hanzhong, not to mention others, even Feng Yong was a little confused.

Just taking Li Yan's transfer as an example, letting Li Yan take charge of the affairs of the Prime Minister's Mansion as the Central Protector, I don't know whether it is to give Li Yan one last chance to reform, or to beat him to death directly with a sap?

Also let Xu Ci be the Chief Qiu Cheng, the reason is that he is a person who believes in learning, yes, yes, he is indeed a person who believes in learning, but his virtue... that is hard to say.

What's more, he is not the only one who believes in learning, so why is he promoted alone?

I always feel that there is some shady deal here.

As for Li Qiu's transfer, Feng Yong could probably guess.

After all, in the first half of the year, Nanxiang's reputation was in the mouths of the aristocratic family in Sichuan, which further deteriorated.

The most representative one is Li Mu. I heard that someone has publicly scolded her for being like a snake, and she is a perfect match with that ruthless Xiaowenhe!

The Zhuge old demon transferred Li Qiu away, in fact, to further strengthen his penetration into Nanxiang.

Because the county prime minister of Nanxiang is Luo Meng, and the county captain is Jiang Bin, both of whom are from the prime minister's residence.

Therefore, although Li Qiu moved to Hanzhong Changshi, although it seems that the promotion is too high, there is actually an element of compensation in it.

Li Yi obviously thought of this too, but he was a little unwilling, "Brother, Nanxiang is our foundation."

Li Yi's worry is also the worry of Xinghanhui.

The prime minister... the prime minister can't steal everyone's foundation, right?

On weekdays, everyone regards their elder brother as the leader, but isn't it just pointing to support everyone at critical times? So Li Yi took this opportunity and ran to find his brother.

"You guys just think too much!" Feng Yong shook his head and said with a smile, "It's just that Xinhou was transferred away. Isn't the county magistrate still one of our people? Don't worry, Nanxiang won't change easily."

It seems that after the prime minister's victory in the Northern Expedition, the power and influence have grown to such an extent that some people feel that everything is like an army.

Seeing that there was still some hesitation on Li Yi's face, Feng Yong had no choice but to further disclose the news, "Xiang Changshi has already agreed to write an inscription for Nanxiang Academy."

Xiang Lang was already sixty-two, and he was regarded as a highly respected person in the Han Dynasty. This time, he worked tirelessly to follow the army's Northern Expedition and make arrangements for the army's funeral.

His name was not on the list of personnel transfers this time. According to Feng Yong's estimation, it is most likely that the emperor asked the emperor to pay homage to the minister and give him an honorary title after returning.

After all, sixty-two years old is really old in this era.

Such a person can write an inscription for Nanxiang Academy, which represents the direction of the wind.

Of course, Xiang Lang would never admit that someone took the grace of saving Ma Su as a reward.

When Li Yi heard this, his face became happy.

Feng Yong didn't wait for him to speak, and continued to release another important news, "This year, the captain of the Qiang guard will take care of all the affairs of the Qiang and Hu. 30% of the collected wool will be handed over to the court, and the remaining 70% can be handled by himself."

Li Yi couldn't bear the news, so he stood up abruptly, with a "bang", the bowl in his hand couldn't be held firmly, and fell directly to the ground.

"Seven...seventy percent?" Li Yi was trembling all over, "Will it be the same every year from now on?"

"Beautiful thinking!" Feng Yong laughed and pointed at Li Yi, "Wen Xuan, you lost your composure!"

Only then did Li Yi realize that his body had been splashed with water. He smiled embarrassedly and wiped it casually. After sitting down again, he stretched down to grab the bowl, but found that his hand was still shaking and he couldn't pick it up at all. .

So he didn't take it at all, stretched his neck directly, looked straight at Feng Yong, and asked in disbelief, "Is this... the prime minister's order?"

Feng Yong nodded, "Everyone has made great efforts this year, so the prime minister asked us to eat 20% more. From next year, we will share half with the court."

"Fifty percent is already enough!" Li Yi said excitedly when he got a definite answer, "Everyone thinks that even 30 percent is enough! How do you plan to set this price, brother?"

"The prime minister asked the captain Hu Qiang to distribute the wool independently, which is used as military resources, so I will distribute the shares according to everyone's credit and sell them to you at a uniform price."

"As for how you sell it and who you sell it to, I don't care. It's okay if I lose money, but the share that Captain Hu Qiang should get is not less than a copper coin."

Feng Yong said half-jokingly.

"Prime Minister...the prime minister really has nothing to say to my elder brother!"

Li Yi's face turned red when he heard this, it was a sign that he couldn't control his emotions.

"How can there be a loss in such things? If you really want to say a loss, it means that you have made less money!"

Li Yi first spoke loudly, and then suddenly muttered to himself, making it hard to hear what he was saying.

If the prime minister treated his elder brother so favorably, what would the Xinghan Society be afraid of?

No wonder my brother is not in a hurry!

"Wenxuan, you have a wide network. When the time comes, you will find a way to pass the news to those who have workshops in central Sichuan. Also, the looms in this workshop, and how to train weavers. It is estimated that when the time comes We still have to help."


Li Yi looked at Feng Yong, and suddenly became excited again, "Yes, help!"

This Northern Expedition really made a lot of money, but I don't know if Xinghanhui can eat them all?

Li Yi is now a little scared. He feels that after this Northern Expedition, his brother's identity and status made him unable to adapt to it all of a sudden.

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