Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 651 The First Appearance of Fangs

Li Yi and Liu Yan took this trip to Longyou, and they both got the answers they wanted, the harvest was unexpected, and they left contentedly.

As soon as they left, Dongfeng Express delivered Feng Yong's most urgently needed things.

"Brother, what do you think of this color?"

Xu Ci's son, Xu Xun, carried a bag of things very attentively, brought it to Feng Yong, and opened the bag.

Feng Yong pulled out the dagger, picked up a little powder with the tip of the knife, put it in his mouth to taste, and nodded, "Not bad, the color is just right."

Although there is less oil than the dry food 2.0 standard version, there is enough salt.

Hu people, what kind of oil do you want, a little more salt is a rare good thing.

How expensive is salt?

When Xu Xun heard this, he was overjoyed. After putting down the fried noodles, he first wiped his hands on his body, then stretched out his thumb and index finger, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, what is this number?"


Feng Yong squinted.

"Ah, no, is this the number?"

Seeing Feng Yong's appearance, Xu Xun quickly spread the rest of his fingers and turned them into a slap.

"If you have something to say, how did you learn to look like this? What about underground traders?"

Feng Yong said angrily.

"My little brother met Wenxuan on the road, and he told me that my brother got 50% of Longyou's wool from the prime minister?" When Xu Xun said 50%, he swallowed, his voice trembling, "I don't know. Is it real?"

Looking at his nervous and hopeful expression, afraid that he would deny the statement as soon as he opened his mouth, Feng Yong smiled, "Relax, since the news has been spread, isn't it just to let you get ready? And fake ones?"

Xu Xun swayed his body, made a "crack", and almost lost his breath.

When he reacted, he suddenly grabbed Feng Yong's hand and said excitedly, "Brother, 50%! Do you know that Jincheng is going crazy now! How many people are asking for a way..."

"I know, I know," Feng Yong stretched out his hand, and comforted, "Now is the beginning, and there will be a long time to come. Everyone has made great efforts for the Northern Expedition, how can the Prime Minister lose everyone?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xu Xun nodded again and again, "Everyone did a great job."

As he spoke, he took two steps back and forth, then kicked the dry rations on the ground, his face flushed with excitement, "Since elder brother has said that he needs food urgently, the younger brother will turn around immediately after unloading this batch of goods, and deliver them as early as possible." Come in a batch."

"Aren't you going to take care of the line from Jincheng to Yong'an? Why did you come to Longyou this time?" Feng Yong watched him leave as soon as he said, and hurriedly called him, "Get some rest before going back."

"The line to the east, after the harvest of sugar cane, is busy at the end of the year and after the beginning of spring. It is enough to let Xu You watch over it on weekdays. Besides, what is more important now than Longyou?"

Xu Xun couldn't sit still for a while, so he went down in a hurry, and told the people below to prepare to set off again.

Thinking that he really needs a large amount of food now, Feng Yong is not good at dampening his enthusiasm.

After Xu Xun left, Feng Yong ordered Buqu to call another person over.

"Gelu Congbao has met Feng Langjun, and may Feng Langjun always be as strong as an eagle."

Hu Renqu Shuai Gelu Congbao came in and saluted respectfully.

"Gelu Congbao, get up, you don't need to be so polite." Feng Yong said, motioning for Buqu to bring the dry food bag in front of him, "These days, your tribe has helped me a lot."

"This is the grain that was just delivered from the south. See if it suits your taste. If not, I can replace it with millet."

Seeing the off-white flour in the opened bag, Gelu Congbao looked up at Feng Yong with some doubts.

Although flour has become popular in Longyou, it is only eaten by wealthy families, and the people in Guizhou have no chance to touch it, let alone the barbarians who cannot even guarantee the supply of millet.

Feng Yong lifted his chin and said, "This kind of grain can be eaten directly. Of course, the best way to eat it is to mix it with water and then swallow it."

In fact, it is wasteful to use flour to support the barbarians, and it is justified to use millet.

It is not that there is no millet in Sichuan, but in the past few years, everyone has grown a variety of wheat and millet. The production of millet cannot keep up, and the taste is not as good as millet, so less is planted.

Feng Yonggan ordered Li Mu to make wind and rain in Nanxiang, and the biggest reliance was Yuexie County.

Even in later generations, the Sunshui River Valley Plain can be regarded as the food and vegetable supply base in Jincheng.

In addition, in this era, there is not much population, so it can be developed casually.

The emerging animal husbandry can provide animal power and enough fertilizer for the reclamation of the Sunshui River Valley.

This year is the third year of Yuejuan's development, and everything is already on the right track. It is foreseeable that Yuejuan's grain production will increase year by year.

This growth period lasts five or six years instead of ten years.

With eight oxen plows, even if the population is not so large, there is no need to worry about labor shortage.

Do you understand the mechanization of feudal society?

Therefore, the grain produced by Yuejue was enough to support Feng Yong's squandering in Longyou in the past few years.

Yue Yu does not grow rice, only wheat and rice.

The rice was kept for himself, so he had to give the flour to others.

Wanting to teach the Hu people how to make steamed buns like the Han people, Feng Yong didn't have the patience, let alone the confidence.

So I simply came to the castrated version of dry food 2.0, put less oil and more salt.

Anyway, there are salt wells in Yuexi.

Gelu Congbao looked at the powder in the bag, and when he heard Feng Yong's words, he picked up the fried noodles with some hesitation, took a bite into his mouth, and then his eyes lit up, "Salt?"

"Yeah, salt. Considering your hard work, I added salt to it. Even if it's on a horse, you can eat it while galloping."

Feng Yong sat there imposingly, showing a kind smile, "I know you are short of good salt, but this grain is mixed with fine salt."

Gelu Congbao prostrated himself on the ground excitedly, "Master Feng, you are like the sun in the sky, always shining on us."

I'd rather not have any sun now, Feng Yong muttered, without winking, and he doesn't know how to flatter.

The Hu people lacked everything except cattle and sheep.

There is not no salt, but it is bitter and astringent poisonous salt, and if you eat too much, you will die.

At this moment, Bu Qu came over with a bowl filled with water, grabbed a handful of fried noodles from the bag, mixed them in the bowl, and after a while, kneaded them into a dough.

"Okay, get up. You try this."

Feng Yong pointed to the dough in the bowl.

This time, Gelu Congbao grabbed it without hesitation and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it, swallowed half of it, and then chewed the remaining half until he finished it all.

Finally, he said respectfully, "Honorable Master Feng, you have made the best food for us Qiang people again."

"No, Gelu Congbao, this is not the best food," Feng Yong smiled, and then winked at Buqu.

Bu Qu took out a small piece of brown sugar, poured water, poured fried noodles, mixed well, and passed it over.

Gelu Congbao took another bite, only to feel a sense of bliss overflowing from his mouth and spreading all over his body, making him feel like he was about to ascend to heaven.

Feng Langjun's voice seemed to come from a distance, "This is the most delicious thing. Even in the big man, only the top nobles can eat it."

Gelu Congbao woke up with a start, and lay down again tremblingly, "Thank you, Feng Langjun, for allowing the villain to taste this kind of delicacy that only God can have."

"I don't have a lot of food here. I saw that you are faithful, so I took it out and shared it with you."

Feng Yong said, with an extremely heartbroken expression on his face, he took out a small piece of brown sugar and handed it over, "Here, this is what I gave you, thank you for helping me these days."

Gelu Congbao quickly crawled over, raised his hands above his head, and took the brown sugar.

"You have to know that only the most loyal tribal nobles have the opportunity to obtain such a gift from heaven, understand?"

"The villain understands."

"You go down first, I will notify you to come and get the food."

Seeing Gelu Congbao glance at the bag of dry food with some reluctance, Feng Yong said again, "This bag of food will be rewarded to you."

"Thank you, my lord."

Gelu Congbao picked up the dry food as if he had found a treasure, and retreated with his back bent.

Feng Yong looked at his back, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Probably the Son of Heaven is the true Son of Heaven. After Liu Yan comforted the soldiers of Longyou on behalf of the Son of Heaven, Longyou finally ushered in the first heavy rain after several months of drought.

Although the rain came too late, Feng Yong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

These days, everyone's nerves are tense.

This arid Longyou makes Feng Yong feel like a powder keg, it only needs a little spark, and there may be a "bang"!

For the Longyou Qianghu, to be precise, for the Qianghu of Tianshui and Nan'an counties, fortunately Feng Langjun's reputation is still strong.

Coupled with the timely delivery of food by Dongfeng Express, it was finally manageable.

However, the Qianghu in Hanyang County have rebelled more than once. Although it has not formed a large scale, the sporadic ones are extremely troublesome.

Not to mention Longxi County, half of the county to the west has become a horse herding land for Qianghu. Many tribes have flocked to Didao just to drink a sip of water from Taoshui.

Rebellion, that is a must.

A rain finally cooled the temperature of Longyou who was about to be set on fire.

Without stopping, Feng Yong rushed to Pingxiang County in Hanyang County, accompanied by Zhao Yun, the governor of Longyou.

"Are you sure you want to be here?"

Holding a whip in his hand, Zhao Yun pointed at Pingxiang City in the distance, "This city has been destroyed many times because of the Qiang rebellion, and then the soldiers from Liangzhou came and wreaked havoc again. I think this city is dilapidated, I'm afraid You'll have to redo it."

Feng Yong and Zhao Yun rode side by side, and their steps spread far away, keeping them in the middle.

"Renovation is not a problem." Feng Yong stepped up a small slope, "Except for a few county towns and important towns in Longyou, how can it not be dilapidated? What I value is that it extends in all directions."

"Whether you go west to Nanan and Longxi, or east to Longguan and Xiaoguan, there is no big problem. More importantly, it is close to Liangzhou, so you can easily exchange news with the Qianghu in Liangzhou."

Hu Qiang school lieutenant should have a governing office.

Of course, it is also possible to govern the city of Ji, but this shows that the captain of Huqiang has no enterprising heart, and he is under the governor of Longyou, so Feng Yong is naturally unwilling.

So you have to find a suitable place.

Originally, I wanted to choose Lueyang, but Lueyang was too close to the east.

So I had to take the second place and chose Pingxiang City in Hanyang County.

Zhao Yun and Feng Yong came here this time to investigate the specific situation in Pingxiang City.

Zhao Yun nodded, "The location of Pingxiang City is really good. Even if something happens, Ji City can quickly support it. I just look at this city, I'm afraid you have to rebuild it."

Feng Yong didn't care, "It's not easy to rebuild, and there must be enough manpower."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden "咻" in front of my eyes, and a rabbit rushed past.

Zhao Yun moved extremely fast, and immediately drew the bow and arrow, and with a "bang", the arrow shot out like the wind, directly nailing the rabbit to the ground.

Someone rushed out on horseback and bent over to pick it up.

Zhao Yun sighed with emotion, "This journey reminds me of my days in Hebei, where I used to hunt with horses. I don't know how many years I haven't had the chance to do it."

"The old general galloped all the way from Jicheng. His riding skills are the same as before. Anyway, I can't keep up."

Feng Yong gave a compliment.

Zhao Yun laughed, and pointed at Feng Yong, "If Erlang can speak half as well as you, he won't always think about running away from home."

As he said, he handed the bow in his hand to Feng Yong, pointed to the front, "Look, there is another bow in front."

Feng Yong took the bow and looked in the direction Zhao Yun pointed, only to see a small wild boar bowing its head.

Beasts are bold these days, and tigers often appear in the deep mountains and old forests a little farther away from populated areas.

Feng Yong looked at Zhao Yun with some embarrassment.

Zhao Yun thoughtfully handed over an arrow.

Feng Tubie gritted his teeth secretly, drew his bow and shot the arrow, and aimed for a long time. With a sound of "Peng", the arrow feather drifted crookedly to the right of the wild boar more than ten steps away and landed.

Looking at the point where the arrow landed, even if it hit the target, the distance of the arrow would not be able to hit the wild boar.

Feng Tubie blushed.


He rode his horse and ran to a place more than thirty paces away from the wild boar.

The wild boar seemed to sense the danger, and ran for more than ten steps gruntingly. Seeing that Feng Yong had no intention of catching up, he lowered his head provocatively to look for food.

Feng Yong made the calculations and felt that he should be able to shoot so far, so he drew the bow again immediately.

This arrow is better than the last one, five or six steps away from the wild boar.

"Bring the crossbow!"

Feng Tubie burst into anger.

Bu Qu hurried over and handed over a well-stringed crossbow.

Take aim, pull the trigger, and the arrow is like lightning, heading straight for the boar's... anus!

With a scream of "Oh", the wild boar's eyes were red on the spot, and he didn't know whether he was lost in pain or looking for revenge, and rushed straight to Feng Yong.

A horse rushed past him, a white horse with silver armor, and a silver gun as fast as lightning, directly picked the wild boar into the air, and then slapped it hard, and stabbed the wild boar again before it landed on the ground!

Feng Yong shouted, "Good marksmanship!"

Zhao Yun easily picked the wild boar to follow, and cast a contemptuous look at Feng Yong, "The shot is quite accurate!"

Feng Yong smiled awkwardly.

Lao Tzu didn't do it on purpose.

Zhao Yun handed the gun to the person next to him, turned his horse's head, walked up to Feng Yong, stretched out his hand and said, "Bring me the crossbow."

Feng Yong quickly handed it over.

"I just said that this crossbow looks different from the usual ones. What are the parts added to it for?"

Zhao Yun turned the crossbow in his hand back and forth, and asked with some doubts.

"Oh, this is a crossbow that I specially improved."

Feng Yong quickly leaned forward, "This is Wangshan, this is the sight, one for the tail of the crossbow, one for the head of the crossbow, put the two together, and aim at the target in front, and you will be able to shoot."

Zhao Yun tried it, and then gave Feng Yong a weird look, "I just said that you are so bad at archery, how can you be so accurate with a crossbow?"

Feng Yong pretended not to hear this.

Old Zhao, let's not talk about this, we are still good friends!

Zhao Yun raised the crossbow in his hand and said thoughtfully, "If the army can..."

Before he finished speaking, he shook his head and vetoed, "There is no time to aim before the battle, as long as you shoot more, the thieves are afraid to come forward."

Feng Yong knew what he meant, and said, "It's not that it can't be used in the military. If it's all equipped, then it's not necessary."

"However, if we improve it and install it on a heavy crossbow, so that people who are proficient in using crossbows can find opportunities to shoot the leaders of the thieves in melee, it can be a try."

Zhao Yun's complexion changed, and he cursed, "The mind is vicious!"

That's what I said, but old man, what do you mean by the thoughtful expression on your face while you are playing with my crossbow?

The two walked for a while in silence, Zhao Yun returned the crossbow to Feng Yong, and did not bring up the topic again.

"Just now you said that there are enough manpower to rebuild Pingxiang City? Where do you get your manpower from?"

Zhao Yun asked.

Feng Yong smiled, and pointed to the east, "Old general, when you take office as the captain of the Qiang guard, you always have to perform your duties. The Qiang Hu in Hanyang County refuses to be disciplined, so I want to lead the Longyou Qiang Hu Yi to follow and defeat the ministers."

Zhao Yun's face changed again, "What do you mean, explain clearly!"

"Although the drought is over now, I still have to help those Qiang Hus, so I have to let them do some work, right? My food is not blown by strong winds."

There was a heartache on Feng Yong's face, this time it was really heartache.

When Zhao Yun heard this, his face twitched, "Aid?"

"Oh, even if it's half a loan, half a reward, I still have to take the risk, right? What's the matter with asking them to repay with some cattle and sheep next year? Who doesn't say I'm a good person?"

Feng Yong didn't feel embarrassed at all, "I'll recruit the elites of their tribes to patrol Longyou with me and wipe out the rebellious tribes in Hanyang County. First, they can use their credit to offset next year's debts."

"Secondly, we can use the supplies of the rebel tribes in Hanyang County to subsidize their tribes. Thirdly, we just use their hands to quell the Qiang rebellion in Hanyang. Isn't that killing multiple things?"

To quell the Qiang chaos in Hanyang, it can only be regarded as an exercise, a small exercise, for the Qianghu in Longyou, who is attached to the name of the Huqiang school lieutenant.

The real actual combat should be in Longxi, in Liangzhou.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and looked at Feng Yong, "Your stubbornness is stubborn, and you want to learn about Nanzhong?"

"Hey, old general, you can't say that. The Qiang Hu people in Longyou want to live a good life, but the Hu people in Hanyang County are always rebelling, making people feel uneasy. Who wouldn't gnash their teeth at them? I just follow people's hearts. It's nothing more than asking for disobedience."

Feng Yong said eloquently.

In other words, it seems that the labor business has not opened for a long time...

(Hey, I've worked really hard to add more than 5,000 words.)

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