In fact, Zhao Yun was also troubled by the Qiang chaos in Longxi and Hanyang.

If the chaos can be quelled as soon as possible, he will naturally fully support it.

"It's just that there is a shortage of food in Longyou right now. If you move your troops easily, how can the food keep up?"

It's one thing to think about it, another thing to be able to do it, but Zhao Yun is a little worried about this matter.

Feng Yong giggled, stretched his hand into his bosom to feel it, took out a ticket, and flicked it with his finger again, making a clicking sound.

He only heard him say proudly, "Do you know what this is?"

Seeing his frivolous appearance, Zhao Yun couldn't help but get angry, "Can you be serious about such an important matter? Believe it or not, old man... huh?"

Zhao Yun motioned to take the spear.

Seeing that Mr. Zhao was going to come, Feng Tubie coughed quickly, sat up straight and said, "This is called a food stamp, it is a new ticket issued by Nanxiang, and it is specially for the barbarians."

Zhao Yun took it curiously, "How to use it?"

"Let those Qianghu Qushuai report the full population of their tribe, and then send food stamps according to the number of people, and receive food with the food stamps, and they will be distributed every two weeks."

Feng Yong explained.

Even if he could transfer more grain from Sichuan, it would take time.

Therefore, when food should be in short supply, it should still be in short supply. How to distribute and use it is a very challenging issue.

Fortunately, he knew that when later generations encountered a shortage of supplies, there was a system called the planned rationing system.

After Zhao Yun heard this, he felt a rumble, and his whole body became a little dizzy.

He felt a little understood, but a little incomprehensible.

"In this way, we can easily count the number of Qianghu who belonged to Longyou, and each tribe's food reserves can't last for a month, so they can't make any waves."

"More importantly, we can draw proportionally according to the number of people they reported."

If you dare to falsely report your head, I will beat you to death when I smoke!

"I can collect the rest of the food and use it as military rations. It will not be a problem to support an army of six or seven thousand people for two months. After 20 days at most, Nanxiang will bring another batch of food to make up for it." the gap."

"And counting the days, the food from Yuexie should be within a few days of the batch from Nanxiang, and there will be no worries about food shortages by then."

Feng Yong calculated carefully, and he felt that there was really nothing wrong with this method.

In the past few years, the people of the Han Dynasty had to starve for two or three months when they were lean.

Lao Tzu rations food on a head-by-head basis, and if the amount of rations is lower, it will be almost enough to eat more than half full, which can save a lot of rations.

In difficult times, everyone must be conscious, right?

The most important thing is that this is autumn, which is the best time to send troops.

After another two months, the weather in Longyou will turn cold, which is not conducive to action, so we must not miss this opportunity.

Those Qianghu who did not belong to the big Han had to find their own way to collect grain for the winter after suffering from drought this year.

At this time, even if they wanted to be more secure, the coming severe cold would force them to plunder everywhere.

So if we don't suppress the Qiang chaos in Hanyang before the cold winter arrives, at least until spring tomorrow.

Even General Zhao, who has seen all kinds of monsters and ghosts in the world, his eyes became a little frightened when he heard Feng Yong's calculation.

How did this kid's heart grow? This will allow you to think of a way to squeeze out military rations...

At the end of August in the sixth year of Jianxing, Feng Yong, the captain of the Huqiang school, issued an order to conquer the Hu, summoning the Longyou Qiang Hu to form a volunteer army, preparing to patrol the counties of Hanyang County.

For a time, Hu people gathered around Jicheng, called Ma Nei.

Feng Yong climbed to the high platform and gave orders, but he saw the banners like a forest and heard the drums like thunder.

Only after the inspection of Qianghu from all walks of life was completed, Feng Yong took two thousand Han troops and five thousand Hu cavalry and headed east.

Looking at the billowing smoke and dust in the east, many people in Jicheng breathed a sigh of relief and quietly wiped off their cold sweat.

At the same time, he looked at Zhao Yun, the governor of Longyou, who had sent off the guard Qiang to come back, and his party, with a little more fear in their eyes.

The Qiang-Hu Rebellion has always been a persistent problem in Liangzhou and Longyou.

This time Qiang Hu Jingqi gathered in Jicheng, and the people in the city said that they were not worried, that was a lie.

At least those who harbor evil intentions haven't been able to sleep well in the past few days.

"I've only heard the old man say about the majesty of the captain of the Great Han Hu Qiang before, but I didn't expect to see it now!"

Some people are afraid, and naturally some people are excited.

Longyou has suffered from Qianghu for a long time!

Unexpectedly, now that the captain of Qiang guard gave an order, those rebellious Qiang Hus would obey orders obediently, which is really extremely majestic.

This is the real power of a great man.

If the captain protecting Qiang can really "take care" of Qianghu well, it would really be a blessing to Longyou.

Zhao Yun also didn't expect that Feng Yong's unreasonable way of acting could inadvertently frighten the aristocratic Longyou family, and let the big man run Longyou a little more smoothly.

In August of the sixth year of Jianxing, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty made a northern expedition, defeated Cao Wei, captured Longyou, and achieved brilliant results. The Emperor of the Han Dynasty wrote a letter in person and sent it to Lord Wu.

Lu Xun has been paying close attention to the Battle of Longyou in the Han and Wei Dynasties.

When he learned that Zhuge Liang's troops were approaching the city of Xiangwu in Longyou, Lu Xun played to Sun Quan: "Shu must have already conquered Long! At this time, Cao Wei and his subordinates are all focused on the west, and it is the right time to take advantage of it!"

Sun Quan followed his words and first ordered his younger brother Sun Huan to build a mansion in Anlu City with great fanfare, as a military reserve.

Then Quan Cong and Zhu Huan were ordered to gather 30,000 soldiers at Ruxukou, threatening to march northward to Hefei, while Sun Quan himself led 50,000 troops to station in Wuchang, preparing to march to Shiyang City in Jiangxia County.

At the same time, an order was sent to Jiangling to order Zhu Ran and Zhuge Jin to regroup and prepare to capture Xiangyang.

Cao Wei's spies found out about the changes in Soochow and rushed to report to Cao Xiu.

At the same time, Zhou Bing's secret report followed closely, explaining Soochow's arrangements to Cao Xiu one by one.

When Cao Xiu learned about it, he was not surprised but delighted: Sun Quan didn't know how to use soldiers, so he dared to divide his troops into three groups. Let's see how I can teach him how to use soldiers!

Immediately wrote the memorial and sent it to Luoyang urgently.

Let's say that Cao Rui, the emperor of the Wei Dynasty, personally marched, but lost a general to death, lost land and lost troops, and lost soldiers and generals, which caused an uproar in the ruling and opposition parties.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the emperor defeated Sun Quan when he first came to the throne last year, allowing him to accumulate prestige, I am afraid that at this time, some ministers would have interviewed the Queen Mother Chen to tell the emperor's mistakes.

Cao Rui had no choice but to issue an edict of guilt, admitting that he had underestimated the Shu captives too much, and that his command of the war was not good, which led to the defeat of Longyou.

The veterans of the Cao Wei court all thought that His Majesty could do this without losing the image of a wise king.

Cao Rui originally thought that this matter could be covered up like this, but he thought it was too simple.

At this time in Luoyang City, a group is emerging.

It is centered on the famous younger generation such as He Yan, Deng Yang, Xiahouxuan, etc. They uphold the legacy of the late Han Dynasty, make friends with each other, discuss current affairs, comment on characters, and weave an intricate network of relationships.

This circle includes many famous scholars of Cao Wei, as well as many heirs of important officials.

For example, Sima Shi, the son of Sima Yi, Liu Xi, the son of Liu Fang, and Sun Mi, the son of Sun Zi.

When they talked about current affairs, they inevitably criticized and ridiculed some of the court's practices.

For example, an official named Meng Kang was promoted by the relationship of Queen Guo, and was ridiculed by the people at that time, and he was nicknamed "Ajiu".

For another example, Xia Houxuan has a good appearance, bright as the sun and the moon in his arms, while Mao Zeng, the younger brother of Empress Mao whom Emperor Wei Ming loves, is stupid and vulgar.

Cao Rui asked Mao Zeng to sit with Xia Houxuan, and was laughed at as "Jianjia leaning on Yushu".

Now that Cao Rui's personal expedition has returned in a big defeat, naturally he can't escape the discussions of these people.

"The defeat in Longyou was due to the crime of war and the unfavorable weather. The great Wei and the Shu captives fought in Longyou, but there was a severe drought in Guanzhong. This is a warning from heaven to the emperor's immorality. The crime is not mentioned in the imperial edict. Cultivating virtue, how can you convince others?"

Although he didn't explicitly say what the emperor's moral failure was, everyone knew in his heart that this was implying that the emperor abandoned his concubine and set up a concubine as his queen, which was impolite.

Under the pressure of public opinion, and at the same time in order to be able to cherish the family, Cao Rui had to take another step back and issued an edict to welcome the Yu family who had been deposed to Yecheng back to Luoyang.

But he gritted his teeth, unwilling to abolish the empress and establish the Yu family.

The aristocratic families didn't expect to be able to achieve it in one step. As long as the Yu family can return to Luoyang, it will be regarded as temporarily achieving their goal.

Cao Xiu's urgent memorial arrived in Luoyang under such circumstances.

When Cao Rui heard the memorial, it was like getting rain after a long drought.

At this time, he really needs a big victory to restore his reputation.

So he couldn't wait to prepare to issue an edict to let Sima Yi of Jingzhou and Jia Kui of Yuzhou support Da Sima Cao Xiu.

Shangshu Jiang Ji objected to sending troops this time. He wrote to Cao Rui: "The Great Sima went deep into the land of Wu and faced Sun Quan's elite soldiers. However, there is Zhu Ran in the upper reaches of the river, who is behind the Great Sima. It will be of great disadvantage to Da Sima."

But Cao Rui had made up his mind. He explained, "Zhu Ran and Zhuge Jin were about to attack Xiangyang, so why did they go down the river? Besides, there is Sima Yi, a general of hussars in Jingzhou, who can lead the army to attack Nanjun and turn against the enemy."

Jiang Ji added, "Sun Quan said with great fanfare that he would attack Jiangxia and Shiyang, but what if instead he led his troops to the east to resist Da Sima?"

"The great Sima was supported by Zhou Bream in front of him, and Jia Kui from Yuzhou was behind to protect his flanks, so why worry?" Cao Rui ignored Jiang Ji's words and ordered Sima Yi to attack Jingzhou, and Jia Kui set off for Wuchang, the East Gate.

(Note: During the three generations of the Cao family, Dongguan was located in Wuchang and Xiakou, the capitals of Soochow. This can be verified from the remarks in history books and the map of the Three Kingdoms. It was not until the end of Cao Wei that Dongguan became the familiar Ruxuwu area.)

When the edict was passed to Yangzhou, the former general Manchong learned that the emperor had agreed to Cao Xiu's plan. He was very anxious and wrote a letter: "If the great Sima leads the army into Anhui, there will be a big lake on his back and a river beside him. It will be easy to enter and difficult to retreat."

"This is a dangerous place for soldiers. If a large army enters without a strong mouth, you must be extremely careful."

Man Chong's memorial has just been sent out, and Cao Xiu himself has already led the army to set off, and at the same time let Man Chong divide his troops in Xiakou.

At this time, Lu Xun had brought 60,000 horses to Wancheng to prepare for the upcoming war.

Along the Yangtze River in autumn, the weather is no longer as muggy as it was a month ago.

Dressed in Confucian uniforms, Lu Xun led the generals to stand outside Wancheng, ready to welcome the arrival of Wu Lord Sun Quan.

I saw smoke and dust in the distance, indicating that someone was galloping here.

Sun Quan did not ride in a chariot, but rode a horse, dressed in armor, and rushed to the Wu soldiers, and then stopped.

"Meet the king!"

All the generals saluted together.

"Get up!" Sun Quan, who was sitting on a tall horse, held a whip in his hand, looked at the crowd, and said, "Cao thief is stupid, and now he has fallen into my trap!"

"Ten years ago, Cao Cao led an army of hundreds of thousands of people, but I was defeated by me at Chibi. Now this thief Cao, who is only a child with a yellow beard, dares to let Cao Xiu lead only 100,000 people, so why should I be afraid? ?”

"I only hope that all the beloved generals will be able to kill the enemy and strengthen the power of the Eastern Wu, so that Cao Rui will also experience the humiliation his elder father suffered back then!"

After Sun Quan finished speaking, everyone in Soochow burst into laughter.

Seeing Zhu Huanyue come out from here, he saluted Sun Quan, "Cao Xiu was only given the important task of Emperor Wei because of his surname Cao, he is not a wise and brave general!"

"Now that he has come from a long distance, the soldiers are exhausted, and if he fights again, he will definitely lose! If he loses, he should take the two roads of sandwiching stones and trailers. These two roads are dangerous roads. It only takes more than ten thousand soldiers to block the road. , the Cao bandits will be wiped out and Cao Xiu will be captured."

"The last general asks for orders to go to break the road. If we are blessed by God and let Cao Xiu surrender, then we can take advantage of the victory and take Shouchun to occupy Huainan. In this way, we can spy on Xuchang and Luoyang."

"This is a rare opportunity, don't let it go!"

Sun Quan was shocked when he heard this, looked at Lu Xun, and asked, "What do you think of Boyan?"

Lu Xun's face was calm, and he shook his head lightly, "This plan is too risky, it must not be used."

When Zhu Huan heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied, and was about to say more, but Sun Quan said, "I'm here this time, only to watch, not to talk, all matters are decided by Bo Yan."

After all, Lu Xun was appointed on the spot as the governor of the state of Wu, fake Huang Yue.

After the matter was over, everyone retreated, except Lu Xun.

Sun Quan got off his horse and said to Lu Xun, "I think Zhu Huan's words are quite good, why don't Bo Yan use them?"

Lu Xun replied: "Your Majesty, before Cao's thief arrives, we will send more than ten thousand elite soldiers to ambush him. If Cao Xiu finds out, he will startle the thief too early. We have to show that we are weak, so that he can come in with confidence."

"Secondly, even if General Zhu can really avoid being discovered and break the road behind Cao Xiu, he will definitely be flanked by Cao's thieves."

"If Cao Xiu is defeated, he will be returning to the army. Don't stop the returning army. If you stop him, you will be eaten by him. Moreover, there will be Cao thieves coming to the north of Jiashi and the trailer. At that time, I am afraid that General Zhu will not be able to break the road. Against self-inflicted danger."

"As for the third one, General Zhu is a great general. I just need to use his strength to defeat Cao Xiu. How can I let him go so easily?"

Sun Quan listened and nodded, "I see."

"However, General Zhu's strategy is not completely useless. In fact, I have sent 5,000 people to hide not far from Wuqiangkou."

"As long as Cao Xiu is defeated, these five thousand people can try to cut off his retreat. If Cao Xiu and I are in a stalemate, these five thousand people can act as surprise soldiers from the rear flank."

"It's so wonderful!" Sun Quan was overjoyed, then reached into his bosom, took out a letter, and said with a little sigh, "This is a letter from the Lord of Shu. The might of the Shu army."

As he spoke, he looked towards the north, with a sharp coldness in his eyes, "Bo Yan, do you remember that you promised me something?"

How could Lu Xun not know what Sun Quan was thinking at this time, so he bowed and saluted immediately, "After this battle, I will definitely let the name of the king shock the world. My lord is so talented, how can I let Liu Chan be overwhelmed?"

"Okay!" Sun Quan's heart was agitated, "If you still know my heart, then I will watch you from the top of Wancheng City. You must not let me down!"

Lu Xun stood up straight, and smiled confidently, "I have wanted to make the king's reputation known to the world for a long time, and today I will surely achieve my wish!"

Sun Quan also smiled knowingly.

When Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, it was Emperor Han who abdicated himself.

Liu Bei also proclaimed himself emperor, saying that he wanted to rise and fall and restore the Han Dynasty.

Only Soochow, if the name is not right, the words will not be right.

Mingming and the Wei and Shu kingdoms stand at the top of each other, but they can only be called kings.

This not only made Sun Quan feel aggrieved, but also the Jiangdong family felt that they would be inferior to the Central Plains family, so Soochow urgently needed a status.

Therefore, this battle is a battle in which the Wu Kingdoms work together.

If he wins, Sun Quan will be qualified to proclaim himself emperor, Jiangdong will have a formal title, and the interests of the Jiangdong family will be guaranteed for a long time.

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