Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 653: Deception

Man Chong estimated that even if his memorial arrived in Luoyang, it would be of no use.

Immediately, he quickly wrote another letter and asked the fast horse to deliver it to Cao Xiu, telling Cao Xiu his worries.

Cao Xiu has been fighting for many years at any rate, and to be a great Sima, a general should have the basic qualities, and he still has them.

After reading Man Chong's letter, he first sent someone to guard Wuqiangkou, and then sent someone to investigate ahead of Wuqiangkou to make sure that there was no ambush on the trailer or the rocks, and then he continued to move forward with confidence.

But soon, when he was about to reach Shiting, the sentry finally sent the news that Wu Jun had a large army waiting in Wancheng.

For Cao Xiu, this was no small surprise.

The left and right persuaded, "Wu Lu has already prepared, it seems that Zhou Dory must have surrendered, and the general should not enter lightly."

It's just that Cao Xiu was still lucky, so he asked Dong Cen and Shaonan, two of Zhou Dory's cronies, to come forward and said, "I personally led the army into Anhui this time to meet General Zhou, but now there are Wu captives in Wancheng. Dajun, why?"

The two looked at each other, and Dong Cen said in a respectful voice, "Da Sima led an army of 100,000 tigers and wolves to drive in. Those who heard it were frightened. If the news spread to the south, how could they not be on guard?"

"Since Wu Lu is prepared, what should I do?"

"It's time to strike and break it! And General Zhou is ready to launch an attack in Poyang. Once the Great Sima fights in Wancheng, General Zhou will take the opportunity to attack the latter, and then the success will be accomplished."

Cao Xiu was overjoyed, "Okay, then I will let you go back and tell that Zhou Dory that I will fight that Wu Lu in Wancheng in a few days, so he must not miss the appointment."

Immediately, he wrote a letter in hand, and stamped it with the general's seal, telling Dong Cen to hand it over to Zhou Bing himself.

As soon as Dong Cen left, Shaonan smiled and said to Cao Xiu, "Congratulations to Da Sima for his achievements that will last forever."

Cao Xiu had just laughed at Yan Yan, but at this moment he suddenly turned cold. He looked at Shaonan with unconcealable anger in his eyes, "What does your incomparable achievements have to do with you?"

Shaonan was taken aback for a moment, suddenly feeling bad.

Cao Xiu ordered, "Come here! Take down this Wu Lu spies!"

The cronies rushed forward and tied up Shaonan tightly.

"What does Da Sima mean by this?"

Shaonan shouted loudly.

Seeing Cao Xiu at the top bursting with anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "You really deceived me to be ignorant? At this point, how can I not know that Zhou Bing is a false surrender?"

You know, the year before last, he personally led troops to break through Wancheng and beheaded the guard of Wancheng, Shende.

At that time, he led the army to the south, advancing and retreating freely, and Wu Lu didn't react at all.

How can it be like now that there is an army waiting in full swing early on?

So Zhou Dory was in all likelihood a false surrender, even if it wasn't a false surrender, then things must have changed.

I saw Cao Xiu drew his sword and pointed directly at Shaonan, his angry eyes widened, and he said in a hateful voice, "I treat people with sincerity, I didn't expect Wu Lu to be so cunning!"

Seeing Cao Xiu's appearance, Shaonan thought that the fraudulent surrender had been leaked, so he stood up straight, with a sneer on his face, "Soldiers, tricky way. Cao Xiu is ignorant, but blames others for defrauding you." ? Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

As soon as Cao Xiu heard that the other party admitted his conjecture, his anger soared to the sky, and he wanted to stab him with a sword immediately.

Shaonan's face remained unchanged, he closed his eyes and waited for death.

The point of the sword reached his chest, and Cao Xiu asked, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Shaonan opened his eyes and laughed, "Ever since I arrived at Cao Ying, I never thought of getting out alive."

"Okay! Okay!" Cao Xiu laughed back angrily, and nodded repeatedly, "Then don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Cao thief, kill or cut, let you do it!"

Shaonan looked calm.

"I won't kill you, I won't cut you, I will steam you!"

Cao Xiu grinned grimly and said, "Come here, set up a cauldron to boil water!"

After Shaonan was dragged down to cook, someone persuaded Cao Xiu, "Since Da Sima knew that Wu Lu had surrendered, why didn't he retreat?"

"By withdrawing troops at this time, Great Wei has become the biggest joke in the world!" Cao Xiu gritted his teeth and said, "You must not retreat immediately!"

Hate flashed in his eyes, "I have sent that Dong Cen to deliver a letter, saying that I will lead the army to fight Wu Lu in the near future, and ask him to come quickly to meet him."

When he said this, a gloomy smile appeared on his face, "When Wu Lu saw my letter, he must have thought that I had fallen for it. Just wait for them to come and see how I can break it!"

The troops mobilized by the Great Wei this time totaled 150,000 to 60,000 troops from Yangzhou, Yuzhou, and Jingzhou.

It cost a lot of labor and labor, and the emperor placed high hopes on it. Even the land of Henan in the Great Wei Dynasty was disturbed by it.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was just a conspiracy by Wu Lu.

This made Cao Xiu, who was committed to this action, not only feel ashamed at this time, but he even thought of the ridicule he would face in the future.

This is one reason why it is not easy to retreat.

But a more important reason is that the front sentry detected that there were only 30,000 horses in Wancheng.

Although there were ambushes on both sides, they were only in the thousands. Calculated in this way, Wu Lu's military strength in Wancheng does not exceed 40,000 at most.

Cao Xiu believed that the soldiers and horses were more than those of Soochow Wu, and they were all elite soldiers. In addition, he had defeated the Wu army many times in the past, so he felt that the Wu soldiers were no good.

So knowing that Soochow is prepared ahead, but still trying to fight against it.

He led the army to Shiting, and first set up camp, preparing to face Wu soldiers. At the same time, he sent the left and right armies to ambush on the two wings.

On the other side, Dong Cen took Cao Xiu's letter and returned to Wancheng overnight to report it to Zhou Dory.

When the generals of Eastern Wu heard that Cao Xiu had arrived at this time, they still didn't know that he had been tricked, and they dared to continue to lead the army, they all laughed and ridiculed him.

Only Lu Xun frowned after reading the letter, and after a long time he sighed, "Shaonan's life is over!"

When Zhou Dory heard this, his heart skipped a beat, "Why did the governor make such a statement?"

Lu Xun explained slowly, "Cao Xiu fought with Cao Cao for many years in his early years. He once argued against Wu Lan, retreated Zhang Fei in Wudu, and defeated the late great Sima Lu Ziheng in the battle of Dongpu."

"The year before last, when Cao Rui ascended the throne for the first time, Cao Xiu led the troops to defeat Wancheng and beheaded Jude. So even though he is not a wise and brave general, he is not an ordinary person. How could he trust General Zhou when he knew that Wancheng had a large army? The surrender?"

After hearing Lu Xun's words, the generals immediately understood, "What does the governor mean, that Cao Xiu is cheating?"

"Naturally it's a deceit." Lu Xun smiled lightly, with a trace of relief on his face, "He has led the army so far, and I have always been afraid that he will turn back immediately after he finds out that he has been cheated."

"I didn't expect him to be so confident. He dared to come here even though he knew it was a trick. This shows that our strategy of showing weakness to the enemy was successful."

The Wu army in Wancheng was divided into three groups. Lu Xun personally led the army in the middle, Zhu Huan was the governor of the left, and Quan Cong was the governor of the right.

But in front of Cao Xiu, only Lu Xun's 30,000 Chinese army and the thousands of ambush soldiers deliberately revealed, so Cao Xiu thought that he had a great advantage. Knowing that he had a plan, he still wanted to use countermeasures and used the plan if he wanted to.

Just when Cao Xiu and Lu Xun were about to fight at the foot of Wancheng, Jia Kui, governor of Yuzhou, ordered Man Chong to lead 10,000 troops to attack Xiakou.

Just last year, Jia Kui wrote to Wei Emperor Cao Rui, saying that Sun Quan had a large army stationed in Wuchang, Dongguan.

And the country conquered Soochow from the Huai River in the east and the Mian River in the west.

Yuzhou, which is located between the two places, is clearly facing Wuchang, the important town of Soochow, but because of the obstacles of mountains and inconvenient transportation, Sun Quan never worried about the direction of Yuzhou.

On the contrary, he can easily concentrate his forces and rescue the east and west lines from Dongguan.

Therefore, Jia Kui suggested building a road leading directly to the river, so that the army could attack Soochow's Dongguan from Yuzhou, directly threatening Soochow's heart.

At that time, if Sun Quan defended the East Gate by himself, he could send another army to attack east and west, and Sun Quan's east and west lines would not be rescued.

If the east-west line can be captured, Dongguan will become an isolated stronghold for east-west attack, and it will be within easy reach.

Once the East Gate is lost, Jiangdong will no longer be able to invade the Great Wei, and can only wait for death.

Cao Rui appreciated this suggestion very much.

For more than a year, Jia Kui has been asking people to check the terrain in the south of Yuzhou, and at the same time recruiting civilians to build roads.

Now the road from Yuzhou to Dongguan is not enough for tens of thousands of troops, but if there is no obstruction from Soochow, five or six thousand people can barely pass.

This time Jia Kui attacked Dongguan Wuchang from Xiyang County, Yuzhou, and took the newly repaired road.

As he expected, Dongguan was not heavily defended, so it was easy for him to lead the army into Wu territory, but he didn't look happy at all, instead he frowned.

"General Jia took it by surprise and led the army to the city of Dongguan. Why don't you feel happy instead of worrying?"

Hu, the prefect of Dongguan, asked.

Jia Kui sighed, pointed to the south and said, "Dongguan is Sun Zhongquan's town, and there used to be a large army stationed there. Now in Dongguan, there are only soldiers defending the city. Where is the rest of the army?"

"Therefore, in my opinion, there is only one possibility, that is, Sun Quan has transferred his army to Wancheng. Da Sima's army will go deep alone, and he will definitely be defeated."

Hu Zhi was taken aback when he heard the words, and said anxiously, "If it's true, I'm afraid Da Sima is in danger."

Jia Kui looked to the south. There was Wuchang City built by Sun Quan. There must not be many troops in the city at this time.

If it can be captured, even if it can't be defended in the end, it will definitely be a major blow to Sun Quan if it is set on fire and burned to nothing.

It's a pity that this city is strong, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture it with thousands of people.

Moreover, Cao Xiu in the east was in danger, and he couldn't afford to delay for a moment.

Therefore, Jia Kui resolutely gave up the extremely tempting idea of ​​​​taking Wuchang, and ordered his soldiers to collect ships everywhere, advance by water, double the road, and rush to Wancheng to rescue Cao Xiu.

On the flat ground, the two armies collided violently, like two huge waves colliding with each other, stirring up blood red.

Although they are of the same race, the ferocious faces, high-pitched howls, bloody knives, swords, spears, and even crude bone weapons, and even sticks, all show that both sides will put the other side to death.

Just like there is a deep hatred that cannot be shared, if you don't kill the other party, you will never give up.

This is a life-and-death battle without any hesitation or mercy.

The entire battlefield is shrouded and annihilated by the tragic atmosphere of this primitive fighting...

On a small hillside beside the battlefield, Feng Yong sat on a rock without any image, holding a bag of candied dried apricots in his hand, and put them into his mouth one by one.

Occasionally, there was a "click" sound, and it was he who crushed the almond core and ate the almonds inside.

Then with a "plop", the finely chopped apricot kernels were spit out into the air.

The disappearance of all the lives under the mountain did not seem to affect his appetite.

"There, right there, the coach of the Han people is right there, hurry up, rush over there, rush up!"

On the other side of the mountain, on the right flank of the battlefield, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared, and the Qianghu leader shouted loudly, leading the warriors of the tribe to rush towards the hill they wanted to tear apart.

"General, there are enemies!"

Huo Yi, who was guarding Qiang by Feng Yong's side, hurriedly pointed to the right direction and shouted.

"That's right, I know how to beat the east and the west." Feng Yong took a look and smiled, "The Qianghu in Longyou are better than the barbarians in Nanzhong."

Sima Jufu, who guarded the Qiang school lieutenant, had already begun to adjust the soldiers on the mountain.

Feng Yong's attention turned to the frontal battlefield again.

Looking from here, you can clearly see that there is a phalanx behind the army formation on your side, and the reflection of the weapons is particularly strong. That is the Modao team that became famous in the battle at Jieting.

Now they are sitting quietly at the back, watching the Qianghu in front of them fighting each other.

At the front of the battle line, one rider and one person are particularly eye-catching. Even in the smoke and dust, you can see that person waving a long horse lance. Wherever he goes, the enemy will automatically retreat, forming a cloud. no circle.

At this moment, Liu Hun only felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, and he actually experienced a kind of crazy intoxication during the battle.

Everything fluctuated and flickered in front of his eyes, people's heads were flying, and horses fell to the ground with a thud, killing anyone they met, and he couldn't even hear the screams of the people who were killed.

The long lance is extremely flexible to pick and stab...

This is a real high-quality horse lance, held in Liu Hun's hand, he seemed to hear the horse lance jumping for joy, just like the joy in his own body.

The front of the battlefield was fighting fiercely, and the Qianghu cavalry on the right wing of the battlefield had already begun to speed up. It seemed that they were about to rush up the hill.

This small hill is not high, it can be said to be very gentle, and it can be easily climbed up on horseback in normal times.

But today, there are 500 Han soldiers standing guard on the hillside.

When the Qianghu cavalry who were about to attack were still two hundred paces away, there was a sudden sound of drums on the slope, and Jufu shouted, "Let go!"

The crossbow arrows flew like locusts, and they shot condescendingly, and the Qianghu cavalry who rushed to the front all fell off their horses.

Even those war horses kept screaming and knelt down on the ground. Affected by inertia, their huge bodies rubbed against the ground and rushed out for a certain distance.

"General, we can defeat them directly, why did it take so long?"

Looking at the tragic battle situation below, Huo Yi couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Huo Zongzheng, you grew up in the palace since you were a child. It's normal that you don't understand some things. In this world, no one will cherish anything that you get for nothing."

"Longyou Qianghu, if they want to benefit from the big man, if they want to become the real subjects of the big man, then they have to prove their loyalty to the big man."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong pointed to the bottom, "This is a way for them to show their loyalty. They are the people of the big man, so they should fight bloody for the big man."

"Things bought with life and blood will make them feel that this is the most precious thing in the world, and it is worth their efforts to maintain it. This is human nature."

Sheng Mi En, Dou Mi Qiu, nothing more.

Treating him too well and responding to every request will only make him take it for granted.

As long as there is something wrong, you will feel that you have been persecuted, and you will feel resentment in your heart, and you will repay your kindness. Feng Yong has seen this kind of thing too much.

Qianghu, who was attacking secretly, rushed three times in a row, but none of them could make it past the last fifty steps. After leaving behind a large number of wounded and horse corpses, they fled one after another.

Feng Yong spat out another apricot core, and said contemptuously, "A bunch of trash!"

Then he turned to Huo Yi and said, "Go, pass it on to General Zhang, just tell me that I'm hungry, I'm going to pack up and go back to the camp for dinner."

After a while, there was a ringing sound from below.

Liu Qing strode back to the rear camp, blood droplets were congealing on the edge of the battle skirt, "General Zhang, why are you asking for gold?"

"You guys have been fighting for long enough. Feng Langjun sent an order to us to fight quickly." Zhang Ni said, and asked people to put on armor for himself, and picked up the Mo Dao, "Leave the rest to us." Let's take a break and prepare to pursue."

The Qianghu servants who had been fighting for most of the day began to spread out to both sides, revealing the middle position.

I saw a snow-white cluster of knives pushing forward stepping on the rhythm.

Although they were only moving forward slowly, the overwhelming aura seemed as if they would crush everything that stood in front of them.

After the first battle at Jieting, the Modao team suffered heavy casualties.

But thanks to the Nanxiang medical system, the death rate of the wounded has been greatly reduced compared to before.

Veterans who can return to the battlefield are the best guarantee for the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Today's Modao team is no longer the team composed of mostly recruits a few months ago.

Thanks to Feng Yong's emphasis on the post-war summary, the Modao team has become more stable and unstoppable from top to bottom.

If the Battle of Jieting is repeated again, the commander may have just become more stable and will no longer be impetuous, but he is still a turkey who only holds a treasured telescope to see the scenery, and has no progress in commanding the army.

As far as the Modao team is concerned, if Zhang He really dares to lead the attack in person again, they are confident that they will chop Zhang He into mincemeat on the spot.

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