Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 654 Infighting

Behind the veiled iron armor, there is a cold light shining in the eyes. Everyone is extremely tall, stepping on a unified pace, slowly and unstoppably pressing towards the enemy formation.

Although there were only a thousand people, the aura generated by these thousand people crushed those Qiang Hu who would only rush forward in a swarm.

Feng Yong had already stood up, ready to go down the mountain and return to the camp.

Fighting each other for most of the day today seemed tragic and stalemate, but after the Modao team was dispatched, the fighting ahead suddenly seemed like a child's game.

The extremely sharp Mo Dao, tight formation, and strict discipline made it extremely easy for them to face the stragglers like Qiang Hu.

At the beginning, there were rebel Qiang who dared to rush forward, but after the Modao team split groups of people and horses into countless sections, the Qiang Hu on the opposite side finally collapsed.

This is simply not something they can resist.

These people are simply the evil ghosts that the ghost king sent down from the ground to the human world.

No matter what stood in front of them, whether it was knives, guns, sticks, or human horses, the result was the same.

The most frequent movements in their hands are: chopping and stabbing.

Wherever they passed, no matter whether it was a man or a horse, no one survived, leaving only minced meat all over the ground.

The first to collapse was Qiang Hu, who was fighting head-on with the Modao team. They turned their horses and desperately wanted to escape from these monster-like evil spirits in front of them, even if they trampled on their friendly troops, they were unwilling to stop.

They disrupted their formation and led everyone to flee backwards.

Liu Hun led the Qianghu servant army who had rested and began to spread out and pursue on both sides, trying to intercept the defeated enemy as much as possible.

Standing on the mountain, Feng Yong pointed to the chaotic battlefield below and asked Huo Yi, "Did you see anything?"

"The Modao team is very powerful."

Huo Yi answered honestly.

Hearing this, Feng Yong squinted, "Of course I know that the Modao team is very powerful. Apart from the Modao team, you don't see anything else?"

Huo Yi looked at Qiang Hu who had already fled in a panic, and then at Feng Yong, his face became slightly hot, he didn't know why, "The last general really doesn't know."

Feng Yong sighed, and said, "We have been fighting for almost a day today. Whether it is the rebellious Qianghu or the Yicong Qianghu, even though they suffered heavy casualties, they have not flinched, which is enough to prove their bloody courage."

"It's just that they are too chaotic, fighting on their own, and they lack weapons and armor, so they are not the opponents of the Han army."

The Qianghu in Liangzhou and Longyou were not low in combat effectiveness, and they were tough by nature, tenacious and aggressive, otherwise they would not have forced the Eastern Han Dynasty to almost give up Liangzhou several times.

It is only because they do not have a unified command, coupled with their backwardness from productivity to social civilization structure, that they have been crushed by the Han army.

"If you can take them in for your own use, train their minds, train their military appearance, get rid of their laziness, and cleanse their stupidity, it is impossible to form a strong army."

It doesn't matter if you are stupid, as long as you have enough tenacity and tenacity, you are a good soldier.

The key is how to get rid of their looseness.

Feng Yong has enough experience in this area.

Under the protection of Buqu, Feng Yong came down from the hillside that was used as a temporary observation headquarters. Wherever he went, everyone in Qiang and Hu gave way.

Before that, Qiang Hu only thought that Feng Langjun was a very nice person and very amiable to them.

But since seeing the battle of the Modao team, there is an extra layer of awe in their eyes.

That forest of knives left a very deep impression on them.

They tried their best and fought for a whole day, but they couldn't beat the Modao team for more than half an hour.

But for Feng Yong, who had experienced the baptism of the Northern Expedition, this battle was not a big scene at all.

The rebellious Qianghu had about 3,000 people. On my side, excluding the 500 Han troops holding the formation, the 500 Han troops guarding the hillside, and the 1,000 Modao troops who came on the field at the end.

In fact, only 2,000 attached Qianghu continued to fight.

The rest who belonged to Qianghu were sent out by Feng Yong to collect information on those rebellious Qianghu tribes in Hanyang County, or to persuade those vacillating centrists.

Compared with most of the Longyou nobles, Feng Yong is now more willing to believe in those belonging to the Qianghu tribe who are waiting for his rations.

But for Hanyang County, this has been the largest Qiang riot in the past few years.

Because the Hu Qiang captain led the army to patrol Longyou, the rebellious Qiang Hu in Hanyang County had to unite, trying to defend against the army.

"General, the interrogation has come out. This batch of traitorous Qiang people is headed by a commander named Yege'e. He was originally the leader of a large tribe, but now he has united with other tribes, which is why he has such a large scale."

Zhang Ni quickly reported the news he had received from the captives.

Feng Yong nodded, this news was expected, and the news that Qiang Hu sent out to inquire could be confirmed with each other, it seems that it should be true.

"Where is the range of activities of Yemo'e's tribe, does anyone know?"

Feng Yong asked.

"It's in the Qingshui area."

"This place is not far from Qingshui, it seems that it is indeed this Yemoer."

This time Feng Yong set off from Jicheng, the route he took was to go east along the Wei River, pass through Shangyu, reach the west of Linwei, and then turn north.

This route can more conveniently drive the rebellious Qianghu to the north step by step.

It was between Linwei County and Qingshui County that the army was blocked by Qianghu.

Obviously, Qiang Hu in Hanyang County intends to take advantage of the complex mountainous conditions in the remaining range of Longshan Mountains and guard against danger.

This is in line with their usual style.

For hundreds of years, the Qianghu rebellion in Longyou basically did this.

If you can beat it, you will loot the city, if you can't beat it, you will run into the mountains and hide.

Han officials are easy to talk, so they will push forward, but if they are not good at talking, they should resist first before speaking.

Anyway, resistance is instinct, and if you resist, you won't necessarily die, right?

Hasn't it been like this for hundreds of years?

Before the sun set, Liu Hun, who went to hunt down the defeated army, also came back.

"General, those defeated Qiang Hus have gone to the mountains. There is a valley there. I heard people say it is called Chuhu Valley. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. The last general dare not enter easily, so he came back and reported to the general."

Liu Hun, covered in blood, stood there, as if he had just crawled out of a pool of blood.

"Okay, let's go down and rest first." Feng Yong nodded, "Go to Chahu Valley tomorrow."

The main purpose of this visit to Longyou is to quell the Qiang rebellion. This is Feng Yong's job, so the escaped Qiang rebels cannot be easily let go.

The next day, he personally led the army to the mouth of Zhuhu Valley, and saw that Qiang Hu had sent people to guard the dangerous part of the valley.

"Does anyone know the specific terrain of this valley?"

Holding a whip in his hand, Feng Yong pointed to the valley ahead and asked.

All the generals around him don't know.

"I remember the Qianghuli captured yesterday. Didn't they say that there were members of the Yege'er tribe? Ask them clearly."

Zhang Ni promised, turned around and went down to interrogate himself.

Feng Yong also asked people to find the local aborigines and Qianghu who were familiar with this place in the army.

Gathering information from all parties together, the terrain of the Fox Hunting Valley was quickly given a rough idea.

The entrance of the valley where Feng Yong's army is located is the south entrance of the Chuhu Valley, and the north entrance is in Qingshui County.

If you take the official road to the north directly from here, you can reach Qingshui City in less than 30 miles.

But if you enter from this valley, you have to walk nearly two hundred miles of mountain roads, which can be regarded as poor mountains and deep valleys.

And in the valley, you can also climb Longshan Mountain from the east.

It can be said that you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.

In order to wipe out the gathered Qiang rebels in one fell swoop, Feng Yong first sent Liu Hun to lead people around Qingshui County to block the opening in the north, and at the same time went to the valley in person to observe the surrounding terrain.

Qiang Hu, who was guarding the valley, seemed to be very confident. Seeing that Feng Yong and his party were protected by heavy troops, they even dared to charge out on horseback, stood still at a distance, and shot a wave of arrows in this direction.

Although the arrow feathers only fell far ahead, this approach was obviously a provocation.

Feng Yong took a deep breath and smacked his mouth again, but he didn't say anything.

After returning to the camp, he pointed to the valley and said to the generals, "In this valley, the east is higher than the west, so the east mountain is obviously more important than the west mountain. The Hu people also know this, so they sent more defenders to the east mountain than to the west. "

"Ju Fu, you lead five hundred soldiers from the South tonight, quietly go up Dongshan Mountain, try to get as close as possible to the Qianghu defenders, occupy a good terrain, form a camp and pass through the trenches, and build fortifications."

Ju Fu quickly cupped his fists, "No!"

The soldiers of Nanzhong were from the same background as the Wudang Flying Army, and they walked the mountain roads like flying.

Although Qiang and Hu seem to be acting together, they actually belong to each other, and the orders between them are not consistent. This is a loophole that can be exploited.

"Huo Yi, I also sent you 500 people at Xishan, can you take them down?"

Feng Yong asked Huo Yi again.

"The final general will not disgrace his fate!"

Huo Yi quickly stood up and responded.

Although five hundred people were not many, it was already a great surprise for Huo Yi, who wholeheartedly followed his father as an example.

After all, this is the first time he has led the army by himself in a serious manner.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news tomorrow, as long as I can reach the mountains on both sides, then the victory will be confirmed."

Although the valley caused some troubles for Feng Yong, he didn't care.

At worst, I will block you in this valley for two months.

When the weather turns cold, half of the people in the valley can survive and I will lose!

Cold winter is the greatest enemy of nomads, white disasters, lack of food, no protection from the cold, etc. Even if it is an ordinary year, which year will there be no deaths?

What's more, they have experienced a severe drought this time, and they don't have enough time to prepare food.

Escape to the valley to conjure food out of thin air?

It was night, Gou Fu and Huo Yi led five hundred people each, and went up the mountain with their heads in their heads.

In the early morning, the Qiang people found the Han army building a camp, and quickly sent troops to attack.

Ju Fu Huo Yi has an advantage in crossbows and arrows, and the guard camp stands still.

The Qiang people found that they could not break through their camps, so they wanted to block the water channels on the mountains on both sides.

Seeing this situation, Feng Yong, who was guarding outside the mouth of the valley, immediately dispatched Zhang Yi and the Modao team to go up the water to attack Qianghu who was about to cut off the Jishui channel.

When the Qiang people saw the shining sword forest, they rushed back to the valley before fighting, and hundreds of people fell directly into the water.

Feng Yong then drove the servants to press up, and at the same time let the east and west mountains attack with troops. Under the three-way attack, the Qiang people guarding the valley mouth fought on their own, and there was no way to organize a unified resistance.

In the end, the Modao team attacked again and defeated the Qianghu defenders head-on, forcing them to flee into the valley.

Feng Yong led the army slowly into the valley, and Qiang Hu still tried to defend every dangerous point in the valley, but in front of Zhang Yi, Ju Fu and Huo Yi, the stubborn resistance of the rebel Qiang was meaningless, and they were defeated everywhere.

So Feng Yong led his men to chase deep into the valley.

In the deepest part of the valley, there is a wide flat land, where countless tents stand, and countless cattle, horses, sheep and mules gather.

From a distance, it looks like a peaceful place independent of the troubled times.

But in fact, this originally peaceful place is now filled with anxiety and panic.

The usual laughter is gone.

The woman counted her cattle and sheep over and over again, and counted the felt and fur in the tent again.

Those things that are not commonly used have been tightly tied with straw ropes and can be picked up and left at any time.

The strong and strong men in the clan were sharpening their weapons carefully, or taking out their bone bows and arrows to count them clearly. Sometimes they looked to the south in a daze: I heard that the Han people had led an army into the valley.

The biggest curtain in the middle was suddenly lifted, and a tall Qiang man walked out of it with a gloomy expression, and walked towards his own tribe without looking back.

Behind him, more than a dozen people walked out one after another, all of them were the leaders of various tribes in the valley.

There was no smile on everyone's face.

Qu Shuai, the Qiang man who left first, returned to his tribe, beat a few sheep slaves to vent his anger, and then issued an order: All tribesmen pack their bags, and leave here immediately in the morning tomorrow, and hide in the high mountains to the east .

After hearing this, the woman hurriedly gathered the cattle and sheep, and at the same time packed all the things in the tent and put them on the horse's back.

When the man heard that he was going east, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, silently put away his weapons, got up and went to help clear the camp.

"Zhi Shigu, do you really want to leave like this?"

When night fell, someone quietly found Qu Shuai, a Qiang who was about to leave with his tribe, and asked.

"Mr. Bai, you have also seen that Ye Mo'er still wants us to fight the Han people. If I don't leave, I'm afraid that all the warriors in my clan will die here."

Zhi Shigu said with lingering anger.

"But even if you escape to the deep mountains, how many people in your tribe can survive this winter?"

"Even if you can't survive, it's better than waiting to die here."

Zhi Shigu said with a sad face.

"Well, we don't have enough food this year. The reason why we listened to that Ye Moer's words is to find enough food to survive this winter."

The visitor let out a long sigh, with the same frown.

"I didn't expect that the food was not found, not to mention, even the warriors in the clan died a lot, and they were even forced to this point. If I knew it, I might as well go to the Han people from the beginning!"

Take refuge in the Han people?

Zhi Shigu's expression changed, and he glanced at the other party.

"I heard that the Han people in the south are very kind to us Qiang people. Have you ever heard of that Feng Langjun..."

The visitor didn't seem to notice Zhi Shigu's expression, and was still talking about the gossip he had heard, both true and false.

Some have been vaguely heard before, and some have been spread recently.

To be honest, everyone in the valley now feels more or less regretful.

If you don't have enough to eat, you will rebel. If you can't go on rebelling, you can go to the Han people again.

In the past so many years, everyone has come here over and over again.

That is, it has only stabilized in recent years.

Because a god-like official appeared among the Han people, who not only could know the situation in their clan in advance, but also dealt with things fairly and treated them as kindly as possible.

So Ye Moer said that he wanted to avenge Governor Guo, and everyone agreed.

Anyway, the big deal is that in the end, the family will be included as before.

Thinking about it, the Han people who had just entered Longyou would not do anything to them, at most they would be moved to other places.

Unexpectedly, the development of things exceeded everyone's expectations.

The reaction of the Han people was very strong. After the drought, they still had the ability to send troops immediately.

What is even more unexpected is that the Qiang people in the west did not rebel during the severe drought in Longyou? He even completely surrendered to the Han people, and raised his sword against them of the same race.

What about together? The tacit understanding of so many years, is it gone?

"It's true that Governor Guo treated us fairly, but I heard that Feng Langjun is better. He was taught by the mountain god, so the tribes in Tianshui are willing to listen to him..."

"But we've turned the other way..."

"We were only deceived by Ye Moer. Feng Langjun has a big heart, so he won't blame us."

At this moment, all kinds of gossip mixed together, so that these barbarians and marshals who had reached the last moment could not help but force themselves to imagine a local turtle with a glorious image in their hearts.

Ah, no, it's Feng Langjun.

Because this can anesthetize yourself and give yourself a feeling of grabbing the last straw.

"Then what do we do now?"

"Yemoer is still determined to go his own way..."


It was night, and the sound of killing in the valley was loud, and the rebellious Qianghu suddenly broke out in internal strife, and blood flowed like a river.

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