Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 655 Open source

Feng Yong led the army into the Chasing Fox Valley, and he was still a little tangled on the way. If necessary, should he follow Zhuge's old demon's practice in the novel and set fire to the Chasing Fox Valley?

I just heard that it is easy to lose life like this?

Before he could think about it, there was a rebellious Qiang Hu in front of him who came out and surrendered.

Looking at Qu Shuai, a Qiang man who was taller than himself, standing in front of him respectfully, bent over, with a flattering smile on his face, holding a dead man's head in both hands and handing it to him, Feng Yong was still in front of him for a moment. Did not respond.

He blinked, his eyes fell on the head in the opponent's hand, and he covered his nose, "Yemoer's head?"

"Yes my lord."

Zhi Shigu's waist bent even lower.

Feng Yong waved his hand, Huo Yi came over and took the head for verification.

Feng Yong breathed a sigh of relief, um, I'm a good person, and I won't do such insidious things like setting fire to the valley.

It's just that when he was brought to the flat land, he immediately took a deep breath.

"How many people... have you killed?"

The high pile of corpses in the middle of the flat ground is the most eye-catching. Although he didn't take a closer look, Feng Yong could still vaguely see the ground, which was oozing dark red.

Not far from the pile of corpses, there was a group of women and children, separated by themselves, huddled together in fear, trembling.

"My lord, according to the usual practice, except for the sheep slaves, the strong and strong members of this clan cannot be left behind."

Zhi Shigu replied cautiously.


What about humanitarianism?

Feng Yong looked at everything in front of him, his heart ached so badly that he couldn't breathe, he pointed at everything in front of him tremblingly, and asked tremblingly, "You guys, how could you do this?"




Simply inhumane!

Isn't it good to let them go to reform through labor?

A bunch of losers!

"Gather those women and children together and place them properly." Feng Yong commanded, and then asked, "Where are the cattle and sheep of the Yemo'e tribe?"

Zhi Shigu's face froze, and he said in a somewhat muffled voice, "It was too chaotic at that time, maybe a lot of cattle and sheep were lost..."

"You fart!" Feng Yong pointed at his nose and yelled, "You killed the strong people in the family and divided up the cattle and sheep in the family. Do you think I don't know?"

I saw Feng Langjun pointing to those poor women and children, and said sadly, "Seeing that winter is coming, what will you let those women and children eat and drink? Do you want them to freeze to death and starve to death?"

After some education by Feng Langjun, Zhi Shigu expressed his shame and said that he would find the lost cattle and sheep of the Yelu Russian tribe as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, you know the righteousness and know the truth. I won't treat you badly. You don't have to worry about the food this winter."

"I will first lend you a batch of food for the winter, and I will also lend you another batch of clothing and blankets for the winter. When you settle down next year, just return it slowly."

"As long as it's paid off within three years, I'll only charge 10% interest, isn't that too much?" Feng Yong said shamelessly, "It doesn't matter if it's cattle, sheep, wool, or the food you grow , can be used to repay the debt.”

"Longyou has initially decided that the government will be exempt from taxes next year, so you don't have to worry about not paying. But you made mistakes after all, so you must be punished to show fairness."

"At the end of the year at the earliest, and at the beginning of spring next year at the latest, I will rebuild Pingxiang City. At that time, according to the size of your tribe's population, you will be selected for corvee service."

Feng Yong naturally knew that Qianghu in Longyou had a hard time this year, so he would not force him too much.

Otherwise, even if force overwhelms them for a while, hunger and death will drive them to rebel again. This is human survival instinct.

Zhi Shigu didn't expect the legendary Feng Langjun to be so generous, so he quickly crawled down, choked up and said, "If I knew Feng Langjun was so benevolent, the villain would wish to join his family as soon as possible, how dare he do the opposite?"

All the Qu Shuai who had just joined behind Zhi Shigu knelt down and repented one after another.

For them, 10% interest is not much, really not much.

Qianghu has a low status in front of the Han people most of the time and is often bullied.

They also cultivate land, but they usually have to bear more taxes and corvees than the Han people, and sometimes the government will even confiscate all the grain in their hands unreasonably.

In addition to the government, local tyrants often joined the ranks of enslaving them.

If they really dared to borrow food from the Han people, maybe the whole tribe would have to sell themselves to pay off the debt in the next year.

It is precisely because of this that they are so supportive of Guo Huai who allows them to live a stable life.

Therefore, Zhi Shigu's extremely moving behavior is not all acting.

Fairness is the quality that Hu people value most.

Otherwise, Feng Yong wouldn't be able to pass the word of mouth to the Hu population with just a white horse alliance.

What is virtue?

Feng Langjun's behavior is called virtue.

So Feng Langjun convinces people with virtue.

Standing on the other side, Qianghu Qushuai, who was the first to surrender, saw this scene, and the pores of his body seemed to be opened, and his vanity was completely satisfied.

The grain he borrowed by himself not only needs to be returned at half price, but also can be used to offset the debts by following Feng Langjun to quell the chaos and rebuild the city. Compared with these people, it is simply grain for nothing.

Gelu Congbao even secretly grabbed a handful of fried noodles from the dry food bag and stuffed them into his mouth.

Although Feng Langjun taught everyone to mix it with water, in fact, many people feel that stuffing it into their mouths from time to time and eating it dry, holding it for a while and then swallowing it, will make it more delicious.

Gelu Congbao stretched his neck, swallowed the fried noodles, and licked his hands again, this time his mouth and stomach were satisfied together - this dry food is delicious and convenient.

The Qiang rebels in Hanyang County will hold together, and Feng Yong is mentally prepared for this.

But they were all blocked in the valley, and then they suddenly fought among themselves. Finally, someone with the head of the culprit bowed down to him and nodded, "Sir, this way, please!"

This was again something he hadn't expected.

Seeing that two months' food suddenly turned into less than a month, and it was the kind that could barely eat enough under the planned rationing, Feng Yong was a little caught off guard.

So he could only stay in Qingshui and wait for Dongfeng Express to deliver the food.

Fortunately, the largest tribe among the rebellious Qianghu was wiped out, leaving behind a lot of cattle and sheep, as well as some millet and miscellaneous grains, so as long as Dongfeng Express can be on time, there is no need to worry about food shortages.

In fact, Dongfeng Express came faster than Feng Yong expected. He waited for less than ten days before Xu Xun personally escorted the food.

A well-behaved gentleman, for the convenience of the journey, he wears tight clothes and long trousers, with leg wraps on his legs, and this journey is full of dust and dust.

If it weren't for the plain scarf on his head, which could prove his identity a little bit, some people would believe that he was the head of Guizhou who didn't know how to be polite.

Xu Xun gulped down the water Feng Yong personally poured, wiped his mouth, and his image became even worse.

"Brother, did the little brother come in time?"

A look of asking for credit waiting for a reward.

"That's right, very timely." Feng Yong nodded, "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I have so many people, I'm afraid I have to take them home first."

When Xu Xun heard this, his eyes lit up, and he leaned over and asked, "Brother, how much did you charge for this labor?"

"No work, it's a big loss this time." Feng Yong panicked when he mentioned this matter, "The entire tribe was slaughtered by those rebellious Qianghu, leaving a group of women and children behind."

"Ah? No effort? My little brother brought extra guards on purpose..."

Xu Xun suddenly looked disappointed.

"If this batch doesn't exist, then there will be another batch? Besides, even if there is no strong labor force, why don't we just raise the price of the female workers?"

Feng Yong is not good at leading the army, but the business is still good.

After all, he was the one who picked out two months of military rations from Longyou's rations.

"Woman? What girl?"

Xu Xun was a little confused. Didn't all the female workers in Nanxiang sign contracts? That's a household registration, so how can you sell it as soon as you say it?

"This aristocratic family in Shu has set up five workshops. How come they only buy wool? Can they weave cloth without female workers?"

Feng Yong let out a "tsk", a little bit dissatisfied with Xu Xun's reaction, originally for the sake of your diligence, he wanted to put more burden on you, but with your reaction, I am not in the mood.

"How to comb the wool and how to use the loom, are those girls born with it? Don't they have to be taught? When it comes to the operation of the workshop, who else has an advantage over Nanxiang?"

"We first teach a group of female workers, and then introduce them to the newly opened workshops. Wouldn't it be wonderful to not only relieve the urgent needs of those who are planning to open workshops, but also give those barbarian women a new way out?"

A labor agency company that specializes in introducing skilled female workers, and the price is negotiable.

But before that, the female workers must be given household registration, and then sign a three-year, five-year contract, so that the aristocratic family will not squeeze them to death within a few years.

How to teach Hu women to weave, Nanxiang has accumulated the most advanced experience.

Of course, if the aristocratic families can change their stance, instead of advocating women's "weakness" and "women's behavior", Feng Yong has no objection and even raises his hand to welcome them.

But according to the urgency of the aristocratic family, before they tasted the incomparably sweet benefits of the workshop, they must be reluctant to say this.

Therefore, Hu women were the biggest source of weavers when they started their workshops, because they were not bound by ethics.

These days, Shuai Qu always invites Feng Yong to visit their family, and tries his best to keep Feng Yong to spend the night in the master's big tent.

Very hospitable, especially the hostess.

Fortunately, Feng Yong was firm-willed, because it was invisible and the smell was too strong, so he was really in no mood.

So how much etiquette do you expect them to keep?

Women, in many cases, are just like cattle and sheep, just property.

If these properties can be exchanged for more properties, a fool would not exchange them.

After all, Xu Xun's IQ was still online. After hearing Feng Yong's analysis, he was extremely excited on the spot.

Brother, what you said is very good!

Thinking about Nanzheng's workshop, it was Nanxiang's help that made it scale.

If the family in central Shu wants to open a workshop, can they leave Nanxiang?

Not to mention that they couldn't find enough female workers, even if they could find them, would they be able to start working right away?

Is there a quota?

What's the matter with the quota?

Open a workshop without weavers? How to manage so many weavers? How to use the loom? How to wash wool? If there is no guidance from others, can it be driven?

No wonder my elder brother said at the beginning that I should wait for others not to grab the quota of this workshop. Looking at it this way, this snatching of the quota is just the beginning.

Without a strong family background, how can ordinary people afford it?

The elder brother asks for money, food, and people in the front, and the brothers in the meeting grit their teeth to support them when they eat bran and swallow vegetables, isn't it just to wait for this kind of time to have a big bite?

So two days later, regardless of his fatigue, Xu Xun took Dongfeng Express to open a temporary transport route during the war and sent people to Pingxiang.

Longyou's Feng Yongju killed the chick with a sledgehammer, and the progress was relatively smooth.

Cao Xiu from Yangzhou felt that even if he didn't use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken, at most he would use a sledgehammer to chop a pig's thigh, but he never thought that he would cut it on the basalt.

Not to mention only cutting out a row of sparks, the knife also rolled his mouth, and even made his arms numb from the shock.

After setting up camp in Shiting, he personally led an army of 60,000 to Wancheng, intending to defeat the Wu army under the city, but he got into Lu Xun's pocket.

Fortunately, Cao Xiu had enough soldiers. Even if Lu Xun had a strategy, it would not be enough to surround the Wei army in such a place.

What's more, although Cao Xiu underestimated Soochow's military strength, he was cautious at the last moment in the face of the enemy who was planning to wait for him to come.

Therefore, although Cao Xiu was defeated in the battle of Wancheng, the Wei army retreated to Shiting after dropping 5,000 corpses because of Jianwu General Wang Ling's brave breakout.

Wu Jun chased all the way.

At this time, Cao Xiu was very fortunate that he had already arranged an ambush on both sides of Shiting. He thought he could fight back.

It's just that it is normal for a general with an intelligence of more than 70 to be hanged and beaten when he meets a commander with an intelligence of 98.

Lu Xun first sent the left and right governors to lead their men to attack Cao Xiu's ambush in turn, so as to be prepared to fight the unprepared, the Wei army's ambush was defeated in one fell swoop.

Lu Xun didn't give Cao Xiu a chance to breathe, and then attacked the Wei army camp at night.

Wei Jun couldn't hold back this time, and retreated in a row. Cao Xiu finally couldn't control his army, and everyone left their luggage and began to flee.

Countless cattle, horses, donkeys, mules, and vehicles were thrown in the camp and on the road, blocking Soochow from continuing to pursue.

Seeing his subordinates scrambling for supplies, Zhu Huan was furious on the spot. He drew his sword and beheaded the two of them, shouting loudly, "The time is right for defeating the thief. How can you be greedy for petty wealth and let go of the thief chieftain?"

At present, the soldiers are trying to clear the road, ready to continue the pursuit.

Lu Xun had no choice but to send someone to make a big bend, trying to get to the front to block Jiashi.

When Cao Xiu arrived at Wuqiangkou at the beginning of his journey south, because of the reminder from Man Chong's letter, he noticed Wuqiangkou, so the Wu soldiers who had been ambushing nearby did not have any effect.

At this time, the rapid defeat of Cao Xiu's army was a bit beyond Lu Xun's expectations. He had to temporarily send people to bypass the battlefield, trying to take a small path to cut off the back of the Wei army.

At the same time, Jia Kui led the waterway for 200 miles and captured the scouts of the state of Wu who were sending military intelligence. Only then did he know that Cao Xiu had been defeated in Shiting.

One thing that made him more concerned was that Lu Xun had sent troops to Jiashi to cut off the back road.

"General, the total number of people I waited for was only a few thousand, and at least Wu Lu had nearly 90,000 people. If we go ahead like this, I'm afraid it won't help. Why don't we wait for General Man to arrive later?" Let's go again."

Hu Zhi said hesitantly.

Jia Kui shook his head directly, his face serious and anxious, "Cao Xiu's army was defeated like a landslide. He could not fight if he entered, and he could not return when he retreated. I am afraid that he would be powerless to stop Wu Lu's pursuit. So now is the critical moment of life and death."

His relationship with Cao Xiu was extremely bad, and he used to say "Da Sima", but at this time, Cao Xiu led 100,000 soldiers to die, and he didn't have any respect anymore, so he just called him by his first name.

"According to the current situation, Cao Xiu may not be able to support it until it gets dark, and it will take at least two days for General Man to lead the army here. If we wait for the rear army, Wu Lu may have cut off the rear route long ago."

"At that time, no matter how many reinforcements we have, it won't help the situation. Now that Wu Jun's main road is blocked, even if Lu Xun sends out his soldiers, he can only take the small road, so there will definitely not be too many troops."

"As long as we rush to Jiashi in front of them, we will be able to take the lead and dampen the morale of the enemy. When the Wulu Qing army comes, they will see that we have guarded the dangerous place, and they will retreat without knowing the truth."

After Jia Kui and the generals explained all this, they rushed directly to Jiashi without stopping. At the same time, they set up many banners and drums along the way as suspicious soldiers to slow down the pursuit of Wu Jun.

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