Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 664 Arrangement

Even if it was Huang Hao, if he met the current Feng Yong, he would be killed if he casually killed him. Anyway, with the queen's own sister standing in front of him, what were he afraid of?

The reason why Feng Yong asked Zhang Xingyi to go back to the town hall was because he wanted Zhang Xingyi to improve himself in the school.

In many cases, your background just gives you a better upward channel, but it does not mean that you can always live on your laurels.

For example, all parties that have business dealings with Xinghan now must accept the rules of the Nanxiang system.

Take accounting as an example, Nanxiang Academy's unique arithmetic crushes 99.9% of the big men.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand these things now, you can get someone to help you convert them into something you can understand.

But according to the current trend, in a few years, this algorithm will soon be widely spread in various transactions.

After a decade or so, or not at all, I am afraid that the mainstream in Dahan will all use this algorithm.

After all, it is convenient and trouble-free, and it is simple and clear to make accounts.

If you don't understand at that time, you can only be eliminated.

This is just the simplest example, not to mention other aspects of the Xinghanhui system.

Zhang Xingyi, as the representative of the royal family outside, Feng Yong naturally welcomes him warmly, after all, he is acquainted and easy to deal with, and can easily discuss anything.

But if she is dismissed because she can't keep up with the times, Feng Yong will feel distressed and disappointed.

She has such a good communication channel with the palace, except for Zhang Xingyi, she doesn't think about it.

Hearing that Feng Yong asked her to learn more in the school, how could Zhang Xingyi not understand what he said, and immediately gave him a blank look, "Do you think I will be so short-sighted? In the past two years, I have learned a lot from Mrs. Li's family." A lot of things."

Feng Yong coughed, "It is still necessary to study seriously in the school for a period of time, and it won't take you too much time."

Zhang Xingyi has the basics, at most he needs to learn some common sense of mathematics.

"Lay a good foundation, even if you go back to Longyou in the future and want to continue learning, I can teach you."

Do teachers and students have a deep love, love to the depths...cough cough!

Then she glanced at Guan Ji and stumbled, "Of course, Amei..."

Zhang Xingyi's eyes lit up, and he directly interrupted Feng Yong's words that he wanted to use Amei as a cover, "Okay, then it's settled! Brother, don't be stingy with your knowledge."

The faint smile on Guan Ji's face remained unchanged, she lowered her head and took a sip of the honey wine.

On the other hand, Li Mu, who was sitting quietly beside Zhang Xingyi, saw this scene, and smiled slightly, looking very demure.

If people who don't know her details, see her dignified and elegant appearance, they will only think that she is a rare and good woman.

I can't believe that she is the Nanxiang Mu lady who is called "a poisonous woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion" by many people.

Feng Yong met her gaze and said, "Miss Li, this time in Longyou, there will be a group of people who want to build a workshop in the middle of Sichuan. It's just that for this workshop, having wool is only the first step."

"We also need weavers, spinning wheels, looms, etc. Spinning wheels and looms are easy to find as long as you have money and food. But weavers are not something you can just find."

"Over the years, you have been in charge of the workshop. You have the most experience in how to train weavers. Longyou was initially settled, and the prime minister asked me to manage the Qianghu in Longyou."

"It's not easy to control the Qiang Hu." Feng Yongchang sighed, "Especially a few days ago, some tribes were wiped out, leaving only some women and children. If they are left alone, it will be hard to live in Longyou go down."

"So I thought, let you take them back and let them learn a craft, so that they can rely on this craft to make a living in the future."

Li Mu nodded after hearing this, "Your Majesty is always so soft-hearted, I know what to do."

After hesitating for a while, he asked again, "Just let them learn this skill, so how much is this worth?"

"What's worth?" Feng Yong looked at Li Mu reproachfully, "Don't Nanxiang have rules? Once you learn the craft, you can be naturalized. Once you're naturalized, how can you buy and sell at will? It's just to introduce them to those newly opened jobs. Work in the workshop."


Not only Li Mu, but everyone looked at Feng Yong with a look of confusion on their faces.

"Yes, introduce." Feng Yong nodded, "They are weak women. Introduce them to other workshops, so that they can have a good meal."

"Secondly, it can solve the urgent needs of those new workshops. But let those workshops follow the rules of Nanxiang Workshop, and make a contract, or two years, or three years, so that they will not be bullied by those people."

"But we can't teach them for nothing. Isn't it reasonable to charge some fees? Wait for them to work in the workshop, and then let them pay back slowly."

Hearing such brazen words, even Guan Ji, who was mild-tempered, choked on a sip of honey wine.

"What about after the contract expires?"

Li Mu looked as usual, and asked very naturally.

"They have registered permanent residence in Nanxiang, and when the contract is over, they will naturally return to Nanxiang."

Feng Yong said eloquently.

In the eyes of Hu people, women, like cattle and sheep, are symbols of wealth.

As long as you can afford the price, there is nothing that cannot be bought or sold.

Especially before winter comes, no one is unwilling to exchange women for food.

Feng Langjun was very kind, in order to change the fate of these barbarian women, he was willing to let them go to the legendary place where everyone is rich, and teach them a craft so that they can live by craft.

Of course, if you have children, you can also take the past with you, but you may have to pay more when you repay the debt in the future.

After hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips. He looked very tempting, but coupled with her excited expression, Feng Yong had the illusion that a female vampire had just finished sucking human blood.

"I'll leave this matter to my concubine. At that time, I will have a good discussion with those who want to open a new workshop in Sichuan, and I will never let them bully our women from Nanxiang."

As he spoke, he smiled seductively again.

Well, very good, it seems that this femme fatale is really going to take this opportunity to get her fill.

In the past few years, Li Mu's performance has been amazing. She probably has the talent to be a CEO, calm and cold.

The most important thing is to be conscientious, conscientious, full of enthusiasm for work, and I heard that I often take the initiative to work overtime.

As for the salary, I never heard her mention it, and there is no need for Feng Yong, the boss, to pour chicken soup about blessings.

"I trust you."

Feng Yong nodded to her.

A look of joy flashed in Li Mu's eyes, and he sat there and blessed him lightly.

"Students who come out of the school are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Even I, the head of the mountain, want to ask a few more students for help, but I can't ask for it."

Feng Yong's eyes fell on Wei Rong who was sitting at the back, "So this time the school's enrollment expansion for students is imperative. Wei Rong, these few days, you hand over the matter at hand to Mr. Mei."

"Then pick out half of the people you brought back to Nanxiang Academy. Firstly, the palace will send people to study in the academy. Secondly, Longyou will send a group of people to Nanxiang, and the academy happens to recruit more students."

"So you take these people back to help." Feng Yong pondered for a while, "Guang Luxun (Xiang Lang) is a famous scholar in the Han Dynasty. He likes to collect books and is willing to guide and guide the younger ones. He is deeply respected by everyone."

"This time he went to Nanxiang Academy to write an inscription. That is an opportunity. The school emphasizes mathematics and neglects classics. If you can stay with Guang Luxun for a while, you can just make up for what you lack."

Wei Rong stood up hastily, "Disciple respectfully obeys Master's wishes."

"There is also the tiger head. He is already ten years old, right? Take him with you too. You have to remember that our teacher's knowledge, arithmetic is the foundation. If we do not do well in arithmetic, we cannot acquire the real teacher's knowledge. .”

"So when studying Confucian classics with Guang Luxun, you must remember the distinction between primary and secondary, and you must urge Hutou to learn arithmetic well. At that time, I will send you test papers on a regular basis. If you fail the exam, see how I will deal with you. "

Mathematics is a tool, the most important tool for studying science.

"The disciple understands."

Wei Rong responded respectfully again, confirming that Feng Yong had finished his orders, and then sat down again.

In the past few years, Wei Rong has learned a lot from himself. When he was in Yuexi, he also had practical experience at the grassroots level.

Now when I go back to the school, while teaching the newly enrolled juniors and juniors, as well as the eunuchs who are neither yin nor yang, if I can learn some classics from Xiang Lang at the same time, it will be regarded as exercise.

Feng Yong then looked at A Mei who was standing behind Guan Ji consciously. This girl looked sullen, but in fact she was full of winks. She used to stand behind her.

With the addition of a female monarch in my family, the situation has changed.

"Amei, you can take over many things in Pingxiang City when the time comes. As for how to do it, it's almost the same as Yue Yu's. You should know."

Although Amei's temperament is not suitable for handling various affairs, but with her talent, being a senior secretary is considered extremely inferior.

The big deal is to work harder and handle things by yourself.

After giving orders to everyone, Feng Junhou looked at Guan Ji with a smile on his face, "Qianghu doesn't understand etiquette, sometimes, I have to let Xijun go out in person, so I can feel at ease."

Seeing this man's smile, Guan Ji always felt that it was not serious.

"I know, I brought a group of female soldiers from Yuexuan, and I will send people to protect Amei when the time comes. There are also those tribes that only have women and children left. Before they leave Pingxiang, the concubine Will see for myself."

"That's good, that's good."

Feng Yong nodded repeatedly.

Looking at Feng Junhou's flattering smile, Zhang Xingyi curled his lips, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear, "No coward!"

Guan Ji brought people from Yuexie this time, and joined Li Mu in Hanzhong, bringing not only a large amount of grain, but also a large amount of wool.

Most of the wool materials are defective and non-quality products produced by Nanxiang Workshop, and they are going to help Qianghu in Longyou survive this winter.

At the same time, Li Mu also brought some technicians from Nanxiang over.

Who were the most important technicians in the ancient pastoral areas?

For humans, nature is medicine.

Therefore, some of these technicians are medical workers from Nanxiang, who come to treat people, popularize hygiene knowledge and prevent diseases.

Although the way of popularization is a bit rude, for example, if you are disobedient, you will just roll up your sleeves and beat and scold.

But because most of them are medical workers who have just entered the internship period and are practicing, and have not yet formed professional patience, this should not be too harsh.

As for livestock, the most important thing is naturally the veterinarian.

The famous "Wu Yidao" in Hanzhong, because of Feng Yong's support, has always been enthusiastic about his work.

Now, not only will the livestock be stabbed, but because of the convenience of work, he has been mixed with the livestock all the year round, and even let him sum up some habits of the livestock without a teacher.

So in many cases, Wu Ming also works part-time as a veterinarian.

Although his veterinarian can't prescribe medicine.

But generally speaking, veterinarians in this era can basically only treat some common external injuries of livestock, so the medical workers in Nanxiang who treat people often sneak over to help prescribe medicine.

When livestock are sick, they can only guess the medicine according to the similar condition when people are sick.

Over time, there are a few medical apprentices who are not doing their jobs, and they haven't learned the ability to treat people well, but they are good at treating animals.

After all, if the animal is really sick, even if the veterinarian prescribed the wrong medicine, it won't complain, will it?

That is much easier than governing people.

Wu Ming went to medical school specially because of this, begged Fan A, and wanted some medical students to become veterinarians.

Then Fan A cursed and kicked this unfilial boy out of the medical school with a broom.

Of course, when Feng Yong knew about this, he said, "Whether it's saving people or animals, it's saving lives!"

These words are not false. These days, large livestock are really the lifeblood of farmers.

That is to say, Nanxiang Ranch and Yuejuan Ranch opened up, and the Dahan government was willing to come forward to help farmers rent large livestock for farming.

Otherwise, how many farmers can Dahan have that can use large livestock?

So it is a matter of course for medical students to degenerate into veterinarians.

So, in Hanzhong, the veterinarian who treats the livestock sees that someone in the farmer's family is sick, so he can't prescribe medicine for the livestock, but at the same time, he can also prescribe medicine for people, one doctor and two treatments.

Then that family will be grateful to Dade.

In Hanzhong, veterinarians are more respected than medical workers.

This time Li Mu brought the veterinarian here, not only for the future animal husbandry in Longyou, but also for another important reason, that is, the incidence rate of the Yunnan horses used by Dongfeng Express is much higher in Longyou than in Sichuan. Big cut.

"Your Majesty, this is the acclimatization!" Wu Ming shook his head and said to Feng Yong at the place specially circled by Pingxiang for the Dian horses of Dongfeng Express to rest temporarily, "It's like the Shu people will get sick when they arrive in Longyou. .”

Feng Yong looked into the stables, where several young veterinarians were observing the condition of the Dian horse, and nodded, "I guessed it too. This Dian horse originally lived in Nanzhong, which is a sultry place."

"Now that we're in Longyou, it's okay when it's hot, but now that it's getting colder, we can't bear it."

It's just that now is the time when Dongfeng Express is needed to deliver supplies. No matter how much the loss of the Dianma is, no matter how distressed Feng Yong is, he has to grit his teeth and hold on.

"Master Wu, I also know that there is no way to completely solve this disease of acclimatization, but is there any way for you to alleviate it?"

Feng Yong asked.

Wu Ming shook his head, "The villain has seen it, and also asked those little gentlemen inside." He pointed to the busy veterinarians, "This horse fell ill, mostly because of a cold. "

"So when transporting food, try to keep them from sweating as much as possible, and keep them warm at night. For the rest, there is no good way."

Feng Yong nodded and sighed, how can anyone who transports food not sweat?

Seeing Feng Yong's worried look, Guan Ji who followed comforted her, "Ah Lang, don't worry, before I came to Longyou, I asked Huahuan to go to the south to find more Yunnan horses, and there must be news coming soon."

Feng Yong forced a smile, "Xi Jun has a heart."

If the root cause of the Yunnan horse's acclimatization is not resolved, no matter how many Yunnan horses there are, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Now it seems that it is just a logistical restriction, but in the long run, Dongfeng Express will inevitably run into trouble after leaving Sichuan.

Seeing Feng Yong's appearance, Wu Ming said hesitantly, "Your Majesty, in my opinion, instead of using Yunnan horses to transport grain in Longyou, it's better to trade other animals."

"I use Yunnan horses to transport grain. What I value is their long-distance and extensive breeding. If I change to other horses, it will cost a lot just to eat."

Feng Yong shook his head.

Mongolian horses are good for war horses, but the cost is a bit high for transportation.

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