Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 665 The masses are the creators

Dian horse and Mongolian horse are two excellent horse breeds in China.

They are resistant to long-distance and rough feeding.

It's just that one is for transportation and the other is for riding.

Dian horses can carry loads on rugged mountain roads for half a month, sixty miles a day.

On the other hand, when a Mongolian horse is ridden, it can travel an average of 150 miles a day in the grassland area, and it can also be ridden continuously for about half a month.

Even in other places, the speed will drop, but it can still reach about 100 miles.

Note that this is the data when the Mongolian horse breed has been seriously degraded.

There is a point of view on the Internet in later generations, saying that human endurance is better than horses, so in terms of long-distance raids, infantry is better than war horses.

At the same time, various observational data are used as the theoretical basis.

The source of this data should be the so-called noble blood horses used by foreign masters for entertainment and viewing.

Then some people applied these data mechanically to China, and finally formed this view.

Later, many people who did not know the details were deceived.

In the history of Western warfare, it may indeed be somewhat rare for large corps cavalry to fight in a roundabout way.

But that doesn't mean it's the same in China.

All kinds of popular theories in the world are commonplace in China where the climate is not acclimatized, but some people still enjoy being slapped in the face.

From the Han Dynasty, when large-scale cavalry battles took place in China, to the Qing Dynasty, large-scale cavalry ran for more than a thousand miles in a few days, and it was not uncommon to see war records of two or three thousand miles.

So that point of view can't explain this phenomenon either—unless Chinese historians have tirelessly falsified cavalry combat for more than a thousand years.

In the era when the Mongols swept across the Eurasian continent, during the battle of the Mongolian army attacking the city of Hualazimo, they ran 500 kilometers a day and one night, that is, a thousand miles. If it was Hanli, it would be more.

You ask the infantry to run and try?

Even if there is no one person riding two or three times, but only one person riding one, the Mongolian horses that have been seriously degraded in later generations are enough to beat the infantry's attack speed.

A severely degraded Mongolian horse can travel 1,500 miles in half a month when someone rides it, and it would be about 1,800 miles in the Hanli of this era.

In this era, the Nanxiang soldiers in Feng Yong's hands should be able to do it with all their lives, but only if they pack lightly.

During this process, some people may be killed or vomit blood, but less than half or even less people can get there, and they can’t even stand up. This is not called running, this is called food delivery.

Then when other soldiers of the same era were far behind in terms of nutrition, organization, and discipline, if any general dared to do this, all of them might escape on the way.

So even if it is an infantry on horseback, riding a Mongolian horse instead of walking is much better than an infantry running with two legs swinging.

Most of the tall horses in the West are younger brothers and younger brothers in front of the short Mongolian horses in terms of long-distance running and endurance.

In terms of feeding, the two are far apart.

Compared with Mongolian horses that are not afraid of the cold, can adapt to extremely extensive feeding and management, have strong vitality, and can survive in harsh conditions.

Horses of noble blood in the West must be carefully served, otherwise they will get sick and lose their vitality.

This is like the Tiger vs. T34 in World War II. No matter how thick and long the Tiger tank barrel is, it can't compare with the T34's simple structure and durable leather.

As war horses, both have their pros and cons.

The tall western horse has strong explosive power and short-distance sprint. It is suitable for assembling heavy cavalry and attacking the enemy head-on.

The Mongolian horse is suitable as a light cavalry horse. When one person rides two and three, it can launch a surprise attack from a distance where the enemy cannot see.

In the Battle of Jieting, the Wei State Central Army led by Zhang Xi had a considerable part of the cavalry with one man riding two or even three cavalry. Only after they had marched nearly two thousand miles in more than ten days, they were still able to cross Longshan Mountain and make a sneak attack. street kiosk.

This allowed Feng Yong to experience for the first time the power of long-range raids by light cavalry.

Even if a large number of war horses have been abandoned, being able to send soldiers thousands of miles away in a short period of time is a kind of victory in a battlefield where every second counts.

After all, it is not a strange thing for the cavalry of this era to dismount and fight.

Therefore, even if the war horse used by Zhang Yun is not a Mongolian horse, it should be a close relative of the Mongolian horse, or have some kind of connection.

The big man finally obtained the land of horse production in Longyou. At present, the most important thing is to carefully select and train the horses suitable for war horses in this land.

Instead of picking them out to be draft horses or pack horses.

If Feng Yong really dared to do that, Mr. Zhao would come to him with a whip and a long gun to have a heart-to-heart talk when the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty opened his mouth.

Wu Ming glanced carefully at Guan Ji who was following Feng Yongshen, and tentatively said, "Why don't you use a mule?"

Feng Yong glanced at Wu Ming and said angrily, "Where are there so many mules?"

The mule is a good thing. It is the offspring of the donkey and the horse, and has the advantages of both. It is a typical hybrid species.

It is resistant to roughage, hard work, disease resistance and adaptability, and has a large and durable pulling force. It is most suitable for pulling carts and loads.

Although a little irritable, he is very smart and very understanding.

In later generations, it can be seen from the Northeast to the Northwest, and even the mountainous areas of the Southwest, and there is no such regional restriction of the Dianma at all.

It can be said that, apart from being inferior to Yunnan horses on rugged mountain roads, mules are much easier to use than horses in terms of transportation.

But how to get such good animal power is a big problem.

Because it can't reproduce by itself at all.

As a big rancher, Feng Yong still knows some things.

Mares basically conceive in spring and summer.

At this time, the big stallions carefully selected in the ranch are generally more cooperative, and there will be no big mistakes.

But as another species of donkey, it is very likely that it will turn a blind eye when it should cooperate.

The time for a mare to conceive is five to seven days a month.

Most of the time, there will be a time difference between the two.

So how can mules be so easy to get?

It was still a rarity in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It was only used for the enjoyment of princes and relatives, and it was considered auspicious.

Up to now, although it is no longer a rare animal, it has not yet reached the point where it has become a large number of common animal power.

And if you want to get a good breed of mule, its parents should not be of a bad breed.

It's okay to say donkeys, after all, they are just like the stallions in the ranch, and the number does not need to be too many. As long as you have the heart, even in Shu, you can find a few high-quality donkeys.

What's more, foreign transactions can also be made through Juxian, Nanxiang, Yong'an and other places.

But it's hard to say for a mare, how good a mule can it give birth to with a small Yunnan horse?

This thing is not easy to get, not to mention that the breed of mares is not good, and Feng Yong underestimated that Yunnan horses can adapt to the northern climate, so in recent years, he has not thought about making any mules.

This wrong decision finally made Feng Yong start to suffer.

He sighed with some regret, "If I had known today, no matter how difficult this matter is, I would let the ranch find a way to save some mules."

After a few years of saving, no matter how bad the breed is, it is much better than the current situation of directly consuming the number of Yunnan horses.

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Wu Ming moved his lips, looked at Guan Ji again, and finally closed his mouth.

Feng Yong noticed this action of his, and felt a little bit unhappy in his heart. You guys, I'm talking about business with you, and you've already sneaked at my little gentleman twice. What do you mean? Too long to live?

So Feng Yong said to Guan Ji, "Mr. Xi, is there someone arguing over there? Go over there first and have a look."

Guan Ji's eyes were clear, she glanced at Feng Yong probingly, and then at Wu Ming, but she didn't ask why, she nodded and walked away.

"Okay, Ma'am is gone, you can speak directly if you have anything to say."

Only then did Wu Ming smile a little embarrassedly, "Forgive me, my lord, what the villain wanted to say was a bit dirty, and I was afraid it would spoil my wife's ears, so I didn't dare to say it clearly just now."

This remark made Feng Yong a little strange, "What is it that can't be said in front of Madam?"

Wu Ming looked around again to confirm that there were no women, and then he leaned over and said softly, "If the Lord wants to produce more mules, someone among the villain's ineffective apprentices has suggested a way."

"Oh?" Feng Yong immediately became interested when he heard it, "What method?"

Wu Ming turned around and shouted to the horse pen, "Zhou Lu, Zhou Lu, come quickly."

I saw a young gentleman trotting over to Feng Yong very quickly, with a puzzled look on his face, he obviously didn't know what his master asked him to come here for.

But when he saw Feng Yong, the expression on his face became unconcealable excitement and admiration.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and greet the prince!"

Wu Ming hated iron and steel and kicked this young man who looked a little silly.

"Little man... Zhou, Zhou Lu, I met Feng Langjun!"

Zhou Lu looked overly nervous and stuttered.

At this time, those who used to call Feng Yong Feng Langjun were basically the early residents of Nanxiang.

Especially young men like Zhou Lu, nine and a half out of ten are Feng Yong's admirers, and they are Feng Yong's most staunch supporters.

Feng Yong smiled gently and understandingly, and tried to relax him as much as possible, "Zhou Lu? Where did the name come from?"

"Yes, it was taken by the master in the school." Zhou Lu's face turned red, and his chest heaved a little. It became a good book."

"Later, the villain was selected into the school again, and had to have an official name. The masters in the school knew that the villain was born next to the stove, so they took a stove."

Damn this bunch of poor literati, no matter how unscrupulous they are, they still looked down on Qianshou from the bottom of their hearts at the very beginning, otherwise they wouldn't have given them such a name in such a perfunctory manner.

The smile on Feng Yong's face remained unchanged, and he nodded, "I see. Then how did you become a veterinarian?"

There are two ways out of the school, one is medical school, and the other is to do practical work at the grassroots level.

Those who become veterinarians should be regarded as an exception.

"The villain studied in school for two years, and then entered the medical school as a helper. Because there are not enough patients, and the villain prefers livestock, so he often goes to the ranch to see a doctor and practice his hands."

Feng Yong: ...

So I am still worried about the medical conditions of my soldiers.

"Why do you like cattle?"

Feng Yong resisted the desire to complain, and asked again.

"When I was young, my family was too poor, and I dreamed of having a big animal..."

Your dream is really...

Feng Yong suddenly realized that he didn't know how to complain about this.

"Then what?"

"Then Master saw that I was eager to learn, so he taught me a lot."

Zhou Lu glanced at Wu Ming gratefully again.

Wu Ming smiled kindly.

What a good, simple boy!

Feng Yong sighed, and then asked, "Master Wu just said, do you have a way to produce more mules?"

Zhou Lu glanced at Wu Ming again in surprise, and after receiving Wu Ming's encouragement, his face that had just returned to normal began to turn red again, and said a little coyly, "It's just a random guess."

"It's a good thing to have an idea." Feng Yong encouraged, "Let's listen to it."

"It's's..." Zhou Lu pinched for a long time, but couldn't explain why, and his face became more and more red.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Feng Yong frowned. What's not to say about this beast?

"That's it……"

Seeing the urging look on Feng Yong's face, Zhou Lu finally explained in a stuttering voice, as if he was muttering to himself.

If Feng Yong hadn't focused on listening, I'm afraid he really couldn't hear clearly.

But when he finished listening, his eyes widened and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Wu Ming watched anxiously, thinking that Zhou Lu's voice was too low to explain clearly.

In addition, he was old and thick-skinned, so he coughed dryly immediately, "Your Majesty, what Zhou Lu means this week is to treat the donkey only when the mare is ready to conceive..."

Feng Yong raised his right hand, "Okay, you don't need to talk about it."

Wu Ming's words were interrupted, he didn't know why, and he glanced at Zhou Lu with some worry.

Only then did Zhou Lu wake up, and hurriedly hid his hands behind his back, even his neck turned red.

Feng Yong looked at the bewildered young man in front of him, and was speechless for a long time. In the end, all the words in his heart could only be merged into one sentence: You are so fucking talented!


It should be said that Lao Tzu's Nanxiang School is full of talents!

"How did you come up with it?"

Feng Yong couldn't bear his curiosity, so he asked a question.

"Little man, when the villain is castrating the pasture livestock, sometimes he accidentally bumps into them and finds them..."

Well, you don't need to go on.

Your observation is really careful.

Feng Yong pondered for a while, and asked, "Have you tried this method?"

"Donkeys haven't tried it, but horses have."

Wu Ming nodded quickly, "There are always one or two stallions in the pasture every spring, and sometimes they are not so active. We tried this method, and it was quickly resolved."


Feng Yong really couldn't complain about Wu Ming's words in his heart. Sure enough, the masses of the people are the real creators of productivity!

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