Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 670: Exploration

Yo huh?

Little girl, do you know who this old man is?

Do you know why the big man granted me the title of Marquis of Jiequanting?

The big brother who is the leader of the Great Han Xinghan Association knows?

Showing my name in Nanzhong can stop the little barbarians from crying at night.

When the Qianghu Qushuai in Longyou saw me, he would call Feng Langjun respectfully.

Dare to say that I am worthless?

So Captain Feng Huqiang asked with trepidation, "I don't know what advice does Si Niang have?"

Zhang Xingyi patted the letter back into Feng Yong's arms, "Let me ask you, why did you choose Xinghan as the name of the meeting?"

"Naturally, it means revitalizing the Han Dynasty."

"Then it's over? As the leader of the Xinghan Society, after the victory of the Northern Expedition, you wrote a letter to warn the brothers in the society not to forget their original intentions and encourage them to continue to work hard for the revival of the Han Dynasty. Isn't it the right time? ?”

Zhang Xingyi said as a matter of course, "If it were me, I would not only write to Li Feng, but also write an oath to announce to everyone in the meeting."

"In this way, it will not only unite the hearts of the members of the association, but also enhance the reputation of the Xinghan Association."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingyi looked Feng Yong up and down again, with a reluctant expression on his face.

"Now you are a Marquis after all, and you are guarding one side. You can barely be regarded as a person. At this time, you don't flaunt yourself, but speak your mind so that the world will know it. When will you wait?"

After Zhang Xingyi said something, Guan Ji, who is not sensitive to politics, was stunned.

She asked Si Niang to try to help, in order to have one more person to discuss with.

Never thought that in the eyes of Si Niang, this is not a problem at all, and the situation will be broken in a few words.


Feng Yong slapped his thigh and applauded.

I warned the brothers in the meeting, let everyone not forget the original intention, this is the righteousness, who dares to say wrong?

But Guan Ji should calm down, "But even so, we still don't know why the Prime Minister asked A Lang to do this."

"It's not that simple? Even rural folks know what it means to be the head of a family, but how can the prime minister not know? The emperor's brother-in-law once said publicly when offering sacrifices to the late emperor that the prime minister should govern and the widows should sacrifice."

"It means that all the affairs of the Han Dynasty are entrusted to the prime minister. However, Li Yan relied on the elite soldiers entrusted by the late emperor to support the army and wanted to govern a region. During the Northern Expedition, the emperor's brother-in-law asked him to lead the army to assist the prime minister. He excused delay .”

"Now that he is asked to return to Jincheng to assist the government, he actually regards Jiangzhou as a forbidden land, and does not allow others to get involved, and ignores the imperial court's decree that he favored him as the governor of Jiangzhou."

"If it was before the Northern Expedition, or the Northern Expedition...well," Zhang Xingyi hummed, "Perhaps the prime minister would still have some scruples, but now that the Northern Expedition has won a great victory, how could the prime minister let Li Yan ignore it?"

That sound, Feng Yong knew what it meant: it was the failure of the Northern Expedition in the original history.

"So, if Li Yan is sensible, it's okay, but he is so ignorant, what do you think will happen to him?"

Zhang Xingyi stared at Feng Yong, his expression became more and more serious, "The prime minister asked you to participate in this matter, in my opinion, he actually valued you."

"So," she paused, then looked outside again, making sure no one could hear her, and then continued, "So Li Yan lost power, that's inevitable."

"He has received too much favor, does not think of loyal repayment, acts without reason, does not deal with shame, loses his mind, abandons discipline in prison, leads others to commit adultery, is narrow-minded and crazy, has no world, exposes himself to adultery, and hates his heart." Suisheng..."

Feng Yong watched Zhang Xingyi's small mouth open and close continuously, and his face twitched.

It's only now that I realize that you are really a little expert at putting on hats.

When it comes to scolding people, it's much more powerful than me, Feng Langjun, who is as clever as I am!

"Who taught you this?"

Seeing that she showed no signs of stopping, Feng Yong quickly interrupted her accusation against Li Yan.

"Some are what my sister told me, and some are my own thoughts, such as these crimes."

Zhang Xingyi pretended to be cowardly in front of the two of them, feeling very satisfied, she put her hips on her hips, "So you are a coward!"

Hearing this comment, Feng Yong glanced at Guan Ji invisibly. Fortunately, Guan Ji didn't notice.

After all, Siniang was still too young, so she slipped her tongue out of complacency.

Zhang Xingyi also didn't notice her speech problems, she just continued to say, "Li Yan is the assistant minister appointed by the late emperor, and his status is extraordinary."

"Those who can participate in this matter are either high-ranking officials or veteran ministers."

"This time the prime minister asked you to write a letter to Li Feng, no matter whether it succeeds or not, it is considered to have done your part in this matter. This is obviously pushing you, don't you value you?"

Hearing Zhang Xingyi's words, Feng Tubie was immediately elated. Sure enough, the natives still had to rely on the natives to understand the way of thinking.

Thinking of this, he looked at Guan Ji again, um, I mean, the same kind of native.

Those who play with physical strength and those who play with mental strength are not the same category.

Seeing that Guan Ji still hadn't recovered, Zhang Xingyi pulled her out impatiently, "Sister, let's go and help me pick a horse."

Guan Ji was forcibly pulled out of the door by Zhang Xingyi, and turned her head to look at Feng Yong.

Feng Yong returned a look.

Then Guan Ji followed Zhang Xingyi and left.

After the two girls had left the city, Guan Ji sighed and said, "Si Niang, thank you very much this time."

Zhang Xingyi giggled, holding Guan Ji's arm tightly, and Guan Ji seemed very affectionate, "Aren't sister's words too strange?"

The two were talking when there was a commotion ahead.

I saw many Qianghu women, or holding packages in their arms, or leading their children, gathered together in batches under the guidance of Dongfeng Express staff, and entered the camp that had been prepared long ago.

The weather was getting colder, and they had to go to Hanzhong before it snowed, at least they had to pass Qishan Mountain.

As long as you pass Qishan Mountain and enter Wudu, the climate is much warmer than Longyou because of the obstruction of the remaining veins of Qinling Mountains.

A cauldron was set up in the camp, and the steam was steaming inside, giving off the aroma of food.

In the past few days, they have learned to line up to receive food.

Their bodies were no longer the same as they were at the beginning. Everyone was covered with woolen cloth. Although it was ugly and rough, they all wrapped the woolen cloth tightly.

Life inside the camp couldn't be better than it was outside.

At least in winter, you don't have to worry about freezing to death or starving to death.

It's just that there are a lot of rules, but compared to being able to eat, dress and survive, this is not a problem.

Li Mu led people to patrol the camp, and everywhere they went, people bowed their heads and saluted her.

Sensing that Guan Ji's gaze seemed to be looking in Li Mu's direction for a long time, Zhang Xingyi rolled his eyes, "Sister, I have something I want to tell you."

Guan Ji's eyes turned to her, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Xingyi gestured to the servant girl who followed closely behind.

"Stay away and don't let anyone approach you."

Guan Ji gave an order.

Zhang Xingyi then said, "Sister, have you ever thought that if something happens to the Feng family one day, you will have to give up something to protect yourself. What do you think is the last thing you can lose?"

Guan Ji looked at Zhang Xingyi with sharp eyes.

Zhang Xingyi suddenly felt as if he was being watched by a beast, and he couldn't help being a little scared.

"Sister, I mean if."

Guan Ji frowned, "Why do you have such an idea?"

Zhang Xingyi relieved the pressure a bit, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, "Sister, Feng's residence is not as good as it used to be, no matter how you say it can be regarded as a rich and powerful family."

"No family is ever-lasting. It's normal to have ups and downs. The key is, when it declines, whether it has the confidence to rise again."

Zhang Xingyi said seriously, "Sister, you are the main wife of the Feng family. According to the current momentum, the Feng family will have a place in the big man in the future."

"As for you, sister, you are the first-generation mistress who supported the Feng family. It is related to the future of the Feng family. You will have to face this kind of thing sooner or later, and it should be sooner rather than later."

Guan Ji was silent for a long time, and then she said, "The last thing the Feng family can't lose is naturally A Lang."

Zhang Xingyi stroked his forehead and sighed, "Of course I know. I mean, what if Brother needs to be stung for a while?"

Guan Ji frowned even deeper.

Zhang Xingyi's words touched the depths of her heart.

Coupled with Alang's hesitation caused by the prime minister's letter, Guan Ji had to face up to this issue.

No family can last forever.

Guan Ji felt more deeply about this sentence than anyone else.

Before the loss of Jingzhou, my lord was the second man in the Han Dynasty, only under Qu Xiandi.

Controlling the strategically important place of Jingzhou, he can independently mobilize troops and collect money and food independently.

But even a hero like an adult will be attacked and die one day.

Then the Guan family suddenly collapsed like an avalanche, and was disgusted and loathed in the Han territory. How could Guan Ji forget the feeling of it?

If Alang loses power, then the Guan family, which has just regained momentum, is likely to fall again.

Although she didn't understand why Siniang reminded herself of this, Guan Ji knew that she was not as good as her in this regard, and she had no reason to harm the Feng family at this time.

So Guan Ji asked in a low voice, "Si Niang, what do you think the Feng family can't lose the most?"

Hearing Guan Ji's words, Zhang Xingyi smiled slightly, and said softly, "Sister, in my opinion, the last thing my brother can't lose is Nanxiang."

"Whether it's Dongfeng Express or Nanzhong Industry, including Yuexuan, and even my brother's current official position, you can lose it."

"But as long as the foundation of Nanxiang is still there, no matter what happens to my elder brother, I can easily get back up at any time."

Zhang Xingyi stretched out his hand and counted for Guan Ji with his fingers, "Needless to mention the workshops, mines, exchanges, reserve bureaus and other places in Nanxiang."

"I'm just talking about my elder brother's greatest reliance in the army, isn't it the Nanxiang soldiers?"

"There are also students from Nanxiang Academy who are brother's most powerful assistants, so as long as Nanxiang is around, brother will not fall down."

Zhang Xingyi looked in Li Mu's direction again, "So, Nanxiang must not lose anything. But sister, do you know who is brother's most important thing in Nanxiang?"

Guan Ji followed Zhang Xingyi's gaze and looked at Li Mu, "You mean Li Mu?"

"That's right! Although the two Nanxiang county magistrates have to call Brother Brother, what about the next county magistrate? Who can guarantee that?"

"But Nanxiang's property is different. As long as my brother doesn't speak up, no one can change the manager of Nanxiang's property."

"Now Nanxiang's workshop, exchange, and reserve bureau are all under the control of Li Mu. It can be said that as long as she is willing, it is enough to turn Nanxiang upside down."

After hearing this, Guan Ji subconsciously retorted, "Impossible, the school will review those industries every month, and she won't do that."

Zhang Xingyi giggled, "Yeah, I agree with that, it seems impossible for Li Mu to do that, but why is she so loyal to her job?"

Guan Ji looked at Zhang Xingyi.

Zhang Xingyi hugged Guan Ji's arm again, and rubbed against her.

Guan Ji understood, she tapped Zhang Xingyi's forehead, and said with a smile, "You've said so much, so you're just waiting for me here by detour?"

"Oh, my sister is the wife of the Feng family. This matter is related to the important affairs of the Feng family. My little sister reminds me, is there something wrong?"

Guan Ji ignored Li Mu and said sharply in her faint smile, "It's true that you're wrong, but why are you so concerned about the Feng family?"

"Because my elder brother and the queen's brother-in-law are the same age, my sister wants my elder brother and the emperor's brother-in-law to be like the former emperor and the prime minister.

Zhang Xingyi admitted generously, without the slightest bit of embarrassment.

The elder sister she was talking about this time was not Guan Ji, but her own elder sister, Empress of the Han Dynasty.

Even if the prime minister can last until the day when he returns to the old capital, can he still last forever?

What's more, the prime minister has been working hard on state affairs for the past few years, and he has aged at a visible speed.

According to my elder sister, the prime minister's letter to the emperor's brother-in-law has already begun to mention the future of the great man.

This shows that the prime minister is already planning for the future.

During the Northern Expedition, no one had any doubts about Brother Feng's role as the leader of the younger generation of the Han Dynasty.

The prime minister insisted on bringing brother in during the Li Yan incident this time, but he was actually paving the way for him to enter the court.

Therefore, Brother Feng's family must be one of the future important ministers of the great man prepared by the prime minister.

The prime minister has already started to prepare for the future, and the royal family should also be prepared.

In this era, even as the wife of an ordinary family, one has to worry about the long-term future of the family.

As Guan Ji is the head of the Feng family, Zhang Xingyi reminded her to consider the future of the Feng family, no matter what the purpose is, but from a logical point of view, she is right.

Zhang Xingyi, who represented the royal family, said that the monarch and his ministers should be in harmony, which also made Guan Ji's heart skip a beat.

The prime minister valued A Lang, and he knew it.

But A Lang is not the only person who is valued by the prime minister. There are many people in the prime minister's mansion who are far older than A Lang.

Such as Yang Yi, such as Jiang Wan.

A Lang had troubled Jiang Wan's son Jiang Bin back then.

Especially Yang Yi, when Alang mentions this person, he often has a look of disgust on his face.

And Wei Yan, because of what happened back then, Alang often called him an old man behind his back.

This shows that Alang and everyone in the prime minister's mansion are not very harmonious.

My aunt regards her as her own daughter, so she is naturally more aware of the prime minister's physical condition than Siniang.

So what happened behind the prime minister was not out of sight.

At that time, there will definitely be some turmoil in the court, and no one knows what kind of status A Lang is in.

All things are planned according to the worst-case scenario, so I have to consider what Siniang said: the Feng family needs to abandon some things and go into slumber, waiting to be revived.

But what if there is the support of the emperor?

Seeing Guan Ji's thoughtful expression, Zhang Xingyi smiled slyly.

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