Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 671 Family Event

Longyou night in October is much colder than daytime.

The kang bed was warm and warm, and there was a small table on it, and Feng Yong sat cross-legged on it, burying his head in writing.

The oil lamps in three different directions illuminate quite brightly without being blocked by shadows, and it doesn't hurt the eyes too much.

After soaking her feet, Guan Ji climbed onto the kang and asked softly, "What is Ah Lang writing about?"

"Well, I'm writing a winter training plan."

Feng Yong raised his head and replied, "By the way, Xijun, Siniang said to write a letter to Li Feng during the day, and then I will ask Xijun to help me write it for me. After all, my handwriting is too ugly, and it is Xijun's handwriting. nice."

Guan Ji responded, and leaned over to ask, "Last night, Alang mentioned this winter training plan, but I didn't ask in detail, what exactly is it?"

"I want to select some more people from the Qianghu tribe to join the soldiers of the Huqiang Captain, and at the same time let everyone train in winter to adapt to the severe cold in Longyou."

Feng Yong explained.

The recruitment time of later generations is basically in October, and recruits enter the camp in November and December, and the training time for recruits happens to be in winter.

The coldest time of the year is almost the most difficult time. If they can get through this, it will be much easier in the future.

Therefore, Feng Yong felt that the soldiers belonging to the Hu Qiang school lieutenant could also use this method.

"It's just the beginning of winter, and it's already so cold. If it's another month, I'm afraid it will snow. My concubine once heard that it's common for people to freeze to death in the northern winter, let alone frostbite or disability. "

"Ah Lang wants to let the soldiers train in winter, will it cause dissatisfaction in the army?"

Guan Ji asked with some concern.

"If you feed them and clothe them warmly, they won't." Feng Yong is not worried about this problem at all. "What's more, we also have glycerin. If you apply it on the face, hands and feet, it won't cause frostbite."

Things that later generations could endure even for an only child, for no reason, become unbearable in this era of life and death.

"But in this way, I'm afraid it will cost more food and clothing."

Guan Ji was still a little worried.

There is basically nothing to do in winter, not to mention the Hu people, but the people in Shu in the past, they would stay still when they were half full to avoid wasting food.

What's more, there is a shortage of food in Longyou now. According to the plan, the food that each tribe can receive each month in this winter is basically enough to keep people from starving.

Coupled with the wool that is sent down, it can barely let the Qianghu tribe survive this winter.

The only ones who can have enough to eat are the Han army under the Huqiang Xiaowei, and a small number of Qianghu soldiers who have been admitted to be naturalized.

If there are more soldiers and training in winter, the food consumption in the army will only increase.

"I plan to stop distributing Pingxiang's food. When the weather gets cold, let the tribes send their own people to get the food stamps from Qishan."

Feng Yong explained, "Dongfeng Express only needs to transport the grain to Qishan, which saves energy and does not need to damage the horses too much."

"In this way, Pingxiang's food can be saved, which is enough to supply this winter's training."

The Three Kingdoms was an era when the Han Dynasty still existed, and Hanism was prevalent. Qiang Hu wanted to get the green card of the Han people. In the past, it was impossible without the unremitting efforts of two or three generations.

Even for Jin Ridun, a successful example of the naturalized Hu people, it was only the third generation who became a real Han Chinese.

Let alone ordinary Hu people.

No matter how much Han officials love the people like their own sons, there is still a difference in how they treat Han people and Hu people.

For example, to open up a wasteland in the frontier, the Han officials allocated 20 mu to the Hu people, and the Han people were given at least 30 mu, or 50 mu.

When adjudicating disputes, they can mediate fairly. In the eyes of Hu people, this kind of official has been regarded as rare for decades, and they are deeply loved by Hu people.

Not to mention taxes, the Han people may have received one tithe in the Taiping era, but the Hu people may have received three tithes, or even five tithes, and sometimes they had to use cattle and sheep to offset the tax.

Even at certain times, the government and local wealthy families will use various means to force them into slavery.

But now that the world has been in chaos for decades, and the local rich have taken the opportunity to hide their population, the registered population has decreased rapidly. More importantly, the big Han has the smallest population and territory among the Three Kingdoms.

Therefore, it is also the most in need of supplementary population.

Even though the population was checked two years ago, the current registered population in central Shu is only 1.6 million, which is still pitifully small compared to Wei.

This situation led the Han Dynasty to take measures to register the Qimin registration of the Qianghu in Longyou after acquiring Longyou, and at the same time relax the conditions for entering Han nationality.

Let them be directly under the jurisdiction of the Han government, bear the same taxes and corvees as the Han people, and no longer be bullied by the local wealthy.

At least compared to the previous heavy exploitation, there is hope.

The Qianghu soldiers under the Huqiang Xiaowei were the first batch of naturalized Hu people in Longyou who were promoted to Han nationality, and they were the tribe that contributed the most to the Han Dynasty during the Northern Expedition.

Their tribe was also the first tribe to receive preferential treatment.

The expansion of troops this time is believed to be in line with Qu Shuai's wishes of many tribes.

Guan Ji still has doubts, "Let the tribes collect the food by themselves, then when they transport the food by themselves, the loss will also increase. If the rations are insufficient by then, what should I do?"

"The prime minister asked Alang to take the post of Qiang Xiaowei because he liked Alang's reputation in Longyou Qianghu so as to appease Qianghu. If something goes wrong, how will he explain it to the prime minister?"

Feng Yong smiled reassuringly, "What we lack is not food, but the inability to transport food to Pingxiang in winter. Qishan Road is warmer than Longyou in winter, so it is not a big problem to transport food to Qishan with Yunnan horses. "

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, and a hint of deceit flashed in his eyes.

"At that time, we can give them more food stamps. In this way, not only can they make up for the loss of their own food transportation, but also give Qiang Hu a false impression."

"Let them think that we have increased the food quota, and they may be secretly happy in their hearts, and we can even win another wave of people's hearts. Don't worry, sir, I know how to do this."

When Guan Ji heard such brazen words, and saw that this person was not ashamed, her face was full of complacency, she couldn't laugh or cry.

"It's okay for Alang to be like this to outsiders. If my concubine has a child in the future, I just hope that Alang must remember to teach him to know shame before teaching him knowledge."

Looking at the beauties under the lights is more exciting than usual.

Hearing Guan Ji mentioning the baby again at this time, Feng Yong felt a little itchy in his heart, and he immediately moved Xiaoji off the kang.

"Why don't you write?"

Guan Ji asked a little strangely.

"No hurry, no hurry, let's talk about the baby first."

While Feng Yong answered, he climbed onto the kang with a smile on his face, and approached Guan Ji.

"Boy, I will definitely teach them to know shame. But isn't it not yet? Xijun, what do you think we should do?"

Guan Ji's face flushed, her eyes rolled like water, and she spat, "What do you want?"

Seeing that Feng Yong didn't answer, she was salivating and wanted to get closer, Guan Ji hurriedly held him down, "I have something to ask you."

"We'll talk about it later."

"No, I have to talk tonight, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

"If I sleep, you will naturally fall asleep."

Seeing this person's appearance, Guan Ji knew that she couldn't make sense with him, so she flipped her hand over, clasped his hand, and exerted a little force on it.

Feng Junhou turned over involuntarily immediately, begging for mercy, "Oh! Take it easy... Xijun, take it easy, it hurts!"

"My concubine has something to tell you."

Guan Ji relaxed a little bit, she pretended to be slightly annoyed, but she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes.

"Say it, tell it, I'm listening!"

Feng Junhou was pinched at this time, and he responded repeatedly.

Guan Ji let him go after hearing this.

Feng Yong quickly withdrew his hand, grinning and rubbing his wrist.

Guan Ji was afraid that he would be really angry, so she pulled her over to massage him, and said softly, "Alang, don't blame me, this concubine just remembered something that has been on my mind for a long time."

"I just mentioned the matter of the child, and I remembered that this matter is also related to the future of our Feng family, so I wanted to ask."

When Feng Yong heard "the future of the Feng family", he couldn't help but laugh, "It seems that Xijun wants to discuss important matters of the Feng family with me, and she really looks like a mistress."

"What are you talking about? This concubine is the mistress of the Feng family!"

Guan Ji patted his hand dissatisfied.

"Okay, you say."

Seeing that her expression became serious, Feng Yong quickly stopped joking.

"Alang's army relies on Nanxiang soldiers, and political affairs rely on students from Nanxiang School. The Feng family originated in Fengzhuang and flourished in Nanxiang Workshop. Therefore, Feng's family is rooted in Jincheng and originally in Nanxiang. Is this true?"

Feng Yong was a little confused, and responded in a diffuse voice, "It's sort of."

"But our Feng family is weak, and Nanxiang is entrusted to others to take care of them, and no one is from the Feng family."

Guan Ji frowned slightly, "Especially that Li Mu, who is in charge of so many properties, is A Lang relieved?"

Feng Yong looked at Guan Ji's worried look, and said with a smile, "Why don't you worry? Li Mu has done a good job in recent years, hasn't he?"

"But she is not young anymore, and she will marry someone after all. If she marries someone else, then she will have to marry a husband and teach her children. When that happens, who will Ah Lang entrust to Nanxiang?"

Guan Ji asked.

"Li Mu...has a sweetheart?" Feng Yong turned pale with shock, "Are you planning to get married? It shouldn't be, why didn't I know?"

"Does she still need Alang's permission if she wants to get married?"

"Why...well, I mean, at least tell me in advance?"

Feng Yong almost slipped his mouth.


Guan Ji's eyes were sharp.

"By... why?" Feng Yong repeated it stammeringly, thinking that when the Li family sent her here, they just let me deal with it?

I worked so hard to bring her up, but she is going to get married?


Which bastard dares to push my cabbage?

Watch how I kill him!

"Nanxiang is such a big plate, how can she say no to it?" Feng Yong was sweating a little anxiously, "I haven't seen her mention this before!"

"How can the movement of Nanxiang escape Alang's eyes? Alang's concern will cause chaos!"

Guan Ji looked at Feng Yong with a half-smile.

"I'm worried that no one will take care of Nanxiang for me."

Seeing Guan Ji's expression, Feng Yong immediately understood that Li Mu's marriage was a false alarm, and immediately refuted with confidence.

"That is to say, Ah Lang never thought about Li Mu getting married?"

Guan Ji suddenly countered the army again.

"No... no, I thought about it, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Feng Yong quickly argued.

"She is not young anymore." Guan Ji emphasized again, "Even if the government relaxed the marriage age in the past two years, she is beyond the marriage age."

"If it wasn't in Nanxiang, I'm afraid the government would come to urge the marriage and fine you money."

"Nanxiang is the foundation of Feng's family and A Lang. As the mistress of Feng's family, I have a long-term plan for Feng's family, so I have to carefully consider Li Mu's matter."

Guan Ji stared at Feng Yong with burning eyes.

"Then... what do you think, Mr. Xi?"

Feng Junhou had no choice but to succumb in front of Guan Ji, who exercised the power of the Feng family's mistress.

Seeing Feng Yong scratching his ears and cheeks, Guan Ji finally couldn't help smiling slightly with a tense face, and held Feng Yong's hand, "It seems that A Lang really trusts this Li Mu."

"Could it be that A Lang is so confident that even if Li Mu is married, he will still work for A Lang?"

Although he didn't want to bring up the fact that Li Mu was going to get married, Feng Yong knew that this matter had to be faced in the end, so he also expressed his opinion immediately.

"What's the matter? From my point of view, Li Muqi, if it's the same choice between being in charge of Nanxiang and getting married, she would definitely choose Nanxiang to be in charge rather than marry."

This woman Li Mu is not simple, indeed it is not simple, that refers to her management talent and means.

But if it is simple, it is also simple.

That is her request is simple.

This woman is proud and strong, and she makes no secret of her fascination with power.

But he is very measured, never contaminates things that should not be contaminated, and has strong self-control.

In this era, only I can give her the world to fully display her talents. Before no one can give her a bigger world, it is impossible for her to betray herself.

But does this possibility exist?

Feng Yong felt that it was impossible to exist.

It is a trend that aristocratic families who pay attention to Confucian classics continue to restrain women.

According to the rules, the wife of a big man can inherit the title of her husband.

But in the era of Cao Pi when the aristocratic family was in power, Cao Pi wanted to pursue the dead parents of the empress dowager when he proclaimed the emperor. Chen Qun, the representative of the aristocratic family, took the lead in opposing it.

In the end, Cao Wei set the rule that "the ministers are not allowed to serve the queen mother, the family of the descendant family is not allowed to serve as assistant government, and they are not allowed to accept the title of Mao Shi".

Therefore, the system of women's nobility inherited from the Qin and Han Dynasties was terminated in the Cao Wei era.

Li Mu, who came from a family, understood this situation very well, so she naturally knew that no one in the world could give her such great freedom except herself.

But Guan Ji is a native Han woman, she can't understand Feng Yong's thinking brought over from later generations.

More importantly, as the mistress of the Feng family, it is certainly impossible for her to put the foundation of the Feng family on the assumption that people's hearts will not change.

"Since A Lang is so sure, that concubine can't say anything more. But I have to find an opportunity to talk to that Li Mu, what does A Lang think?"

Seeing Guan Ji's persistence, Feng Yong finally felt for the first time people in this era's obsession with continuing and strengthening the family.

I used to think that Guan Ji was mild-tempered, and since they got married, she has been running around with him, and she is getting more and more calm, and she is also caressing Qiang.

She had never mentioned to herself what the Feng family should do, but she never thought that mentioning it would be so solemn.

Feng Yong felt a slight shock in his heart, and nodded immediately, "Xijun is the mistress of the Feng family, and the affairs of this house are decided by Xijun."

When Guan Ji heard this, a smile appeared on her face, and she held Feng Yong's hand tightly, "Uncle Jun died in the battle in Yiling, so he exchanged his life for a bit of the foundation of the Feng family."

"With this foundation, Ah Lang was able to work hard to create the current Feng family. As the wife of the Feng family, how dare I be careless?"

Feng Yong respects the ideas of the ancients, especially this ancient man is his lord, "Well, it is really a blessing to have my lord by my side in this life."

It's just that this person can't take more than three breaths.

He swallowed, "Xijun, look, it's late at night, the foundation of the Feng family lies in the heirs, we have to work hard to find a way!"

Guan Ji's face turned red again, "I have one more thing to do, Siniang will be leaving the next day, shall we have a banquet?"

I only heard Feng Junhou said impatiently, "You don't have to worry about such small things, just leave it to someone! Come, come, let's continue to discuss family affairs!"

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