Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 673 Advance

"Let the meat stay in it for a while, and eat it when it's cooked."

Feng Yong gave another order.

Although many people like to cook mutton for umami, Feng Yong would rather wait for it to be fully cooked before eating it.

Otherwise, in later generations, parasites and bacilli can be treated with surgery, but there is no cure in this era.

Maybe Hua Tuo can cure it, but Hua Tuo's apprentice obviously doesn't have this medical skill.

Zhang Xingyi obediently put it inside for a while, then asked carefully, "Are you ready?"

"Okay, dip the meat in the juice and try it."

Feng Yong watched Zhang Xingyi put the meat into his mouth and asked, "How is it? Does it suit your taste?"

Zhang Xingyi didn't answer, and after swallowing, he picked up another piece of meat and put it into the hot pot, "Let me try another piece."

Seeing her only worked hard for a while, she cooked several pieces of meat in a row, and her eyes were bent into crescent moons. Only then did they know that they were tricked by her.

Guan Ji was about to move her chopsticks, but Feng Yong had already put a piece of hot cooked meat into the seasoning bowl in front of her, "Taste it, Xijun."

Then someone kicked under the table.

After sitting upright, he took the opportunity to glance at the opposite side, only to see that the crescent moon had been turned into almond eyes, and his little cheeks were bulging, and he didn't know how much meat was stuffed in his mouth.

It seems very dissatisfied to be shown affection.

"Hey, Si Niang, you can also try this red oil soup. This is red oil boiled with Li peppers, which can keep out the cold. Mutton is also a warming and tonic food. It is just right to eat the two together."

Feng Yong coughed dryly.

"No, I just like this clear soup."

Zhang Xingyi snorted, and put a few pieces of meat into the clear soup pot in a demonstration.

Guan Ji laughed from the side, "This family banquet was originally prepared for Si Niang, you can eat whatever you like, don't worry about your brother-in-law."

She said so, but she was not slow on hand, and put the meat into the red oil soup.

Feng Yong resented, and told Amei, "Go and get me a bowl of rice."

Eating hot pot is a bit bad. Without staple food, I always feel that I have no foundation in my stomach and cannot resist hunger.

He wanted to ask a few people if they wanted staple food, but when he saw that the three women were all eating their chopsticks like flying, and their eyes were only on the gurgling hot pot soup, he stopped asking for trouble.

Although Li Mu kept silent, it was obvious that the red oil soup was very suitable for her taste. Except for the first time she saw her boil the meat in the clear soup pot, the rest was all red oil soup.

Sure enough, she is an authentic Sichuan girl.

Feng Yong ate quickly, finished the rice in two or three strokes, and finished a large plate of mutton. He got up and said, "Eat slowly."

Although it seemed that the three girls were having a good time eating, they were worried about Feng Yong's presence, especially Li Mu, who always covered his mouth with his hands when eating, and ate in small bites, pretending to be a lady.

However, he chewed very fast, and the chopsticks were not slow at all.

Seeing that Feng Yong was worried for her.

Called Ah Mei to go out and went back to the backyard, then said to her, "There are still two washed hot pots in the kitchen, take them to my room to make a fire."

"You can also see how I did it before. Do what you want to eat yourself." He burped as he spoke, and patted his belly. "Madam, I don't need you to wait on me."

Seeing that she was still hesitant, he urged, "Go, what are you still doing?"

Amei whispered, "But the lord, it's made of gold, how dare the maidservant use such things?"

"Gold, what is gold? Copper is copper, return gold?" Feng Yong waved his hand impatiently, "Is there still a little copper in the house? Go, it's very annoying!"

After driving Amei away, I went back to the house. As soon as I sat on the kang, I felt very warm. When it was warm in winter, I just wanted to doze off, and when I dozed off, I wanted to sleep...

I didn't know how long I squinted in half lying down, I felt as if someone climbed onto the kang, it should be Guan Ji.

Sleeping soundly, I didn't bother to open my eyes, and muttered, "Finish?"

Before the person came to answer, a burst of hot pot smell was already blowing into his nostrils.

It's just the taste, why doesn't it seem right?

Feng Yong sniffed again, only to hear someone say softly, "Well, my concubine has never eaten this kind of food, so I am a little full, thank you, Alang."

"Thank me for what? This is for Si Niang..."

Speaking of this, the confusion in my mind finally disappeared, and I finally knew what was wrong.

Feng Yong got up in a jerk, and shrank into the kang, "Si Niang, why are you here?"

"Seeing that Alang is sleeping soundly, and there is nothing to cover, so I want to cover Alang with a blanket."

Zhang Xingyi raised the blanket in Yang's hand, ready to move it over.

Feng Yong glanced at the door, his forehead was sweating, "Don't make trouble, Si Niang, the door is open, if San Niang comes in and sees it, it will be troublesome."

"What are you afraid of?" Zhang Xingyi pushed him into a corner, licked his lips, "Sister is still talking to Li Mu in the front yard, will she be back soon?"

Seeing that Feng Yong was still talking, Zhang Xingyi's face darkened, "I'm not cowardly, if you do this again, I'll yell!"


Sweat began to flow down Feng Yong's forehead.

"Amei is in the next room!"

"Hmph, give her ten guts, she dares to talk nonsense?" Zhang Xingyi showed no fear, "Don't be wordy! Just for a while!"

Feng Yong didn't dare to move again.

Then it is full of hot pot flavor.

After being gentle for a while, Zhang Xingyi said quietly, "I also know about A Lang's difficulties, and it's not that I don't want to let go sometimes. It's just that I can't do it!"

Having said that, she turned around and bit Feng Yong's arm hard.

When the severe pain came, Feng Yong didn't dare to make a sound.

"Does it hurt?"


"It's right that it hurts, and the concubine feels the same pain in her heart."

Zhang Xingyi shrinks back, "But every time I think of Alang's love for my concubine, I feel that the pain is worth it. Alang, I want to..."

Feng Yong shook his body and subconsciously glanced at the door.

"I want the secret hotpot recipe that Alang made for my concubine."

"Okay, I'll write to you now."

Zhang Xingyi is not a person who is ignorant, knowing that Sister Guan will come back at any time, she reluctantly got down from the kang and laid the paper for Feng Yong with her own hands.

The process of hot pot is not complicated, and it can be written clearly in three or two strokes.

Zhang Xingyi folded the paper, put it in his arms, and said softly, "Thank you, A-Lang, but I will take care of everything that A-Lang gives me."

"It's not something to keep secret."

Feng Yong felt that she was making a fuss out of a molehill.

"This hot pot is naturally not something to keep secret, but what about the Peach Blossom Fu? Doesn't Alang want to keep it a secret?"

Zhang Xingyi's eyes were even more tender.

"What Peach Blossom Gift?"

Feng Yong thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of any peach blossom poems he had written, so he thought to himself, maybe someone wrote something in my name?

Zhang Xingyi came over again, and said softly, "Last year and today, in this door, the peach blossoms on the faces of the people complement each other. I don't know where the faces are going, but the peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze."

When Feng Yong heard it, the body of the tiger, the body of the porpoise, and the body of the dog suddenly shook!

"Si... how did Si Niang know about this poem?"

Then Feng Yong remembered a strange incident back then.

When I went to the Qin Mansion, I happened to meet Du Zhen, and that guy didn't even say hello to me, and just covered his face and ran away.

The original root is here.

Zhang Xingyi didn't answer, but read again, "I was born before Jun, and I am already old when you were born..."

The dog's body shakes again!

Ma Dazui, I shouldn't have saved you!

It's better to let you die in prison directly, or be beheaded by the prime minister, it's better than being cheated by you now!

Why Si Niang is so affectionate towards me, at this moment I finally know the answer.

At this moment, only the sound of footsteps could be heard from outside, Guan Ji walked in hastily, seeing the two of them in the room, she was taken aback for a moment, her expression became a little strange.

"Sister, I'm asking my brother-in-law for the secret recipe of the hot pot." Zhang Xingyi raised the paper in his hand and smiled, "In the future, there will inevitably be cows falling to their deaths on the pasture in Hanzhong."

Only then did Guan Ji's expression relax, and she said with a smile, "Let's do less evil, there are a lot of sheep in the pasture, so it's good to eat mutton."

She said this to Zhang Xingyi, and then immediately said to Feng Yong, "Ah Lang, hurry to the front hall, Uncle Zhao is here."

"Uncle Zhao?" Feng Yong's first reaction was the old butler who stayed behind at Jincheng Zhuangzi, "I didn't ask him to come here! Could something have happened to Zhuangzi?"

"It's Old General Zhao!"

Feng Yong was startled, and hurriedly walked out, "Why did General Zhao come over suddenly? And no one came to notify in advance!"

"Put on this coat first, it's cold outside."

Guan Ji followed behind, and while putting on Feng Yong's coat, she said, "Looking at Uncle Zhao's expression, he doesn't seem to be in a hurry, but he came here suddenly for some reason."

Back in the lobby of the front yard, I saw Mr. Zhao sitting at the table with a big horse, and Li Mu was waiting carefully, helping to pour the whole plate of meat into the hot pot.

It looked like the table had been tidied up, and a table was rearranged specially for the old man.

Mr. Zhao didn't even look at Feng Yong, he just stared at the steaming hot pot and said, "Here you are?"

As if he is the master here.

Before Feng Yong could answer, the old man told Li Mu again, "Go and get some more meat, it's not enough for your teeth."

Li Mu didn't dare to neglect, and trotted out to get ready.

"Sit, what are you doing standing there?"

Zhao Yun pointed to the chair beside him.

"Oh, okay, sit down."

Only then did Feng Yong come to his senses, and sat down beside Zhao Yun.

Li Mu came back soon, holding a large basin with meat protruding from it, and complimented him, "Lian Po in ancient times, when he was old, he could still eat rice, ten catties of meat, and mount a horse in armor."

"Old general Hu Wei, Lian Po's food is not bad, he drove from Jicheng to Pingxiang, but he didn't look tired, he was better than Lian Po."

Zhao Yun laughed and pointed at Li Mu, "I know you, you are that so-and-so from Nanxiang?"

"The concubine is from the Li family, with the single name Mu."

Li Mu is very knowledgeable.

"Yes, it's that Mrs. Mu from Nanxiang!"

Zhao Yun couldn't stop laughing, "She's a heroine that even men can't help themselves to, it's not easy!"

"Thank you, old general, for your compliment."

With a humble smile on Li Mu's face, he smiled slightly.

Zhao Yun turned his head and glanced at Feng Yong, "You really have eyes!"

ah? What do you mean?

Feng Yong subconsciously looked at Li Mu, just in time to meet Li Mu's gaze.

She blushed slightly, and lowered her head a little shyly.

"Master...cough, old general, this..."

"That's enough, that's enough, didn't this old man just say a few words to your wife, Ru? Look at your worthless appearance!"

"You and Erlang are close brothers. As an elder, is this considered rude?"

Zhao Yun interrupted Feng Yong angrily, and waved to Li Mu, "Okay, let's go down. The old man will do it himself."

Li Mufu gave a blessing, glanced at Feng Yong shyly, then turned and left.

Why don't you explain it, this is related to your reputation!

Feng Yong watched Li Mu go out helplessly.

Zhao Yun picked up the cooked meat in the pot, put it in a bowl, dipped it twice casually, swallowed nearly half of the bowl of meat in a row, and then exhaled with satisfaction, nodded, "You really know how to enjoy yourself, kid."

"Eat well, use well, even if you pick someone like your wife, that's a top person."

The old man gave a thumbs up and gave a compliment.

"Old general, she is not my wife Ru."

Feng Yong tried feebly to defend himself.

"Get out! It's fine to deceive others with such words, but can you still use it to deceive this old man?" Zhao Yun glanced at Feng Yong contemptuously, "Is this old man blind?"

"If it's not your wife, then it's a maidservant? This is too much. This woman is no better than an ordinary woman, and she is not worthy of the main wife, but first give her the title of concubine, otherwise it will be too cold. gone."

Mr. Zhao gave a serious lesson, "In the future, if you make great contributions, you might be able to give her the status of a concubine, so that you can live up to her helping you take care of such a large property."

"Okay, the old general is right."

Feng Yong dared not speak out against the old man's meddling in his backyard, "But I don't know that the old general came here suddenly this time, but what's urgent?"

When it came to the business, Zhao Yun's face turned serious, and then he boiled a lot of mutton, and then asked, "Didn't the prime minister ask you to write a letter to Li Feng? Did you write it?"

"It's been written, but I haven't had time to send it out yet."

Feng Yong was taken aback, before he had time to figure out how the old man knew about this, he had to explain it first.

"Just hand it over to me when the time comes, and I'll help you deliver it."

Zhao Yun snorted and ate a large bowl of meat, sighed, "Unfortunately, there is no wine."

Can you speak nicely?

Feng Yong was full of complaints. The old guy's sudden visit this time was obviously related to Li Yan's matter.

He had no choice but to get up, went outside to bring back a jar of honey wine, and told Guan Ji to keep everyone away from the hall.

"Your boy just doesn't have the same wink as Mrs. Ru, you have to tell me to come up with good things."

Zhao Yun's eyes lit up when he saw the wine jar, he snatched it up and drank a big gulp, then hiccupped, "This wine is good!"

"Old general, let's talk about business, business."

If you can't beat the old man, I really want to pick him up and question him.

"Okay, it's business." Zhao Yun took another big mouthful before saying, "The Qianghu in Longxi may have some changes this winter, and I need you, the captain who protects Qiang, to go there in person."

Feng Yong was startled, "The Qiang Hu in Longxi?"

Of the four counties in Longyou, the Qianghu in three counties have been suppressed and appeased. Only Longxi, because the territory is too large, and the big Han only controls the east.

So Feng Yong planned to save the Qiang Hu in Longxi until next year, but he didn't expect that there would be a problem at this time.

"Yes." Zhao Yun nodded, "I got news that not only is there a drought in Longyou this year, but there is also a severe drought in Liangzhou. The Qianghu in Liangzhou will have a hard time this winter."

Feng Yong frowned, feeling a little regretful in his heart, "I was negligent. I should have thought of this earlier."

The ancients didn't know what low pressure and humid air came from the sea. Didn't they know the source of rainfall in Liangzhou?

On this point, I was really careless.

He was thinking about it when Zhao Yun took out another thing from his arms and handed it over, "I signed it before going to Longxi."

Feng Yong opened it inexplicably, and took a deep breath on the spot.

He looked at the door, then lowered his voice and said, "Impeach Li Yanshu?"

"at the end."

Zhao Yun pointed out.

Feng Yong's gaze fell to the end, and he saw the names of Zhao Yun, Deng Zhi, and Ma Dai signed on it.

"I wanted you to deliver the letter to Li Feng first, and then come to look for you, but something happened in Longxi, so I had to let you know in advance."

Zhao Yun took another sip of his wine, as if he was talking about something very ordinary, "Longxi is too far away, and it's too cold this winter, and I won't be too lazy to run there to find you when the time comes."

"Originally you were not qualified to sign this, but because you wrote a letter to persuade Li Feng, so according to the prime minister's intention, you should also sign it."

Zhao Yun glanced at Feng Yong, slightly surprised, "You can hold your breath."

What do you know?

My fourth wife has already analyzed it with me.

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