Although Feng Junhou's calm performance won the respect of General Zhao.

But in fact, Feng Yong's family knows about his family affairs.

On the surface, he is as stable as an old dog, but in reality he is a shocked one.

When I was still subject to the limitations of history, I was still hesitating about Li Yan's political life.

Si Niang was able to conclude on the spot that the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty would definitely take advantage of the power of the Northern Expedition, and would not be soft-hearted to Li Yan, and even judged that Li Yan would definitely lose power.

This political vision is indeed better than his own.

After all, Li Yan was not an ordinary minister. Apart from being the auxiliary minister entrusted by the late emperor, he also had a large army in his hands.

As long as you don't get caught, how can you be brought down so easily?

So in my own thinking, the old demon Zhuge would at most weaken Li Yan's foundation step by step, and finally make a fatal blow.

Unexpectedly, the old demon Zhuge was so anxious and wanted to succeed in one fell swoop.

The method is very simple and rude, that is to directly unite the ministers of the DPRK and China to impeach Li Yan together.

How many ministers in the DPRK and China will agree?

Needless to say, Zhao Yun, Deng Zhi, and Ma Dai who guarded Longyou.

Li Huina, the subdued governor of Nanzhong, is a staunch supporter of Zhuge Old Demon.

And Wei Yan, the former governor of Hanzhong, is now a member of the prime minister's mansion.

The two brothers Wu Yi and Wu Ban, logically speaking, should be members of the Dongzhou faction like Li Yan, and they are also the brothers of the Empress Dowager, so they have a lot of power to speak.

If they were willing to speak up to save Li Yan, Li Yan might not be helpless.

But after the Northern Expedition, the two brothers of the Wu family might have stood on the same front with the old monster Zhuge in their arms.

What's more, as foreign relatives, they are closely connected with the royal family. Li Yan's various actions have endangered the royal family. How could they lend a helping hand to Li Yan?

In the situation where the entire court is an enemy, the only one who can save Li Yan is the emperor.

It's a pity that Adou doesn't have much right to say nothing, and obeys the old demon Zhuge in everything.

What's more, even if A Dou can take power in person, with the temper of his sister-in-law of the queen, I am afraid that he is more eager to get rid of Li Yan than the old demon Zhuge.

Although it is not sure whether the palace knew about Li Yan's persuasion of Zhuge Lao Yao to enter Jiuxi, but he wanted to divide the five counties for autonomy, and he did not obey the emperor's order to go north to Hanzhong during the Northern Expedition.

Now he regards Jiangzhou as his own territory, ignoring the imperial court's order to appoint Xiang Chong as the governor of Jiangzhou.

A Dou must know these things.

If Ah Dou knew it, Zhang Xingcai would naturally know it.

This series of incidents, on the surface, seemed to be Li Yan's domineering, but in fact they were all slapping the court in the face and treating the emperor as nothing.

Feng Yong sat there holding the impeachment paper and thought for a long time before he figured out why Zhang Xingyi was so sure that Li Yan would lose power.

Everyone is an enemy, and no one is willing to lend a helping hand!

The old demon Zhuge asked himself to write to Li Feng, in addition to wanting to push himself, in fact, he was probably also trying to control this political struggle on Li Yan alone.

He didn't want to affect his family, but wanted to protect Li Feng.

It is not easy to get rid of Li Yan's entire faction, but it is very politically skillful to get rid of Li Yan and deter others without causing backlash.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong nodded, "The usurper is still alive, the country is in great trouble, and the only thing in the country is peace. Victory can be achieved, but not budding, so as to endanger the great cause."

"However, Li Yan is an important auxiliary minister entrusted by the late emperor. He has received too much loyalty, but he does not think about repaying it. Crazy, if there is no heaven and earth."

Feng Junhou unceremoniously misappropriated the charges that Zhang Xingyi had charged Li Yan.

"Prime Minister's Northern Expedition, he flinched, waited for the great victory in Longyou, and wanted to grab merit. With such actions, how can Aneng steal a high position and stand in the court?"

Zhao Yun was originally worried about Li Feng's reasons, Feng Yong would have scruples about this matter, but Feng Tubie didn't expect Feng Tubie to put so many hats on Li Yan at once.

At the moment, he took a deep breath.

Then he desperately spat out the meat in his mouth.

One didn't pay attention and was burned.

"You have a grudge against Li Yan?"

Zhao Yun asked curiously.

"No ah."

Feng Yong was also a little surprised why the old man would ask such a question.

Zhao Yun didn't believe it.

"I'm listening to what you said just now. Why does it seem that you have a lot of grudges with Li Yan?"

No, it should be Siniang... that's not right either, nine times out of ten it's because Zhang Xingcai has a lot of resentment towards Li Yan.

It's just that there is no way to explain this to Zhao Yun.

So Feng Junhou said seriously, "Old General, I am determined to revive the Han Dynasty, and I have always regarded those who only care about self-interest and ignore state affairs as enemies."

After hearing this, Zhao Yun saw the righteousness on this kid's face, and immediately felt that if he continued this topic with this kid, his life would probably be shortened.

In order to live longer, he decided to eat more meat and drink more wine.

I was really worrying in vain before.

Thinking of how dark this kid was, Zhao Yun had to remind him, "Liu Yan's son, Liu Liang, is going to work in Longyou in the future."

"After all, you are also a person who is called a prince by others. Don't be so narrow-minded. If there are some things, don't hold on to them."

When Feng Yong heard this, he immediately called Qu Dao, "Old General, if you don't mention this person, I don't remember who he is for a long time. What do you mean by holding on to him?"

Zhao Yun sneered, too lazy to listen to what he said, just picked up the wine jar and took a big sip of wine.

Feng Yong, on the other hand, heard Zhao Yun deliberately mentioning Liu Yan, and suddenly thought of something in his heart, lowered his voice and asked, "Old General, didn't Liu Yan also sign the impeachment form?"

"Huh?" Zhao Yun glanced at Feng Yong with some surprise, "Why are you asking this?"

At the beginning when Li Yi came from Hanzhong, he hinted that I should let Liu Liang go. Didn't that mean Zhuge Old Demon?

It turned out that at that time Liu Yan had reached a deal with Old Demon Zhuge.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong asked again, "Although Liu Yan has no real power, he is still a veteran who has been with the late emperor for a long time. I'm afraid his ranking on the impeachment list is not low?"

Zhao Yun pondered, took another sip of wine unconsciously, then glanced at Feng Yong, and said, "Liu Yan is the veteran and the general of chariots, what do you think he ranks in?"

General Cheqi, no matter how insignificant he is, at least in name, he is above the generals of the four expeditions.

If the impeachment form was handed in by the old monster Zhuge himself, and other people signed the form, then Liu Yan would be number one?

Liu Yan is willing to be the first bird, no wonder the old monster Zhuge can come forward in person and let me let Liu Liang go.

Feng Yong figured this out and nodded.

It seems that the victory of the first Northern Expedition actually stimulated the old monster Zhuge, making him eager to twist the country into a single rope so that the second Northern Expedition could be carried out as soon as possible.

Seeing Feng Yongruo's thoughtful look, Zhao Yun frowned, "The affairs of the court are handled by the Prime Minister, and it's not your turn to worry about them."

"Besides, you're not very old now, so why worry? Just do your duty as the captain of the Qiang guard."

Feng Yong knew that Zhao Yun was doing it for his own good, so he immediately responded, "I know."

Anyway, looking at Ji Han in the original history, the political struggle is still very peaceful.

During Adou's reign, two ministers were personally killed.

One is Liu Yan and the other is Li Miao.

Liu Yan was looking for death on his own, and he couldn't blame others.

After Zhuge Old Demon died, Li Miao speculated on Adou's mind, thinking that Adou would liquidate Zhuge Old Demon.

So he wrote a letter to slander the prime minister of the great man whose bones were not yet cold, but he made Adou furious and directly ordered him to be killed.

Neither of these two people is really a political struggle.

The only one who was killed because of political struggle was the old man Wei who fought with Yang Yi for power after the death of Old Demon Zhuge, and was directly killed by the Yi tribe.

The rest of the losers in the political struggle were basically exiled or deposed as ordinary people, but there was no fear of their lives.

Unlike Cao Wei and Soochow Wu, when it comes to political struggles, they are merciless in killing people. It is common for blood to flow into rivers.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Li Yan will be deposed as a commoner at most like the original history, and will not die.

It's just that when it comes to his own job, Feng Yong is a little embarrassed.

"Old general, there is not enough food in Longyou right now. Even if I go to Longxi, I'm afraid I won't be able to bring many people there."

"Stupid, who told you to bring so many people there?"

Zhao Yun reprimanded, "Who would mobilize troops if there is no need to do so in winter?"

"Besides, Chen Shi is guarding Longxi, so you don't need to worry about the strength of the troops."

"Let you go there to see if you can use your reputation to appease as much as you can. The rest will be arranged in the spring of next year."

"Of course, it would be great if we could use them to inquire about the situation in Liangzhou."

When the old man said this, Feng Yong understood.

This is to let him do the preliminary work of recovering the west of Longxi first. It seems that Mr. Zhao wants to recover all of Longxi next year.

"The county government of Longxi was originally Di Dao. Later, the Cao thief moved the county government of Longxi to Xiangwu. It was because of the chaos caused by the Qiang and Hu that the Cao thief was unable to control the situation in the west of Longxi."

"Now the west side of Longxi has already become a horse herding land for the barbarians. If the old general wants to move the county seat of Longxi back to Didao, it may not be easy."

Feng Yong reminded.

Zhao Yun shook his head, "Even if Didao can't be relocated, it must not be left alone. Because from Didao to Liangzhou, this road will definitely be useful in the future."

This is already a strategic level that the governor of Longyou and the prime minister of the Han Dynasty have to consider. Before Feng Yong has a detailed understanding of the situation in Longxi and Liangzhou, it is not easy to intervene.

But Zhao Yun looked at Feng Yong, and said thoughtfully, "As far as I know, the Li family in Longxi is a common surname. Your Mrs. Ru, isn't the surname Li?"

"The Li family in central Sichuan is related to the Li family in Longxi, right?"

When Feng Yong heard this, he thought about it again, but scratched his head a little, "It seems to be related..."

Didn't Li Dangzhi and Fan A fled to Shu through the relationship with the Li family in Guanzhong? I just don't know what is the connection between the Li family in Guanzhong and the Li family in Longxi?

Zhao Yun was very dissatisfied when he heard it, "You don't even know the family background of your wife Ru, how do you become a prince?"

I know her surname is Li, which is a different surname from mine.

Also know that she is a woman, and I am the opposite sex.

Also know that she is capable.

Most importantly, her plate and sliver are just right.

Isn't that enough?

Need to know more?

Feng Yong was slandered in his stomach.

"Go and call her over."

Zhao Yun ordered.

Li Mu came back soon, with a properly puzzled expression on his face, and when he came in, he first looked at Feng Yong.

Feng Junhou was expressionless.

Zhao Yun was eating and drinking and had no time to look at her.

The embarrassing scene made Li Mu feel a little overwhelmed.

Zhao Yun kicked Feng Yong.

"Cough, Mu Niang... Uh, Mu Niang, I asked you to come here, and I wanted to ask you a few questions."

The old man's foot was very strong, and Feng Yong felt that the place where he was kicked must have turned green.

"A gentleman asks a question, but a concubine knows everything."

Li Mu said respectfully.

"Well, that's right, I want to know, is there any connection between your Li family and the Li family in Longxi?"

Hearing this, Li Mu glanced at Feng Yong in amazement, she couldn't figure out why Feng Yong would ask this question.

"Hui Junhou, the Li family in central Sichuan is indeed connected with the Li family in Longxi."

Is there really a connection?

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Yun, you wouldn't have investigated it long ago, right?

Li Mu continued to explain, "Li Gongyu Chong, the ancestor of the Li family in Longxi, was the first sheriff of Longxi County."

"Grand Li Zhongxiang, the fourth grandson of Li Zugong, was the general of the Han Dynasty. He fought against the Qiang rebels and died in the battle. Di Dao was buried in Dongchuan, and the Li family settled there."

"Li Shanggong, the grandson of Lord Zhongxiang, was the father of Li Guanggong, the flying general of the Han Dynasty. He later moved to Guanghan County in Shu and became the ancestor of the Li family in Central Shu."

"Now the big house of the Li family in Guanghan County is the direct line of the Li family in Shu."

When Feng Yong heard this, he couldn't help being secretly surprised, the connections of this family were indeed intricate.

According to this, Li Mu does not know how many generations of granddaughters of Li Guang, or how many generations of granddaughters of Li Guang brothers?

Thinking of this, Feng Yong couldn't help looking at Li Mu a few more times.

Li Mu felt someone's gaze, and his face was slightly hot again, a little shy.

This gentleman asked about the source of his life experience, could it be that he wanted to...

Feng Yong was muttering in his heart, Zhao Yun kicked him again.

"Oh... By the way, Mu Niang, can your Li family in central Sichuan still have a relationship with the Li family in Longxi?"

Li Mu's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

She nodded, "Of course there is still a connection. As far as I know, every year when it's time to worship the ancestors, Dafang will send people to Longxi to worship Li Chonggong."

"Furthermore, Twelfth Lang of Dafang brought the Li family from Longxi to find a concubine, wanting to buy woolen cloth. But at that time, the supply of woolen cloth was too tight, so my concubine did not agree."

When Zhao Yun heard this, he squinted at Feng Yong, this kid can do it! This Li Mu joined Feng's family, and he didn't even recognize his own family.

"Di Dao, I remember that Qianghu rebellion has been happening all year round? The Li family in Longxi has not been affected?"

Feng Yong asked suspiciously.

Li Mu smiled slightly, "Your Majesty, the Li family in Longxi, has been a prominent family for generations, and has quite a reputation in Longxi. Even the Qianghu would not dare to come to the Li family easily."

"Furthermore, the Li family in Longxi moved some of their clan members to live in Guanzhong decades ago, just in case."

Think about the Cui family in the north, who supported the Cao family during the Cao Wei period, supported the Sima family during the Western Jin Dynasty, and served as officials for the Hou Zhao and Hou Yan successively during the Luchen period of the Central Plains.

Even in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Cui Hao, a monstrous figure, came out to advise the Northern Wei Dynasty established by the Xianbei people and help the Northern Wei Dynasty unify the north.

All kinds of practices have no bottom line and no integrity.

This is the law of survival of the family.

Compared with Lu Chenshi in the Central Plains, the Qianghu Rebellion at this time was nothing more than a minor disturbance. If the Li family in Longxi couldn't even cope with this situation, how could there be Li Tangshi's glorious moment?

PS: There is a problem with the cervical spine, so the update is not stable during this period, I am really sorry!

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