Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 675 Unifying Thoughts

Li Mu quietly stood aside, glanced at Zhao Yun, who was eating and drinking, and at Feng Yong, who was thinking deeply, with a glint in his eyes.

"If Junhou wants to establish a relationship with the Li family in Longxi, concubine can help."

"Oh, didn't you refuse to sell woolen cloth to the Li family in Longxi?"

Feng Yong raised his head and asked.

"Your Majesty, you know why this concubine is trying so hard to develop in Nanxiang?"

Although Feng Yong was doubtful, his tone was affirmative, "In order to reestablish the Li family in Hanzhong?"

Li Mu nodded first, then shook his head, "Now our sixth house can only be regarded as a side branch to the Li family in Central Sichuan. It would be the best if we can establish another branch in Nanxiang and become the clan of the Li family in Nanxiang. "

"But even so, for the Li family in Longxi, the main house of the Li family in Guanghan County is still the clan house in central Shu, unless the Li family in Nanxiang can get the qualification to go to Longxi to worship."

Hearing this, Feng Yong asked with some doubts, "Why isn't it called Hanzhong Fang?"

Li Mu smiled slightly, "Nanzheng also has a Li family, but it is too weak now. If Liufang can merge with Nanzheng's Li family, it can be called Hanzhongfang."

"Nanzheng also has a branch of the Li family?"

Feng Yong felt a trough in his heart.

How intricate is this?

"The Nanzheng Li clan is a branch of the Zhaojun Li clan. The ancestor of the Zhaojun Li clan was the pre-Qin Prime Minister of Zhao, Li Mugong, Lord Wu'an."

"Wu'an Lord Li Mugong is the younger brother of Li Chonggong, the ancestor of the Li family in Longxi."

"The first ancestor of the Li family in Nanzheng was Li Jiegong, whose son Li He was once the Situ of the Later Han Dynasty. Li Gugong, the son of Li He, became the Taiwei of the Later Han Dynasty. It can be regarded as the heyday."

"It was only after the Qiang-Hu rebellion spread to Hanzhong that Nanzheng was broken by the Hu people, and the Li family of Hanzhong was hurt."

"The worst thing was the battle of Hanzhong. Cao's bandits evacuated the people of Hanzhong, and Hanzhong was almost empty land. Only then did the Nanzheng Li family decline."

"However, in the past few years, Nanzheng Li's family has received help from our sixth house to gather some scattered clansmen, and finally they have not lost their incense."

When Li Mu said this, he slowed down his speech, "The Li family of Zhaojun and the Li family of Longxi are two brothers with the same root and origin. If they can be reunited in Hanzhong, it will be a good story."

Then you can take the opportunity to become the clan of the Li family in Hanzhong?

Looks like a backdoor listing?

Or is it cross-shareholding, complementary advantages?

Before Feng Yong could speak, Zhao Yun suddenly said, "This old man is already full. It's getting late now. I'll stay with you tonight and return to Jicheng tomorrow."

Li Mu glanced at Zhao Yun, lowered his head, and did not speak again.

Feng Yong knew that the old man felt that it was inappropriate for him to hear such a sensitive topic, or that he had no intention of getting involved in this matter.

Immediately nodded, stopped this topic temporarily, got up and asked someone to arrange it.

After the old man left, Feng Yong signaled Li Mu to sit opposite him, and asked, "So, Mr. Li wants to move the sixth room to Hanzhong, so that the sixth room of the Li family becomes the Li family's Hanzhong room?"

Li Muduan sat upright opposite Feng Yong, nodded, "At first, Grandpa had this idea."

After hearing this, Feng Yong realized that the words had some meaning, "What do you mean?"

"Nanxiang is developing too fast." Li Mu looked at Feng Yong with shining eyes, "The grandpa thought that it would take at least two to three generations for the sixth family of the Li family to be qualified to be called the Li family of Hanzhong. "

"However, in the past few years, Liufang has begun to surpass Dafang. There are many times when Dafang has to turn to us Liufang for help."

"My concubine thinks that instead of living in the same county as the Nanzheng Li family from the Li family of Zhao County, Liufang might as well start a different branch.

Li Mu's eyes on Feng Yong became more and more intense, "I have discussed this matter with my grandfather, and my grandfather also thinks it is very reasonable. It's just that this matter is very important, so we must be careful."

"However, it would be much easier if we had the support of the Li family in Longxi. So I bypassed the big house in private and had contact with the Li family in Longxi, so I have some relationship."

The development of Nanxiang has surpassed the experience of the aristocratic family in the past few hundred years.

Even if it wasn't new insight, it was something they hadn't recognized in just a few years.

The grandfather of the Li family originally wanted to rely on the efforts of two generations, and at the same time combine with the Li family of Nanzheng to become the prefect of Hanzhong County.

Unexpectedly, the development of the matter far exceeded the expectations of the sixth room of the Li family.

Relying on Li Mu's special status, the sixth house of the Li family has mastered huge resources, coupled with the original foundation in Shu, which further expanded their ambitions.

So the sixth room of the Li family began to adjust the original goal.

Not only did they want to break away from the control of the Li family's clan in central Shu, but they were also planning to give up their plan to combine with the Li family of Nanzheng, and planned to build a Li family of their own.

Therefore, Li Mu bypassed the Li family's clan house in Sichuan and directly established a relationship with the Li family in Longxi, just to prepare for this ambition.

Feng Yong understood Li Mu's meaning, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Since you have discussed it, have you thought about where to choose as the foundation?"

Since he wanted to be the prefect of the county, he naturally had to choose a place without Li's hall.

"This is just a private discussion between the concubine and the grandpa, and there is no conclusion yet." Li Mu said everything to Feng Yongzhi at this time, "But at this time, the concubine has an idea."

Having said that, she looked fixedly at Feng Yong, "If possible, I hope I can settle in Pingxiang."

"Okay!" Feng Yong stood up suddenly, "If you Liufang really want to use Pingxiang as the foundation, I will definitely support it with all my strength."

Li Mu's face brightened, and he stood up and bowed to Feng Yong, "I thank you first, and when I return to Nanxiang, I will personally pass on the wishes of the emperor to the Grand Duke."

"What's there to thank for that, your Li family, you've helped me a lot over the years, and I'm here to repay you."

Feng Yong smiled with deep meaning.

Li Mu stood up, seeing Feng Yong's smile, a knowing smile appeared on his face.

Before going to bed at night, Feng Yong told Guan Ji why Zhao Yun asked him to go to Longxi.

Of course, the impeachment of Li Yan is a secret, Guan Ji is not qualified to know.

When talking about Longxi, it is inevitable to talk about the Li family.

When Guan Ji heard that Li Mu planned to persuade Li Taigong to move the foundation of the Li family's sixth house to Pingxiang, Guan Ji was a little skeptical, "Longyou is not peaceful now, let alone Pingxiang is dilapidated."

"The sixth room of the Li family is not in Nanxiang, which is well-run. Why do you want to move here?"

Feng Yong finished soaking his feet, dried them with a towel, and climbed onto the kang, "It's just a wish, and it's Li Mu's wish."

"Let's not say in advance whether Grandpa Li is willing or not, even if he is willing, it is not something that can be completed in one or two years."

"It's even more impossible to move all of them here at once. At most, some of the clansmen will be moved first to explore the way."

"However, with the example of Nanxiang in the front, I don't think the sixth room of the Li family will give up this good opportunity."

Pingxiang seems to be in ruins now, but the ruins also represent the blankness of local forces.

With Li Mu's ability and the shrewdness of the Li family's grandfather, it is impossible not to fail to see this.

More importantly, this is Longyou, a place where wool is produced, and it is also a sparsely populated place. With the support of myself, the captain who protects the Qiang, the Li family's development prospects will be much greater than those in Nanxiang .

The foundation of the development of traditional aristocratic families is land, but the Li family's sixth house does not occupy much land in Nanxiang, at least compared to the area in Shu, the area is quite small.

But it was different in Longyou.

As long as you get permission, it doesn't matter if you run a horse and occupy a lot of land.

Of course, Feng Yong didn't intend to let the sixth house of the Li family follow the old path of a traditional family.

No matter how much land is occupied, how can a wool spinning workshop make money quickly?

A new type of aristocratic family dominated by capital will objectively promote weavers to master certain knowledge, otherwise how to improve production efficiency?

This means that they will loosen their monopoly and control over knowledge, and in the end, they will even take the initiative to promote the popularization of basic knowledge.

Xinghanhui's establishment of a school in Yuejuan is the best example.

At the same time, the growth of the new family will also continue to expand the class represented by weavers.

More importantly, capital is inherently greedy.

It will prompt more and more elites to turn their eyes to the outside world, such as the north, such as the west and so on.

Feng Yong may not be able to see that day, but once the seeds are buried, it will naturally take root and sprout.

This is at least an effort to avoid that catastrophe in the future.

"With the help of the Li family's sixth room for the reconstruction of Pingxiang, it would be much easier."

Feng Yong lay down and said leisurely.

Among other things, even if the sixth house of the Li family only moved some people here at the beginning, there might only be a dozen or twenty members of the core clan.

But their concubines, servants, and dependent population, there will be three to five hundred people in total.

Naturalization and naturalization, if there are not many Han people, the Hu people just want to change customs, and they don't know who to learn from!

Coupled with the various resources they brought over and the development of Pingxiang, for Feng Yong, it will save a lot of trouble.

"If this is the case, then Li Muke will be of great help to A Lang."

Guan Ji said in Feng Yong's ear.

"Li Mu has been a great help to me in Nanxiang for the past few years."

Feng Yong didn't deny this, "But she didn't suffer a loss. In the past two years, the momentum of the sixth house of the Li family has been stronger than that of the clan house."

"The Li family is the Li family, and Li Mu is Li Mu. What A Lang said meant that the Li family didn't suffer, but it didn't mean that Li Mu got any benefits."

Guan Ji whispered, "Didn't Ah Lang think about compensating Li Mu?"

"Compensation for what?" Feng Yong didn't know whether he was pretending to be stupid or he really didn't know what Guan Ji meant, so he said casually, "With her current status and reputation, no matter how many people ask for it, she won't be able to ask for it."

"As long as Feng Yong's family does not lose power, she will be as stable as Mount Tai. What compensation do you want?"

Guan Ji listened, and smiled with satisfaction, "Since A Lang has already made a decision, then let him listen to A Lang."

After Zhao Yun, Zhang Xingyi and Li Mu were sent away, Feng Yong seized the time to finish writing the winter training plan, and then summoned the main generals in the army.

One is to explain his training plan to them, and the other is to arrange his work in Pingxiang after going to Longxi.

"Pingxiang now has 3,000 soldiers, divided into three battalions. One is the Modao Squad, the other is the Qiangnu Battalion, and the other is the Engineering Battalion."

"I plan to pick another 2,000 people from Pingxiang, regardless of Han and Hu, and form two elite cavalry. If this is the case, next year there will be 5,000 people under the Huqiang school lieutenant."

Feng Yong sat at the head of the conference table, with Zhang Yi, Ju Fu, Guan Suo, Liu Hun, Huo Yi and other major generals sitting on both sides.

The engineers of the engineering battalion had a special identity and were allowed to sit at the table.

Behind these people, there are still officers above the commander of the army center, and they can only observe and cannot speak.

Starting from the pacification of Yuexuan, Feng Yong consciously cultivated a joint staff system and a military discussion system that was different from this era.

The cultural level of the soldiers in Nanxiang is not low, especially starting from the chiefs who lead more than 100 people, in addition to military quality, they also need to have a high cultural level and organizational ability.

They not only have to undertake the task of conveying the combat intentions of their superiors to everyone below them, but also organize military training in peacetime, maintain the morale of the soldiers below, and so on.

After the war, they may also participate in the post-war summary, and pass on the summed up experience to strengthen the corresponding training.

The rapid improvement of the combat effectiveness of the army of the Xinghan Society system is not comparable to other armies of this era.

"Liu Hun, you are familiar with the cavalry. I want you to command these two elite cavalry. Do you have confidence?"

Liu Hun's face brightened, he stood up suddenly, and said loudly, "The last general will definitely live up to the general's entrustment!"

"Alright, Huo Yi, I order you to be Liu Hun's deputy."

Huo Yi hurriedly imitated Liu Hun's appearance and stood upright, "The general obeys orders."

After they sat down, Feng Yong pointed to the winter training plan in front of everyone, "Longyou is no better than Shuzhong, not to mention that we are likely to enter Liangzhou in the future."

"No matter Longyou, Liangzhou, or even Guanzhong, the winter is much colder than that of Sichuan. It is necessary for soldiers to adapt to this severe cold, so I plan to carry out training in winter."

The winter training plan is very detailed. It not only lists the necessity of winter training, but also formulates the rules and issues that need attention.

"Soon I will go to Longxi. I plan to bring a thousand people there. The soldiers who stay in Pingxiang should not only protect Pingxiang, but also train the new soldiers well."

Feng Yong ordered, "Liu Hun, how to select the future elite riders and train them well, you have to be responsible."

"I will understand in the end."

"Ju Fu, Guan Suo, you two will accompany me to Longxi."


"Everything about Pingxiang will be handled by Zhang Yi for the time being, and the secretariat staying in Pingxiang will assist you."


The officials in charge of books are called Secretary Supervisor and Secretary Lang.

The officials in charge of secretaries and important documents include Secretary Ling and Secretary Cheng.

Feng Yong had a senior secretary, Amei, from the very beginning. When he arrived in Yuexi, he began to set up a secretariat, led by Wei Rong.

Now it has been divided into first-level secretary, second-level secretary, and even third-level secretary.

Those who can enter the secretariat are basically students from Nanxiang Academy.

After they have accumulated enough experience, they will be sent to the grassroots for practical work, or they will be sent to the military for training.

As for whether they can change their destiny in the future, it depends on personal luck.

With luck, he might be able to return to the Joint Staff Headquarters.

At that time, it was not in the capacity of a secretary serving water, tea, and cleaning, but in the capacity of a staff officer or general participating in military discussions, which was completely different.

After discussing what to do this winter, Feng Yong immediately convened an enlarged meeting, asking everyone above the team rate to participate.

"The Northern Expedition was victorious, and the great man was able to recover Longyou. Everyone is very happy."

Standing on the high platform, Feng Yong looked at more than a hundred people standing in the dark.

The most elite part of the Huqiang school lieutenant army is gathered here.

"Everyone has received rewards, are they all very happy?"

Everyone below showed a knowing smile.

"So some people started to slack off, some people started to relax, and some even wanted to go home and enjoy themselves."

Feng Yong glanced down, his face became serious, and he said loudly, "A few days ago, who was defeated by the woman?"

Everyone is ashamed.

"The Han Dynasty is not prosperous, and the Cao thief is not destroyed. How can we relax?" Feng Yong pointed to the side of the guide, "Nanxiang is directly connected to Guanzhong. Do you think Cao thief will let everyone enjoy peace?"

"The big man is weak, and the bandit Cao is powerful. Even if you can enjoy a moment of peace, after a few years, when Bandit Cao recovers, he will definitely send a large army to attack Longyou. What will you do then?"

"Even if you have retreated to Nanxiang, do you think that Thief Cao is willing to let the big man go easily? Thief Cao is usurped, and what he thinks about day and night is to destroy the big man."

"That's why the big man and Cao thief are natural enemies. Either we destroy the traitor, or the traitor swallows us."

"As long as the big man is a little weak, the Cao thief will attack the big man like a hungry wolf in order to achieve his wolfish ambition."

"Especially Hanzhong, which is the border between the great Han and the Cao bandits. If the Cao bandits want to go south, Hanzhong will definitely be the place where the war first broke out. Where can you go back then?"

"Cao bandits are tyrannical, and the people in the land they rule are unbearable, and there are wealthy families who drive the heads of the people like livestock."

"At the same time, Cao thief likes to slaughter. If Hanzhong suffers from war, not to mention yourselves, it is your parents, wives and children. Everything you have now will be wiped out!"

"At that time, you will return to the days of precariousness, hunger and cold, selling children and selling children, and the days when wives and children were separated!"

When everyone heard this, their bodies were all shocked.

In the past, they never thought about this kind of problem.

Think about the days you live now, and think about the days you lived in the past. No one wants to go back to the past.

Whoever wants them to go back to the past is their life and death enemy.

The long-lost Feng Langjun's special skill: clever words and tricks, finally reappeared in the arena.

"So, if we want to keep our current life, there is only one way, and that is to completely defeat Cao thief! Let it no longer threaten the big man."

"When you become the heroes of Xingfu Dahan, your wives, children, and descendants can enjoy peace for a long time and will no longer be oppressed by thieves."

After the material civilization has improved, we must pay close attention to improving the construction of spiritual civilization.

It is absolutely impossible to let the horses go to Nanshan and put the knives and guns into the warehouse!

Not even a hint of it.

The productivity and production relations within the Xinghanhui system have taken a small half step ahead of this era, and if you are a little careless, it will be a proper thing to overturn.

So Feng Yong has been very careful about this.

"Defeat Cao thief, revive the great man!"

A high-pitched sound came from the direction of the handsome camp, causing the soldiers in the camp to look sideways.

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