Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 679 Perfection

Compared to an upstart like Feng Yong, You Chu was born from a poor family who couldn't be more authentic.

According to the information obtained by Feng Yong, the reason why You Chu was able to get the position of the prefect of Longxi is entirely because of his adult who was persecuted to death.

The lord of You Chu is You Yin, a native of Guanzhong Sili Zuo Fengyi and Pinyang County.

An official who is not too big or too small can be regarded as having some prestige in his hometown.

You Yin is not a big official, but his vision is very poisonous.

When Zhang Ji, the famous minister of Cao Wei, was still a young man, he saw that the young man had a bright future.

So Zhang Ji was invited home to be a guest, and treated him as a distinguished guest.

After the banquet, he entrusted his son You Chu to him.

Zhang was short-mouthed and soft-hearted, and the upstream family was regarded as a famous family in the eyes of the local folks, so he agreed.

In the third year of Chuping, that is, the second year after Dong Zhuo's death, Hu Zhen, the former general of Dong Zhuo and a prominent family in Liangzhou, served as the captain of Sili. Because of his feud with You Yin, he framed You Yin and executed him.

In addition, at that time Guanzhong was occupied by Dong Zhuo's old department, and there were endless wars. The officials were not like officials, and the officials were not successful.

The well-established family has a deep foundation, he will let him be strong, the breeze blows on the hills, he will let him rule, the moon shines on the river, anyway, I will not waver for a hundred years.

But for a poor family like Youjia, once the pillar of the family is gone, it will be devastated and show signs of decline.

Fortunately, You Yin was very popular. After his death, his colleagues helped to protect the You family, so that the You family would not fall completely.

At the same time, Zhang Ji, who had been entrusted by You Yin, also started his official career.

At the age of sixteen, he served as a small official in Fengyi County. Later, he was promoted many times and was promoted as Xiaolian by the county.

Later, he was promoted as a talented person by the prefecture and county, and promoted to Xinfeng County Magistrate. During his tenure, his political achievements ranked first among all counties in Guanzhong.

When Cao Cao marched into Guanzhong, Zhang began to serve Cao Cao and made many contributions. He was promoted from Yilang to governor of Liangzhou, and was granted the title of Marquis of Xixiang.

You Yin's investment during his lifetime has been richly rewarded.

Because Zhang has never forgotten his promise.

You Chu first served as the magistrate of Puban County in Hedong County of Sili. After Cao Cao pacified Hanzhong, You Chu was recommended by Zhang Ji and was appointed as the prefect of Xinghan County in Guanzhong.

Later, Cao Wei usurped Han and abolished Xinghan County.

This means that You Chu lost the position of prefect.

At this time, Zhang was appointed as the governor of Liangzhou, so he pushed You Chu to the position of prefect of Longxi, and put him directly under his nose to take care of him.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened in the sky, only two years later, Zhang Ji died in office.

The big tree that You Chu relied on fell down, so he stayed in the prefect position of this remote place in Longxi for seven years.

Liangzhou and Longyou were not valued by the imperial court, let alone Longxi, a place that couldn't be more partial?

In addition, You Chu didn't have any foundation in the court, and all depended on Zhang Ji's thighs. Now that his thighs are gone, who will remember him?

According to the original history, You Chuhui was finally summoned by the emperor in the Luoyang Palace for the first time because of his meritorious service in defending the city.

He even made jokes because he didn't understand etiquette in the court, which was appreciated by Cao Rui.

But even so, You Chu's final official position was still the captain's son-in-law, and later released again, he could only be the prefect of a county, and he still served in various counties in Kansai.

It can be seen from this that You Chu can only be regarded as a country bumpkin in the eyes of the family and clan of the court, and has no chance to enter the power center of Cao Wei at all.

But it is also because Youjia is not a big family, so there are not too many people staying at home, even counting the concubines, there are only five people.

Of course, those servants and the like don't count.

At the same time, the interests of Youjia and all parties are not involved too much.

After the Battle of Longyou, the people in Guanzhong were panicked. In addition, there was a drought just in time, and refugees from Anding County in the north kept fleeing.

Although Guanzhong did not experience great chaos because of this, there were always minor disturbances.

Nanxiang strictly selects political passers-by, bold and careful, and outstanding martial arts rangers. Headed by Liu Hun's master Han Long, he goes to Guanzhong first to inquire about news.

You Xia'er can be said to be like a fish in water in the slightly chaotic Guanzhong.

After ascertaining Youjia's situation, Feng Yong, in the name of investigating the military situation in Guanzhong, ordered to send a night hunter to Guanzhong to respond as a lieutenant protecting Qiang.

At any rate, Xia Houmao made a lot of money with woolen cloth. No matter how much he cared about state affairs, he still couldn't stop people from communicating in private, right?

So even if he was transferred away, the relationship between Longyou and Guanzhong, Hanzhong and Guanzhong, established through him, would still be there.

As long as there is no rebellion, at this moment when people's hearts are ups and downs and refugees are running around, it is easy to move a few people away.

The two-point relationship that is thinner than paper can only be regarded as a favor at best, and can be exchanged for all kinds of woolen materials, why not do it?

What's more, there are not no refugees who flowed into Hanzhong from Ziwu Valley.

"At that time, there were rumors in Guanzhong. Many people said that Longyou officials were going to be held accountable. I don't know if it's true or not."

Feng Yong recounted the story of Nanxiang Ranger and Night Hunter working together to enter the enemy's rear and save the soldiers... Uh, wrong, it was the story of saving relatives.

Finally, don't forget to black Cao Wei.

If Cao Wei really wants to pursue Longyou's mistakes according to the law, it will be difficult to pursue people who are too big, and it will not be deterrent to pursue people who are too small.

Anyway, Feng Yong thought about it for a while, and felt that a person like You Chu, who was not big or small, and had no one in court, was just right to be used as a baby.

After listening to Feng Yong's words, You Chu also nodded, and said gratefully, "I thank the king and relatives for their kindness."

His own family knew about his family affairs, and the reason why he didn't agree to become an official was precisely because he was worried that his family members in Guanzhong would be implicated.

At this time, knowing that the family is safe, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he said with a little emotion, "At that time, Duke Zhang (Zhang Ji) was first promoted as Xiaolian, but he never went to the capital to become an official in the Lang Office."

"After Cao Cao became Sikong, he recruited Zhang Gong, but Zhang Gong did not arrive."

"It wasn't until Zhong Yao became a servant, led Sili Xiaowei, and supervised all the troops in Guanzhong with festivals, that Zhang Gong was willing to serve as Zhong Yao's military officer."

"Mr. Zhang never wanted to go to Kanto for his whole life, but he never shied away from the position in the middle and right of Guanxi. He knew how hard the people's lives in Kanxi were, and wanted to do more practical things for the people of Kanxi and Liangzhou."

"Besides, the Kansai officials were never liked by the Kanto family, but luckily they met Cao Cao. At that time, Cao Cao was able to put aside the views of the humble family and the noble family. It's a pity..."

When You Chu said this, he sighed.

Feng Yong said, "It's a pity that Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty. Except for the old officials left behind by Cao Cao, there are very few people from poor families who can enter the court."

Because Cao Wei's establishment of the country originally represented the interests of the aristocratic family.

Of course, there are also the interests of the clan.

The two forces restricted each other, and the emperor was in the middle and balanced, sitting firmly on the throne.

But if one day, when the emperor is unable to balance the power of the two sides, or when one side is too powerful, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of Cao Wei.

As for the poor family, I heard that you want to participate in this game?

Wash and sleep first, there is everything in the dream.

Unexpectedly, You Chu could see this, which surprised Feng Yong.

You Chu also didn't expect Feng Yongneng to see this clearly, so he looked up in surprise.

Feng Yong smiled slightly, "You Jun, welcome to join the great cause of rejuvenating the Han Dynasty. Now when a great Han becomes an official, it doesn't matter about his family status, but his ability. There are more generals in Kansai, and great soldiers come out of Liangzhou."

"As long as You Jun can do his best, are you afraid that you won't be able to continue Zhang Gong's last wish?"

From You Chu's words and what he said to Zhang Ji, I think of the performance of the Longyou nobles during the Northern Expedition.

Finally, for the first time, Feng Yong truly felt the subtle psychology of Kansai people towards Kanto.

Accumulated over a hundred years of estrangement, and the Qiang-Hu Rebellion as a catalyst, most people in Kansai now have this mentality: Kansai is Kansai for Kansai people.

As for the Kanto family, if you don't take us to play, we will play our own.

In the past, it was Liangzhou who had this kind of mentality, but Longyou Guanzhong in Liangzhou was originally one: without Liangzhou, there would be no Longyou, and without Longyou, there would be no Zhongzhong.

Anyway, in the eyes of the Kanto family, you are all from Kansai.

So it is only natural that Guanzhong also has this kind of mentality now, just because Zhang is unwilling to go east to Tongguan to take up a job, so he can spy on it.

If this situation continues to develop, the eccentricity will only increase. As long as the Central Plains court's control over the surrounding area is slightly weakened, the split of Kansai will be a certainty.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong added, "The decline of the Han Dynasty is the time when people with lofty ideals from all walks of life are needed to hold grand events together. Like Jiang Wei from Jicheng, he is now General Fengyi of the Han Dynasty."

"There are also Liang Xu, Liang Qian, Yin Shang and other Longyou people who are used by the great Han. If you can show your talents to the fullest, why should you be confined to such a desolate place like Longxi?"

You Chu got up and said respectfully, "How dare you disobey your orders?"

After successfully persuading You Chu, Feng Yong made an appointment with him to send someone to send him back to Hanzhong, so he got up and left.

You Chu personally sent Feng Yong out of the mansion.

Feng Yong stood at the gate of the mansion, looked at the empty and wide open gate, and joked, "It's not good that the gate is always open like this, it's normal to have a porter guarding it!"

You Chu nodded knowingly.

"Today when the lord came to the mansion, there was no porter to report in advance, so it was my fault that I couldn't leave the mansion to meet the lord in advance. Next time the lord comes, I will definitely not be rude again."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Today, I first discussed with Gongsun Zheng for a long time, and then went to You Mansion to talk with You Chu, and also enjoyed singing and dancing, and had a banquet.

After a lot of tossing, almost a day has passed.

After returning to the residence and closing the door, Guan Ji asked, "Alang sent You Chu back to Hanzhong, did he want to recommend it to the prime minister?"

Feng Yong nodded, and while spreading out the tissue paper presented by Gongsun Zheng, he said, "When the Prime Minister first entered Xiangwu City, he asked You Chu specifically, which shows his love for his talent."

"Now that You Chu's knot is gone, if I recommend it to the prime minister again, it will be for the sake of the country."

Guan Ji looked at Feng Yong, who was looking down at the map, with a hesitant expression, "Ah Lang, I heard that You Chu once planned to retreat from Wei Yan, so I'm afraid his talent is higher than that of Gongsun Zheng."

"Alang wanted to conquer Gongsun Zheng, but he sent You Chu to Hanzhong. What's the reason?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong raised his head, looked at Guan Ji, held her hand, with a smile on his face, and said softly, "Is Mr. Xi thinking about me? Even the Prime Minister has put it aside."

Guan Ji's face flushed slightly, but she didn't avoid her eyes, she said coquettishly, "I and A Lang are one, naturally we should think about A Lang first and our Feng family in everything."

"Okay, our old Feng family has such a young gentleman, how can we not prosper?"

Feng Yong said with a smile.

Guan Ji's face turned even redder, and she gave him a blank look, "Ah Lang hasn't said why he wanted to conquer Gongsun Zheng."

"You Chu is talented, and the Prime Minister knew it. Although I also have the right to conquest, but You Chu was originally the prefect of Longxi, and he fell into the prime minister's eyes first."

"If I conquered it, it would be too conspicuous. It would be better to recommend him to the prime minister. Now under my command, Zhang Yi is no worse than You Chu, plus Ju Fu, Liu Hun, Huo Yi and others."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong deliberately emphasized his tone, "More importantly, I also have General Guan who knows how to draw eight formations."

Guan Ji listened, the corners of her mouth, eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles, but she pushed him with her hands, and said angrily, "You're serious!"

Feng Yong only felt that this woman's expression was really coquettish, but this push made his heart sway along with it.

"Oh, okay, what did you just say?"

"Feng Junhou has many generals under his command."

"Oh, yes, so what if you add another You Chu? With You Chu, there is not as much room for you to display your talents as there is with the prime minister."

Guan Ji thought for a while, then nodded, agreeing with Feng Yong's words.

At the beginning, A Lang took Zhang Yi, Liu Hun, Wang Han and the three of them, and they were able to fight back and forth with Zhang He.

Although Wang Han has gone to Longguan now, he has Ju Fu and Huo Yi.

The addition of You Chu didn't really do much.

"Then why does Alang want to conquer Gongsun Zheng again?"

Guan Ji asked suspiciously.

When Feng Yong heard this, his face showed excitement. He pulled Guan Ji to the front of the map, "Look, sir, how does this map compare with other maps?"

Guan Ji looked indifferent, "It's much worse than the map in Alang's army."

"That's the standard map!" Feng Yong boasted without blushing, "What I'm asking is, how does it compare to other maps?"

"It's much more detailed."

Guan Ji remembered that the maps she used before were much rougher than those drawn by Gongsun Zheng.

"That's right. This Gongsun Zheng is a talent. He not only has the awareness of labeling, but also tries to standardize various terrain and map labels."

"Since he has such a foundation, if I train him for another two years, I won't have to worry about the military map in the future."

It's not that Feng Yong has never tried to teach a group of students who can map and map.

But this kind of advanced knowledge is really difficult for some strong people.

Even for the roughest surveying and mapping, I want the students to mark the terrain they see on the map in a relatively qualified scale, and finally draw a map that is extremely crude for Feng Yong.

That is also a very difficult thing.

After all, the background is not enough, and the basic knowledge still needs to be consolidated step by step!

But judging from the map that Gongsun Zhengcheng brought up today, this person should have a certain foundation.

If it is studied in a more targeted manner, it may not be possible to draw the original map.

Guan Ji blinked, A Lang spoke too fast, and some words sounded so strange that she couldn't understand them at all.

Feng Yong didn't pay attention, he was completely immersed in his future plans.

"More importantly, this person seems to be quite strategic. Xijun, the army I lead now has no shortage of generals, but there are no advisers who specialize in strategy."

"Since Yuejue, I have wanted to build a department specializing in military affairs to help me fill in the vacancies. Unfortunately, I have never found a person who can lead this department."

After the Northern Expedition, the members of the Joint Staff Department who had experienced the war had already been put in place one after another, and there was a lack of a chief of staff.

"Alang wants Gongsun Zheng to lead the military staff?"

After hearing this, Guan Ji finally understood Feng Yong's plan.

"Yes, I think Gongsun Zheng is very suitable for this position."

Feng Yong nodded.

Not the best, just the most suitable.

I have the best soldiers in my hands, and I can equip them with the best equipment at that time.

There are also generals who are not inferior to the enemy, and they can be equipped with the most advanced equipment at that time.

As long as the Joint Staff Headquarters can gather the strength of everyone and formulate a complete battle plan, what else should I be afraid of?

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