Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 680 Reassurance

There are quite a few people who became monks halfway, were forcibly changed by Feng Junhou, and made great contributions to the revival of the Han Dynasty.

For example, a lady who is literate becomes a kindergarten teacher.

For example, an unscrupulous literati turned into a school teacher.

The most typical one is Wen Shi, the chief engineer of the engineering battalion today.

His specialty is arithmetic, the kind of professionalism that can fool the big bosses of the militia.

It's just a bit of bad luck. I escaped from the pursuit of the barbarians in Nanzhong after a lot of hardships, and met the headhunter of the labor company.

After he finally became a guest of the militia, he bumped into the talent selection plan formulated by Feng Junhou, the founder of Labor Company.

Until he was personally assessed by Feng Junhou in Yuexuan, after learning that he knew how to spell.

Feng Junhou just threw a few books over, and pointed out, "Young man, what kind of spells are you playing, just count them!"

So Wenshi started from the grassroots with the newly formed engineering team of Yuexuan.

Feng Yong was not mistaken, those who play numbers are very sensitive to numbers, the calculation of earthwork, the calculation of construction period, the allocation of personnel, Wenshi can get started very quickly.

Through these two years of training, he has become the temporary chief engineer of the engineering battalion, and there is still a lot of room for development.

For example, how to test a catapult and make this kind of thing more powerful, this is a very consideration of a person's computing power.

Not to mention the children of aristocratic families, even the children of poor families, their backgrounds are much deeper than the children of Qianshou trained by Feng Yong's force-feeding.

There are many things that cannot be solved only by the knowledge learned from books.

Insight is also a kind of valuable knowledge.

Of course, as the number of school students continues to increase, school students will gradually gain an advantage in terms of professionalism, but it is obvious that the time has not come yet.

Similarly, the joint staff that Feng Yong has always envisioned, no matter how loyal and skilled the bottom-level generals are, they can't achieve the overall view of a counselor.

Not to mention planning for the overall situation.

Although Guan Ji followed Feng Yong from the very beginning, and she also participated in the Nanxiang army built by Feng Yong himself.

But this is the first time Feng Yong has told her all of his military plans.

After hearing Feng Yong's clear proposal to establish a joint staff department, Guan Ji was a little worried.

"Alang, although the prime minister has never said anything to the soldiers that Alang belongs to, is it something important to set up a new department in the army? This is related to the military system."

"Alang is not as good as he used to be. Every move he makes will fall into the eyes of those who care about him. If he changes the military system without permission, I'm afraid it will be true."

Feng Yong comforted, "Don't worry, I know the seriousness. I will explain it to the prime minister before setting up a new department in the army."

"Even the prime minister, I'm afraid he won't easily agree to change the military system?"

Guan Ji didn't know anything else, but she knew a lot about military strategy.

Matters in the army, and it also involves the general who leads the army outside and has the right to be independent, how can it be a trivial matter?

"Who said I want to change the military system?" Feng Yong explained, "I am the captain of Huqiang, and I am very different from the former captain of Huqiang."

"The previous lieutenant protecting the Qiang only needed to take good care of the Hu people and regulate the various tribes."

"It's different for me. Not only do I have to take care of the Hu people, but I'm also responsible for educating the Hu people and making the Hu people equal to the people."

"At the same time, it is necessary to divide the pastures, distribute the wool in the hands of the barbarians, and other things."

"Besides, the Qiang rebellion in Liangzhou has been around for a long time. In the future, the army guarding the Qiang school lieutenants will definitely have to put down the rebellion."

"Everything is complicated and complicated, so today's situation is different from the past, how can we act in the old way?"

"So I want to set up more joint staff departments to help me manage the Qiang and Hu affairs during non-wartimes, and to dispatch Huqi to participate in the battle during wartime."

Because of wool and wool, the management of Qianghu cannot be as extensive as before, and needs to be managed more carefully.

Moreover, the wool material also brings hope for the complete pacification of the century-old Qiang chaos in Liangzhou.

Feng Yong couldn't believe that the old demon Zhuge couldn't see this.

If the previous method is still used, it is enough for the big man to fight with Liangzhou Qianghu. How can he have the strength to continue to go down to Guanzhong and flatten Guandong?

Anyway, the Joint Chiefs of Staff did not implement it in the whole Han Dynasty, but only tried it in the army led by the captain of Hu Qiang.

It's not like changing the military system.

Today's current situation is much more complicated than before. Jiequantinghou has been thinking about how to better manage the Qianghu, thinking that it is painstaking, to encourage, not to discourage...

Guan Ji thought it was very reasonable when she heard it before, but she didn't know that this person started to crooked again while talking.

Immediately, he was so annoyed that he hit him, "What painstaking effort..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt nauseous, covered his mouth and let out a "vomit".

Feng Yong snorted, "I'm telling the truth. Isn't the establishment of the Joint Staff Headquarters the result of peace and prosperity? Isn't this enough to prove my intentions?"

"Xijun, you have to be so exaggerated..."

Before she finished speaking, Guan Ji "vomited" again, and then she couldn't stop vomiting.

Feng Yong, who thought Guan Ji was putting on a show, suddenly panicked.

Guan Ji's health has always been good and she has never been ill. The only discomfort was when she first went to Nanxiang, she ate too much ice cream, which caused her stomach pain during menstruation.

But after being reminded by Feng Yong, this situation disappeared quickly and never happened again.

Although it is embarrassing to say, in Feng Yong's heart, Guan Ji is his safest source.

Now that he suddenly vomited so hard, how could he not panic?

He quickly stood up to help Guan Ji calm down, and at the same time quickly recalled what happened today, his face suddenly became gloomy: Could it be that there is something wrong with the food and drinks in Youfu?

Thinking of this, he quickly shouted to the door, "Amei, Amei!"

Ah Mei has followed Fan Ah for a few years, and her medical skills are considered pretty good.

If it is really poisoning, you will be able to see it.

Unexpectedly, Guan Ji, who had vomited for a long time, stopped vomiting when Amei hurried in.

Feng Yong stretched out his head to look, but found that she was just retching, and nothing came out.

Suddenly a light flashed in my mind, and my heart suddenly thumped.

It's just that the worry in his heart still outweighed the speculation, and he told Amei, "Xi Jun is not feeling well, please give her a diagnosis."

Seeing that Guan Ji's complexion was really not very good, Ah Mei hurriedly stepped forward to help Guan Ji to sit down, and at the same time began to feel Guan Ji's pulse.

Feng Yong stood beside him, staring intently, not daring to pant loudly.

Ah Mei's expression became more and more solemn, she glanced at Feng Yong, and hesitated to speak.

Seeing her like this, Feng Yong hurried up to her and was about to speak.

Amei, however, took a deep breath, she could see that she was very cautious, raised her hand, and checked again.

After she was diagnosed, her face finally changed into a color of joy, she stood up and gave Feng Yong and Guan Ji a little blessing, "Congratulations, my lord, the mistress is happy!"


Although there was a guess just now, Feng Yong's head was still rumbling when he heard Amei's confirmation.

His body swayed.

Guan Ji, who was also still in a blinded state, subconsciously supported him, "Ah Lang, be careful."

Seeing her move, Feng Yong was so frightened that he quickly supported her, and said repeatedly, "Be careful, Xi Jun, be careful!"

Carefully put her hand back, only then did she come to her senses, rubbed her hands together, smirked twice, and looked at Guan Ji foolishly, "Xijun, you are happy..."

Guan Ji looked down at her still flat belly, then nodded again, "Yes."

There is endless brilliance shining on the beautiful face.

"Is there anything Xijun wants to eat? I'll make it for you."

Feng Yong asked softly as if holding a rare treasure.

Guan Ji turned her head to think for a while, then shook her head, "I ate a lot in You Mansion today, I don't have anything to eat, but I want to drink."

"What kind of soup do you want?"

"Drink something sweet, mead..."

"No!" Feng Yong jumped up in shock, "From now on, you must never touch wine again! Not even a drop!"

Although the degree of honey wine is not high, it is still distilled wine.

Remembering that Guan Ji drank honey wine in Pingxiang, Feng Yong panicked all of a sudden.

It's over, Lao Tzu's first child!

Feng Yong couldn't help walking back and forth, his heart burning like fire.

Does it matter?

What did you say about the pregnancy nursing knowledge in your previous life?

No, other people like to eat sour when they are pregnant, so what's the matter if you want to eat sweets?

Why do you want to eat sweets?

Seeing Feng Yong's complexion changed drastically, Guan Ji said hastily, "Ah Lang, my concubine stopped drinking."

Feng Yong saw Guan Ji's cautious face and Amei's worry standing beside him, and then he reacted, "I'm fine, I'm just worried about you, Xijun."

After a pause, "Xijun wants to drink something sweet, then I'll make you some brown sugar egg soup."

Amei hurriedly said, "My lord, it's better for the servant girl to go."

"No, you don't know how to endure it. I'll go in person. You stay here to guard Xijun and serve him carefully."

Feng Yong waved his hand and walked out, but when he got to the door, he kicked it on the threshold, and he staggered immediately.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, sir, just sit down."

Before Feng Yongren could stand still, he hurriedly said to Guan Ji.

Guan Ji's pregnancy disrupted Feng Yong's plan.

It stands to reason that my mother-in-law is pregnant, so I should stay with her.

But this time he led the army to Longxi because of the change of Qianghu.

This made Feng Yong hesitate, he wanted to cancel the plan to go to Shouyang, and stay in Xiangwu to wait for the opportunity, and at the same time let Guan Ji feel at ease to raise her baby.

Guan Ji, however, urged Feng Yong to put state affairs first, and even performed a sword dance in the morning, proving that she was not that delicate at all.

Feng Yonghun was so scared that he almost lost his mind.

Guan Ji offered to go back to Hanzhong to recuperate, but Feng Yong directly rejected it.

He just doesn't know how to care for pregnant women anymore, and later generations have heard some knowledge about this aspect.

Although Nanxiang has been summarizing the nursing and childbirth experience of pregnant women, how could Feng Yong rest assured that Guan Ji will be taken care of by others?

And at this time, the cold winter has already begun, so it is not suitable to travel long distances.

With the confirmation of A Mei, a professional, and according to the later generations, Guan Ji, who is less than two months pregnant, can still move normally, so Feng Yong decided to take her to Shouyang.

At the same time, let someone notify Nanxiang, and immediately send a female medical worker with the most experience in caring for pregnant women, as well as medicines and various items must be prepared.

Counting the days, when Guan Ji arrives in her bosom, at least it will be next spring.

When it is really inconvenient to move, let her go back to Pingxiang or Jicheng in advance, or even stay in Shouyang directly to give birth.

As for Hanzhong, Feng Yong didn't think about it.

The journey is too far away.

What's more, the medical workers in my own hands are the best medical workers in this era, and the delivery is also the most scientific.

As long as the personnel and materials of Nanxiang are transferred, that is the best hospital.

The only thing to worry about is that the supplies in Shouyang are relatively scarce, and the conditions may not be as good as in Hanzhong.

But for Feng Junhou, is this a matter?

Pay attention to keep warm in winter, so Feng Yong asked someone to notify Pingxiang, and asked the engineering battalion to send people to Shouyang as quickly as possible.

Although the news of Guan Ji's pregnancy was not widely publicized, everyone in the Feng family had to be notified about it, so as not to disturb Guan Ji if they didn't pay attention.

It's just that when the news spread that Mrs. Junhou was pregnant, not to mention the trilogy, even the army showed an uncontrollable frenzy and excitement.

Gou Fu didn't even care about avoiding suspicion, and came to greet him in person.

Feng Yong was a little surprised and inexplicable.

"Only when Alang has a queen, they can really feel at ease!"

Standing behind Feng Yong, Guan Ji, with a maternal radiance on her face, watched Ju Fu leave briskly, and explained something softly.

"What's the meaning?"

Feng Yong still didn't understand.

"Now Alang is already considered a party figure in Dahan. They were all promoted by Alang himself, and they can be regarded as Alang's disciples."

"The more high-ranking A Lang is, the more successful they will be." Guan Ji said, looking at Feng Yong, "A Lang has a descendant, which means that the Feng family's property has finally been inherited."

"Now under A Lang's sect, who doesn't rely on Xinghanhui's property for a living? The child in my concubine's belly is the reassurance of Xinghanhui!"

Guan Ji moved close to Feng Yong's ear and said proudly.

Although there is no way to fully appreciate the grandeur that the ancients attached to their offspring, Feng Yong still said with a smile, "In this way, Mr. Xi is a great hero."

Guan Ji rested her chin on Feng Yong's shoulder lightly, and said softly, "Ah Lang has a queen, not only the concubine is at ease, but the family is also at ease, and everyone is at ease."

Feng Yong was slightly shocked.

Although everyone eats meat and drinks soup in the past few years, and the changes of the big man are changing with each passing day, it makes people feel unreal.

After all, according to the previous historical governance experience, it took at least ten or even decades of recuperation for Shu to reach its current level.

Not to mention the thriving Shu land, when everyone's life was flourishing, while the battle of Longyou was mobilized with all the power of the whole country, the standard of living did not drop significantly.

Even getting better in predictable time.

This gave everyone a sense of unreality.

A floating feeling of not holding on to something secure in a fast run.

But no one is willing to give up the refreshing feeling of fast forward, not even the old demon Zhuge.

The biggest factor in this change is yourself.

As the leader of the Xinghan Society, even if no one said this to me, I could still feel the anxiety and impatience of the brothers in the society.

Obviously, the news that Guan Ji is pregnant with a child will appease this anxiety and impatience to a great extent.

Feng Yong thought of this, turned around, hugged Guan Ji gently, and said firmly in her ear, "Don't worry, I won't leave Xijun."

"Well, I know." Guan Ji leaned into Feng Yong's arms and said softly, "What I have been worried about is that if Alang has no offspring, I will be ashamed of the ancestors of the Feng family and my uncle."

"Now, I don't have any worries."

"But I'm worried about you, Xijun! I plan to leave for Shouyang tomorrow."

"In such a hurry?"

"It will be colder every day if you delay it. It's not good for Xijun to hurry, so go early."

"Then what about Gongsun Zheng?"

"Now I'm going to find Chen Shi, first borrow someone from him, and then talk about it. Isn't it the good character of a big man?"

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