Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 681 Going South

Guan Ji pushed Feng Yong reproachfully, "What are you talking about? What do you mean borrowing without repaying?"

Feng Yong gave a "tsk", "Could I still be wrong?"

The majestic prime minister, blacked out my creativity, blackened my labor, blackened my hard-trained soldiers, and put half a million binoculars in his arms as soon as he said he would put them in his arms.

I'm ashamed to say that I will keep it for me first.

Anyway, I can be considered your half-son-in-law, what about the New Year's money? I didn't see half of the money during the Chinese New Year.

After hearing Feng Yong's childish complaint, Guan Ji couldn't laugh or cry on the spot.

"Actually speaking, the prime minister still values ​​Alang very much. The prime minister once said that there is nothing more loyal than a person."

"Since You Chu is the talent that the prime minister is looking for, A Lang took the initiative to recommend this person. I think the prime minister will be happy."

"So Alang can just talk about the above words at home, and don't talk about them with others, so as not to be taken advantage of by those who want to."

Hearing this, Feng Yong replied with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not a melon boy."

After comforting Guan Ji, Feng Yong asked Amei to serve her carefully, and then hurried out to find Chen Shi.

Chen Shi, the prefect of Longxi, heard that Feng Yong wanted to second Gongsun Zheng to join the army in Longxi, so he readily agreed on the spot.

Originally, Feng Yong thought that Gongsun Zheng was a talent anyway, and Chen Shi would be a little bit reluctant, but unexpectedly, he saw that he was eager to push Gongsun Zheng out.

He felt a little strange at the moment, and asked tentatively, "What is the relationship between Chen Taishou and that Gongsun Jianjun?"

"I have a good relationship with Gongsun Jianjun." Chen Shi was a little surprised by Feng Yong's question, "I was entrusted by the prime minister to guard Longxi to prevent Cao's bandits, and it is time to rely on the soldiers of Longxi."

"Gongsun joined the army quite strategically, and he is well-known in Longxi. He is someone who is important to him, so the relationship is naturally not bad."

Seeing Feng Yong's still puzzled gaze, Chen Shi thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "Your Majesty doesn't know something, and it is precisely because Gongsun is talented in joining the army that someone is willing to recommend him to you."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice, "In fact, the relationship between XX and Boyan is quite close in private, but it is precisely because of this that XX feels that it is much better for Boyan to follow the lord than to join the army in Longxi."

"What do you mean?" Feng Yong was even more confused.

Chen Shi's words can't be said too clearly, "At this age, Junhou has already been named Liehou by virtue of his military exploits, and he has also taken charge of protecting the Qiang school lieutenant."

"Even if Boyan can get a job as a Qiang guard, his future is much better than joining the army in Longxi."

"I understand." Feng Yong nodded, but he still hesitated, "I just don't know Boyan's ambition?"

"You don't need to worry about it. A certain person will discuss this matter with Boyan in person. You can just wait for the good news with peace of mind."

Chen Shi patted his chest and said.

Feng Yong led the army to Xiangwu, giving Longxi a shot in the arm.

At this time, it was reported that the mother of the Feng family was pregnant, and everyone who belonged to the Hu Qiang school captain was given an injection of epinephrine.

At the door of Guan Ji's room, twelve hours a day, there are maids with swords guarding the door all the time.

Even when Feng Yong came in and out, the servant girl's gaze was scrutinizing, as if she was suspicious of doing something bad.

Not to mention the outside of the courtyard, where the guards are strictly guarded.

Compared with the people in Xiangwu who thought this winter was not too cold, the bald-haired Xianbei tribe far away in the West Sea felt it was extraordinarily cold.

Entering November, the West Sea has begun to snow.

The bald Tianli, who finally escaped from Longxi back to West Sea, led the people to wander outside Longyi City, the most remote city in Xiping County, looking eastward constantly.

The westerly wind was cold, and the bald head immediately wrapped the blanket tightly around his body. He looked back at the clansmen who were shivering from the cold, but still had eager eyes.

He couldn't help sighing.

"Here we come! Master Shaojun, your lord is back!"

Someone suddenly cheered.

When the bald man heard this, he hurriedly looked in the direction pointed by the tribe, and saw a group of people and horses in the distance, coming here against the cold wind.

The bald-haired Tianli hurriedly led the people to meet him.

As the two sides approached, the bald man shouted, "Ada, did the Wei general agree to sell us grain?"

The leader of the opponent lifted the hood that was used to shield the head from the wind and snow, revealing a face full of wind and frost. The face was full of fatigue, but his eyes were determined.

"Go back to the clan first."

The bald-haired man said hoarsely.

When the bald man heard this, he looked at the clansmen who followed Ah Da to the territory of the Wei people. Everyone was empty-handed, and his heart sank immediately.

The bald-haired people graze on the west and north sides of the West Sea in spring and summer. In winter, they have to go back to the east, as close to the Han people's territory as possible, so as to buy grain and winter supplies from the Han people.

A group of people returned to the big tent of the clan, sat alone in front of the firepit with bald hair, and warmed up for a while.

Then he said in a low voice, "General Hao said that this year Liangzhou suffered from a severe drought, and the grain harvest will be exhausted."

"Besides, the Shu people from the south invaded again and occupied Longyou. Liangzhou is in danger, so there is no extra food to lend us."

As soon as these words came out, all the big and small leaders in the tent were in commotion.

On the contrary, the bald-haired Tianli was more calm. Hearing this, he just frowned, "Sell it? Let's buy furs, or even cattle and sheep. Isn't it okay?"

The bald man sighed alone, and shook his head, "They don't even have enough food for themselves. I heard that the new governor this year went to borrow food from the wealthy family in Liangzhou. Where can we sell it to us?"

An impatient person asked loudly, "My lord, what about the military exploits? The young master took most of our clan's elite cavalry and went to fight with the Wei people."

"This time, most of the elite cavalry in our clan lost more than half. Isn't there any compensation?"

The bald-haired Pigu's face became even more ugly, "What compensation? The Wei people suffered a great loss at the hands of the Han people, and they couldn't take care of themselves. How could they think of compensating us?"

As he spoke, he glanced at his bald son, "Tu Gu, do you think so?"

The bald man nodded his head, "Wei people went to Longyou, and almost wiped out the whole army. Only four or five out of ten can escape."

When everyone heard this, they were even more indignant.

"But my lord, we have traveled all the way from Yinshan Mountain, and our clansmen have died, and finally we have a safe place in the West Sea. The Wei people came to enlist us to fight for them."

"This battle, our clan has lost its vitality. It's fine if they don't make up for it, and they don't even want to sell us food. Isn't this driving us to a dead end!"

What's more, he directly said, "My lord, let's grab it directly? If the Wei people don't give it to us, we'll get it ourselves!"

This remark got the response of most people in the tent, "Yes, my lord, let's just grab it!"

"They don't give us a way out, why should we listen to them?"

Xianbei is different from other Hu people. They are probably the only Hu people who have a psychological advantage over the big man.

After all, Tanshihuai had a great influence on Xianbei.

Not only defeated the Han army many times, but also invaded many counties and counties of the Han people.

The Han emperor once asked Tan Shihuai for a marriage, but Tan Shihuai not only refused, but even stepped up his invasion and plunder.

Although Xianbei is not as good as before, it was not defeated by the Han people, but caused by its own internal division.

So when they are pushed to this point, they subconsciously want to go back to the old business: robbery.

Not only robbing the Han people, but also robbing the Hu people around.

The bald-haired Gu's eyes flickered, and he looked at the bald-haired Tianli, "Tu Gu, what do you think?"

The bald man pondered for a long time, but shook his head, "It's not right. Hao Zhao has guarded Hexi for many years, and he is capable."

"Even if we benefit for a while, in the end we have made a strong enemy. With the current situation of our tribe, it is not enough to compete with the Wei people."

"But what will our tribe do this winter? If this continues, not only will people freeze to death, but they will also starve to death!"

"Then we'll go southeast."

The bald-haired Tianli seemed to have considered this issue a long time ago, "Longxi is located in the southeast of the West Sea. At that time, I led people back from there, and saw that the west of Longxi was full of miscellaneous beards."

"They occupy a place with lush water and grass, and there is also Taoshui, a big river that irrigates the fields. I have inquired about it, and the area of ​​Fanghan and Heguan in Longxi is the place that the Wei people gave up."

"Now there are all Zahu, Qiang and Di people grazing. We Xianbei are much better than those Zahu, and we can go directly to grab their territory."

"In this way, we can not only find a place to spend the winter, but also grab people, cattle and sheep to enrich our tribe."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tent looked at each other in blank dismay.

"It's much easier to rob the miscellaneous beard than to rob the Wei people." The bald-haired man murmured lonely.

When everyone heard this, their faces were full of excitement.

That's right, robbing Zahu is much easier than robbing Wei people, and after robbing Zahu, it is easy to digest their tribe.

"But we don't know the way."

Someone asked a question.

"Young Master should recognize it, right?"

The bald man nodded, "Let's go south first, cross the big river, then go southeast, and we will soon enter Longxi."

"But it's already very cold now, and those bastards must have found a place to spend the winter long ago. What if we can't find them when we get there?"

Someone is still worried.

"No. The Wei people suffered a great loss in Longyou. I heard that the Qianghu in Longxi no longer listen to them and are besieging the Wei people's city."

The bald man said affirmatively, "If we go there, if we are lucky, maybe after robbing Zahu, we can also take the opportunity to rob the Wei people's city."

"Even after the Wei people inquire about the crime, we can put the crime on Miscellaneous Hu."

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