Hu people don't have too many flirts, and when they heard what bald Tianli said, they immediately felt that it would be lucrative to go south to snatch those miscellaneous beards, and they all agreed with yearning.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then go back quickly, get your horses and arrows ready, follow my orders, and set off immediately."

The bald-haired Xianbei was forced to leave the Yin Mountain a few years ago, and went all the way west to find a place to live. He was very familiar with the matter of migration.

Now that they heard the order from the lord, all the leaders responded in unison and went out of their tents to prepare.

After everyone left, the bald man added a piece of cow dung to the firepit. The fire reflected his face, and the wrinkles on his forehead were layered. This was the best proof that the old patriarch cared about the survival of the tribe.

After a long time, the bald-haired man finally asked, "Tu Gu, you suggested that we go south, did you already think about it?"

The bald man sat upright and returned to the firepit, stretched out his hand to warm the fire, and nodded.

"Ada, I'm at Xiangwu. I saw that Hao Zhaorang deliberately let us break up and led the people to escape, so I knew he was not trustworthy."

"If we go with him to Longyou to win a big victory this time, maybe he might think of rewarding us when he is in a good mood."

"It's a pity that he was defeated by the Han people. You go to find him to borrow food. In fact, I have been worried that he will vent his anger on you and it will be bad for you."

Having said that, the bald-haired man let out a sigh, then an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his voice.

"Ada, no matter whether we are forced to leave Yinshan Mountain, or forced to lead the clan's elite riders to fight for others, it is not because others are too strong, but because we are too weak!"

The bald-haired Pi stunned and looked up at his son.

"Ada, now the Wei people are fighting endlessly with the Han people, even those miscellaneous beards can occupy such a good place, and even dare to besiege the Wei people's city."

The bald-haired eyes became more and more fiery, looking at his own Ah Da, "Isn't this a good opportunity for us to grow stronger?"

"As long as we are strong enough and let those bastards farm and graze for us, we will have enough food."

"At that time, even if there is no way to reproduce the majesty of our Great Xianbei like Tan Shihuai, we can still defend ourselves and no longer need to obey the orders of the Wei people."

When the bald-haired Pigu heard these words, a look of horror finally appeared on his face.

"Ada, back then you would rather move away with your clansmen than obey Tuoba Liwei. Are you willing to obey that Wei man's orders now?"

The bald-haired man stared closely at the bald-haired man.

The bald-haired Pigu can be regarded as a person who thinks he is knowledgeable, but he didn't expect to be shocked by his son's words.

The bald-haired man looked at the flames in the fire pit alone, and was silent for a long time, before he asked in a low voice, "Didn't you just say that the Wei people are powerful, and we are not enough to compete with them?"

"Ada, we are not enough to compete with them, but what about the Han people?" The bald-haired Tianli showed excitement on his face, and moved his body, approaching the bald-haired Pigu.

"Ada, do you know that this time I followed Hao Zhao to Longyou and got a piece of news."

"what news?"

The bald-haired guy didn't understand why his son was so excited.

"I heard news about Feng Langjun."

"What Feng Langjun?" The bald-haired man's expression changed slightly, "That Feng Langjun?"

"Yes, it is Feng Langjun who told us where to live." His bald face was flushed with excitement against the firelight.

"I heard that Feng Langjun is quite famous among the Qianghu in Longyou. The most important thing is that I have inquired specifically, Feng Langjun has a lot of status among the Han people."

"Ada, think about it, the Wei people and the Han people are mortal enemies. If the Wei people don't give us food, we will help the Han people."

"Feng Langjun is kind to us. I made the White Horse League with him back then. This time we are going to Longxi, which is the border with the Han people."

"At that time, I will go to Feng Langjun again. With Feng Langjun's reputation of being fair, he will definitely not refuse to trade with us."

"As long as we get rid of the miscellaneous beards in Longxi, we will be able to protect ourselves. Wei people and Han people compete for Liangzhou, and we can also take advantage of the opportunity to strengthen ourselves."

After hearing the words of bald-haired Tianli, even the mature bald-haired Gu could feel his heart throbbing.

"But Tu Gu, Feng Langjun is a Han! He has helped us so much, but we have gone to help the Wei people to beat the Han people this time. Is Feng Langjun willing to help us again?"

"Ada, the Qianghu in Liangzhou have fought against the Han people for so many years, are they still willing to accept Qianghu's attachment?"

The bald-haired Tianli has a different opinion on this, "Furthermore, it was Feng Langjun who instructed us to come to the West Sea."

"So Feng Langjun will definitely understand our situation and know that we are beyond our control. As long as we are willing to help the Han people fight the Wei people, why would he refuse to help us?"

The bald-haired man finally nodded his head after hearing this, "It was you who was instructed by Feng Langjun back then, which gave us a safe place to live."

"If because of going south this time, our tribe can grow stronger again, and you don't even have to submit to others, you are the biggest contributor to our bald hair department."

Baldy Tianli was so excited that his body was trembling slightly, "Ada, if this trip to the south is successful, then the south to Longxi, across the river, and the north to the West Sea, are all the pastures of our bald hair department."

In November of the sixth year of Jianxing, the Xihaibei Badufa tribe left the land of Xihai, and the whole family went south, crossed the river, and turned to Longxi in the southeast, looking for a place to spend the winter.

Compared with the bald people who migrated in winter, the people in Jincheng lived much more comfortably.

Outside Jincheng, with the Dongfeng Express warehouse built by the Tsing Yi water as the center, new buildings have been continuously built in recent years.

Xinghan Club also took advantage of their connections to buy the original rough wharf by the water in Tsing Yi and the surrounding land, and then re-expanded it to become a large wharf.

Nantong Nanzhong, north to Hanzhong, southeast Yong'an.

The three most important lines of the Xinghan Society, as long as the supplies pass through Jincheng, they will be transferred here.

Now it has become the largest material distribution center in Jincheng.

At the same time, Xinghanhui also moved the headquarters of Jincheng here.

The tall courtyard wall was first built with rammed earth, and then covered with green bricks outside. It occupies a huge area. The construction method of the courtyard wall alone is enough to show off wealth.

Not to mention the layout inside.

Pavilions, terraces and pavilions, each embracing the terrain, with long corridors like belts, and towering eaves like fighting horns, are used for outsiders who come and go from various places.

Of course, you have to pay a lot of room rates.

But it is also worth it, because you live here, you may meet a certain boss of the Xinghan Club at any time.

If you can make a connection, ask the big boss to help you and the like, it will be enough to satisfy the general business.

The outer courtyard and the inner courtyard are separated by two courtyard walls, and there is a large open space in the middle, which is guarded by security personnel.

The inner courtyard is not as prosperous as the outer courtyard, but it is much quieter.

But in the middle of the inner courtyard, there is a large attic, which can accommodate more than a hundred people, which was specially specified by the leader to be built.

Deng Liang, the chief rudder at the entrance of the Xinghan Hall, is the assistant general of Zhao Yun, the governor of Longyou, and the son of Deng Zhi.

Although the winter in Jincheng is not as cold as that in Longyou, it is more chilly.

Deng Liang spends half of his time here every month—it is much warmer than home.

The fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, making the room very warm.

The door was pushed open, and a gust of cold wind rushed in wrapped in a black shadow.

It caused the flames in the fireplace to shake for a while.

The visitor didn't even have time to catch his breath, so he yelled loudly, "Weizhe, great news!"

"Close the door first." Deng Liang, who was half lying on the sofa covered with fluff, was only wearing unlined clothing, and shivered suddenly when he was blown by the cold wind outside.

Xu Xun turned back and closed the door, before he could take off his thick down jacket, he moved to Deng Liang's side and said excitedly, "News from Longyou!"

When Deng Liang heard this, he quickly put down the book in his hand, turned over and sat up straight and asked, "What news is there again, brother?"

"It's not my brother, no, it's also my brother's."

Xu Xun said incoherently.

Deng Liang poured him a cup of hot water, "I reckoned that you will return to Jincheng in three days, but I didn't expect you to arrive today."

"It seems that you are in a hurry, and you can't even speak clearly. Drink some water first, and speak slowly."

Xu Xun continued without hesitation, "Of course I am anxious, sister-in-law is happy!"

"Sister-in-law? Which sister-in-law?"

Deng Liang didn't react for a while, but when he saw Xu Xun's expression of uncontrollable excitement, his heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Xu Xun in disbelief.

"Of course it's Feng Guan!"

Hearing Xu Xun say these three words, Deng Liang was shocked, and blurted out, "Really?!"

"Of course it's true! When I left Nanxiang, Mrs. Mu had already entrusted all the affairs of Nanxiang to the little lady of the Zhang family, and she took people with her to Longyou."

"I got the news from Lady Mu, so can it be false?"

After Deng Liang confirmed the news, he almost knocked over the hot water on the table, and stood up uncontrollably, "Great! Now everyone can finally feel at ease."

In the dispute between the two daughters of Guan and Zhang, the daughter of the Guan family, who represented the interests of the powerful, won and married her elder brother.

In the past two years, the prime minister has delegated power to His Majesty to let His Majesty learn how to handle the government affairs. This is a normal thing, and it is a matter of course.

But once these two incidents are related to the young lady of the Zhang family, it will always make everyone feel a little uneasy.

After the elder brother married the daughter of the Guan family, it would be good if he broke up with the daughter of the Zhang family.

It's not that no one like me who is a brother is willing to make sacrifices to marry the young lady of the Zhang family, so as to avoid future troubles.

But the elder brother seems to have been entangled with the young lady of the Zhang family.

Moreover, the Guan family's girl looked like she hadn't seen it, which made everyone really anxious.

What about Tiger Girl? Take him away!

So what does Hyun-sook do?

Sister-in-law, you are also the one who broke the younger brother's thigh, if you show a little bit of your vigor back then, brother still dare to mess around?

I just want to think about it, but seeing the intricate relationship between the two daughters Guan and Zhang and their elder brother, the younger brother dare not say or ask.

It's all right now, Feng Guan is pregnant with her elder brother's eldest son, everything is stable now.

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