Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 749 The Wheel of History

The further west you go from Pingxiang, the colder the weather becomes.

Lingju City in Jincheng County had already had a thin snowfall when it entered October.

With the experience of last year, Dongfeng Express has prepared winter warm clothes, various preserved vegetables, food, and even a specialty of Yuexi: kippers.

This year's Dongfeng Express is no longer the only transportation tool for Dianma.

As the chairman of Dongfeng Express and in control of various tribes in Longyou, how could Feng Junhou waste his own resources?

So this year, Huqiang School Weifu cooperated with Dongfeng Express and introduced a good policy.

That is, as long as the various tribes gather enough manpower and material resources, they will report to the Huqiang Captain's Mansion.

You can apply for Dongfeng Express to transport goods from Qishanbao to Jincheng, Xiping, Xiaoguan and other places.

When they arrive at the ground, Dongfeng Express will issue them a unique ticket.

With the ticket, you can go to Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion to cash in various things.

What to offset the previous debts, exchange for food, wool, and even salt, etc., and so on.

This policy was praised by the Hu brothers in Longyou, who believed that Feng Langjun was benefiting himself in disguise.

At least this year, everyone can make some extra money, and during the Chinese New Year, they can eat more food than last year.

"Brother, are we going to increase the price of this woolen material?"

After delivering the last batch of supplies, Xu Xun entered the house, took off his sheepskin hat, shook the woolen cloak on his body, and rinsed off the fine snow particles.

Lingju's house is not as good as Pingxiang, let alone Nanxiang.

In addition to taking advantage of privileges to temporarily set up a big kang, heating on weekdays is to sit by the fire to warm up.

"Have you eaten leopard gall?"

Feng Yong was roasting a leg of lamb, and when he heard Xu Xun's words, he didn't even lift his eyelids.

"The woolen materials supplied to the army are all contracted. If you dare to raise the price halfway, your adults can hang you up and beat you."

Feng Junhou was simply convinced by this guy.

I don't know if it's because I've been running for too long and got caught up in the merchant's spirit or something, but if I open my mouth and shut up, the price will increase.

Labor, up.

Dry food, up.

Now wool is also going up.

Feng Yong felt that this guy would be bloated to death one day.

"That's not what my brother said."

Xu Xun took off his cloak, leaned in front of the fire bowl, and stretched out his hand to warm the fire.

"My little brother means that it is difficult for our wool to be supplied to the army, and we have to squeeze out a share to sell it to Soochow."

"Let's not talk about the road from Longyou to Guanzhong, even on the side of Jincheng, it's hard to find a horse."

"So why can't we raise the price of the wool we sell to Soochow?"

Selling woolen materials to Soochow is considered a semi-political task. After all, they have to import raw sugar from them, which is not a loss.

Feng Yong didn't bother to deal with this money-seeker.

"Last year we were able to get a batch of low-grade wool from Nanzheng's workshop, and now those guys in Nanzheng are even selling low-grade wool."

When Xu Xun saw that Feng Yong didn't speak, he muttered unrelentingly, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with Nanzheng Workshop.

"It's fine to sell that kind of inferior wool, but the price is ridiculously expensive."

"I don't know how dark the heart is to do such things. And those who bought it with money, I don't know if they are fools..."

"Don't say a few words!" Feng Yong scolded, "Nanzheng Workshop is opened by the government, and you can give me advice on how to do it?"

Xu Xun was so frightened that he turned his head and looked at the door, making sure that there were no outsiders, so he smiled: "Didn't I just tell my elder brother?"

Feng Yong gave a "tsk", secretly thinking that these guys are really getting bolder.

It really is the greed of capital that makes people have no scruples.

In the past, under the high pressure of the old demon Zhuge, who would dare to say such a thing?

Now that Xu Xun said this, there may not be some people behind him.

"Isn't the workshop over there in Pingxiang already started?"

Feng Yong flipped through the leg of lamb, and gave Xu Xun an even darker idea, "Which workshop is the first to spin the wool that is qualified?"

"You won't think of a way to get those unqualified wool in advance?"

Xu Xun was a little puzzled, "But brother, no matter how bad this kind of wool is, isn't the barbarian a treasure?"

"In addition, my brother took the inferior wool from Nanzheng Workshop to fool the barbarians last year. Those big clans, which one is not human? How could they let go?"

The breeding of sheep in this era is far inferior to that of later generations.

Not to mention the yield and quality of wool.

Although there are five wool spinning workshops in Pingxiang, but in terms of size, they may not be half as large as Nanxiang workshops.

Half of Longyou's wool will be confiscated by the government, and most of it will be given to Nanzheng Workshop.

However, Nanzheng Workshop's official management, management concepts, management methods, production efficiency, and even its sensitivity to the market are far from being comparable to Nanxiang Workshop.

Not to mention that there is a top CEO like Li Mu in Nanxiang Workshop.

Therefore, compared with Nanxiang Workshop, Nanzheng Workshop has a frighteningly high rate of defective wool products every year.

In terms of quality, Nanxiang Workshop's wool is even more refined than Nanzheng.

Feng Yong sneered with a "huh", "This kind of thing can be done by Hu Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion, and others can do it too?"

Last year, how many Hu tribes in Longyou were unable to eat and wear clothes?

Therefore, what Hu Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion did last year was for the overall situation, so that the Hu brothers could have something to keep out the cold for the winter.

You folks also want to do the same, have you asked the opinion of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion?

Using rotten wool to fool the Huren brothers, something really went wrong and caused dissatisfaction, can you afford it?

From a political point of view, the Hu Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion would not allow the aristocratic family to mix with the Qiang Hu.

Stretch out your hands and chop your hands, stretch your feet and chop your feet.

Giving them such great benefits is not to please them, but to borrow their way to open the roads to Wei, Wu, and even the grasslands and the Western Regions.

It is impossible to sell domestically. Before the unification of the world, it is impossible for them to sell domestically. Only export can maintain the appearance of life.

The right to sell domestically can only be in the hands of oneself, ahem, ahem, the government.


Xu Xun was dumbfounded when he heard this.

He really didn't expect that such a thing would have such a saying.

He couldn't understand it.

"You don't understand." Feng Yong waved his hand, "You just go to your sister-in-law, they will arrange it."

Using the origin of raw materials and the place where products are dumped as bait, semi-force the family to expand outward, so that they have a strong idea of ​​unity.

With Xu Xun's IQ, it's normal for him to fail to understand this kind of concept.

With Zhang Xingyi's political talent, after studying the things in his bookcase, he might understand something.

"Which sister-in-law?"

Xu Xun didn't really think about understanding the truth inside.

Because although I don't understand it very well, I always feel a little permeable.

Brother's insidiousness, ah, no, I mean, brother's foresight is for all to see.

"Which sister-in-law is there? Of course it is Zhang. Well, don't you only have one sister-in-law?"

Xu Xun suddenly said, "I understand, I understand! I understand everything!"

"You know what a fart!"

Seeing Xu Xun's ambiguous expression, Feng Junhou cursed angrily.

This bastard actually let himself accidentally say something wrong, it is really an unforgivable crime.

"Go to Pingxiang first to ask Mrs. Guan to explain, and then go to Nanxiang to find Li Mu."

Feng Junhou bit the word "Guan" very hard.

"The weavers and handymen used by Pingxiang Workshop are now being supplied by Nanxiang Workshop."

"If someone doesn't even sell us a piece of rotten wool, then... Li Mu will naturally know how to do it."

Xu Xun nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "I understand, I understand, Mrs. Guan and Mrs. Li!"

Feng Yong was furious and kicked him.

Xu Xun was kicked somersault, and he came back as if nothing had happened, and smiled.

Just talking about the weaver and the handyman, Xu Xun remembered something again.

"Brother, the weavers and handymen in the Pingxiang workshop can only be regarded as hired workers now? After paying off the debts, do you really want to let them go free?"

"The decree issued by the prime minister himself is still false?"

From the perspective of the workshop owner, he naturally wished that everything in the workshop was his own, including the personal freedom of the weavers and handyman, and even the heart and spleen.

But from the perspective of the development of the industry, or even a big man, this is a short-sighted behavior.

Feng Yong was very fortunate that the big man was not kidnapped by the aristocratic family because of his special circumstances, and even took the initiative to weaken the shackles of the aristocratic family.

So this kind of short-sighted behavior was stopped by state power.

"You will understand later that this is for everyone's benefit."

Since Xu Xun talked about this, Feng Yong didn't mind talking more.

He took out the dagger, cut off a piece of mutton, handed it to Xu Xun, and then cut off another piece of roasted brown skin, and put it in his mouth.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Feng Yong said, "It's not like you don't know the situation in Nanxiang. How many weavers have become freelancers in the past two years?"

"But who wants to leave? Everyone else is trying their best to squeeze in."

"The tax collected by Nanxiang is increasing every year. Taking last year as an example, it is only inferior to Jincheng."

"The government has not collected less taxes," Feng Yong pointed to himself again, "but the income of those industries in Nanxiang is also increasing year by year."

"Why? It's because of those weavers and handymen who got free. They don't need to eat when they get free?"

"The money and food that the workshop distributes to them every month, don't they still have to use it to buy clothes, briquettes, and furniture?"

"It's not like you don't know that the people who come out of the workshop, what they eat, what they wear, and where they live at home are better than the rich old countrymen."

"Where do these things come from? Did they grow them all by themselves? Did they make them themselves? Didn't they all buy them from us?"

The so-called free body is a free body that does not even have arable land. What else can it do besides selling its own labor force?

As capitalists, they earn surplus value on the one hand and sell their products on the other hand.

The money and food that had been distributed to them were collected in another way.

This money and food circulates in a circle, and in the end it can stimulate production through consumption. Isn't it delicious?

After listening to Feng Yong's nagging for a while, Xu Xun became more and more confused. He counted with his fingers, but he didn't understand.

It caused Feng Yong to despise him for a while.

This is the massacre of dragons, you ancients know nothing!

It's not that Xu Xun doesn't understand anything, at least he understands one thing: that is, the money and food are returned to him in the end, and he even gained a good reputation.

"Brother, this kind of manipulative technique is really a masterpiece from ancient times!"

Xu Xun slapped his thigh, his face full of surprise.

Feng Yong chuckled and didn't answer.

It is certain that it is ancient and unique, but he only talked about the first half.

In the second half of "The Proletariat Unite", he didn't mention a word at all.

This is an inevitable trend of social formation, a historical inevitability, even if he said it in advance, it would be useless.

Anyway, if he really had to wait until that step, his bones would have been turned into ashes for an unknown number of years.

Hundreds of years later, even if someone wants to pick up his grave, at most they will get nothing. Feng Junhou has nothing to fear!

Because he is already doing his best to avoid the darkness of a hundred years later, so he has a clear conscience.

If the unworthy descendants can't even seize this opportunity, then don't blame his ancestor.

The cold winter in Liangzhou couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the brothers.

A few days after Xu Xun left, several brothers braved the severe cold and ran over to visit Feng Junhou, who was guarding Lingju, regardless of the long distance.


As soon as Zhao Guang entered the room, regardless of the cold air brought in from outside, he wanted to pounce on him.

"Brother, you want to kill me too!"

Feng Yong then puts himself in a defensive position and pushes him away.

"Wenxuan, why are you here?"

The brothers Li Yi and Li Qiu who followed behind were much more polite.

They saluted Feng Yong in unison: "I have seen my brother."

"Sit, all sit." Feng Yong greeted, "There is hot water over there, and tea leaves on the table. You can pour whatever you want."

"I don't like to be served by others, so I do it myself. This is the milk tea that I brewed in the morning, and drinking it can drive away the cold."

Zhao Guang unceremoniously poured himself a bowl of milk tea and drank it all in one go.

Then he exhaled, "It's delicious!"

The resentment that was pushed away by his brother just now was swept away.

"Brother, this milk tea is really the best soup drink. I heard that in the Hu tribe, only the most distinguished guests will take it out."

Zhao Guang poured another bowl by himself, "Two months ago, I went to see the pasture in the north of Pingxiang."

"Shuai Qu of those tribes, when he heard that my elder brother and I are blood brothers, he even took out the last bit of tea from the tribe."

Zhao Guang stretched out his thumb, "My brother's name is more useful than real money in the Hu tribe!"

"But when it comes to this milk tea, brother's is the best!"

After Zhao Guang finished speaking, he drank another bowl "gudong gudong".

Feng Yong ignored him, and only looked at Li Yi and Li Qiu, "I thought Xin Hou (Li Qiu) came alone, but Wen Xuan followed him."

The victory of Jincheng and Xiping is not the end of the matter.

People have to send news back, and finally wait for the imperial court to appoint the prefects of the two counties.

So for the past two months, Feng Yong has been leading the army to guard Lingju, not only to put pressure on Wuwei, but also to wait for the prefect of Jincheng who took over to come.

Li Qiu, who was originally promoted from the county magistrate of Nanxiang to the chief historian of Hanzhong, is now promoted to the prefect of Jincheng County.

Many people would not believe it if the prime minister of the Han Dynasty did not take into account the factor of Feng Yong, the captain of the Qiang school.

Anyway, everyone now knows that the group of people who first followed Feng Junhou are the best among the younger generation of big men.

Li Qiu, as the new prefect of Jincheng, came to hand over to Feng Yong, which was just as it should be.

But Li Yi also followed, which surprised Feng Yong.

Li Yi took a vacation earlier and went back to Nanzhong to visit Li Hui, and at the same time, he married Zhao Guang on the same day.

I heard that Jincheng was very lively at that time.

Nanzhong Li's family has really become a prominent family now.

Li Hui was the governor of Nanzhong, Li Yi joined the army in the prime minister's mansion, and Li Qiu was the prefect of Jincheng.

At the same time, he married the He family.

Although this He family cannot represent the He family in Sichuan on the bright side.

But everyone knows that the third householder of the He family is now the dog of the old demon Zhuge, and he can bite whoever he wants to bite.

A few days ago, Feng Yong cooperated with the Li family in Longxi, Li Mu personally operated the knife, and He Wang and He Shen, father and son of the third house of the He family, provided the ammunition.

He directly laid down the head of the Li family's clan in Sichuan, and he is still in a state of discouragement.

Because of the third house of the He family, in fact, the He family in Sichuan is now in a state of splitting.

Many side branches followed He Wang and He Shen, father and son.

Coupled with the marriage between the Li family of Nanzhong and the offshoot of the He family, I don't know if the patriarch of the He family will scold MMP in his heart now?

Anyway, the two major surnames in Sichuan, the He and Li families, were dismembered just like that.

For the lineage clan, this situation is tantamount to the collapse of the sky.

But for the offshoots who have benefited, I welcome them cautiously.

Compared to the well-being of the people in the clan house, I must prefer to live well by myself, right?

Emperor Xiaowu's Tweeting Order was originally an unsolvable conspiracy in this world.

The alliance between the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty and King Feng Gui also has the taste of a big push.

I represent the wheel of history, you cannot stop it.

The situation is not a small one, it is a great one, but there is a trace of worry that cannot be hidden in Li Yi's eyes.

The house is full of his own brothers, and Li Yi didn't hide it: "Brother, my younger brother went back to Nanzhong to visit the lord, the lord's body really can't hold on anymore."

As soon as these words came out, even Zhao Guang looked over.

Along the way, this Li Wenxuan didn't mention a word, keeping him a secret!

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