Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 750: The Future in the Army

Li Yi had said to himself before that Li Hui planned to resign from the position of Tuojiang Governor.

The reason is that the body can't support it anymore.

Later, Zhang Xingyi had a wave of analysis with himself.

The final conclusion is that regardless of whether Li Hui's health is really bad or not, within two or three years, the replacement of the Nanzhong Tuo's surrendered governor is almost a foregone conclusion.

The reason is also very simple: to better manage Nanzhong.

Li Hui was originally from Jianning. Now he is both the governor of Nanzhong and the prefect of Jianning.

It's just that Nanzhong was newly established at that time, and the prime minister of the great Han made an exception for the sake of Annan Zhonghan Yi's heart.

Now Nanzhong has not only settled down, but has even produced output.

The interests involved are becoming more and more important.

Copper mines and sucrose alone are enough for the imperial court to strengthen its control over Nanzhong.

"What happened to Li Dudu's body?"

Feng Yong asked with concern.

Benefits belong to benefits, even if there are no benefits, Li Hui, as Li Yi's adult, Feng Yong would logically call him Uncle Li.

More importantly, Li Hui, as one of the main contributors to the pacification of Nanzhong, helped Dahan stabilize Nanzhong after the war, and at the same time actively helped raise a lot of military funds during the Northern Expedition.

In the past few years, Xinghan Club has been able to expand smoothly in Nanzhong, and Li Huiju helped a lot.

In terms of emotion and reason, public and private, Feng Yong must express his concern for this great hero.

"My lord has been entangled in military affairs over the years, fighting non-stop, and thinking hard about governing Nanzhong, and his energy is getting worse day by day."

Li Yi's voice was a little low, and the worry on his face was finally revealed without concealment.

"When I went back to visit my lord, my lord told me personally that he had been ill for two consecutive times this year, which was unprecedented. He has been feeling weaker and weaker lately."

Feng Yong nodded, "Captain Li has worked so hard for the country for so many years. He has to go to war and also consider the town of Fu Nanzhong. It is very hard work."

"Being mentally and physically exhausted is the most exhausting energy and wears down the body. Moreover, Nanzhong is hot and humid, and there are many miasmas. Diseases and evils are easy to invade the body."

When people get old, they usually look mentally healthy, but they must not get sick, because as long as they get sick, they are likely to collapse quickly.

What's more, the medical conditions and nutritional conditions in this era are really poor.

"Since Dudu Li feels that his body can't support it anymore, it is a good choice to resign from the post of Dudu and do all the mundane duties to support his life."

When Feng Yong said this, he involuntarily glanced at Li Qiu.

She secretly thought that Si Niang had analyzed with herself at that time that Li Dudu's resignation might not have been discussed with the prime minister in advance.

Now it seems that she was indeed right.

Li Qiu can become the prefect of Jincheng, apart from considering that he is the captain of the Qiang guard, I am afraid that the prime minister also intends to compensate Li Hui.

So this move can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

The prime minister's careful planning is really the same as before and has never changed.

Li Yi said: "What what my brother said is true, the water and soil in Nanzhong are indeed not suitable for raising people. On this point, my brother has nothing to do with adults."

"So my lord wants to move to Hanzhong to recuperate after resigning."

Feng Yong frowned.

Um? Hanzhong? Not Jincheng?

After retiring, old courtiers will either return to their hometowns because the hometown is friendly.

Either stay in the capital, after all, never far away from the political center.

Li Hui took the initiative to move to Hanzhong, which is a bit strange.

Feng Yong instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything wrong.

Touch your side, hey, where is my Concubine Zhi?

Thinking of Si Niang who was far away in Pingxiang, Feng Junhou had no choice but to ask, "Why Hanzhong?"

"Maybe your lord intends to put the focus of our Li family in Hanzhong?"

Li Yi said hesitantly.

Li Yi also has a bright mirror in his heart for his family's current prominence.

In his opinion, the adults' actions, in addition to the fact that there are physical reasons, may also have the meaning of retreating bravely.

Nanzhong is likely to experience some turmoil in the next few years.

Although it is not as good as the turmoil a few years ago, the strengthening of the imperial court's control over Nanzhong will inevitably cause some people to feel uneasy.

The adults put the focus on Hanzhong, I'm afraid it's just in case.

Li Yi's ability to say this to this point can be regarded as his extreme trust in Feng Yong.

As for Zhao Guang being able to hear this, it was purely because of Feng Yong's face.

Hearing Li Yi's conjecture, Feng Yong nodded: "It makes sense."

However, it can also be seen from Li Yi's words that Li Hui did not explain everything to Li Yi at all.

It is true that Li Hui resigned when he resigned.

But he had to go to Hanzhong to recuperate. Feng Yong wasn't sure if there was something tricky in it.

After all, Old Demon Zhuge is in Hanzhong.

But if you can't figure it out for now, don't think about it, Feng Yong's eyes fell on Li Yi and Li Qiu.

The second generation of the Li family in Nanzhong are all closely related to him, and it is impossible for Li Hui to harm his own son and nephew.

So you don't have to worry too much about this.

Thinking of Li Hui going to Hanzhong, Feng Yong suddenly smiled again, "It's good for Dudu Li to go to Hanzhong to recuperate, it will save me a worry."

Looking at the questioning gazes cast by the three of them, Feng Yong explained:

"Actually, I had a plan for a long time ago, that is to build a lecture hall. Select some talented young soldiers from the army, as well as school students who aspire to join the army."

"Let experienced soldiers and soldiers train them, and invite some veterans to give lectures."

"After these students come out of the martial arts lecture hall, they can directly fill in the ranks of the commanders of Hu Qiang's captain's mansion as a backup."

"At the beginning, I planned to build this martial arts lecture hall in Nanxiang. Last year, the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion was set in Pingxiang, so I wanted to build it in Pingxiang again."

"For this reason, I have been vacillating, and now it is finally settled, let's build it in Nanxiang."

Feng Yong looked at Li Yi with a smile, "The climate in Nanxiang is better than that in Longyou, and it can also give those veterans in the army a better rest."

Li Yi's heart skipped a beat when he heard Feng Yong's words: "Brother wants to make your lord..."

"That's right! Dudu Li guards Nanzhong, he has many military exploits, and he is a rare veteran in the army."

Feng Yong first praised, and then continued, "Besides, there is a medical school in Nanxiang, which is the best place for big men to recuperate."

"Captain Li went to Nanxiang, where he can get the best recuperation. If he has time or is in the mood, he can go to the martial arts hall to give lectures."

"Talk to those students about the battles of the year, and someone will accompany you to chat, and you will feel much more comfortable, which is also great."

Li Yu said gratefully, "Brother has a heart."

Because what my brother said was really sweet.

Heroes are not allowed to see gray hair, for fear of being lonely and no one will know.

This time when I went back to see my lord, my lord's words already had the meaning of sighing.

It would be a good thing if he could get recuperation while having someone to chat with and untie his knots.

"I have selfish intentions." Feng Yong waved his hand, "I just want Governor Li to mention those students."

Li Yi smiled, "Your Excellency is just looking for someone to chat with, to tell you about your past battles, and I'm sure you'd like to."

According to what my brother said, the students who come out of the lecture hall in the future will have a good start in the army.

That will naturally make it easier than others.

These people, no matter what, will accept the adults' love.

This is enough.

Anyway, my lord didn't intend to write a military book, and then keep it in the family, so that it will not be passed on to the world.

It's just that there is one last question in Li Yi's mind: "Brother, will the imperial court agree to this lecture hall?"

In fact, what he wanted to ask more was, did the prime minister agree?

Feng Yong smiled slightly.

"Wenxuan, the captain of the Qiang guard, has the right to command the army alone, and also controls all affairs of the Yongliang, Qiang, and Hu. It can be said that he has a high position and weight."

"And I was only twenty-two last year, so I was able to hold this position. Do you know why?"

Li Yi opened his mouth, then frowned again.

"Naturally, my elder brother has done a lot of hard work, and he is highly convincing. In addition, he has great prestige among the tribes of the Hu people in Longyou."

Zhao Guang said without hesitation.

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang.

How can I answer your words?

Should I accept it, or should I not?

Will it appear too thick-skinned if I agree?

"Brother thinks, is there another reason?"

Li Yi just opened his mouth, but he actually wanted to say this.

"Yes." Feng Yong nodded, "Prime Minister told me something else at that time."

"The prime minister said that in the past ten years, the big man has lost his generals and advisers, not to mention Qu Chang, Tuen generals, etc., there are nearly a thousand people, all of them are elite."

The defeat of Jingzhou and Yiling really almost drained all the vitality of the big man.

"The battle of Longyou, although it was said that the soldiers used their lives, but it was also the great man of Tianzuo, so there was such a big victory."

Although there is a great victory in Longyou, Feng Yong knows one thing, that is, in private, the old monster Zhuge is not very satisfied with the soldiers of this Northern Expedition.

The reason is very simple, except for the Tiger Army led by him and the Nanxiang Army led by himself.

The rest of the soldiers, from top to bottom, are far from meeting the requirements of the military order to clean up.

Ma Di, Li Sheng, Huang Xi and others are representatives of them.

Unclear military orders, inexperienced generals, and the tendency of soldiers to be completely defeated at critical moments, etc., are extremely serious problems.

Li Sheng defended the city and fled without a fight, while Ma Su led the army and was defeated at the first touch.

More importantly, after a defeat, the soldiers will no longer be recorded, the soldiers will not see the generals, the generals will not see the soldiers, and each will fight for their lives.

Therefore, after the end of the Northern Expedition, the old demon Zhuge vigorously promoted a group of generals who performed well in the Northern Expedition, such as Jiang Wei and Liu Yin.

At the same time, the training of soldiers was stepped up, the soldiers were vigorously taught martial arts, and military discipline was strictly enforced.

So outsiders only saw the victory of the Northern Expedition and rewarded the three armies, but they didn't know that a batch of blood had been changed in the army.

In addition to credit, part of the reason for being able to start a government and lead the army at such an age is due to the fault and shortage of generals in the Han army.

"In this Northern Expedition, at least some of the generals in the army were promoted."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang coldly again.

Zhao Guang shrank his neck.

He was ready to be scolded by his brother.

Unexpectedly, the elder brother didn't mention him: "But the elite in the army can't become an army overnight."

"In the past, the elite could only be picked out of the dead through constant battles. But in the two battles at Longguan and Jieting, I proved to the prime minister that there is actually another way to train elite soldiers."

Everyone in Li Yi knew what method Feng Yong was talking about.

"But brother, this method is extremely wasteful. Even if a big man wants to, he probably won't be able to afford it."

"Elite, what's wrong with wasting money?" Feng Yong sighed, "No one dares to expect the Han army to be full of elites."

"So this lecture hall, the prime minister only gave it a name, which is under the jurisdiction of the general, but the cost will be figured out by the Hu Qiang school captain's house."

After all, the students who came out were all in the Army of the Huqiang School Weifu, and the expenses must be paid by themselves.

"General? It seems that the big man has no one to take the post of general now, right?"

Zhao Guang muttered.

Feng Yong couldn't help glaring at Zhao Guang.

Do you think that if I don't scold you, you can start dancing?

Zhao Guang retreated into the chair again.

It's just that his words reminded the other two.

Not to mention Li Yi, but Li Qiu, when he heard Zhao Guang's words, his heart skipped a beat!


What does it mean that the prime minister made the lecture hall under the name of the general?

The particularity of the position of general, they couldn't help but think about it.

It stands to reason that the Taiwei among the three princes of the Han Dynasty was the highest military commander of the Han Dynasty, and he was in charge of military affairs in all directions.

Responsible for the assessment of military officers across the country. At the end of each year, the grades are assessed and reported to the emperor as the basis for the promotion and demotion of officers.

However, after Emperor Guangwu reduced his power, the three princes of the Han Dynasty: Taiwei, Situ, and Sikong, although they were the highest official positions in name, had no real power.

Above the Sangong, there was originally a Shanggong Taifu, who was the prince's teacher.

After the crown prince ascended the throne, most of the Taifu will record the affairs of the ministers, and he can be regarded as the actual prime minister.

It was only after the middle period of the Later Han Dynasty that the queen mother came to the court and ruled, and most of her relatives were ruled by generals, so Taifu gradually became an honorary position.

Up to now, the three positions that really hold real power are: General, Sima, and Prime Minister.

Now the big man has neither the great Sima nor the great general, only the prime minister.

"Cough! Let's talk about the martial arts hall," Feng Yong coughed, interrupting the imagination of several people.

"Who is in charge of the martial arts lecture hall? That's something the prime minister has to consider. But the prime minister has indeed agreed to open a martial arts lecture hall in Nanxiang."

It doesn't really matter whose name the martial arts hall belongs to.

The most typical ones are official positions such as Shizhong, Shangshu, and Yushi. They belong to the Shaofu in name, but they are actually court officials.

In particular, the Zhongshuling in the former Han Dynasty and the Shangshutai in the later Han Dynasty are the central real power institutions that handle government affairs.

Although it is under the name of the Shaofu, in fact it is directly under the emperor, or the ministers who hold real power must receive ministers.

"Since the elder brother has made arrangements, the younger brother will naturally try his best to persuade the adults to give more lectures in the martial arts hall, which can be regarded as the last meager effort for the big man."

Li Yi said quickly.

The lecture hall under the name of the general, and its students are in the army led by the elder brother. Do you need to hesitate about such things?

Seeing that his elder brother had finished talking with Li Yi, Zhao Guang said with some embarrassment: "Elder brother, younger brother...the younger brother actually has something to ask for."

"Want to lead the army?" Feng Yong squinted at him and asked.

"Elder brother knows my heart!"

Zhao Guangda said happily.


Feng Yong sneered.

I can know how many sassy intestines you have in your belly, so why do you need to know your heart?

What's more, you don't even have fancy intestines, just a fucking straight intestine!

"You were the first to follow me. How many things have I taught you? How many times have I reminded you? Huh?"

"Look at Liu Hun, he's already a marquis, what about you? You can't even keep the title of general! Now you still have the face to tell me you want to lead the army?"

Zhao Guang shrinks into a ball.

This scolding, after all, still can't escape.

Seeing his appearance, Feng Yong wanted to do something.

It seems that Mr. Zhao likes to use sticks to teach his children for no reason.

Feng Yong gritted his teeth and said, "Let me ask you, when I asked you to learn more cavalry tactics from General Zhao and General Ma, how much did you learn?"

"Learned... learned a little bit, but these few months, I have been preparing to get married, so I delayed a little."

Zhao Guang said hesitantly.

Seeing him like this, Feng Yong finally couldn't help it.

"How dare you delay! Do you know that Old General Zhao has already said that he is going to teach Liu Hun the cavalry tactics!"

Feng Yong beat his head and face, punched and kicked, beat and scolded, "You are the old general's own son, don't you want to lose to an outsider!"

Zhao Guang moaned and said wronged: "My lord has never loved me!"

"You don't care if he loves you or not, you have to love him! If you don't love him, how can you learn cavalry?"

Feng Yong hated that iron cannot be made into steel.

According to the news from Nanzhong Hepingxiang, Huang Yueying, a national technician, finally brought the water row back to the sky.

With water drainage and blower for iron smelting, the quality and quantity of refined iron will increase explosively.

Armored riding is no longer a dream.

But now I don't even have a cavalry general on hand, how can Feng Yong not be anxious?

After all, Liu Hun was going to be transferred back to the Longyou Governor's Mansion.

Moreover, Feng Junhou was not so generous, giving the armored cavalry he had spent a lot of money to others for use.

The only person who can be counted on is Zhao Guang.

Although this guy listened to what he said, he obviously didn't pay much attention to it.

As a general, under his own reminder, he still has no sharpness, which is really irritating.

I can't argue with it!

"Leader is fine, I only have cavalry at hand now, do you want it?"

Feng Yong asked angrily.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhao Guang quickly agreed.

"When can I learn to lead the cavalry?"

"Little brother, come back to Pingxiang, learn immediately, and I will definitely let the adults teach me!"

"If you can't learn it, don't even think about leading the army!"

Zhao Guang let out an "Ah" with resentment on his face: "Elder brother doesn't love me anymore?"

"Get out of here!"

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