Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 782: Position Determines Way of Thinking

Today's Longyou Qianghu tribe can only survive if they follow the big man.

Those who wanted to follow Wei Guo were all killed by the big man and the tribes who wanted to follow the big man.

Following the big man, there are several different paths.

One is a semi-tie.

That is, there are tribes in hand, and they follow the orders of the big man to form a servant army.

The tribe is still under the control of Qu Shuai, except that there will be Han officials to count the population and livestock, etc., everything else remains the same.

If you want to graze in the territory of the Han Dynasty, you have to pay taxes every year.

Of course, when the New Year is sad, you can also borrow some food, but there is interest.

The second is to be completely under the control of Qiang Xiaowei's mansion.

Qu Shuai is still the leader of the clan, but the specific affairs of the clan will be arranged by Han officials.

The power is a bit small, but it can't stand people's liking for rare things such as silk and satin, tea, brown sugar, fine wine, etc. that are full of tents.

What's more, one's own tribe can also be assigned to fertile pastures, with no worries about food and clothing, which is much more enjoyable than the first tribe.

The third way is even better.

Other Qu Shuai sold the heads of other tribes, and some Qu Shuai became so mad that they even wanted to sell their own clansmen.

They abandoned Hu Yi's bad habit of disheveled hair, and imitated the Han people to tie up their hair.

Abandoned the left lapel, put on a toga, the fabric is more high-grade than those workshop stewards.

The big man will naturally not treat such loyal people badly.

Not only did the grassland of the tribe under his original name get him a bonus every year, but he was also given a big man's green card.

The status is a scholar official, the kind that can be directly mixed into the high social class of Pingxiang.

Qu Shuai, a Hu man, approached the steward of the He family and asked in a strange Chinese accent:

"Guan He, what's going on? Is there any news?"

The people next to him also pricked up their ears.

He Guanshi raised his head slightly, trying to avoid the smell of the other party, held his breath for a while, then shook his head, his face was full of doubts:

"I didn't hear anything."

Seeing Guanshi He's action, some people really can't stand it: pretending to be your mother? Your He family's own reputation is notorious, you know?

"Don't the He family claim to be well-informed? They don't know about such a big event?"

The war came very suddenly, and judging from the current situation, the scale of the war is very large, and it may even be the largest scale since the establishment of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion.

Because no matter whether it was the recovery of Longxi in the past, or the recovery of Jincheng Xiping later, there were gossips in advance.

Moreover, at that time, the Huqiang Captain's Mansion had not reached the point of full preparation for war, at least part of the troops remained behind, which was different from the current full preparation for war.

The He family's status among the aristocratic families in Central Shu is somewhat sensitive, but the source of the news is better than other families.

The He family did not get any news about the last "Military Appeal", but it turned out afterwards that it was just a false alarm.

So even if someone suspected the He family's news channel at that time, they just muttered twice in their hearts.

This time, there was no news about He's family, after all, some people couldn't help it: I am very happy to join your mother!

I can bear the nausea, and still keep a smile on my face, playing with your vicious dog, isn't it because I have a crush on your news channel?

Now that it's such a big deal, you actually tell me you don't know?

He Guanshi couldn't understand the implication of these words, he just wanted to ask in his heart: Your mother and I are deeply involved!

Although I don't know why my family was not notified in advance, it doesn't mean that I can show weakness in front of these people.

"Since it's a major event, then the Huqiang Captain's Mansion will explain it to everyone, why are you in a hurry?"

Hearing the words of the steward of the He family, many people glared angrily:

Of course you are not in a hurry, the He family can get rare goods from Xinghanhui all year round.

But what about us?

That is to say, the wool can be obtained in March and September, and we have to hurry up to weave. Can it be the same?

Seeing that it's almost September, it's the most critical time. Isn't it killing everyone if the demon moth appears at this time?

"There is no news from Hexi?"

Someone who was closer to the He family came over and asked.

Guanshi He shook his head: "The caravan just left Longyou the day before yesterday, and I haven't heard that there is any intention to call it back. I guess there is something wrong with Hexi."

Not Hexi?

Could it be...

Who can be the manager of various workshops, who is not a human being?

If the west is fine, then only the east is fine!

"Where's the Li family? Didn't the Li family go east? Didn't you hear any news?"

Someone asked anxiously.

The one with the most connections in the east is the Li family.

Although the clan house of the Li family in Central Shu has collapsed, the Li family in Longxi is much more famous than the Li family in Central Shu.

Ho on the west, Li on the east.

As the two vicious dogs of the government, the He and Li families have already divided up the market clearly.

One sells west and one goes east.

It doesn't stop all year round.

Unlike the rest of the family, it would be good to go two or three times a year.

And the busiest time for business is the period before winter.

After all, the current business is relatively single, and woolen materials account for the majority.

The channels are not good, and there are too few products, so the news is naturally not as well-informed as the He family and the Li family.

Feeling that everyone's eyes were on him, Li's steward's face remained unchanged, and after thinking hard for a while, he said slowly:

"A few days ago, the caravan sent some news, saying that the various checkpoints in Guanzhong are much stricter."

Hearing this sentence, everyone cursed in unison: Why did you say it now, you bastard? !

Thinking that next month will be the day to collect wool, and then thinking of the wool that has been hoarded in spring.

Everyone who was planning to make a fortune this winter suddenly cursed again: Cao thief who broke into your mother!

It stands to reason that even if there is a war in Guanzhong, the wool cannot be transported eastward, but can also be transported westward, or southward, and then transferred to Soochow via Yong'an.

Lu Ziye's ones could even be sold directly north to those Hu tribes in the northern desert.

Worst of all, it is not impossible to sell directly in Shu.

Just earn less.

But for greedy capital that earns less and loses money, selling in Shu is the worst policy.

Going east is the riskiest, but also the most profitable.

High profits come with high risks, as it has always been the case.

So that's why everyone is eager to inquire about the news.

Otherwise, we really have to go halfway, and only then do we know that the road ahead is blocked, not to mention wasting time and manpower, and wasting money and food is the most distressing thing.

In case of military chaos on the way, it is very possible that people and money will be empty.

Only by inquiring about the exact information as early as possible, then adjusting the direction in time, and making preparations early, can risks be avoided in advance.

"In other words, Bandit Cao is going to attack Longyou?"

Someone guessed and said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

After nearly three years of preparation, it was time to buy quotas, buy looms, hire weavers, and pack pastures. This year, there is finally an output, and everyone is rolling up their sleeves and preparing to eat meat.

At this juncture, Cao thief, you actually want to cross Longshan?

It's simply a beast not a son of man!

"The poison of eunuchs spreads all over the world, rebellious and ugly, stealing the throne, expelling people's things, heavy punishment and labor, and no peace of age, this is the disaster of the world!"

An old man slapped the table continuously and cursed bitterly.

These words were extremely vicious.

But it is very pleasant to listen to everyone's ears:

"Extremely extreme!"

"Cao Rui is arrogant, fierce and tyrannical, extravagant and lustful, all kinds of absurdities, all of which are enough to destroy the country..."

"The enemy is at present, we will help the big man break the thief, with all loyalty!"

"Yes, that's a very kind word."


While everyone was discussing, a servant rushed in from outside:

"Guan He, someone from Hu Qiang's Captain's Mansion has notified that it will be Si Shi tomorrow, please go to the mansion to discuss matters."

When everyone heard this, they looked at Guan Shi with some horror.

This He family has such a deep relationship with Feng Junhou?

Guanshi He had been flattered for a long time in his heart, but he had to pretend to be normal again, coughed, stood up, and was about to say a few words.

Unexpectedly, another servant came in from outside: "Guangshi Li, the Huqiang Captain's Mansion invites you to come to the mansion tomorrow at Sishi."

So everyone looked at the steward of the Li family again: It seems that the master probably wants to feed the two dogs in private again.

Before he could settle down, the servants of each family rushed to report, all saying that someone from the Huqiang Captain's Mansion had come to inform him that he would be there at Sishi tomorrow.

Everyone finally understood that this time, the Huqiang Captain's Mansion unexpectedly notified everyone, it seems that there is something to tell everyone!

On the contrary, He and Li, who were originally reserved, became a little embarrassed.

Since the Huqiang Captain's Mansion summoned everyone there, it must be related to the war, not to mention that there is no news about it now.

So everyone dispersed with their own thoughts.

On the contrary, Guan Shi, when he was leaving the door, a yellow dog guarding the gate suddenly barked, and he kicked it in anger.

In the past two years, along with the expansion of Pingxiang, the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion has also been continuously expanded.

Now it has been divided into three building complexes: front, middle and back.

The first building complex is centered on a conference hall that can accommodate a hundred people, and there are some meeting rooms of different sizes around it.

Passing through this building complex, you will come to the place where officials at all levels of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion handle their daily business.

Most of the government orders of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion were issued from here.

All affairs, big and small, from all over the world are gathered here in the end.

From the outside to here, there are personal guards guarding, and ordinary irrelevant personnel are not allowed to come here.

The most important thing here is naturally the secretariat.

The last building complex is the living place of the personnel in the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion.

It is also the most heavily guarded place.

If irrelevant personnel dare to enter here, they will be warned directly with strong bows and crossbows.

After the warning, only those who can survive are eligible to be questioned.

In Pingxiang, the sky and the earth are not as big as the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion.

What's more, there is a person surnamed Feng living in it.

All the people who were notified by Hu Qiang's Captain's Mansion dared to neglect, and they came early the next morning before waiting for the time.

The steward of the He family looked at the tall foundations, the majestic pillars, and the guards with halberds standing in front of the gate.

He just felt a sense of majesty rushing towards him, which made his heart beating involuntarily.

Jie Ji didn't dare to leave, the steward of the He family knew that with his own identity, he wasn't even qualified to ride a car in front of the Hu Qiang school's Wei's mansion.

If he dared to walk up the steps, the guards would dare to take him down on the spot.

He walked to the side door and made a big salute to the porter: "My lord, I am the manager of He's workshop. I was invited by the school captain's mansion yesterday, but I don't know how to get in here today?"

The concierge was young, and when he saw Guanshi He made the salute, he quickly returned the salute with a smile on his face, but he didn't have any pretensions of the captain's mansion:

"So it's the steward who came to discuss matters, please go this way."

The concierge had been notified earlier, and directed the steward to go through the side door and follow the road to the meeting hall complex.

Seeing the concierge's enthusiasm, the steward of the He family calmed down a little nervously.

"Guan He, when you get there, someone will welcome you. But one thing must be understood, you must not pass through the gate inside."

Finally, the concierge kindly warned, "Otherwise, it would be bad if it is regarded as a secret work."

When Guan Shi heard this, he quickly turned around again, thanked him again and again, and then walked in the direction directed by the porter.

He hadn't gone far when he heard the porter's voice behind him again, it seemed that someone had arrived again.

The people who came this time included not only the managers of various families, but also the chiefs of the tribes from various grasslands. There were a lot of people.

Everyone was arranged to sit in the large conference hall, and not only hot tea was poured on each table, but also a plate of snacks.

When the tribal leader saw the tea, his eyes lit up, and he poured it directly into his mouth.

Then his lower lip turned over from being burned, and he pursed his mouth and breathed out loudly, and he didn't want to spit out the tea.

After swallowing the tea, he stretched out his hand to grab a piece of snack and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing this, the manager of the nearby workshop moved his body in disgust.

Just to rush over, I didn't eat breakfast in the morning. The snack on the table in front of me looked good, so I quietly picked up a piece.


The steward chewed it twice, with a slightly surprised expression on his face: This taste really good.

Then I couldn't help picking up another piece.

Someone from over there has already come over with a teapot to fill the tea for the tribal leader.

The headman sighed for a while: Mr. Feng is indeed much richer than himself, and he can invite so many people to drink tea!

Just when everyone was guessing the reason why Xiaowei Mansion called everyone here, they only heard a maidservant with a knife appearing at the door:

"Everyone, please be quiet, Mrs. Zhang is here."

Hearing this, the originally humming chamber suddenly fell silent.

In everyone's eyes, a beautiful young lady appeared at the door.

She walked slowly to the center of the front of the meeting room, and after standing still, her eyes seemed to glance hopefully and sweepingly at the bottom.

Although it was just a glance, it made people hold their breath.

Even the leader of the tribe who had never met Zhang Xingyi sat upright: Well, Mrs. Feng's woman is so pretty, no wonder she is worthy of Mrs. Feng!

The mind of the workshop manager is much more complicated.

After all, the one above is one of the most powerful women in Pingxiang City.

Zhang Xingyi sat down, nodded towards the door, and several people filed in with books in their hands, and began to distribute them to everyone.

The person who got it first opened it full of doubts, and then someone couldn't help but let out a low cry.

The people behind who hadn't got the books saw the reaction of the people in front, and couldn't help stretching their necks.

On the contrary, some tribal leaders turned over books with their faces full of dogs looking at the stars.

Because of the Chinese characters and numbers on it, they couldn't understand it at all.

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