Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 783: Heroine

The tribal leader scratched his head, secretly thinking that he didn't know when Pingxiang's school would open, and he must find a way to send his son there to study hard.

You can't be bullied like this anymore.

In line with the principle of asking if you don't understand, the tribal leader turned his head and sprayed a strange tone mixed with some kind of gas:

"He Guanshi, what is written on it?"

Caught off guard, Manager He almost fainted from the bad breath.

"What is written here is the situation of the various pastures under the administration of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion, and it is about the estimation of wool production in September."

"If you can't figure it out by yourself, there are some data in the back, maybe there are hints for you."

Although Zhang Xingyi, who was sitting on the top, had a low voice, he immediately suppressed the humming that just got up from below.

But seeing her slightly lift her small chin, her petal-like cherry lips are slightly parted, and the silvery light of white teeth reveals from the gap between her lips:

"The matter of the wool can be regarded as a major event in the Hu Qiang Captain's Mansion, and it is also a major event for everyone."

Seeing that the people below were all pricking up their ears and listening, Zhang Xingyi narrowed his eyes from an invisible angle, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, looking in a good mood:

"Anyone who has a share in the pasture can see how much wool they can get from the pasture."

"Families with other connections can do the math after they go back. How much manpower and looms will be added, at least they have a plan."

"Otherwise, if you add too much, it will be a waste of money and food. If you add too little, the wool will have to be piled up in the warehouse. If you are not careful, it will be troublesome if it breaks."

When the stewards of the workshop heard this, the first reaction in their hearts was: this brave man can still spit out good things?

In the past few years, this Hu Qiang Xiaowei's mansion has eaten at home and at home.

Which one of the Hu tribe and various workshops has not been eaten by him?

Still the kind that just eats and doesn't vomit.

Originally, the government was supposed to give the Hu people tribe food as an excuse, but later it was transferred to the workshop. To build a workshop, you need to collect land taxes, and to help hire a weaver, you need to charge an intermediary fee...

He is simply a master who only eats but does not pull!

Suddenly becoming so kind-hearted now, it is really a bit overwhelming.

Fortunately, in the past few years, because of the industry standards formulated by Nanxiang, Nanxiang mathematics has also become popular in Dahan.

In addition, how many people are easy to become the manager of Pingxiang Workshop?

At least the basics of arithmetic are there.

When they saw the share ratio written on it, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

The steward of the Li family sat at the front, looked at it several times in disbelief, and then said hesitantly:

"Ms. Zhang, the division... seems to be different from what I said at the beginning."

Hearing this, some people couldn't help cursing in their hearts: Dog!

The share recorded in the book was actually more than half of what was agreed at first.

Regardless of whether it was a typo or the people in the Captain's Mansion had made a mistake, they would never suffer.

Although the people in the Captain's Mansion may react later, what if?

In case all the people in the Colonel's Mansion were blinded, wouldn't everyone have made a lot of money if they were really divided according to this share?

It was a heinous crime for Li Gou to remind Secretary Zhang face to face!

This is like the primary school teacher of later generations directly announcing the end of get out of class, and then someone reminded: "Teacher, you haven't assigned your homework yet!"

It's not what the Son of Man did!

On the contrary, Zhang Xingyi, when he heard the words of the Li family manager, his face remained unchanged, and he said with a smile:

"I know that half of the percentage is given up by Junhou on purpose for the sake of everyone's hard work over the past two years."

And such a good thing?

Everyone's workshop manager's eyes widened.

Pixiu can pull out good things?

"You just need to report this matter to your Patriarch, and they will naturally know what's going on."

There were so many people, Zhang Xingyi didn't explain too much, he understood what he understood, and what he didn't understand...

Who can be the manager of various workshops, who is not a human spirit released from the clan?

"Next, I have one more thing to tell you."

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears.

"According to the news from Jicheng, there may be a change in the Cao bandits in Guanzhong, and the Colonel's Mansion is preparing the army for war."

"You are all decent people in Pingxiang City. If the news spreads later, I am afraid that you will need to work together to help appease the hearts of the people."

"Otherwise, seeing that the sheep will be sheared next month, we can't ruin the event because of the panic of the people."

Hearing this, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Then they cursed inwardly at the same time: "I'm not a son of man!"

I don't know whether to scold the captain's mansion, or the Cao thief in Guanzhong, or if it's both.

Sure enough, how can the things that Pixiu give you be so easy to get?

"Ms. Zhang, please rest assured. After I go back, I will definitely restrain the people in the clan and let them herd the sheep well. If anyone dares to run around, their whole family will become sheep slaves."

Just when the manager of the workshop was in a complicated mood, an impure Chinese accent sounded.

The tribe leaders who can sit here are all skilled workers who sell tribesmen. To put it bluntly, they are the president of Maohui with black gold coins and black equipment.

Now the rest of the clan are all elders and nobles from before.

Anyone who dares to act recklessly will be completely blacked out, and the output of the pasture will be distributed more by then.

Zhang Xingyi nodded and said, "Are you Rida Muji? Really loyal."

Ridamuji immediately had a look of glory: This little lady can remember me, doesn't it mean that Feng Junhou also remembers me?

The steward of the Li family took a look and quickly answered the words:

"Ms. Zhang, I'm afraid this military incident will cost a lot of money and food. In order to defeat the bandits as soon as possible, our Li family is willing to donate some money and food to do our best."

The Li family has made more money in the past two years than in the past five years.

The Li family in Shuzhong sent Li Mu to Feng Junhou when he was not married.

Now there is a hostess in Feng's residence, and this young lady in front of him is not a good stubble.

The Li family in Longxi wanted to get closer to Feng Junhou, so it was impossible to send a woman, and they might be stuffed into the well directly.

Just in front of him is such an opportunity, how could the steward of the Li family miss it?

Can't give a girl, can't I still give money?

And in the name of public affairs.

Seeing that Zhang Xingyi said with a smile, "Guan Li has a heart. This money and rations should be borrowed from the Hu Qiang Colonel's Mansion. Once the war is over, there will be rewards."

When the manager of the Li family heard this, he was overjoyed, and quickly stood up to salute:

"As long as the big man can wipe out the thieves as soon as possible, this mere money and food is just a little loyalty to the Li family."


Seeing that the Li family's stewards are so old and old, they are still so obsequious and flattering to a little lady, it really made the stomachs of many people present churn.

"The state-owned military affairs, how can the He family fall behind the Li family?"

The steward of the He family stood up with an upright face, "The He family is also willing to donate money and food to help put down the bandits."

Seeing the two dogs scrambling to show their loyalty, many people's faces were twitching.

Among them, a few sober ones thought of the extra half-finished wool in the book, and they were excited:

"Miss Zhang, our Zeng family is determined to destroy thieves, and we will not fall behind!"

Zhang Xingyi's bright and big black eyes are like two pools of clear spring water, with a rippling smile.

She patted her jade palm lightly, suppressing everyone's voices:

"My concubine knows your loyalty. If you have the heart, you can go to the next door after the meeting. There are scribes there who will record the money and food you borrowed in detail."

"As long as the war is over, the Captain's Mansion will pay back the money, and we will never default."

"Miss Zhang, what are you talking about? We are helping the big man to destroy the thieves. This is a donation, not a loan."

"That's right, that's right..."

Zhang Xingyi stood up, and just gave them a blessing to express his gratitude, and then left under the guard of the maidservant with a knife.

As soon as all the people in the Captain's Mansion had left, someone rushed out on the spot.

Some people rushed to the next door, and some rushed out of the captain's mansion.

Those who can be the workshop manager are basically the most trustworthy figures in each family.

In their position, the power will not be too small, but there are still some people in charge, and they don't have the power to make decisions on the spot.

"Quickly, quickly, go to Chengnan Langjun's house!"

After leaving the Captain's Mansion, he turned around to look for someone who could make a decision, and the streets were filled with chaos.

Zhang Xingyi turned through the first gate, instead of going to the secretariat, but continued through the second gate and entered the backyard.

As long as people outside couldn't see it, she immediately held up her skirt and ran all the way. How could she still have the steady appearance in the meeting hall?

"Sister, sister!"

Guan Ji was sitting in a big room, holding a pen and gesturing on the map.

Next to the large table with the map spread out, there is also a large sand table.

With the reduced Longshan as the center, from Weishui in the south to Chencang Road, then to Guanlong Avenue, and finally to Huating Road in the north.

There are five or six roads, large and small, and the most critical strongholds, such as Linwei, Lueyang, Jieting, Longguan, etc., are clearly marked.

Even the terrain is restored as much as possible.

It can be seen that this extremely fine sand table took a lot of time, manpower and material resources to make.

When Guan Ji heard Zhang Xingyi's cry, she didn't turn her head, but warned: "Be quiet, Shuangshuang and Ah Chong just fell asleep."

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi looked at the room separated by the screen, stuck out her tongue, then stood on tiptoe and walked lightly to Guan Ji:

"Sister, it's done."

Although Zhang Xingyi's words were a little out of his head, Guan Ji understood.

She finally put down the charcoal pen in her hand, turned her head, and raised her eyebrows:

"It's done so soon?"

Zhang Xingyi nodded again and again, his eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles like asking for credit:

"Although there are no statistics yet, but judging from the expressions of those people, I think they can collect a lot of money and food later."

After hearing this, Guan Ji breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face:

"Very good!"

Then he said to Zhang Xingyi, "Fortunately, there is you in this house, otherwise I don't know what to do about the food."

In the past two years, the Huqiang Captain's Mansion has been on the right track, but the foundation of the food reserves is weaker after all.

After all, there was a severe drought at the beginning, and then the Qianghu had to be reined in, and finally they marched into Longxi, and the battle of Jincheng was never a year of peace.

The money and food were scattered like water.

That is to say, the solid foundation that Alang has built over the years can support the Qiang Xiaowei's mansion.

If you really want to change someone else, how can you have such skills?

After taking down Jincheng, I thought about being more stable this year, but I didn't expect to encounter this again.

It's August now, and the food hasn't been fully stocked yet. If we really want to start another military campaign, the food is the top priority.

Without food, the army cannot move.

What's more, compared to the well-prepared battle to regain the Jincheng of Longxi, this time they are facing tens of thousands of Cao thieves in Guanzhong.

Marching past, the distance is already far away, and there is still a mountain to climb. If there is a fight, the food reserves of the Huqiang Captain's Mansion must not be enough.

Who knows what the final battle will be like?

But Feng Yong is not here at this time, Guan Ji is not inferior to others in handling military affairs.

But when it comes to government affairs of this level of difficulty, they are a little helpless.

Hearing that Zhang Xingyi solved part of the food now, he was naturally generous with his praise.

Zhang Xingyi grinned: "I'm the chief secretary of Hu Qiang's captain's mansion, and such things are just my job."

Guan Ji rubbed her head as a compliment.

Zhang Xingyi pouted in protest, and leaned over to look at the map, "Sister, are you studying military affairs?"

Guan Ji nodded, picked up the pen again, and scribbled across the east of Longshan City, Chencang, Ban County, and even Yuezhi City, Chang'an, etc.

Finally, he clicked on Anding County, and said thoughtfully: "Cao Bandit's movement is unknown, I'm wondering whether they want to attack Hanzhong or Longshan."

Zhang Xingyi looked at the symbols marked by Guan Ji on the map, and blinked, trying to understand what they meant.

In the end, he gave up and turned to look at the sand table.

"Didn't you say that Thief Cao is going to attack Hanzhong?"

Guan Ji shook her head: "It's just a possibility, it's not confirmed yet, we have to wait for news from Hanzhong."

"And even if they want to attack Hanzhong, they will definitely increase their troops on Longshan to prevent Longyou from diving into Guanzhong."

"What's more," Guan Ji looked at the map, with the pen in her hand unconsciously scribing around the various cities on the east side of Longshan Mountain, her eyes flashed.

"If Thief Cao really wants to attack Hanzhong with all his strength, we may not have the opportunity to test Anding."

Zhang Xingyi's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, "Sister, do you want to attack Anding County?"

"From Weishui to Chencang, the journey is too difficult, and the soldiers can't exceed five thousand at most, and from Guanlong Avenue to Qianxian County, Cao's bandits are heavily defending."

"Only Xiaoguan is the most convenient place where you can go south and west. What's more, Anding County is above Chang'an, and you can go down the river. If you go down to An Ding, you can get Chang'an."

As Guan Ji spoke, her eyes fell on Xiao Guan involuntarily:

"Even if it is difficult to get down in the southern county, Yuezhi City may not have a chance. After all, Yang Tiao (that is, the person who responded to the Han from Yuezhi City during the first Northern Expedition) was most familiar with Yueshi City."

"Xiaoguan and Yuezhi City echo each other. If Yueshi City hadn't been lost back then, Cao Bandits would have at least 30,000 to 50,000 more troops in Anding. It's just a pity..."

At that time, Yang Tiao used the name of a big man to coerce the thief into self-respect, and he was unwilling to let Zhao Guang send troops into the city.

It's just that his gang of mobs were attacked by Cao's elite soldiers at night, Yuezhi City fell, and Xiao Guan lost his momentum.

While listening to Guan Ji's analysis, Zhang Xingyi searched on the sand table for a long time before finding Yuezhi City, fell into deep thought, and said for a long time:

"Sister, the city of Yueshi was allocated to the Hu people by the big Han at the beginning, and to the north is the place where the Hu people live in the desert."

"In the past two years, I heard that Brother Feng's reputation has spread over there. If you send someone over there to persuade them and ask them to respond in the north, do you think it will be effective?"

Guan Ji looked at the terrain and shook her head:

"Coming from the north, you have to cross the mountain and cross the river. I'm afraid it will be difficult. Besides, even if Alang's reputation has spread over there, the barbarians over there will not benefit, so how can they be obedient?"

Regarding why the Longyou Hu people are so docile, Guan Ji is naturally like a bright mirror in her heart.

That is based on benefiting them, at least seeing hope.

The desert to the north of Yuezhi City is too far away compared to Longyou.

Just talking about military matters, even ten Zhang Xingyi can't beat Guan Ji.

But when it comes to matters of power and scheming, ten Guan Ji can't be counted as Zhang Xingyi.

I saw Secretary Zhang rolled his eyes, "I heard that in the past two years, some people have explored the way to the north. If they can give some benefits to those families, they may not be able to give it a try."


Guan Ji heard this and looked at Zhang Xingyi.

Zhang Xingyi's eyes narrowed, this is her little look when she was calculating, she raised her head slightly:

"We just let them do it freely. If it works, it's just some benefits. If it doesn't work, there's no harm, right? The school captain's mansion can only send two or three people to follow."

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