Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 784 Return

After listening to Zhang Xingyi's words, Guan Ji put down the charcoal pencil in her hand, walked over and looked at the sand table, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Seeing her pondering for a long time, she picked up the long whip and tapped on the sand table:

"Since the former Han Dynasty, Anding County has been a half-wall barrier to prevent the Hu people from the desert in the north from going south. It would be a good thing if we can find out the details of the Qiang Hu people in the desert in the north in advance."

Zhang Xingyi looked along Guan Ji's whip, but saw that her long whip was not on Anding County, but on an unmarked blank spot.

She pointed to the place where the whip was pointed, and asked, "What is this place?"

"Beidi County, the other half of the barrier to the north of Chang'an."

Guan Ji replied.

Anding County and Beidi County, one west and one east, guard the north of Chang'an.

In the former Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu mostly entered through Xiaoguan in Anding County, threatening Chang'an.

During the reign of Emperor Xiaowu, the national strength increased, and Emperor Xiaowu went out of Xiaoguan twice to inspect the northwest border, where he marched with soldiers to deter the Xiongnu.

After the Xiongnu were repeatedly defeated by the big Han, and they were no longer able to commit crimes in the south, Anding County was able to truly stabilize.

As for Beidi County, it was once occupied by Kai Xiao in the early Later Han Dynasty, and the Qiang Hu entrenched here, forcing the Han officials to move inward continuously.

In the later period of the later Han Dynasty, there was a rebellion in Liangzhou, and the Qiang and Hu in Beidi County responded one after another, and the Han officials had to move south again.

Today's Beidi County's territory is less than 30% of the original area, and the north has become a horse herding land for Qianghu.

Zhang Xingyi's eyes fell on the blank space next to Anding County, and he murmured: "That is to say, barbarians in the desert can enter Beidi County directly from the desert?"

Guan Ji nodded, "That's right."

Her whip draws a circle on the North side, which represents Northland County:

"This place used to be the territory of the Han Dynasty, but during the time of Emperor Huan Ling, the Xianbei Hu repeatedly committed crimes in the south."

"In addition, Emperor Ling sent a large army out for more than 2,000 miles, but was defeated by the Xianbei Hu. The army was almost wiped out. Since then, the northern part of Beidi County can only be handed over to the Hu people."

Zhang Xingyi's mind turned very fast, and when he heard Guan Ji's words, he immediately understood:

"Sister, do you want to take advantage of the barbarians in the north of Beidi County?"

Because Xiao Guan blocked the way for Hu people from the north to go south, the boundary of Anding County has not changed much, but there is no such dangerous pass in Beidi County.

Guan Ji shook her head, "How can it be so easy? The barbarians are not my kind, and their hearts must be different. How can we lightly talk about using them before we are sure that we can control them?"

"If they are allowed to go south, I am afraid that they will be backlashed by them. The chaos in Liangzhou is a lesson from the past, so it is too early to say if they want to use them now."

Why is it that the big man has the ability to enter Liangzhou, but he still delays?

As the pillow of the captain who protects Qiang, Guan Ji is deeply influenced by Feng Junhou, so she naturally has a far-sighted vision than Zhang Xingyi.

Liangzhou's tyranny is one aspect, and the integration of the Hu people is another aspect.

Liangzhou is difficult to govern because of the entanglement between the local tyrants and the Hu people. Only by separating the two can we start to govern.

Now it seems that Alang is indeed foresight.

Otherwise, if something happens in Guanzhong, the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion and the Longyou Dudu's Mansion may be unable to look eastward.

Thinking of this, Guan Ji asked again:

"Where is Junhou now? When will he return?"

Zhang Xingyi was stunned when he heard this, and cast a glance at Guan Ji involuntarily:

"Should have returned to Longyou, as for where exactly, I don't know."

Guan Ji nodded: "If you have already returned to Longyou, then Alang should go to Jicheng first."

From Qishan, if you want to go north to Pingxiang, you will definitely pass through Jicheng.

So when Guan Ji said "go to Jicheng", she didn't mean to pass through Jicheng, but to go to General Zhao to discuss things.

Hearing these words, Zhang Xingyi pouted secretly:

Ah! You know what about his itinerary, showing off to me? Where is he going? What does it matter to me?

After thinking about it, Secretary Zhang kicked the leg of the table angrily, and at the same time cursed secretly in his heart: "You have no conscience!"


Longyou Dudu Mansion Front Street.

The news from Guanzhong has more or less spread in Jicheng.

While there has been no panic, there are not many people roaming the streets.

On the street, there were sergeants beating the gong "Boom, boom, boom" to clean the street, urging the already few pedestrians on the street to give way.

Soon, a group of knights came galloping from not far away, their iron hooves stepped on the ground, making a dull thunder.


The leading knight reined in his horse in front of the gate of the Dudu's Mansion. As the fore hooves of the tall horse fell from mid-air, the knight on the horse had turned over and landed on the ground, and at the same time threw the rein.

The guard who had been guarding the gate of Dudu Mansion hastily stepped forward, grabbed the reins with one hand, and held the bridle with the other.

"I've seen the prince!"

Zhao Yun's personal guard saluted.

Feng Yong slightly nodded without stopping, and hurriedly walked towards the gate: "Where is the old general?"

"Waiting for the prince at the mansion, please follow the future."

The head of the bodyguard trotted ahead to lead the way.

Just like Zhao Yun can come in and out of the Huqiang Captain's Mansion at will, Feng Junhou can also visit Old General Zhao directly without sending a greeting card in advance.

Compared with the slightly tense atmosphere in Jicheng, the Dudu's Mansion, which guards the safety of Longyou, is much more relaxed.

Because the governor of Longyou is still in the mood to practice guns.

Standing next to the martial arts training ground, Feng Yong watched the spear dance in Zhao Yun's hand like pear blossoms, and his impatience relaxed.

Seeing the wonderful things, Feng Yong clapped his hands and praised: "The old general is really old and strong, and he has not lost his prestige in the past!"

After practicing a circle of spear skills, Zhao Yun handed the gun to the guard who was waiting beside him, then took the towel and wiped off his sweat:

"This old man knows his body. If he can live a day now, he earns another day. How dare he compare with General Fubo (Ma Yuan, old and strong is what he says)?"

Feng Yong saw that Zhao Yun had finished wiping his sweat and was about to reach out to take the towel, but Zhao Yun gave him a stare and threw the towel to the guard beside him.

Feng Yong was stunned and didn't react for a moment:

The old man looks like this, does he have a problem with me? I didn't mess with you, did I? The Cao thief in Guanzhong was not called by me. What do you mean?

Anyway, I'm also a prince, can't you give me face?

Zhao Yun waved his hand and told everyone to go down and walk in front of them, and then he taught:

"The old man knows that you and Erlang are like brothers, so it's natural that he regards the old man as an elder in private. But today you came here for business."

"The old man asked you to come in through the main entrance, don't you understand your identity? After all, you are also a prince of a big man, and you can't have the airs of a prince in front of your servants?"

"Bending down to serve the old man, is that what you should do as a dignified Qiang captain?"

Feng Yongzheng followed behind full of slander, and only then did he understand after hearing this.

Immediately, he said indifferently: "Old General, it doesn't matter in private, besides, the guards in this mansion are not outsiders..."

The personal guard is the last guarantee of a general, and also the most trustworthy person.

They and the general are in a relationship of life and death, blessings and misfortunes.

Zhao Yun walked ahead, didn't answer Feng Yong's words, and led him directly to an empty small hall, sat down and pointed around:

"It's called private now."

Feng Yong understood, picked up the teapot on the table, poured a bowl of tea for Zhao Yun, and then found a seat for himself to sit down.

Zhao Yun was probably really thirsty, drank more than half a bowl of tea, and then continued:

"How old are you? I still don't understand what the old man just said? Did the old man tell you about personal guards? The old man is reminding you to pay attention to your identity in the future."

As he spoke, he vomited out a leaf stalk, "The old man earns an extra day every day he lives, but you are different. If you live an extra day, you will suffer an extra day."

"Because in your generation, the most outstanding person is probably you. This important task of destroying thieves and rejuvenating the Han Dynasty may be completed by you assisting His Majesty. I guess the old man will not be able to wait..."

Feng Yong hurriedly said: "Just now I watched the old general dance the spear, I'm afraid I can't do three tricks with the old general's gun, the old general is in such good health, how can he say such ominous words?"

Zhao Yun waved his hand, "Old man, who else knows better than this old man? I practiced Erlang two years ago, and he was still lying on the ground and unable to get up."

"Beating him desperately now means making him limp for two steps. When he is old, he is old. He has insufficient energy and blood, and his strength can't keep up."

Feng Yong: "Maybe Erlang's skin is thicker..."

"Don't be so talkative! Let me talk about business with you."

Zhao Yun scolded.

Feng Yong didn't dare to talk back, so he could only lower his head.

I saw Zhao Yun continued to educate:

"This reputation is spread by people. What about the personal guards? It's okay when the old man is here, but if the old man is really gone, who can guarantee what will happen next?"

"In the past, you didn't have to care about your own reputation, but can you do the same now? If the prime minister doesn't have a fair reputation, how can Liao Li, Li Yan and others bow their heads so easily?"

As he spoke, Zhao Yun leaned back in the chair and said slowly, "In the future, you will be the one who will shoulder the burden. From now on, you must guard your reputation carefully."

"That's why I just said that when there are outsiders, you have to look like a prince. If you have a high position but no majesty, how can you convince others?"

Although he didn't understand why the old man suddenly mentioned this, Feng Yong still replied respectfully: "Yongdang will always remember the old general's words."

Seeing that Feng Yong had listened, Zhao Yun nodded in satisfaction:

"The news from the Prime Minister from Hanzhong just arrived yesterday. I have already sent someone to inform Pingxiang. What do you think of Cao thief's movement this time?"

In order to strengthen the control of the local area, the Han Dynasty had a tradition of setting up post roads and building buildings on the post roads.

The reason why the former Han Dynasty was able to firmly control the Western Regions was inseparable from the post roads stretching from Chang'an to the Western Regions.

After the first emperor acquired Hanzhong, he also built many postal kiosks between Jincheng and Hanzhong.

After recapturing Longyou, in order to strengthen the connection between Hanzhong and Longyou, and with the help of Dongfeng Express, along the West Han River, there are station post kiosks every few tens of miles.

Feng Yong and his party turned back halfway, even if they were riding on horseback, their speed was still inferior to that of the post envoy from Hanzhong to Jicheng, because the post envoy had relays from post stations and post kiosks, and they did not stop all the way.

"The Captain's Mansion received news of the frequent mobilization of Cao's army in Guanzhong as early as July. In my opinion, they are determined to fight this battle."

Speaking of business, Feng Yong's expression became serious.

The caravans passing through Hanzhong or Longyou were all under the strict monitoring of Wei Guo, so it was not easy to find out the news.

Those who can find out valuable information are actually those rangers who have a lot of friends.

Nanxiang, as the "sacred place" in the hearts of the knights all over the world, naturally has a unique advantage in using the social network of the knights.

Over the past few years, You Xiaer has acquiesced to Nanxiang's rules, and very few people use martial arts to break the ban.

However, the reason why Rangers are called Rangers is that after all, they are relatively rebellious. They don't like to be restrained, they always like to wander around.

Nanxiang will provide enough money for those who want to go out and see the world.

Anyway, for Nanxiang, money is never in short supply.

The only requirement is that at certain special times or when conditions permit, they can help a group of brothers who come to the door.

As for where these brothers came from, that doesn't matter.

All are brothers within the four seas.

With the establishment of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion, Feng Yong can finally take this intelligence network into his own hands.

Regarding this movement, in fact, Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion had already warned Longyou Dudu's Mansion and Hanzhong Prime Minister's Mansion.

According to Feng Yong's thinking, at most Cao Zhen would continue his actions at the beginning of the year, trying to take back Longguan or Xiaoguan.

I didn't expect Cao thief's movement to be so big, it turned out that the Guanzhong army was mobilized.

Not only was this beyond Feng Yong's expectation, even the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty was a little caught off guard.

Zhao Yun also frowned at Cao thief's big news: "The news from the prime minister said that Cao thief's 100,000 troops will enter Hanzhong from Ziwu Valley, what do you think?"

Feng Yong has traveled all the way, and he has already deduced it many times:

"Although Ziwu Valley is the shortest distance, it is difficult to travel. As long as the terrain at the entrance of the valley is used to block the thieves, and then send elite soldiers to cross the path to harass the rear, why would Cao's army of 100,000 thieves be afraid?"

"I'm afraid. From Guanzhong to Hanzhong and Longyou, there are several smooth roads. Cao's bandit pretended to go to Ziwu Valley to attack the west."

"Hit the east and the west?" Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment, remembering the thirty-six strategies that Zhao Guang told him and heard, he couldn't help looking strangely at Feng Yong:

"If it's true, where do you think Cao Zhen will go?"

Feng Yong said without hesitation: "Naturally it is Longguan and Xiaoguan."

Whether it is Baoxiedao or Chencangdao, after all, they are going to enter Hanzhong to face the old monster Zhuge, so what kind of smack is it?

"Ziwu Valley is the farthest from Longyou. If we first use partial divisions to attract the prime minister's troops, and then attack Longyou by surprise, Hanzhong's reinforcements to Longyou will be delayed by at least ten days."

With the current situation in Guanzhong, Hanzhong and Longyou, whoever can recover his strength first and take the initiative to attack will be able to seize the opportunity.

If the big man attacks first, he can attack from both sides.

If Wei Guo attacked first, he could choose the direction freely, and it would be inconvenient for reinforcements between Longyou and Hanzhong.

The last time it was the big man who took the lead and captured Longyou.

This time, it seemed that Cao really wanted to take the initiative.

After hearing this, Zhao Yun pondered for a while, and then said slowly:

"Conversely, if the Cao bandits really use Hanzhong, the troops from Longyou will not be able to reinforce Hanzhong as soon as possible."

Longyou had no choice but to stand still until Cao thief confirmed that he was attacking Hanzhong.

Otherwise, if you really have to mobilize troops to Hanzhong, only to find out that the real direction of Cao thief is Longyou halfway, then you can't look at each other from head to tail.

Without timely radio communication, Longyou and Hanzhong are in a semi-independent situation, which is a test of the commander's strategic vision.

The Longyou Governor's Mansion cannot be moved lightly, and the only mobile force is the Huqiang Captain's Mansion.

Zhao Yun looked at Feng Yong: "In the south of Longguan, I have my own. Only Xiaoguan is located in the east of Longshan, and far away from Jicheng. How about handing it over to the Qiang School Captain's Mansion?"

Feng Yong stood up and cupped his fists: "The last general takes orders!"

The Longyou Governor's Mansion is in charge of the southern section of Longshan Mountain, and is also responsible for reinforcements in Hanzhong at any time.

The Huqiang School Wei's Mansion is in charge of the northern section of Longshan Mountain, and at the same time pay attention to the counterattack of the Cao bandits in Liangzhou.

After the discussion between the two people who held the military power in Longyou, Feng Yong asked again:

"Old general, Cao thief's fine cavalry is a strong enemy. Although the captain's mansion has also formed a cavalry army in the past two years, Erlang has no formal experience in leading a cavalry army after all..."

It would be wrong to say that Zhao Guang has no experience in leading cavalry.

I have received them scattered before, but this is the first time for regular cavalry of this size, and Feng Yong has to be careful.

Zhao Yun waved his hand impatiently before Feng Yong finished speaking:

"The old man was just a general in Gongsun Bogui's army back then, didn't he still become the late emperor's chief cavalry?"

"Besides, did Liu Hun have experience in leading the army at the very beginning? And he wants to lead the cavalry of the governor's mansion, so it is impossible to lend it to you."

"Erlang's surname is Zhao anyway, and he has been with you for so many years, no matter how stupid he is, he can learn something."

Seeing the old man's appearance that he didn't regard Zhao Guang as his son, Feng Yong felt more at ease.

Well, it seems that Erlang has made a lot of progress, at least he has initially received the approval of the old man, otherwise he would not have such an attitude with his temper.

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