Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 785: Zhao Mashi

"I know that you have a way of governing the Hu people, so I'm not worried about the strength of the guards' mansion. What I'm worried about is, is there enough food in Pingxiang?"

Seeing Feng Yong about to get up and leave, Zhao Yun asked again.

In the past two years, Hu Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion has recruited Hu people while using troops against Liangzhou.

Now not only has the cavalry army a high-quality source of troops, but at the same time can train troops in battle, so that the cavalry army can be quickly formed, which has to be said to be a good move.

But this is based on the consumption of a large amount of money and food.

It is also fortunate that the grain harvest in Shu has been abundant in the past few years, coupled with Dongfeng's strong express delivery, so it can withstand such extravagant consumption.

But this also shows that the Captain's Mansion has not been able to store much food in the past two years.

Counting from the sixth year of Jianxing, the Cao bandits in Guanzhong have been storing food for nearly three years!

If the news this time is really reliable, then the war is inevitable.

As a veteran who has fought for most of his life, and the food delivered by Dongfeng Express to the Huqiang Captain's Mansion, he will basically pass through Jicheng.

Zhao Yun can naturally estimate the approximate scope of the food in the Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion.

How long has it been since the Battle of Jincheng?

The soldiers can basically recover after a few months of rest, but it doesn't mean that the food can grow in the warehouse by itself.

Feng Yong smiled: "Although I didn't go to Chenghanzhong this time, I finally gained something. In Wudu, I met Liao Taishou and had a good talk."

Zhao Yun: "Huh?"

"Prefect Liao has done a good job in the past three years. He also learned from Yuexuan and recruited a lot of barbarians to build water conservancy projects and cultivate land in Xiabian County."

The cultivated land can be divided into 50 mu for Han people and 30 mu for Hu people.

At the same time, the government can also rent out cattle and grain seeds, and the interest is not high.

The most important thing is that in this process, the rich and powerful Xinghan Club can promise to cover the bottom line.

Under such a good incentive policy, the prefect's mansion is full of pigs who don't do anything, and the low-level Cangtou Guishou who are often hungry will work hard to farm the land.

What's more, those Hu people who were starved to death in those years and froze to death at the end of the year?

As for why Xinghan would be willing to stand for a mere prefect...

A Mrs. Junhou, who did not want to be named, can attest that the pillow wind really works.

"Xiabian can be regarded as a small granary in Longyou. This year's harvest is good. Prefect Liao promised me to sell all the surplus grain to the Captain's Mansion."

When a certain prince said this, he was in a relatively happy mood.

After all, the process of Mrs. Junhou blowing pillow wind is also very pleasant.

Feng Yong didn't think about hiding anything about this incident of collusion between government and businessmen, because when the food was shipped, it always had to pass through Jicheng, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

"I did the math, and the next batch of grain should be able to last for half a month. By September, almost all the grain has been harvested."

"As soon as the autumn grain is harvested, plus the grain shipped from Hanzhong, I think there shouldn't be too much of a problem."

When Zhao Yun heard this, his beard twitched.

He really didn't expect Feng Yong to get a batch of food when he walked halfway:

"Hmm... What do you mean, this time the Huqiang Captain's Mansion doesn't need the Dudu Mansion to send food?"

When Feng Yong heard it, he almost jumped up:

"Old general, I didn't say that! Besides, according to the rules, once there is a war, shouldn't the governor's mansion immediately provide food to the captain's mansion?"

It is one thing for Hu Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion to raise food by itself, but that is only under normal circumstances.

If a war is really going to happen, relying on the little food stored in the Huqiang Captain's Mansion alone is not enough to support a high-intensity war.

"One month."

But Zhao Yun didn't care about Feng Yong who was jumping. He stroked his beard with his left hand and raised his index finger with his right hand:

"If the Huqiang Captain's Mansion can raise a month's military rations by itself, then the Dudu's Mansion will have more room to maneuver."

a month?

Why do you want me to find a way to raise a month's military rations?

Feng Yong looked at Zhao Yun suspiciously.

Old man, I didn't expect that you, who have big eyebrows and big eyes, would also learn to resell military rations?

A month later, Longyou was able to collect all the grain.

Are you the Governor's Mansion just waiting for that time to get back the resold grain with interest?

Zhao Yun didn't know the dirty thoughts in Feng Yong's heart, but he could understand the dirty expression on this person's face, and immediately shouted angrily:

"Looking at your face, I can tell that you have no good things in mind!"

Feng Yong coughed embarrassingly, and asked unwillingly:

"Old General, where did the military rations of the Dudu Mansion go?"

Zhao Yun glared at Feng Yong angrily:

"A few days ago, General Guan, who guarded Qiang Xiaowei's Mansion, gave this old man a suggestion, saying that the Xiaowei's Mansion planned to send troops from Zuli County to wipe out Shuyin County in the west of Hexi, in order to prevent Liangzhou Cao's bandits from responding to Guanzhong. "

"At the same time, I also ask the old man to ask Jincheng and Xiping counties to take some action. The old man thinks this suggestion is good. After all, who knows how long this battle will last?"

"The soldiers of your school captain's mansion have to eat military rations when they go out to fight, so do the soldiers in Jincheng and Xiping have to eat grass when they go out?"

Having said that, Zhao Yun looked over meaningfully:

"Unexpectedly, you kid really dare to let go, and you can even make decisions about such matters."

Feng Yong suddenly heard the news of his mother-in-law, and he couldn't react for a while, he groaned for a while, and then said:

"Old general, you know that Sanniang is a tiger girl..."

Zhao Yun stroked his beard, with a look of approval on his face:

"Only the decision to eliminate hidden dangers before the war, the Guan family girl really deserves the title of Tiger Girl."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yun glanced at Feng Yong, "Using the river as the boundary, let the Cao thief wander on the other side of you, what do you think?"

Feng Yong let out an "oh" and explained:

"It's nothing, just thinking that there aren't many Cao thieves in Tanyin County, so if you keep it, you can have another window to communicate with Liangzhou."

"The turn of sheep and land" know?

Oh, the old man probably didn't know.

Because according to the information from Soochow, Lu Kang is still a kid now, and Yang Hu should be about the same.

When Yang Hu guarded Jingzhou, even the soldiers and common people of Wu State were influenced by him. If Lu Kang hadn't appeared, Jingzhou, the gate of Wu State, would have surrendered without a fight.

Although Feng Yong had no extravagant hope that Liangzhou would surrender without a fight, but with one hand coercing the whole region and the other hand being gentle in all aspects, it would definitely speed up the division within Liangzhou.

The Wei Jun in Yuyin County was specially reserved. If someone wants to breathe or something, they can just cross the river. Isn't it convenient?

The so-called window to the world of future generations is also the same.

Only by leaving a window can we communicate with each other and understand each other!

Feng Yong knows that he can't compare to those who can go down in history, but he can learn from others.

"Unfortunately, if the Cao thief in Guanzhong can live in peace for another two years according to the prime minister's estimate, the big man will almost be able to regain Liangzhou without bloodshed."

Feng Yong said with regret.

The division of labor between the Longyou Governor's Mansion and the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion has always been relatively clear.

The Dudu Mansion is mainly to guard against the Cao bandits in Guanzhong to the east, and the Huqiang Xiaowei Mansion is mainly to manage Liangzhou to the west.

Although Jincheng County and Xiping County to the west of Longyou are under the jurisdiction of the Dudufu, the relationship between the prefects of the two counties and Feng Yong, or the relationship with Xinghanhui is not shallow.

It's not the first time Zhao Yun heard Feng Yong's move to manage Liangzhou from the Hu Qiang's captain's mansion, so he naturally understood Feng Yong's words, and nodded approvingly:

"It's already very good. You can't let you take all the advantages in the world. In this world, it is already a great thing to be able to kill fewer people."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, Zhao Yun showed a somewhat sad and sighing expression on his face.

Feng Yong knew that the old man might have remembered the troubled times he had seen most of his life, and was thinking of how to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, the old man suddenly showed a thoughtful expression:

"You said, those people who opened workshops in Pingxiang should have a lot of food in their hands? Can you go back and ask them to provide some food?"

"Not good?" Feng Yong said with some embarrassment, "Which family is not waiting for the wool to start work?"

"In this situation, let them provide food for no reason, even if it is a temporary relief, I'm afraid they will have other thoughts in the future."

If Cao's bandits came to the city, Feng Yong would naturally have ten thousand reasons to forcibly requisition food.

Anyway, the city is almost gone. If you don't give me this food, do you want to use it for Cao thief?

But now Cao thief is still on the Longshan side. It is not clear whether to go west to Longshan or south to attack Hanzhong.

Even if they can be recruited, after a series of suppression and wooing in the past few years, the small capital monsters that have been selected and cultivated are basically destroyed in half.

Moreover, the value of goodwill has been shattered, so if you want to use the golden signboard of "Feng Langjun to attract wealth and wealth" to bluff people in the future, I'm afraid it won't work.

The leeks have only sprouted some sharp shoots, and I can't get rid of them.

Zhao Yun naturally didn't understand Feng Yong's thoughts, he frowned and glanced at Feng Yong: "You are also a leader in battle anyway, don't you understand the reason why kindness does not command soldiers?"

"Besides, over the years, it seems that the methods you have used against those aristocratic families do not seem to be kind. Why are you being soft at this time?"

Feng Yong laughed dryly, but he didn't dare to explain, he just said vaguely: "It's always useful to keep them."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun looked at Feng Yong suspiciously, but in the end he didn't ask any more questions, but just nodded:

"Forget it, anyway, I can't control the affairs of the Colonel's Mansion, but after all, it's still half a month short of military rations, what should I do?"

Feng Yong thought for a while, and said "tsk": "Let's talk about it, there will always be a way."

"Is there really a way?"

Zhao Yun couldn't believe it.


After the discussion, it was too late to hurry, so Feng Yong rested in the Dudu's mansion.

At the same time, by the way, meet Zhao Mashi who has a preference for Zhao Guangduo.

At dawn the next day, Feng Yong, who was worried about the military situation, hurried out of the Dudu's mansion, and was about to get on his horse, when suddenly someone shouted: "Brother!"

Feng Yong followed the voice and looked back, only to see someone waving to him at the side door of the Dudu's Mansion.

He fixed his eyes and saw that it was Huang Wudie.

Instructing everyone who was about to leave to wait in place, Feng Yong walked over and asked, "I don't know what else is going on, brother and sister?"

Huang Wudie pointed not far away: "It's not that I have something to do, it's that Auntie has something to talk to my brother, please come with me."

Looking in the direction she pointed, she saw a maid guarding there.

Following Huang Wudie past the maid who was obviously keeping others away, Feng Yong saw a middle-aged woman standing there, waiting for his arrival.

He hastily went up to greet her and bowed: "I have seen Mrs. Zhao."

Mrs. Zhao Ma is very tall, and she doesn't dress like other rich and noble women like jewels.

The upper body is a narrow-sleeved and thin-waisted jacket that has been handed down from Nanxiang in recent years, and a Shu brocade wide jacket is worn on the outside, which looks elegant and neat.

Although she has been married to Shuzhong for a long time, Mrs. Zhao Ma still has the boldness of a Xiliang daughter. She took two steps forward and directly stretched out her hand to support Feng Yong:

"Didn't I say yesterday that you and Erlang are as close as brothers, and my son-in-law also calls you elder brother. If you can call me Mrs. Zhao, it will seem too alien."

Feng Yong had no choice but to change his words: "Yes, Auntie."

Zhao Mashi smiled heartily: "That's right."

As she spoke, she gestured to Huang Wudie.

Huang Wudie seemed to take two steps back, first listened carefully, and then nodded slightly to Zhao Mashi.

Only then did Zhao Ma reached into his sleeve, took out a letter, and lowered his voice at the same time: "I know that the military situation is urgent, and you can't keep more, so I'll just say it straight."

Seeing Zhao Mashi's solemn expression, Feng Yong was slightly startled.

While wondering what the other party was going to mention, only Zhao Mashi's voice continued to ring:

"Although my Ma family has moved to Longxi for three generations, my ancestral home is in Fufeng after all, and when my father led the army to guard Fufeng, he also brought us brothers and sisters back into the ancestral tree."

"It's just that I didn't expect that my brother was forced into Hanzhong by the Cao thief, and the Ma family was also bloodbathed by the thieves. Before my brother left, he said that the blood of the Ma family was only left in Shu."

"In the past few years, the Ma family has been blessed with great love from the nephew, and the Ma family has been honored with such rare things as wool, sugar and wine."

After speaking, Zhao Mashi's voice became lower and lower:

"The Ma family's caravan sold these rare items to Guanzhong, and finally had the opportunity to inquire about some news about the Ma family in Fufeng Huaili, and learned that the side branches are scattered in Guanzhong."

"Also, when my late father guarded Fufeng back then, he defended against Hu bandits in the north, prepared white cavalry in the east, waited for scholars to be worthy, saved the lives of the people, and was loved by the people of the three assistants."

"The Ma family was harmed by the Cao thief, and many officials in Sanfu lamented it. This letter contains a list of old friends who have regained contact with the Ma family in the past few years."

As she spoke, she handed over the letter and put it heavily in Feng Yong's hand.

Feng Yong was moved, and after putting it away carefully, he gave a big gift to Mrs. Zhao Ma: "Thank you forever, Auntie for your love!"

Zhao Mashi helped Feng Yong up again:

"After the Ma family's own brother left, although it was said that there was a brother who was against him, I knew that the elder brother was wise, and he could keep it, but it was not enough to advance. It was possible to lead a thousand people, but it was difficult to lead ten thousand people."

Hearing this, Feng Yong took a high look at Zhao Mashi.

After all, martinline is too famous for treating gastritis.

In addition, when I played Three Kingdoms in my previous life, I used the role of Ma Dai at any rate.

So he naturally had some understanding of Ma Dai.

After the death of the old demon Zhuge, Ma Dai led the Northern Expedition alone, but was finally defeated by a little-known Wei general.

Why do you say that General Wei has no reputation?

Because Feng Yong can't remember the name of that general Wei now - all the characters that Feng Junhou can't remember are basically mediocre generals.

With Feng Junhou's current confidence, it's nothing to flatter such mediocre talents.

Ma Dai's defeat by this general Wei is enough to prove that Zhao Ma's vision is really good.

"And my nephew is too young to support the Ma family. Without the help of my nephew, the Ma family will fall sooner or later."

Mrs. Zhao Ma naturally didn't know what Feng Yong was muttering in his heart, but continued, "If we can help my nephew a little now, our Ma family will naturally do my part."

Speaking of this, she had a somewhat embarrassed look on her face, "Of course, by doing this, I actually want something from my nephew."

Feng Yong hurriedly said: "Auntie, but it's all right."

"I heard that at the Nanxiang Academy, since there is knowledge handed down by the virtuous nephew, there are also lectures on Confucianism and Taoism to the old man, and there is even Li Dudu who teaches martial arts."

"Therefore, I want to ask my nephew for a favor. After this battle, can I let my nephew go to Nanxiang Academy to study?"

The future head of the Ma family wants to study at Nanxiang Academy?

This is a good thing.

Feng Yong nodded: "Since my aunt is pleading, why should I not? It's just a matter of passing a message to Nanxiang."

"But my nephew has to remind my aunt first that Nanxiang Academy has strict rules and regulations. It doesn't care about status, but only about learning. If you break the rules, no matter who you are, you will be punished."

After receiving Feng Yong's promise, Zhao Mashi heaved a sigh of relief as if he had let go of a heavy burden, and said repeatedly:

"This is natural! If you want to acquire real learning, you should do this, otherwise, wouldn't it be disrespectful to learning?"

As she said that, she glanced at Feng Yong again: "From the establishment of the Nanxiang School by my nephew, I know that my nephew is a person who follows the Tao and values ​​learning."

I just want to poach the corners of the feudal landlord class.

Feng Yong was replying secretly in his heart, but Zhao Mashi's next sentence surprised him:

"If you don't give up, our Ma family is willing to come forward and find some people to contribute money and food to build a school in Longyou."

The most expensive thing in this world is free!

How could Feng Junhou not know this truth?

It's just that he couldn't figure out what Zhao Mashi meant for a moment: "If it's because of Ma's younger brother, Auntie doesn't need to spend so much money."

This is not just a matter of money and food, but also of human affection. The Ma family is bleeding so much, the plan must be huge, how dare Feng Yong agree on the spot?

"Of course not because of brother."

Seeing Feng Yong's appearance, Zhao Ma knew that he was worried, so he could only explain:

"Nowadays in central Sichuan, many families want to send their children to Nanxiang Academy to study, but the school accepts students from Nanxiang first."

"Or it's the students who were sent over from the Yuexiu Academy, and there are really too few places left for outside."

"If this Longyou Academy can also select some outstanding students every year like Yuejuan Academy, and send them to Nanxiang Academy, that would be the best."

When Feng Yong heard this, his heart moved, as if he had grasped something.

Over the years, Nanxiang Academy and Yuexi Academy have sent a large number of grassroots management talents to the Xinghanhui system.

What is even more striking is that some talented students in Nanxiang Academy can get rid of their original class and become elite talents.

Although the number is small, it is enough to shock people.

Mass production management and governance talents have basically been qualified only by aristocratic families for more than a hundred years.

Local rich families may not have such qualifications.

But today's Xinghanhui system can take another shortcut, and in just a few years, it can cultivate the head of the Cangtou and Guishou.

Who wouldn't be surprised?

After being frightened, people will naturally be moved.

Although he vaguely guessed what the other party was thinking, Feng Yong still replied cautiously:

"This matter is very important. I can't make the decision alone. After I go back, I have to discuss it."

If the military is not decided, ask the wife, if the political affairs are not decided, ask the fourth, I need to go back and ask the opinion of the fourth mother.

"It's natural."

Seeing that Feng Yong did not refuse on the spot, Zhao Mashi was overjoyed.

After the two of them finished talking, Huang Wudie also came over, with a bit of shyness on her face:

"Brother, the military situation is dangerous, Erlang is reckless, please watch over."

Feng Yong cupped his hands: "Erlang and I are like brothers, brother and sister, but please rest assured."

After finishing speaking, he bid farewell to the two, walked out the door, and got on his horse.


There were not many people on the street in the early morning, and a group of people rushed towards the city gate like thunder.

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