Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 786: Negotiation

Different from the tense atmosphere in Jicheng, Pingxiang seemed much more relaxed, even a little...excited? Or fanaticism.

Because after the Xiaowei Mansion officially announced that it was in a state of combat readiness, Qu Shuai, a lot of tribes, started to move:

This righteous soldier, is there any way to get in?

Although raising sheep on pastures does not worry about food and clothing, it is still a sheep raiser after all.

It is not impossible to raise sheep, but it is definitely not as beneficial as participating in the volunteer army.

Besides, being a barbarian who raises sheep is still a barbarian after all.

The low-level Hu people are stupid, but it does not mean that the well-informed and tribal leaders who often deal with Han people are stupid.

I want to get benefits from the Han people, or to ensure that I can live without worrying about food and clothing.

The first method is to learn from the Huns in the pre-Han, or the Xianbei in the later Han, and force the Han people to send them to their door.

For hundreds of years, countless people have played this idea.

Of course, the death was horrible, and the bones were spread layer after layer.

For example, the Liangzhou Rebellion made the later Han court miserable, but the price paid by the Hu people in Liangzhou was the disappearance of countless tribes.

Even the Xianbei people, who are now the most powerful, have to surrender to the Han people on the surface, and at most they are just intruding in the northern border.

Although the behemoth of the Han Empire has fallen, its afterglow still shines on this land, and its aftermath still has a strong deterrent force.

Not to mention that in the land of Longyou, everyone's life is much easier than before.

But it is also true that many tribes in Longyou were exterminated when the Huqiang School Weifu was first established.

Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish, that's all.

The tribe that did not seek refuge in the Huqiang Captain's Mansion from the very beginning, and survived by chance, resisted in their hearts at the very beginning, but they couldn't hold back their bodies and leaned over so honestly.

If you can't resist, then obey, this is an instinctive choice for survival.

So in this case, if there is a choice, the best strategy is naturally to be like Huhanxie Shanyu, the Hun.

While maintaining his own power, he expressed his surrender to the Han people.

It can not only get the support of the Han people, but also get benefits from the Han people every year.

But now it seems that this choice is not good.

Because in the past two years, the tribes with such thoughts have been placed in the outermost periphery of the north of Pingxiang.

Of course there are benefits, but you have to exchange things such as cattle, sheep, horses, wool and fur.

Barely surviving starvation and freezing to death is much better than before.

But if you want to live comfortably and grow your tribe, that is just a dream.

Now some tribes have begun to regret it, and come here to find a way with a shy face.

This path is blocked, so the next best thing to do is to imitate the descendants of Han Xie Shanyu, chasing kings every day, keeping power symbolically in their hands, but in reality they are acting as watchdogs for the Han people.

At present, most of the tribes in Longyou are in this state.

But who wants to be a dog if they can be a human?

The best policy is not available, and the worst policy is somewhat unwilling. Fortunately, there is a middle policy.

In the history of Zhongce, someone has set an example: Kim Il-dun.

Jin Ridun is the most successful example of integrating into the Han people. He is not only respected by the Han people, but his family has been passed down to this day.

In terms of Longyou's current situation, this road is the best way out.

It's a pity that Han Chinese household registration is the hardest thing in the world to get.

Of course, the household registration in Qu Shuai's mind is not the ordinary folk household registration issued by the government.

What they need is a passport to the upper elite, a "status and household registration" that can be recognized by the ruling class.

How to obtain this household registration?

The first method is to sacrifice everything, including the clansmen, kneel and lick in all directions, and get a pass first.

As for how to integrate later, that is something to consider later.

But this approach is too risky.

Although Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion has a good reputation now, who dares to say that Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion can protect himself for a lifetime?

Now you can use money to clear the way, but whose money is unlimited? Can clear the way for a lifetime?

Too much money is given away, but it will attract more people to rush to take a bite.

In case of encountering the greedy one, if you take it all by hand, I'm afraid that you will lose your fortune.

In the past, those wealthy Han families in Liangzhou were best at doing such immoral things.

So what is the correct way to get a pass?

Liu Hun, the son of the Xiongnu who was named the Marquis of Guiyi by the emperor of the Han family, had already pointed out the way.

Of course, again, it is not unacceptable to be like Duan Muzhe, the dog steward.

Qu Shuai thought so in his heart: They are selling heads anyway, so why don't I pick the one with the highest price ratio?

Of course, Hu people don't understand what sex comparison is, but that's what it means.

The men who set up horses are straightforward by nature, and they can't compare with those who play tricks, but they have a good skill handed down from their ancestors: robbery and murder.

Killing Cao thief is also killing, right?

Therefore, participating in the volunteer army, selling the heads of the warriors of one's own tribe, laundering and going ashore after getting enough credit is currently the most cost-effective way out.

A considerable part of the reason for the frenzy in Pingxiang City was caused by these commanders who were going to sell the heads of their own tribe's warriors.

The return of Feng Junhou made this frenzy even higher.

Seeing the majestic gate on the high platform being opened, and the tall figure in the red cloak surrounded by the guards disappeared into the gate, many people who were observing in the dark breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only the people outside, but also the people in the Huqiang Captain's Mansion, seeing the return of the real owner of the Colonel's Mansion, they couldn't help but feel at ease.

Pass through the first inner door and come to the daily office building complex of Xiaowei Mansion.

Two rows of wing rooms face each other, and here are the two most important departments of Xiaowei's Mansion.

On one side is the secretariat that handles political affairs, and on the other is the staff department that formulates training and combat plans.

Gongsun Zheng, who had received the information a long time ago, stood at the intersection of the corridor and bowed his hands to Feng Yong who was in a hurry: "I have seen you."

Feng Yong slightly nodded, pointed to Xu Xun who had been trotting behind him, and introduced:

"This is Xu Yuande. He is now the deputy chief of staff of the Colonel's Mansion. From now on, he will be in charge of logistics in the army."

Then he turned to Xu Xun and said, "The head of the staff department, Chief of Staff Gongsun, I think you should know him."

Xu Xun said hastily, "I know you. I used to deal with Chief of Staff Gongsun when I brought food here. I didn't expect to be a colleague now."

Gongsun Zheng also followed suit.

"Okay, Yuande, you go with Chief of Staff Gongsun to get acquainted. I still have something to do, so let's go first."

After Feng Yong explained, he didn't intend to stay too long.

"Don't dare to bother brother, brother please."

Feng Yong waved his hand and continued walking forward without looking back.

Although Feng Yong seemed to just bring Xu Xun over by the way, Gongsun Zheng didn't dare to neglect at all.

For more than two years, Xu Xun has personally traveled between Longyou and Shu with Dongfeng Express, delivering the most important supplies to the Huqiang Captain's Mansion, which shows that this person is deeply respected by Feng Junhou.

In addition, Xu Xun is a member of Xinghanhui.

In Gongsun Zheng's view, this is the Junhou's release of his own people to the key departments of Xiaowei's Mansion.

Because these logistics matters are related to the food and grass in the army, as well as the post-war military statistics and other important matters.

Those who were in charge of these matters earlier were Junhou's students.

Later, those students were transferred to Nanxiang. Now that the war is going on, it is only natural for the prince to let people from the Xinghan Society come over to take over.

The staff department welcomes the new colleagues warmly, but the door of the office where the secretary of the secretariat is opposite is closed.

After Feng Yong left, the window that had been quietly opened was finally pushed open.

Xu Xun, who was about to enter the room, heard the movement, turned his head subconsciously, and saw Zhang Xingyi poking his head out.

"What are you looking at?" Secretary Zhang scolded loudly, "It's a very important place, why are you making so much noise?"

The head of the staff department repeatedly clapped his hands at Secretary Zhang, "I'm sorry Secretary Zhang, I didn't pay attention for a while."

Then he hurriedly dragged Xu Xun into the house.

After closing the door, Gongsun Zheng said to Xu Xun earnestly:

"Mr. Xu Lang, the opposite is the secretariat of the Colonel's Mansion. Except for the affairs in the army, all other matters are under its jurisdiction. This secretary...cough cough..."

Gongsun Zheng was thinking about what words to use to remind Xu Xun tactfully, but Xu Xun himself answered:

"I know that secretary is a strange woman who won't give way to men. When I meet her in the future, I will carefully avoid her."

When Gongsun Zheng heard Xu Xun's words, he looked at him in surprise.

Alas? This Mr. Xu Lang seems to be very upright, no wonder he is valued by Feng Junhou.

But he didn't know that when Xu Xun saw Guan Ji and Zhang Xingyi, his legs always trembled subconsciously.

Of course, this is not just because it was broken that year.

At the same time, Xu Xun felt more and more the viciousness of the two women's eyes after watching Feng Yong step by step become the leader of the younger generation of big men over the years.

So now many people suspect that the Guanzhang family really has some ancestral secret method of observing people?

Otherwise, why are the two generations betting so accurately?

Secretary Zhang got angry for no reason, and no one dared to touch her, which made her very depressed.

Thinking of the hurried steps towards the backyard just now, and seeing that the sun was still high in the sky, Zhang Xingyi's face suddenly felt a little hot for some reason.

Then she gave a bah and slammed the window shut.

Contrary to the closed doors and windows of the chief secretary's office, the doors and windows of the large wing room in the backyard of the Captain's Mansion are wide open.

Mrs. Junhou stood at the door and smiled slightly at Junhou who was walking quickly from a distance, which actually made Feng Yong lose his mind for a moment.

Thinking of Mei Rui who met her beauty for the first time and was as deserted as after the first snow.

Now that she is a mother, she has another layer of softness on her body.

"Alang is back?"

Guan Ji stepped forward, and while helping Feng Yong take off his cloak, she greeted him softly.

"Well, I'm back."

Feng Yong stood still, looking at Xijun's smooth and jade-like face, his mouth echoed.

Smelling the faint scent of frankincense, Feng Junhou became agitated like a young boy in love.

I saw this person asked eagerly: "Where is the child?"

Guan Ji pursed her lips and smiled, pointing inside.

Feng Yong quickly walked two steps into the house, and seeing his son and daughter crawling on the floor, he couldn't contain his joy in the end:

"Children, I'm back!"

Then he rushed over, stretched out his arms, one in each hand, and directly hugged his children into his arms.


Ah Chong was so frightened by the sudden appearance of the stranger that he burst into tears. At the same time, he stretched out his chubby hand to his grandmother who was following behind him, shaking constantly, wanting his grandmother to come and save him.

On the other hand, Shuang Shuang grinned silly, and then with a bang, her little hand directly slapped Feng Yong's face and scratched hard!

Feng Yong let out an "ouch" from the pain, and hurriedly let go of Ah Chong, so that he could free his hand and carefully pull his daughter's hand away.

Seeing this scene, Guan Ji, who was following behind, was angry and funny at the same time.

Putting down the cloak conveniently, he came over and complained:

"Ah Lang himself always said that you should pay attention to cleanliness, but you just came back, your body is covered with dust, and you don't say to wash it first, just hug the child like this, and you are not afraid of getting the child dirty."

I saw her squatting down and patting Ah Chong while talking.

Ah Chong seemed to have a sense of security with his mother, so he stopped crying all of a sudden.

"I was impatient. When I saw the child, I forgot everything in my heart."

Feng Yong smiled apologetically, raised his daughter with both hands, watched her yelling, stretched out his chubby hand, and quickly lifted her a little farther away.

Guan Ji seemed a little dissatisfied with her children's memory: "Ah Lang has only been away for a few days, and they won't remember you."

"Children, the brain...the mind hasn't matured yet, how can I remember?"

Feng Yong didn't care.

"My concubine has already prepared hot water, why don't you go take a bath first?"

Feng Yong nodded: "Okay, Mr. Lao Xi is here."

"The concubine is just giving an order, why is Alang so polite?"

Guan Ji was a little surprised how her Alang could say such words.

Feng Junhou looked at the door with a guilty conscience, um, no one was there.

Then he coughed, and said with a serious expression: "I mean, I've been on the road these days, and my body is covered with a layer of dirt. Later, Mr. Lao Xi will help."

"No time!"

Guan Ji has been with this person for a long time, seeing him like this, she didn't know what his plan was, so she immediately gave this person a blank look:

"The child is dirty, I want to bathe the child."

"Oh! Just ask the nurse to wash their hands and faces. Don't wash too much. Children's skin is delicate and easy to hurt."

Feng Junhou worked very hard to popularize knowledge to Mrs. Junhou.

When Guan Ji heard this, her heart trembled inexplicably, her eyes widened slightly.

She hesitated for a moment, then bit her plump red lips lightly, seeming to have some doubts: "Really?"

"Naturally it is true."

Feng Junhou vowed.

The weather in early September is the most suitable time for people to feel.

The water temperature is just right, soaking in it makes people feel refreshed, and they just want to soak until they are old and don't want to come out.

But Guan Ji, who was temporarily in charge of Qiang Xiaowei's mansion, did not forget the urgent military situation in the east of Longyou, and urged Feng Yong several times before pulling Feng Yong out of the tub.

Standing in front of the military map and sand table, Feng Yong yawned a little tiredly, and casually pulled the rocking chair and lay down on it.

The blush on Guan Ji's face due to the steam from the bath has not completely receded, she was about to close her eyes when she saw this person, and immediately glared at him.

Feng Yong seemed to be aware of Guan Ji's dissatisfaction, and quickly waved his hand: "I have studied the map of Longyou and Guanzhong hundreds of times, and I have memorized it by heart."

Guan Ji knew that he might be really tired because he came all the way, but she didn't force it: "The old general asked the Colonel's Mansion to assist Xiao Guan on that journey, what is A Lang's plan?"

"Naturally, it's about taking down Yueshi City and forming a rivalry with Xiaoguan."

Feng Yong closed his eyes and said, "Although the terrain of Xiaoguan is dangerous, it is mainly used in Guanzhong to guard against the desert in the north and Longyou in the west."

"Now that it is in our hands to guard against Guanzhong, it will naturally not be able to take advantage of its danger. If we can get the Yuezhi City, then Xiaoguan will be stable and worry-free."

Xiaoguan is the only stronghold of the big Han in Guanzhong, and there is another Longshan Mountain separated from Longyou, so the difficulty of rescue is far greater than that of Longguan.

So how to stabilize Xiaoguan has always been the focus of Zhao Yun and Feng Yong's thinking.

"Yuezhi City falls into our hands. If Cao really doesn't want to lose Anding County, he must increase his troops and go north. We can achieve the goal of mobilizing the Wei army in Guanzhong to respond to Hanzhong."

Guan Ji heard these words, walked behind Feng Yong, and helped him rub his shoulders:

"Where is Jingyang in the south of Xiaoguan? The Yueshi City was inexplicably lost back then, which shows that there are capable people in Cao's bandit army."

"What if Cao thief set up an ambush in Jingyang in the south, and only waited for Alang's army to leave Xiaoguan to the west and then attack Xiaoguan?"

Feeling Guan Ji's just-in-weight massage, Feng Yong was so comfortable that he was about to groan:

"How is the situation at Zhao Guang's side?"

Although Guan Ji didn't understand why Feng Yong suddenly asked Zhao Guang, she still replied:

"It's not bad. I sent the military report back the day before yesterday, saying that the city has been broken, and it is now finishing up."

Xiaowei's mansion dispatched fine cavalry and an engineering battalion to guard such a small town with some Cao thieves in Hexi, and it was expected to break it.

"Erlang has come out." Feng Yong sighed, "When I went to Jicheng, the old general rarely said anything wrong with him."

After hearing this, Guan Ji finally understood: "What does A Lang mean, let Er Lang protect the rear of the army?"

Xiaowei's mansion rides finely, coming and going like the wind.

Cao thief really dared to come from the south, as long as he was dragged by the Jingqi for two days, with the quality of the pawns of the school captain's mansion, it would not be a problem to turn around quickly and make dumplings instead.

"Mobilize the enemy, naturally the more you mobilize, the better."

Feng Yong said casually, "We are going to attack Yueshi City with great fanfare. Could it be that Chang An Neng ignores this? Do you really want An Ding County?"

When Guan Ji heard this, she laughed:

"Ah Lang originally thought this way, but my concubine also has a plan and wants to discuss it with A Lang."

"Huh?!" Feng Yong opened his eyes suddenly, "Why did Xijun teach me?"

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