Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 787 Short Family Bliss

After the discussion between the two, Guan Ji told Feng Yong the general situation of the Huqiang Captain's mansion these days.

Feng Yong closed his eyes, slumped in the rocking chair, and answered without a word.

During this period of time, I have been rushing along the way, and I have never had a good rest.

That is to say, I have paid attention to exercise over the years, and my body has a good foundation, so I still have the strength to toss around after I come back.

It's just that now that the tossing is over, I suddenly feel that my eyes are astringent and drowsy.

Turning over, he was about to find a comfortable position when he heard Guan Ji say, "Ah Lang, why don't you eat something to fill your stomach before going to sleep?"

At the same time, I felt something being delivered to my mouth.

Feng Yong opened his mouth mechanically, and then chewed it. He felt a sweetness mixed with the taste of milk melting in his mouth, and knew that Guan Ji was feeding him dry milk.

Feng Yong prefers to call this thing milk lumps - this is what Daxibei called it in his previous life.

When he was in the Northwest in his previous life, he often ate this stuff.

I heard that when the Mongolian army swept the world, they often ate this.

Not only anti-hunger, but also easy to store, but also convenient to carry.

After all, the raw material comes from the water produced by those mares, cows and ewes, which is the most convenient for nomads.

But the milk lump in Guan Ji's hand was mixed with other things, such as brown sugar.

It is not only rich in nutrition, but also has enough calories. It is the latest generation of high-quality dry food.

Just because of the preciousness of brown sugar, only lieutenants who lead more than a thousand people in the army on weekdays, or dark night battalions that carry out major missions are eligible to enjoy it.

"Lie here and nest carefully, why don't you go to sleep on the couch first."

After Guan Ji fed a few, she persuaded again.

Feng Yong yawned and nodded, "I'm really tired, so I'll go up and take a nap for a while, if you need anything, just call me."

Guan Ji helped Feng Yong up, and said softly: "What could be the matter? During the days when A Lang was away, didn't any major incidents happen? Don't worry about it for a while."

On the couch in the inner room, a pair of children are playing.

Seeing this strange man lying on the couch and grabbing his place, Ah Chong tactfully crawled towards Guan Ji.

Shuang Shuang, on the other hand, sat on the spot and stared at it for a while, then suddenly said "Yeah", and then threw the paper tube in Feng Yong's direction.

But because of too little strength, it was only thrown half a foot away.

Feng Yong laughed out loud, and wanted to tease her, but Guan Ji was the first to hug her daughter up: "Shuangshuang, don't make trouble, let your lord rest well.

Holding a child in one hand, Guan Ji said to Feng Yong: "Ah Lang, rest well."

Then he walked out with the child.

Completely ignore Feng Yong's words of "be careful of children" behind him.

Just as Guan Ji put the child on the mat outside, a maid came in and said, "Madam..."

Guan Ji winked and stopped the maidservant from speaking, she looked inside to make sure there was no movement, then signaled the maidservant to follow her out the door: "What's the matter?"

The servant girl hurriedly replied in a low voice: "Mr. Xu Lang asks to see you."

"Xu Xun? Didn't he go back to the mansion with Junhou? What can happen at this time?"

Guan Ji frowned, "Go and tell him, Junhou is tired and resting, if there is nothing urgent, let him come back tomorrow."


Xu Xun, who had just come from the previous yard, was taken aback when he heard the message from the maidservant:

I came back with my elder brother, and I saw that my elder brother was still in good spirits, why was he so tired when he entered the backyard?

It's just that when he heard what Guan Ji said, he felt a little scared in his heart.

In addition, he came here just to bid farewell to Feng Yong according to the etiquette, and then settled himself down.

It's not an important matter, how dare you think about it at this time?

Immediately he went out.

With Guan Ji blocking the way, no one came to disturb Feng Yong, so he slept soundly this time, and when he woke up, the lights were already on.

There was the sound of children playing outside, mixed with the voice of someone calling for the child: "Call me little aunt, little aunt..."

Then there was the sound of clapping hands again, probably to attract the child's attention.

Hearing his child's immature voice, Feng Yong couldn't help getting up and preparing to stay in bed.

Only then did he realize that there was a pair of slippers in front of the bed, probably Guan Ji put them down when he fell asleep.

Turning around the screen with her slippers on, she saw Zhang Xingyi squatting on the mat playing with the two children, and Guan Ji sitting at the table next to the mat, looking down at the documents.

It may be that the husband and wife are connected, and Guan Ji, who feels something in her heart, looks up at the screen with a smile on her face: "Ah Lang is awake?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi also turned his head.

"Well, I'm awake."

When Feng Yong turned his head and Zhang Xingyi passed by, the two looked at each other very quickly.

As he responded, he walked over, picked up the kettle on the table, and wanted to pour himself a glass of water.

"Thirsty?" Guan Ji got up and took the kettle from Feng Yong's hand, "This tea was boiled when A Lang just came back, and it's already cold."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and told Zhang Xingyi who was squatting on the floor mat, "What are you waiting for? Get some hot water for your brother-in-law."

Zhang Xingyi let out an "oh", got up hastily, and trotted out with the water bottle in hand.

"Let Amei bring the dinner."

Guan Ji shouted again from behind.


Zhang Xingyi's voice came from outside.

Feng Yong, on the other hand, was taken aback when he saw this scene: When did the relationship between these two become like this?

"This... isn't there a servant outside, it's not good to order Si Niang like this?"

Seeing Guan Ji's natural look, Feng Yong said worriedly.

Guan Ji asked Feng Yong to sit down, and said, "I was afraid that the servants would affect Alang's rest, so I sent them all out earlier."

"Besides, Si Niang is my sister, what's the matter with me?" At this point, Guan Ji glanced at Feng Yong, "Why? Ah Lang is reluctant?"

Feng Junhou shivered in fright, "Xi Jun is right, you should handle him well!"

Guan Ji smiled lightly.

On the other hand, the two children on the floor became dissatisfied when they saw their little aunt run away.

Ah Chong took two steps, one couldn't stand firmly and sat on the ground, so he simply crawled to his mother's feet.

Shuangshuang was bolder, sat there and looked at Feng Yong fixedly, with some doubts in his eyes, and then yelled, as if he wanted to express something.

Seeing his Xijun's noncommittal smile, Feng Yong felt a little guilty at first.

Hearing that his daughter was helping him out, he quickly kicked off his slippers, sat on the mat and hugged her: "Sir."


Shuangshuang stretched out chubby hands, about to grab Feng Yong's face.


Feng Yong was prepared a long time ago, and hastily held her far away.

When both were lifted up, they grinned happily.

Seeing her so happy, Feng Yong also laughed: "Call your lord, quickly call your lord."

Ah Chong over there had just crawled to his grandmother's feet when he heard his grandmother's voice: "Go over there and play with adults."

Ah Chong stopped and looked up at Ah Mu.

Guan Ji waved her hand, then pointed to Feng Yong, "There, my lord, go."

Ah Chong turned his head to look at his elder sister half understanding, and then turned back to look at his mother, his eyes full of confusion.

"Go to the adults."

Guan Ji bent down and continued to gesture.

Ah Chong's eyes continued to be confused.

Guan Ji sighed, feeling a little disappointed: this child seems to be more timid than his elder sister...

Unexpectedly, Ah Chong suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: "Big...big..."

Feng Yong, who was having fun with his daughter over there, turned his head suddenly.

Seeing Guan Ji's expression of disbelief.

The couple looked at each other.

Feng Yong wanted to let go of his daughter, but felt that it was inappropriate, so he just came over with his daughter in his arms.

With a "wow", Ah Chong crawled towards Guan Ji.

Guan Ji had no choice but to hug him and coax him, and Ah Chong stopped crying.

"What was your name just now? My lord?"

Guan Ji asked again.

Maybe he gained a sense of security in his mother's arms, so Ah Chong dared to point to Feng Yong and complain, and he didn't know what opinion he had on his own adults.

Guan Ji didn't care about his complaint, she shook her son and continued to guide her: "My lord, quickly call your lord!"


This time Ah Chong was obedient, and yelled again.

Although he could only shout one syllable, it was enough to make Feng Yongxi feel overwhelmed, and quickly responded: "Hey, good son!"

Guan Ji was also very happy, and said again and again: "My lord, my lord..."

As if encouraged by his mother, Ah Chong called out again: "Big... big...".

Feng Yong and Guan Ji were overjoyed after confirming that their son did not speak by accident.

The two of them thought of a way to make Ah Chong scream a few more times, and they didn't give up until Ah Chong burst into tears of dissatisfaction.

Feng Yong looked at the daughter in his arms, and imitated Guan Ji just now, teaching her how to speak: "Come on, Shuangshuang, call your lord..."

Shuangshuang looked at Feng Yong and just smirked.

"Call the adults."

Feng Yong leaned forward.

Shuangshuang stretched out the chubby hands, and with a "beep", it directly touched Feng Yong's face.

"Why does this woman like beating people so much?"

Feng Yong bared his teeth and shouted.

Zhang Xingyi, who had just returned with the water bottle, saw this scene and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Feng Junhou, whose dream was shattered by his own daughter's slap, had to put down his daughter resentfully when he heard the gloating laughter at the door.

"Si Niang is back!"

Feng Yong sat back in his seat and greeted him.

Zhang Xingyi didn't answer him, and came over directly: "Sister, the water is coming."

"Well, pour it for your brother-in-law."

Guan Ji started flipping through the documents again, and said without raising her head.

Zhang Xingyi didn't dare to hate Guan Ji, but glared at Feng Yong.

"I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

Feng Junhou quickly took it over and said repeatedly.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Xingyi showed disdain in his eyes.

Feng Yong looked at Guan Ji, then at Zhang Xingyi, he didn't dare to say anything, he could only drink tea in silence.

Guan Ji, who was looking down at the documents, looked up and saw Feng Yong pouring water into her stomach.

Can't help caring and persuading: "Ah Lang, the dinner will be served soon, don't drink too much water, or you won't be able to eat the dinner."

As soon as the words fell, Ah Mei led the servants to appear at the door.

Seeing Amei ordering the servants to continue to serve dinner, Feng Yong hurriedly dissuaded him: "Enough is enough, I can't eat so much."

"Tch! We're all waiting for my brother-in-law to wake up and have dinner together, it's not like you eat alone."

Zhang Xingyi gave Feng Yong a blank look, and stood up to help.

"Haven't you eaten yet?" Feng Junhou, who had never done anything wrong, felt relieved seeing Si Niang so natural.

"We're all waiting for Alang."

Guan Ji said with a smile.

"That's not bad, it happens to be eaten as a family."

Feng Yongshun said.

"Isn't it just a family?"

Guan Jiruo glanced at Zhang Xingyi, who was helping, and smiled.

Feng Yong coughed, pretending he didn't hear anything, got up and hugged his daughter: "Come, call your lord."

Reach out and grab it with both hands...

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