Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 788 Changes in the Superstructure

Nowadays, in Nanxiang, Yuexuan and other places, the more grand and formal banquets are still divided into one person and one case, but on weekdays, many people have changed to the half-share and half-share system.

Half-shared food means that the dishes and chopsticks are still for one person's own use.

Semi-joint food means that several people share a desk.

The reason is also very simple.

Because Nanxiang canteen is popular in this way.

In a cafeteria with hundreds or even thousands of people, each person arranges a desk, which is called being full.

One tray per person, with two or three dishes on it, plus a bowl of staple food, and then several people share a table, each eating their own food, that's about the same.

Anyway, the basic class in Nanxiang, Yuejuan and other places are fake and good families who suddenly rose up.

In the past, they were all soil turtles who squatted at the door or in the corner with a bowl to eat.

It is impossible to transform into a traditional official just because you are full of food and have two pocket money on hand.

In addition, the rapid development of the handicraft industry has led to the continuous acceleration of the pace of life and work in these places.

It is most normal to take advantage of the meal time when everyone is full and squeeze this little time to talk about things.

As for the rule of not talking when eating or sleeping, what is that? Can I have dinner?

Anyway, we local turtles have never heard of it.

As the king of turtles, Feng Junhou naturally cannot be separated from the masses.

At most, the table should be larger and the meals should be richer.

After all, there are female generals, female politicians, female researchers, and female business tycoons in the family.

Feng Junhou integrated all aspects under their jurisdiction into a whole.

This process requires everyone to sit together and exchange opinions with each other before they can cooperate with each other.

Sitting together for a meal provides just that opportunity.

Just like now, the Patriarch is sitting in the middle, Guan Ji and Zhang Xingyi are on the left and right.

"Sit down, Amei, you sit too, I don't need your service."

Feng Yong told Amei.

Ah Mei responded, and carefully sat down on Guan Ji's lower seat.

A pair of children sat in the stroller between Feng Yong and Guan Ji.

The stroller was designed by herself, and Amei personally selected the materials and supervised the construction.

There is a special food board on the car, on which there are complementary foods and small pieces of steamed buns.

Holding a small steamed bun specially made for her in both hands, she is already chewing on it. There are small tooth marks on the steamed bun, but most of the time she wipes her saliva on it.

Ah Chong prefers meat porridge, so he kept opening his mouth and yelling "Ahhh", beckoning Guan Ji to feed him.

In terms of raising children, Feng Yong has always advocated doing his best when possible.

One is to cultivate the relationship with the children, and the other is to establish a family tradition.

In Sima Jin's era, those noble families had to be supported by others even to walk, and their limbs were superfluous things, which Feng Yong hated deeply.

Seeing that his daughter took three bites, but could only chew off the layer of skin softened by the saliva, Feng Yong scooped a spoonful of meat porridge and put it in her mouth.

"Ah Lang, you haven't eaten well these days, just let the concubine feed you."

Guan Ji persuaded from the side.

"It doesn't matter, I will lead the army again later." Feng Yong shook his head, looking at his daughter, his eyes were full of doting, "Now that I have a chance, I can feed it once, and I don't know when I will come back after the expedition."

Speaking of the expedition, Feng Yong looked at Zhang Xingyi again, "This time, thanks to Siniang's preparation of the food, otherwise the army might have to delay the departure for half a month."

This time, in an unexpected situation, Feng Yong promised Zhao Yun that Xiaowei's mansion would first find a way to prepare food for a month, and it was also the idea of ​​the workshops in Pingxiang.

I didn't expect Zhang Xingyi to finish the matter ahead of time, so is it true that he has a good understanding?

Zhang Xingyi was burying her head in the ribs, when she heard this, she raised her head, trying to put on a calm expression on her small face:

"If you can't even do this well, what's the use of asking the secretariat?"

The tone is good, but it would be more convincing if you can wipe off the oil on your face first.

Siniang likes to eat ribs, especially the crispy bones of ribs.

In the Feng Mansion where there were not so many rules, no one said anything about her even though she bit her bones.

And Guan Ji is a martial arts practitioner, she eats a lot, and eats a lot of meat and poultry eggs every day.

Braised pork with pork belly wrapped in brown sugar is her favorite.

Coupled with Feng Yong's picky mouth, the Feng family's daily expenditure on food and drink is not a small amount.

That is to say, Feng Junhou has a good way of collecting money, so he can afford to support this family.

"It also depends on who is in charge of the secretariat. It's easy for Si Niang, but if it's someone else, it's just two things."

While feeding Ah Chong, Guan Ji interjected, "In the past two years, having Si Niang, how many things have I saved inside and out?"

With the affirmation of the wife in the family, Zhang Xingyi's eyes began to bend into crescents.

"That's right, that is, Siniang is a daughter. If it were a man, the leader of the Xinghan Association would probably be Siniang."

Feng Yong quickly picked up what Guan Ji had said.

Zhang Xingyi, who was quite happy at first, heard Feng Yong's words, and immediately squinted at him: "Why do I think there is something wrong with what you said?"

Guan Ji glanced at Feng Yong, smiled and said: "Let me just say it. If you have something to say, you can tell Si Niang directly. You don't need to beat around the bush like this? Si Niang is not an outsider, right?"

The last sentence was addressed to Zhang Xingyi.

Zhang Xingyi let out a "squeak", and didn't know whether to deny it or acquiesce.

Feng Yong then told the story of someone who was willing to contribute money and food to help build the school.

"This school is one of the foundations of the Xinghan Society. Logically, we don't want outsiders to get involved, but those people can be regarded as our allies."

Guan Ji explained from the side, "So Si Niang thinks, what should we do with this matter?"

Nanxiang School, Xinhua Bookstore, printing, paper, etc., have brought huge benefits to several companies that have original shares in Nanxiang.

Profit is only a fraction, and reputation is the big one.

Even if there is no profit, for the sake of reputation, everyone is willing to continue to support it even if it is a small amount of money.

Take Feng Yong as an example. He was blacklisted by the aristocratic family in the early years. Logically speaking, his reputation will basically be ruined in this life.

If it is really unlucky, it is possible to be included in the local chronicles.

But because of Nanxiang, whoever wants to learn, from the poor family up to Guishou, who doesn't remember him?

It can be said that even if the big man is destroyed by the state of Wei now, as long as Feng Yong does not die on the battlefield.

No matter how much the aristocratic family gritted their teeth with hatred for Feng Yong, those in power in Wei State must keep him safe.

Spreading knowledge widely is just so awesome without explaining—although Feng Yong's original purpose was not this.

For him, the most fundamental purpose of those things in Nanxiang is to break the knowledge monopoly of the aristocratic family.

At the same time, it is also an important help to help him change the trajectory of history.

Now that someone wants to reach out, Feng Yong must understand what their real purpose is.

Zhang Xingyi subconsciously picked up a piece of brittle bone, chewed it loudly, and after swallowing it, suddenly smiled:

"This is a good thing. The Captain's Mansion has no extra money and food to build a school in Longyou. They are willing to help, which just saves us a lot of effort."

Feng Yong didn't understand.

Guan Ji wiped off the rice grains on Ah Chong's face, and glanced at Zhang Xingyi: "Be clear, what are they trying to do with such kindness?"

"Naturally, it's's knowledge of the teacher, or in other words, it's Tua's method to quickly teach students."

Zhang Xingyi took another bite of rice and continued:

"I remember that when the imperial court decided to reclaim Hanzhong, I don't know how many veterans and important officials in the imperial court praised His Majesty's sages, all of which were for that little field."

"No way, who was not a poor ghost at that time?"

Feng Junhou sighed very much.

It made Guan Ji give him a blank look.

Zhang Xingyi smiled "card" and looked at Feng Yong with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes:

"So, on this matter, many people want to thank brother."

"Over the years, even if everyone's family property is not comparable to those of those centuries-old families, they are still well-off, and they can finally leave some family property for their children and grandchildren."

"But this business is not supported by one person. If you want to maintain it, there must be fewer people working underneath."

There are trustworthy people in the room, and Zhang Xingyi has no scruples in speaking: "I remember, even if someone as noble as the Ma family, when they arrive at Ma Shuo, they will be settled in shabby households, right?"

Although the Ma family is said to be the descendant of General Fubo, in Ma Shuo's (Ma Teng's father) generation, they have fallen to the point where they had to marry a Qiang girl because their family was poor and unable to marry.

But Ma Teng has to go to the mountains to cut firewood and sell it in the city to make a living.

Although both father and son Ma Teng and Ma Chao were regarded as dignitaries in the end, such things as family background did not mean that status alone was enough.

Money and food can only be regarded as the most basic, the cultivation of the children in the clan, the accumulation of personal connections, etc., are all indispensable.

The most important of these are knowledge and skills.

No matter in prosperous times or troubled times, knowledge is the foundation of one's life—the art of war can also be regarded as a kind of knowledge.

When the family is prosperous, knowledge can make the children of the family come out in large numbers.

The family has fallen behind, and knowledge is the hope of the family's revival.

Although the Ma family used to be a dignified family, they had no background at all, because the inheritance from their ancestors had been broken long ago.

The reason why those great Confucians who are willing to teach widely are respected by the world is because knowledge is hard to find.

Most of the aristocratic families that have been passed down for hundreds of years will not easily pass on their knowledge to others.

Others may not know why, but Feng Yong can see it clearly - this is what the later generations of San Zhuo Ziyou played against Dongfanghong.

To put it bluntly, it is a knowledge monopoly, or a technical barrier.

Because only in this way can they lie comfortably on the "Head of Heaven" forever and greedily suck blood.

Therefore, the essence of human beings has not changed at all for thousands of years.

Moreover, in this era, books are copied by hand, and the weight of the slips is astonishing, which greatly limits the spread of knowledge.

The opening of Nanxiang Academy represents the beginning of a new era for the dissemination of culture.

Books can be printed in large batches.

The carrier of knowledge is no longer bulky letters, but lightweight paper.

This allowed the Ma family, a noble family with no background, to see an opportunity to quickly make up for their family background.

At the same time, this is also one of the reasons why Xinghan Society is so keen on establishing a school in Yuejuan County.

Their original intention was to quickly train a new generation of stewards for the family.

Later, it was discovered that the children of the clan could also lay a foundation in the Yuexuan Academy, so as to jump into the higher-level Nanxiang Academy.

Only the best students can learn more advanced knowledge of Nanxiang Academy.

The newly-emerging dignitaries of the Han Dynasty are in a period of expanding wealth due to the establishment of various manors over the years.

So eager for the long-term inheritance of the family, that is instinct.

Nanxiang Academy gave them the hope of rapidly increasing their heritage in a short period of time.

Feng Yong and Zhang Xingyi often secretly discuss how to do bad things in private, how to quickly poach the corner of the aristocratic family is one of them, so he can keep up with Zhang Xingyi's thinking: "So that's how it is."

Seeing the two of them, Guan Ji smiled knowingly, and immediately became annoyed: "Be clearer!"

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