Anding County in the Han Dynasty was no better than later generations.

Due to deforestation in later generations, the area of ​​Longyou and Guanzhong lacked vegetation coverage and serious soil erosion, resulting in the wonders of the Loess Plateau with thousands of ravines.

As for Anding County during the Han Dynasty, although it has gone through hundreds of years of the Han Dynasty, the environmental damage is not serious.

Because it used to be a grazing area allocated by the Han to the Hu people.

Moreover, with the cultivation level of the Han Dynasty before, if you really want to cultivate land in this kind of place, the cost of land reclamation alone may not be able to recover.

Marching along the foot of the Great Wall, looking at the dilapidated and stubbornly standing city wall, people have a sense of history.

Outside the Great Wall is the place where Hu people graze.

Inside the Great Wall is where the naturalized Hu people live.

Just separated by the Great Wall, there are two worlds of civilization and barbarism.

Although it is a grazing land, the terrain is not flat.

Rolling hills covered with waist-high grass and shrubs.

In this kind of terrain, the Hun horse has a good adaptability, and can even run at full speed on a slightly flatter place.

In addition, the Xiongnu horses are extremely resistant to coarse materials, so there is no need to worry about the forage of the horses when marching in this kind of place.

The spare horses of the riding battalion, the Hequ horses exchanged from Xiping and Jincheng counties in the Huangshui River Basin, did not perform too badly.

In contrast, Feng Junhou's mount is much more difficult to serve.

In particular, one of them was a horse from the Western Regions that someone bought back from Hexi at a high price in order to please Feng Yong.

This horse is far taller than the Hun horse, and it runs at top speed.

What's more, the stamina is also high, and even running in high temperature weather, you only need to drink water once a day to maintain your speed.

The disadvantage is that it not only has high requirements for concentrated feed, but also needs special personnel to serve it, otherwise it will be very easy to lose weight and lose vitality.

The biggest flaw is that this horse, which is said to have the blood of the Heavenly Horse of the Western Regions, is actually a gelding!

So the guy who sent the horse was whipped angrily by Feng Junhou on the spot:

Lao Tzu is a majestic prince, guarding one side, and you actually gave me a gelding? Who do you look down on?

To ride a horse is to ride the strongest horse, just like to drink the best wine to drink, to sleep... umm!

In the end, Feng Junhou threatened to cut off the supply of special products, and asked the other party to find a horse that had never been gelded for him, and it had to be a pair, one male and one female!

Of course, Feng Junhou is not an unreasonable person. Although this horse has been gelded and its temperament is too docile, it can still be ridden.

Therefore, based on the principle of not being wasted, Feng Junhou reluctantly accepted it, and then gave the other party something symbolically as a token of return.

Then the guy who had been beaten up went away happily. Before leaving, he said that as long as he could satisfy the prince, he could beat him ten or eight times.

Zhao Guang, on the other hand, said more than once that he didn't mind that it was a gelding, and if his brother didn't like it, he could give it to him.

Of course, it's okay to give it to him as a replacement gift, after all, when I got married, my brother was not present.

"Congratulatory gift? What congratulatory gift!" Feng Yong glared at him angrily, "When I got married back then, you snatched the congratulatory gift from others. Did I say anything?"

"At that time, you said that as long as I want, you can give me all the gifts when you get married. Now you still have the face to ask me for a gift? You want to eat it!"

This kind of wilderness is a paradise for wild animals. The army passed by and disturbed many animals.

What caught Feng Yong's attention the most were the gazelle flocks passing by from time to time.

Gazelles are gathered together in groups, with dozens of large ones and dozens of small ones.

In this era, there are still many wild deer in the Central Plains, and sometimes they even run out to spoil the crops in the fields.

Not to mention that on the border between the Central Plains and the desert, where there are few people, wild animals can be seen everywhere.

After setting up camp, Feng Yong led his own soldiers out to hunt, which he called practicing archery.

It's just that it's easy to shoot the arrow, as long as you have strength, but if you want to shoot accurately, you need skill.

As for shooting objects in motion, it takes a long time of dedicated practice.

With Feng Junhou's native turtle arrow method, if he wants to shoot the gazelle, there is no hope in this life.

It is impossible to hit the target, and only by using an improved crossbow to aim and shoot can it look like it can be hit.

Several arrows were shot, and they either fell before reaching the right place, or were crooked to nowhere, and one or two arrows went to nowhere.

Feng Junhou's face was gloomy, but Zhao Guang was blind, patronizing and coveting his brother's body... Well, no, it was his brother's horse from the Western Regions.

Feng Yong got tired of hearing it, so he directly threw fire on Zhao Guang's head, and knocked at Zhao Guang with a bow and arrow:

"Just take benefits from me all day long, but don't know how to help me when I see prey! I want to eat dry food at night!"

Before Zhao Guang could react, Daxia Han, who was guarding Feng Yong, knocked on his horse's belly and came over, "Your Majesty, are you planning to make dinner?"

Feng Yong nodded: "This yellow mutton is delicious, it's good for dinner tonight."

When Han Long heard it, his eyes lit up on the spot and said: "This kind of thing, let the old man do it, why do you have to do it yourself?"

After finishing speaking, he passed Feng Yong, apparently ready to show his hands, then remembered something, and retreated:

"Junhou, how many do you plan to eat for dinner?"

"Ah?" Feng Yong was taken aback, not knowing what he meant, "How many? I just eat two hind legs..."

Han Long nodded, "That's the way, the old man knows it in his heart."

Saying that, with a sound of "drive", he rushed out directly.

Youzhou is the birthplace of horses for the great Han, and Han Long was born in Youzhou. His equestrian skills are many times better than Feng Yong's.

Before Feng Yong could react, he had already started circling around the yellow sheep.

Let's hunt for this matter, there are professional and unprofessional.

Professionals like Feng Junhou, let people drive the prey to a place first, and then let the master hunt.

The unprofessional ones are like Daxia Han, who will go up on a single-handedly.

But the things in this world are so weird, the professional is not as good as the amateur.

"I picked the three fattest ones, and the three of us will have a good meal tonight."

Han Daxia happily came back soon, with one in front and one behind on the horse, and one in his hand.

"Mr. Han, I can't eat that much..."

Feng Junhou came to his senses this time, and stammered.

"I know, I'll give you the hind legs, and we'll eat the rest!"

Zhao Guang immediately stated that he stood with his brother: "Mr. Han, I can't eat so much..."

"If you don't eat it, I'll eat it!" Han Long looked at him contemptuously, "You are so young, you can't even eat two bites of meat!"

"Well, Mr. Han, let me eat two more bites?"

After the tender mutton is roasted, sprinkle some Feng Mansion's special seasoning powder, and it will be delicious.

Not to mention Feng Junhou's own cook, cooking is unique in the world - the ingredients in the palace may be top-notch, but the taste is definitely not as good as Feng's cuisine.

After the meat was served, Feng Yong couldn't help eating an extra hind leg - the meat was more tender and fragrant than expected.

Not to mention Zhao Guang, he regretted speaking too early, he thought he could eat another whole one.

"No!" Daxia Han didn't look like a senior, protecting food like a child.

"I can't finish eating here, here you are."

Feng Yong pushed the remaining hind leg over.

"This is getting closer to Yuezhi City. Tomorrow, send out all the scouts to cover our tracks as much as possible. The later the thief Cao finds us, the better it will be for us."

Feng Yong hiccupped and gave instructions to Zhao Guang who was gnawing on the leg of lamb.

Zhao Guang nodded "Mmmm" to the leg of lamb.

It was Han Long who unexpectedly added a word: "Junhou, this old man in Guanzhong has also stayed for a while, and he is more familiar with Anding County."

"From Xiaoguan to Yuezhi City, there are only two or three roads that can be used for the army, inside and outside the Great Wall."

"Although I deliberately took a long way around now, even if I can hide it from the other party for a while, I'm afraid it will be discovered by others soon."

A few years ago, Han Long Youzhou Inspector Wang Xiong entrusted him to deliver letters to his old friends in Anding County.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Han Long never expresses his opinion on matters between the Han and Wei Dynasties in order to avoid suspicion.

It was rare to say such a sentence at this time, which made Feng Yong look at him in surprise.

Han Long felt Feng Yong's gaze.

"Junhou, you don't have to look at this old man like this. Old man, I have lived for most of my life. I traveled from Youzhou to Hebei, then from Hebei to Guandong, passed Tongguan to Guanzhong, and finally entered Shu from Guanzhong."

As he spoke, he bared his teeth, pulled out the shreds of meat between his teeth, and continued:

"In this world, in this world, I dare say that there are few people who can see more things than me."

"Humans caused disasters in Youzhou and Bingzhou. Jizhou was either plagued by drought or locusts. Cao Pi didn't care about the people's feelings at that time, and he even thought about moving people to Henan. Guanzhong was originally a prosperous place, but now it is desolate."

"That's the part of the Kanto Central Plains where the people can be more stable, but the corvee taxes and the rules of being soldiers for generations... Hey!"

Having said that, Han Long took a bite of his flesh.

"When the old man arrived in Sichuan, after a few years, I found out that he is still a big man!"

Saying that, Han Long raised his greasy thumb to Feng Yong, and then took another sip in his mouth.

"Especially in Nanxiang, every family is rich, even the sons of Cangtou Qianshou's family can go to school, and even the rangers can follow the way of chivalry when they go there."

"Following to Longyou for the past two years, the old man discovered that with the means of the princes and marquises, he could easily solve the Hu disaster in Liangzhou for more than a hundred years in the later Han Dynasty. It is really an eye-opener."

"This old man thought that whether Tian Yu or Wang Xiong of the Wei State was considered a momentary hero, with different political views, they all wanted to return Youzhou to peace. Now it seems that they are not as numerous as princes and marquises!"

"Longyou has a monarch, and the people are very fortunate! In the story of Zidian Qingshuang, the emperor Gaozu had the help of heroes from all over the world, so he won the world of the Han family."

"A great hero, for the country and the people, I feel that I have finally understood in this life."

Feng Yong saw that Han Long said these words in one breath, and immediately said modestly:

"Mr. Han has won the prize."

"What the old man said is the truth, why should the lord be humble?"

As he spoke, he threw the leftover meat in his hand to Zhao Guang, and bowed his hands to Feng Yong to show respect: "The old man is full, so I will go out and let the prince guard it."

At the same time, he chanted while walking: "Zhao Keman Huying, Wu hook is frosty and snowy. The silver saddle shines on the white horse, and it rustles like a shooting star. Killing a person in ten steps, you will not stay for a thousand miles..."

Feng Yong laughed, and patted Zhao Guang beside him: "Have you heard what Mr. Han said? Lead the army well, and give the people of the world a peace."

"When we leave tomorrow, pay attention to packing up the camp. When we can be found by Cao thief, then when will we delay!"

Zhao Guang said "hmmm" twice, and after Han Long disappeared, he asked Feng Yong in a low voice:

"Brother, when will you finish your book Fighting Qi and Transforming Dragon?"

Feng Yong: ...

Feng Yong personally led the army out of Xiaoguan, and there were at least ten thousand cavalry in the army.

This news shocked Anding County greatly.

The prefect of Anding, Hu Zun, had to personally check the official documents of Yuezhi City and Wuzhi City every day, and wanted to know as soon as possible which direction Feng Yong's main force was going.

Not only him, but Xia Houba was about to spread the sentries three hundred miles away.

Yuezhi City is a place where stability must be saved, so Xia Houba believes that no matter what actions Feng Yong makes, his final goal must be here.

The news spread quickly that some Shu captives carrying the flag of Guan Zishuai were marching southward along the Jingshui River, with the goal of Wuzhi City.

"A Shu prisoner surnamed Guan? Could it be Guan Xing?"

Xia Houba felt a little uneasy about not getting Feng Yong's news in time, "What is the number of Shu captives?"

"The momentum is extremely large. It looks like there are more than ten thousand people. According to the scouts, the Shu captives marched well and set up the camp well. It seems that they are all elite soldiers."

"Impossible! It must be a plan by the Shu captives to suspect soldiers!" Xia Houba said decisively, "Even if Guan Xing came in person, it is impossible for the Shu captives to conjure up so many elite soldiers out of thin air!"

In the past two years, on the front lines of the Han and Wei Dynasties, who doesn't know who?

Longyou can be called elite soldiers, Feng Yong only has more than 10,000 soldiers, and Zhao Yun can reach 20,000.

The rest are nothing but garrison troops, or temporary local conscripts.

Zhao Yun had to guard the several mountain passes of Longshan Mountain, guard the west, and at the same time support Hanzhong, the 20,000 elite soldiers would not dare to move lightly.

Moreover, there was no news of any movement in the southern section of Longshan Mountain at the gates of Qianxian County and Chencang.

As for the elite Shu captives in Hanzhong, not to mention whether they have spare energy to reinforce Longyou, even if they can come, it is impossible to fly from Hanzhong to Xiaoguan in such a short period of time.

So Xia Houba knew from the very beginning that Feng Yong must be the only one coming from Xiaoguan now.

"Did you find out how many infantry and cavalry there were in that Shu prisoner?"

"General, I heard that the Shu captive's scouts are extremely powerful, and our scouts are unable to compete with them, so we can only make a rough idea. The specific situation is still unclear."

"That's right! The more the Shu captives want to cover up the news, the more it will appear that they have plans!" Xia Houba turned around and shouted, "Come on!"

"What is the general's order?"

"Pass down my military order to extend the sentry to the west for another 30 miles. Also, to expand the range, we must also pay attention to the north to prevent the Shu captives from taking a long way and coming from the north!"


After the order was finished, Xia Houba wrote another urgent letter and sent it to Hu Zun in Linjing, advising him to stay still until he got the exact news from Feng Yong.

Hu Zunben was vacillating, he didn't know the origin of the Shu captives who appeared, and he was not sure whether they really wanted to attack Wushi City.

Now that I have received Xiahouba's urgent letter, I have made up my mind to send the letter to Wuzhi City and Jingyang City ahead.

Let the two cities pay attention to prepare to defend the city, but they don't send a single soldier.

After reading the official document, the guard of Wuzhi City climbed up to the top of the city with trembling hands and feet. Looking at the darkness below the city, he felt darkness in front of his eyes!

It was only three days ago that the Shu captives sent troops to Xiaoguan, and they had already arrived at the city yesterday. The speed was astounding.

Not only that, the camp below the city was extremely well-organized, and the soldiers' uniforms were distinctive.

The siege equipment has been assembled in less than a day, and is slowly being pushed to the front of the city, making preparations before the siege.

It seems that the Shu captives had no intention of resting at all after traveling all the way in a hurry.

Such soldiers are not called elite soldiers, so what are elite soldiers? !

"General, the stone cannons are ready and ready to attack the city at any time."

Guan Ji got the news of the engineering battalion, and came to the front of the formation in person, looked at the closed city gate ahead, and the corner of her mouth slightly twitched:



There was a creaking sound of friction. The engineering battalion had already done tests on a city of Wushi City's size, and had good reference data at hand.

So you don't even need to use a nest car, just start testing according to the parameters.

The first stone was thrown, and with a "bang", it hit the city wall.

The guard of Wuzhi City suddenly felt a vibration under his feet, and at the same time was startled by the thunderbolt in the clear sky.

He originally thought that since he had continuously raised and strengthened the city wall in the past two years, even if there were not many defenders in the city, he would be able to block it for ten days or even half a month, waiting for reinforcements.

When the stone cannons of the engineering battalion began to shoot one after another, the other party was simply unreasonable:

Nima, are you beating a chicken with a big one?

According to this style of play, let alone ten days, this kind of city wall made of yellow mud and repaired on the old wall, if it can last for two days, it will be an eye-opener!

"Hurry up, send fast horses to Linjing, and say that the Shu captives are in a hurry to attack the city. Please send troops to reinforce the prefect immediately!"

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