"According to the current situation, when will the city be broken?"

Guan Ji found a good place to watch the rumbling stones fall on Cao's city wall for a long time.

On the incomparably handsome face, there was a strange beauty.

"Back to the general, the stone cannon assembled in one day is not too big. If you want to break through the city, you may have to wait two or three days."

Wen Shi quickly replied.

The engineering battalion is probably the army with the highest average education level and the most professionalism in the world.

Military merit is currently the best way for a big man to cross class.

In Nanxiang Academy, only the most talented students are eligible to enter the army.

The best one is to serve as a staff officer beside Feng Shanchang, and the second one is to serve as a technical unit in the engineering battalion.

In addition to having a certain foundation in mathematics, the driver who commands and operates the catapult must also be very familiar with the various units and numerical standards promoted by Nanxiang.

Because riprap trucks have different specifications, each specification has different components, and different components have different standards.

Compared with other colleagues who only know it but don't know why, the engineering battalion soldiers of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion represent a profession.

Because professional, so powerful.

"Two to three days? It's too fast. I'll give you five days. You want to smash the city wall on the fifth day. Can you do it?"

Guan Ji looked at the city wall over there and asked a question.

"General, two days is the most..." Wen Shi subconsciously took over the conversation, suddenly feeling wrong, "Huh? The general said, five days?"

Guan Ji nodded, "Yes, five days."

"Here, if it takes five days, the last general... Uh, I can only try. The engineering battalion has never been tested in this area..."

Wen Shi couldn't turn his head around all of a sudden, and stammered a little.

In all the tests of the engineering battalion, it has never been faster, fiercer, and more ferocious.

It is their slogan to smash down all the walls that stand in front of them.

They even applied to transport a batch of cement from Nanxiang to simulate the hardness of the walls of a big city like Chang'an in order to obtain better data.

No one ever thought that any coach would ask them to break the city more slowly.

"If the city is destroyed too quickly, the Cao thieves in Linjing will have no time to react. If they give up rescue and concentrate their forces on Linjing, then we will have no way to defeat them one by one."

Guan Ji's eyes showed a smile that seemed to be complacent, but also mocking:

"Since the Northern Expedition, Junhou has been famous in Guanzhong for the past two years. When the Cao thief heard that Junhou led the army out of the customs, he would definitely focus on precautions. As long as Junhou doesn't show up, they dare not go all out to reinforce here."

"As long as we don't rush to break Wuzhi City, Thief Cao will always focus on the Lord. This is our best chance."

Wuzhi City is not the focus, but the focus is Jingyang City downstream of Wuzhi City, which is the final gateway to stability.

The most important thing is how to open the stable portal without Cao thief reacting.

"General, the elite soldiers led by the lords are good at rushing and attacking, and the Han thieves know it. Now the general leads the army out of Xiaoguan, and it will reach the city of Wushi in two days."

"At that time, if Thief Cao believes that the soldiers led by the general are the elite of the Colonel's Mansion, what should we do?"

Accompanying Guan Ji to inspect the enemy city were Zhang Ni Goufu and other generals in the army. Hearing what Guan Ji said at this time, Zhang Ni couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Guan Ji smiled slightly, "General Zhang, the name of a prince alone is worth tens of thousands of elite soldiers in Guanliang, do you believe it or not?"

It is reasonable for Mrs. Guan San to brag about her family like this.

During the Liangzhou Rebellion, the Later Han army in Longyou was almost wiped out, and only Fu Xie defended Jicheng with a small army.

After the rebel army besieged the city, there were thousands of Hun cavalry among the rebel army. They all kowtowed outside the city, begging him not to resist, and willing to escort him back to his hometown. His prestige is so heavy.

Now in Longyou under the rule of the Han Dynasty, there will naturally be no barbarian rebellion.

But if one day Alang is not in Longyou, some people will govern indiscriminately, causing the Hu people to rebel.

Guan Ji believed that even if Alang rode alone to the rebel camp, the Hu people would respectfully escort him back.

Taking a step back, even if Alang was in Fu Xie's predicament, the treatment Alang received from the Hu people may not be much worse than that.

Of course, with his Alang's temperament, it is impossible to directly agree to the request of the Xiongnu soldiers, first stabilize the rebels, and then use clever words to persuade Hu Qi to rebel.

After all, Feng Langjun's cunning words...

Heck, the idea is so rude.

In addition to being respected by the Hu people, Alang has repeatedly defeated the Cao thief over the years, and his military exploits are not small. In addition to the name of "Xiao Wenhe", who would dare to underestimate the Cao thief?

Anyway, as long as my own Alang plays the banner, he is worth so many elite soldiers, that's for sure.

This point, not only Guan Ji felt so, but even Zhang Yi said without hesitation: "The final general will naturally believe it."

There are many unbelievers, but the final facts will always teach them to be human beings, including ghosts, of course.

"That's why General Zhang thinks that if Cao Thief thinks we are the main force and goes all out to reinforce Wushi City or Jingyang City, how will they react when they find that the army led by Junhou appears in the north?"

"Tricked!" Zhang Ni blurted out.

"Yes, no matter who it is, they will think that they have been cheated."

Guan Ji nodded, "They only think that the Junhou will lead the army to break through the helpless Yuezhi City, and then attack Linjing, planning to cut off their retreat."

Zhang Yi can fully imagine that under such circumstances, Cao thief would only withdraw from Jingyang as quickly as possible and return to defend Linjing.

This is equivalent to surrendering the stable portal.

Unless they dared to take the army led by Junhou seriously, and believed that Junhou would not be able to defeat Linjing, in order to keep the stable gate, they were determined to deal with the suspicious soldiers to the end.

In this regard, Xia Houmao, Pang Hui, Zhang He, Zhang's uncle and nephew all expressed that they had something to say.

Having figured this out, Zhang Ni Jufu and the others were stunned, and said with admiration, "Good advice, General."

Guan Ji shook her head: "This is proposed by the Marquis on his own initiative. It is not my policy to use his body as bait."

Ju Fu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty's courage is indeed extraordinary."

This flattery was a little rough.

After all, he led the fine cavalry from Xiaowei's mansion, and a large number of Hu Qiyi joined the army. A total of more than ten thousand cavalry were used as bait.

If the biting fish was not big enough, it might be killed by the bait directly.

This kind of courage to make bait is indeed not common.

Saying it is extraordinary... It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Although Guan Ji deliberately slowed down the attack, the defenders of Wuzhi City still felt that the Shu captives were in a hurry to attack the city.

When his request for help arrived in Linjing and Yuezhi City on the same day, Xia Houba clapped his hands angrily:

"The guard of Wushi City should be executed! Before Feng Yong showed up, he dared to say that he was an elite Shu captive, and he lied about the military situation. He should be punished for his crime!"

When he was getting angry, suddenly a report came from outside:

"Report to the general, the scout found Feng thief's trace!"

"What?!" When Xia Houba heard this, he immediately cast his anger out of the blue, "Where is Bandit Feng now?"

"As the general expected, Bandit Feng took a long way around and came from the north."

"Has the investigation been clear? It is undoubtedly Feng thief?"

Xia Houba has been living like a year for the past few days, and he is afraid of missing Feng Thief's whereabouts. Now that he suddenly received the news, he couldn't believe it.

"General, the commander-in-chief of the Shu captives is undoubtedly Feng's thief! Many Hu people in the north have also seen Feng's army, and the total number of people is at least tens of thousands."

"That's right!" Xia Houba slapped his palm, "I knew Feng Thief would still want Yuezhi City in the end!"

The Shu captives in Wuzhi City pretended to be powerful, but in fact they wanted to divert the army from Linjing City and create opportunities for Feng Zei.

After getting the exact news from Feng Thief, Xia Houba finally settled down.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

For those veterans on the battlefield, Feng Zei might not be too scary.

But for Xia Houba, he used to fight under the command of Cao Zhen, and didn't have much experience in leading an army independently.

It felt like Feng Wenhe, who was hiding in the dark, was like a poisonous snake, extremely vicious, and he couldn't help being nervous.

Now that this venomous snake is exposed to the sun, to Xia Houba, it is equivalent to losing most of its deterrent power.

"Come here, pass this news to Taishou Hu, and ask him to quickly bring people to Yuezhi City."

Xia Houba stared at the map, gritted his teeth and said, "I want to see what tricks you, Xiao Wenhe, can do!"

Anyone can say cruel words, but what should be guarded against is still to be guarded against.

Xia Houba was naturally prepared for the expected event.

In addition to building Yuezhi City all the time, he also specially asked the sergeant to tie up many straw figures.

After learning that Feng Yong was leading the army, he ordered these straw men to be placed in a hidden place at the top of the city, but their clothes and armor were faintly exposed, as if there were many defenders and a tight defense.

When more and more Cao Wei scouts appeared around the army, Feng Yong knew that his position had been exposed.

So he let go of his speed and led the army all the way to set up camp thirty li away from Yuezhi City.

"Brother, Cao thief seems to be well prepared!"

Zhao Guang followed Feng Yong to Yuezhi City to observe, and seeing the layout of the city, he couldn't help saying in surprise:

"This Xiahouba is indeed as my brother said, he is a good general."

"A good general is right, but this preparation is not necessarily true."

Feng Yong held up a telescope worth 500,000 yuan, carefully scanned the city, couldn't help laughing, and then handed the telescope to Zhao Guang, "You can see for yourself."

Zhao Guang took it and lifted it up to look, "Hey, there's something weird about this city."

"In the past when Cao Pi attacked Wu, Wu's general Xu Sheng used wood as a trunk and covered it with reeds to build a false city of doubt, stretching for hundreds of miles, and a large floating boat on the river."

"Cao Pi looked at it from the river, thinking that the Wu people were strong and powerful, and they were too timid to cross the river. This time, Xiahou Baba followed the Wu people's tricks, and if it were someone else, he would probably be intimidated by him.

"But I don't know, I have a cheat in my hand, how can this trick deceive me?"

Feng Junhou pointed at Yuezhi City and laughed.

"Brother, what is cheating?"

"Binoculars are plug-ins."

Zhao Guang was eager to try, "Brother, why don't we just change the plan and attack the city directly?"

"What about capturing Yuezhi City? There is an army of Cao thieves stationed in Linjing, and they should have come here by now. Should we defend or retreat?"

Feng Yong glared at Zhao Guang, and reprimanded, "Being greedy for small profits and losing the overall situation is not the way of a general."

Zhao Guang smiled awkwardly: "My brother taught me a lesson."

Then he looked at Yuezhi City and asked, "Brother, what should we do at this time?"

"Since Xia Houba wants to use suspicious soldiers to hold us back and wait for the arrival of the Linjing army, then we will follow his wishes."

A sly smile appeared on Feng Yong's face, "He will use suspicious tactics, and we can follow suit."

Zhao Guang didn't quite understand: "Brother, we already have an advantage over Cao thief, why should we?"

"Since Cao thief can make these preparations in advance, it means that they have expected us to come."

"Then why don't we fulfill their wishes and let them see what they want to see? Strengthen their confidence."

At present, it seems that Wei Guo is following his own script, so it will be much easier to handle.

Feng Yong said with a relaxed expression, "In this way, Sanniang can be a little more sure."

In fact, the military strength of Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion is roughly the same as that of Anding County, although they are roughly the same in number.

But in the absence of foreign aid, it is not difficult at all to capture Anding County with your own troops.

What is difficult is Chang'an Wei Jun behind Anding County.

As long as Cao Zhen's IQ is above the human average, then he will definitely keep an army in Chang'an as a reserve team.

How to eat An Ding's Wei Jun before Chang'an's Wei Jun reacts, take down Anding County, and threaten Chang'an.

The Chang'an reserve team that forced the Wei army could only go north to guard against going south, and was unable to reinforce Cao Zhen in the south. This was Feng Yong's final goal.

If this goal cannot be achieved, it is also acceptable to take a step back, break through the stable gate, and go south to fight the Wei army in Linjing.

In short, the most basic requirement this time is to mobilize part of the Wei army in Guanzhong so that Cao Zhen cannot attack Hanzhong with all his strength.

Whether or not Anding County can be conquered depends on the situation.

As for how Cao Zhen and Zhuge Old Demon fight in the south, that is their business.

"Tomorrow and the next two days, as long as the bandits from Linjing really come to help, then we have a 70% chance of achieving our goal this time, and the rest depends on how lucky God is willing to give us."

Feng Yong didn't know how lucky God gave him, but Xia Houba felt that his luck was good.

He climbed to the highest point of the city tower and looked far into the distance, seeing the densely packed camps of the Shu captives, it was shocking.

After a rough estimate, the other party actually had at least 30,000 people.

Xia Houba couldn't help but rejoice in his heart: Fortunately, he has reached this level, otherwise his stability would be in danger!

When Hu Zun from Linjing got the news from Feng Yong, he also breathed a sigh of relief: Feng thief, you still dare to call yourself Xiaowenhe, you are finally counted by us!

Thinking of the Shu captives at Wuzhi City, they seemed to have a large army, but facing Wuzhi City with only a few soldiers, they only dared to throw stones with catapults, and never arranged for soldiers to attack the city.

It seems that it is just deliberately making a big appearance.

Immediately, he sent urgent letters to Wushi City and Linjing, informing them of the whereabouts of Feng Zei's main force, and at the same time asked the Jingyang City defender to lead the army to Wuzhi City.

If you look for an opportunity, you can break the partial division of the Shu captives and gain military exploits.

After arranging all this, Hu Zun led Wei Jun, the main force of stability in Linjing City, and hurried to Yuezhi City.

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