Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 794 Keep going

"General, there are Cao bandits coming to help Jingyang City!"

In the Han army commander's tent under the Wushi city, Guan Ji received an urgent report, and deliberately raised her sword eyebrows from Liu Mei, showing a special smile on her face:

"Sure enough! Did Thief Cao come from Jingyang City or Linjing City, have you found out?"

The Han army approached Wuzhi City with superior strength, and naturally controlled the surrounding area of ​​Wuzhi City.

In particular, Jingyang in the south is the subject of strict surveillance.

As soon as the Jingyang garrison left the city, the Han army sentry sent the news to Guan Ji as quickly as possible:

"Returning to the general, we set out from Jingyang City. The main force of Cao's bandits on the Linjing side has not moved yet."

Ju Fu was a little more cautious: "Cao thief did this, is there any other trick? Otherwise, if we break through Wushi City, then Jingyang City will be destroyed by itself?"

This Jingyang guard...could it be the espionage of the Junhou faction among the Cao thieves?

Zhang Ni was full of fighting spirit, not afraid at all:

"Even if all the Cao thieves in Anding County are here, we may not be incapable of fighting, unless the Cao thieves have a large army coming from Chang'an."

"The Cao bandits from Linjing didn't come over, which means they don't take us seriously." Guan Ji stared at the sand table with burning eyes, "The Cao bandits from Chang'an are even less likely to come."

"It must be that Junhou has already arrived at Yuezhi City, so the Cao thief believes that we are just suspicious soldiers, and they must do their best to guard against Junhou!"

Guan Ji said in a firm tone.

This time, the prince used his body as bait. Although there is a cavalry battalion from the school captain's mansion and a large number of Hu cavalry, risks always exist.

In order to minimize the risk, the staff department deduced various plans on the sand table day and night.

Guan Ji knew all the most likely situations.

"Thinking about the time, Junhou should have arrived at Yuezhi City. Only in this way can we explain why the Cao bandits in Jingyang City dared to reinforce Wushi City."

It seems that Cao thief, as expected, has determined that Junhou is the main force leading the school captain's mansion.

"General, do you want to wait for the news from Junhou?"

Sentence Fu asked.

"No need." Guan Ji shook her head, her gaze was firm, "Where's Yang Wanwan?"

Yang Wanwan, who led 2,000 cavalry and served as scout captain, hurried in, "General, are you looking for me?"

"Except for the Cao bandits in the direction of Linjing, take back all the cavalry and be ready to obey orders at any time."

Guan Ji looked at Yang Wanwan, "If the Cao bandits in Wuzhi City are defeated, you will lead the cavalry to intercept and kill them, and drive the defeated troops to Jingyang City."

Yang Wanwan clasped his fists together: "No."

"General Ju!"

"The end is here!"

"The Wudang Battalion is the main force in this attack. Tomorrow, when the Cao bandits from Jingyang enter the city, the city wall will be broken. Today, let all the soldiers in the camp take a good rest and make all preparations."


"General Zhang."

"The end is here!"

"Cao bandits in Guanzhong, there are many cavalry troops. If they want to fight back desperately, then it will be up to Modaoying."


"Okay, let's go down and get ready."

The guards of Wuzhi City waited for a few days, but they did not receive the army from Linjing, but the reinforcements from Jingyang.

Jingyang's reinforcements entered the city at dawn. Although they didn't expect to hide it from the Shu captives on the opposite side, at least they could make the other party confused about how many reinforcements came from their side.

Unexpectedly, when the guard of Jingyang saw the guard of Wuzhi City, he was taken aback: "Why are you like this?"

But he saw that the other party was haggard, his eyes were dull, and his footsteps were floating, as if he had exhausted his energy.

Hearing the Jingyang guard ask this question, the Wushi City guard almost burst into tears:

"The Shu captives... The Shu captives are in a hurry to attack the city. I have been living in the thunderstorm for the past few days, my mind is shaken, I can't rest, and my energy is exhausted."

The thunderbolt chariots of the Shu captives threw stones like thunder, and no matter the generals or soldiers in the city, they had never seen such powerful thunderbolt chariots.

However, the only thing I can rely on is the city wall.

Listening to the dense sound of thunder every day, from time to time there are stones thrown off the side, smashing several unlucky guys into mud.

At the scene of the tragedy, it was impossible to tell where the arms were and where the legs were.

Not to mention that the only city wall that can be relied on trembles every day, as if it will collapse in the next moment.

In this case, there has been a small number of things that have happened.

It is conceivable how much pressure the soldiers in the city are under.

If it weren't for the fact that the Shu captives hadn't formally attacked the city, and they still had hope for reinforcements from Linjing, who would want to defend the city?

It's just that outsiders don't know the suffering of the soldiers guarding the city in just a few days?

But when Jingyang guard heard the words, he was very surprised and said:

"The Shu captives outside the city are just suspicious soldiers pretending to be powerful. Can An Neng drive Wuzhi City to this point?"

Hearing these words, the Wuzhi city guard's eyeballs almost bulged out:

"Suspicious soldiers? In an urgent letter sent to Linjing, it was clearly stated that they were the elite soldiers from Shu. How could there be such a thing as suspicious soldiers?"

"It's what the prefect said."

As General Hu spoke, he handed over a military letter.

The guard of Wuzhi City hastily took it and opened it to have a look.

"Looking for a fighter to wipe out the Shu captives under the city?!"

When the guard of Wuzhi City saw this sentence, his eyes became even more bulging!

He looked at the official document in his hand, and then at the guard of Jingyang City, his face was full of absurdity:

"General Hu came here this time, didn't he get intercepted by the Shu captives?"

The guard of Jingyang City was a member of Hu Zun's family, and he laughed when he heard the words, "The Shu captives are no more than suspicious soldiers, how dare you intercept someone?"

Seeing the other party's confident but somewhat indifferent attitude, the guard of Wuzhi City felt that he had been insulted.

When the situation was urgent, regardless of the opponent's status being higher than his own, he directly led the guard of Jingyang City to the city wall, pointed at the crumbling city wall, and said angrily:

"The siege equipment of the Shu captives was like thunder coming from the sky. It roared endlessly. Hearing it suddenly made people's liver and gallbladder tearful. Most of the soldiers in the city were timid."

Then he dragged Hu Shoujiang to a temporarily safe city wall, pointed down from a distance and said:

"If there are really Shu captives outside the city, then someone has never seen such an elite suspect! Are the Shu captives really formidable?"

As soon as the words fell, there was only the sound of piercing through the sky, and a thunderbolt came down from the blue sky.

The guard of Jingyang City trembled in shock.

Then, there was a series of roaring sounds - just after dawn, a new siege began again.

Seeing the black stones constantly smashing towards this side, and feeling the constant trembling under his feet, General Hu Shou of Jingyang felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Suddenly, there was only a bang, and after a while, a soldier ran over in panic:

"General, the city wall in the northwest corner has collapsed!"

The guard of Wuzhi City turned pale, and then seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "Collapsed? Finally collapsed?"

The guard of Jingyang City bravely stretched out his head, looked at the flying stones in mid-air, and the frightening sound of breaking through the air, then shivered and retracted his head:

"The thunderbolt chariot of the Shu captives is so powerful? Why did they break the city today?"

Stepping on the city wall made of loess, and thinking about the scene he saw just now, even if he was killed, he would not believe that Wuzhi City could last until today before it collapsed.

It's good if you break it one day earlier, I won't lead the army here!

Looking at this guy who became the guard of Jingyang City because of the relationship with the Hu family, the guard of Wushi City just wanted to say: I had a great time playing with your mother on the couch!

Although he noticed that the other party gave him caring and mentally retarded eyes, General Jingyang Hu was not in the mood to care about it, because he thought of a terrible possibility:

"Is it possible that the Shu captives did it on purpose?"

Caring for mentally handicapped eyes +1.

"But, but how does Feng Wenhe explain?"

"Feng Wenhe?"

"Feng Mingwen..."

"Isn't it Xiao Wenhe?"

Then care for mentally handicapped eyesight +2.

The last stone hit the city wall, raising a cloud of dust, and the Han army below the city began to line up on the opposite side of the collapsed wall, apparently preparing to attack the city.

Although they knew that everyone in Anding County had been deceived by Xiao Wenhe, but at the critical moment of life and death, the two guards of Wuzhi City still had to resist.

What if the person facing each other is really a suspected soldier of the Shu captives, as General Xiahou and Taishou Hu thought?

Then the Wei soldiers from the original Wushi City were hit head-on by a rain of arrows from the Wudang Battalion, and they were scattered in a few blows.

In the past few days, they have been tormented by the roar to the point of nervous breakdown, and their morale is quite low.

With blood, no mana, no status, and skills that haven't been upgraded yet, who is the opponent of Wudang camp who is full of blood and mana?

However, when the reinforcements from Jingyang City first arrived, they still mistakenly thought that the Shu captives on the opposite side were just suspicious soldiers.

The leader, General Hu, did not dare to explain to his subordinates, otherwise the morale might bottom out all of a sudden.

It's just that the reinforcements from Jingyang had just arrived on the road, and it took a while to recover, let alone have time to deploy their defenses.

General Hu anxiously drove the soldiers to the gap, and then found that the defenders of Wuzhi City in front were being chased by the Han army like pigs and sheep, fleeing in a swarm.

The Jingyang reinforcements, who didn't even have a formation, were dispersed by their own rout.

General Hu was stunned immediately, he never imagined that the soldiers of Wuzhi City were so vulnerable.

"I can't hold it any longer. The leader of the Shu captive is very cunning. He just took advantage of this moment to break the city. General, run away!"

The guard of Wuzhi City who appeared from nowhere, held General Hu with a pale face, and urged him.

General Hu looked blankly at the guard of Wushi City, and asked blankly, "How is your mother?"

"Very cool..."

Then the two stared at each other with wide eyes, a sense of embarrassment permeated between them: "Why are you, what am I thinking in my heart?"

"General, please retreat quickly, we can't hold on here anymore!"

The guards cleverly broke the staring eyes of the two of them, and immediately protected them from rushing away from the chaotic soldiers, and retreated together.

As soon as Shuai Qi retreated, the army was defeated like a mountain.

The Han army only encountered a little symbolic resistance at the gap in the city wall, and then there was no obstruction all the way.

I have to say that Guan Ji's timing is really wonderful.

It's like two people fighting, taking advantage of the node where the other party's old strength has just been exhausted and new strength has not yet been born, and lightly touch each other's vital points.

Before he exerted much force, his opponent fell down with a crash.

Zhang Ni regretted that Modaoying didn't come in handy.

General Hu of Jingyang City entered the city before dawn, and when he came, he wanted to wait for an opportunity to defeat the Shu captives.

He was kicked out of the city by the Shu captives just after dawn, without even having a mouthful of hot food.

He was escorted out of the city by his personal guards in a daze, and subconsciously looked back: I am...why are there no soldiers?

"Quick, quick! Help the general get on his horse, and take advantage of the fact that the Shu captives are not encircled, let's go straight back to Jingyang along the Jingshui River!"

The captain of the personal guard said anxiously.

After the Shu captives broke the city, they must first pacify the city, and may not notice that the general has withdrawn from the city.

Wushi City is not too far from Jingyang City, and the road beside Jingshui is easy to walk, as long as you ride a horse, you can return to Jingyang City very quickly.

"So what if we go back? Jingyang is already an empty city..."

General Hu stared blankly, muttering to himself.

Seeing that his general was delirious, the captain of the personal guard didn't care about being rude, and immediately ordered everyone to help his general onto the horse, and fled south in a panic.

Fortunately, the northern and eastern sides of Anding County are surrounded by Hudi, so there is no shortage of horses, and the mounts of their group are even carefully selected good horses.

Without sparing any horsepower, it ran quite fast.

Not to mention that General Hu didn't know why he left all the soldiers in Jingyang City in Wuzhi City.

Even Guan Ji was a little caught off guard when she broke the city too smoothly.

After learning that Wei Jun on the opposite side was about to collapse, Guan Ji's face changed slightly:

"Come on!"


"Hurry up and take my warrant and pass it on to General Yang, and let him drive the rout to Jingyang City, and go down the city with Cao's bandit's flag and drums to persuade him to surrender!"


She felt a little remorseful in her heart. She knew that Cao thief was so unbeatable, so she shouldn't have planned to drive away the rout and attack Jingyang City.

Thinking of this, she immediately ordered: "Let General Zhang and General Ju come over immediately."

The sporadic battles in the city have come to an end, Zhang Ni and Ju Fu returned to the handsome camp happily:

"General, our army suffered very little damage in this battle, and most of the Jingyang bandit army was left behind. It can be called a big victory!"

Unexpectedly, Guan Ji's expression was serious: "Has the thief been caught?"

"General, I haven't been caught yet. I heard that as soon as the city was broken, the commander-in-chief of the bandit army retreated, and he disappeared afterwards. I heard that the bandit general had already fled to the south earlier."

"Then hurry up!"

Guan Ji said sternly, "I have ordered General Yang to lead the cavalry to set off first."

"Both of you, immediately follow behind with the whole army and rush to Jingyang. Don't let the thief general have the opportunity to regroup and break the army in Jingyang!"

"Remember, Jingyang City must be taken down immediately, so that Linjing City, the governor of Anding County, can be deterred and supported by the prince!"

Both Zhang Yi and Ju Fu were shocked, they clasped their fists together: "The last general takes orders!"

Modaoying and Wudangying had rested for several days, and they didn't use much effort when attacking the city, so their condition was always full.

The shrill whistle sounded, followed by the sound of summoning again, which made many soldiers think that the Cao bandits were attacking again.

"Assemble urgently, bring three days of dry food, and set off for Jingyang immediately!"

"Depart from Jingyang!"

The exact same military orders were repeated over and over again, reaching the ears of Han soldiers in Modao Camp and Wudang Camp.

The rigorous training in the weekdays was well reflected at this time, and the soldiers of the two battalions were assembled soon.

"Set off!"

Guan Ji drew her sword and yelled loudly, and led the Han army to rush along the Jingshui towards Jingyang.

Only the engineering battalion and some logistics were left to clean up the mess in Wushi City.

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