Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 795: Accident

Guan Ji's overly conservative arrangement allowed the guard of Jingyang City to escape back to Jingyang very smoothly.

But before he could catch his breath, some soldiers came to report:

"General, there are Shu captives appearing outside the city!"

General Hu secretly groaned: I knew that the Shu captives would not let me go so easily!

I thought so in my heart, but I had to bite the bullet and go to the top of the city to watch.

When he saw a group of people neighing outside the city, his heart trembled a few times: "This Shu prisoner, why are you chasing him so closely?!"

On the contrary, the guard of Wuzhi City who fled back with him calmed down a bit. He carefully looked at the people and horses below the city, as if he had discovered something:

"I'm going to ride fast all the way. The only cavalry army that can chase the Shu captives so fast is the cavalry army of the Shu captives in all likelihood."

"Cavalry?" When General Hu heard this, he quickly took a closer look, and saw that the Shu captives outside the city looked mighty, but there were many horses and few horses.

Regarding this situation, of course he understood: this cavalry army was riding with two riders, so he was blindfolded for a while.

"It really is a cavalry army!" General Hu was overjoyed, "How can a cavalry army attack a city? I'm not worried for now!"

Just to put it bluntly, how could the Shu captives be so fast?

It would take one day for the Shu captives to clean up Wuzhi City, and at least one day for them to march here, adding up to two days.

At the same time, General Hu still had a small thought in his heart:

Linjing City is taller than Wuzhi City, according to the previous method of attacking Wuzhi City by the Shu captives, it would not take five or six days, only two or three more days, and then there would be four days left for him.

If that's the case, the prefect's reinforcements must have arrived.

When the time comes, not only will he not be at fault for losing troops, but he will also be meritorious for defending the city.

At this time, I saw someone from Shu captives under the city coming forward holding something and shouting loudly:

"Cao thief in the city, listen, Wushi City has been broken, Wang Shibing is approaching Jingyang, why don't you come down quickly and return to righteousness?"

As they said that, someone raised a large number of flags and drums, the most obvious of which was a big Hu character, which was the banner of General Hu himself in Jingyang City.

It turned out that when Wuzhi City was retreating, the flag officer of the Wei Army was desperately trying to protect the commander-in-chief flag, so Zhang Yi and others did not find the opponent's commander-in-chief flag in the city.

After Wei Jun retreated from Wushi City, General Hu was escorted by his personal guards and led the way back to Jingyang. The soldiers did not see the generals, and the generals did not see the soldiers. The handsome flag held by the flag officer naturally became a hot mountain.

So it was cheaper for Yang Wan who drove the rout all the way.

When General Hu saw his handsome flag, his face turned green.

The soldier who was in charge of observing the enemy's situation ran over to report:

"General, the Shu captive came to persuade you to surrender under the banner of a general..."

General Hu's green face began to turn red: I'm not blind, I saw it!

"The Shu captives...the Shu captives are too deceitful!"

General Hu slapped Wucheng on the head and said angrily, "It's tolerable, why can't it be tolerated? Someone, shoot me an arrow!"

Although General Hu's abilities are mediocre, it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand one thing:

Now Anding County is dominated by the Hu family. This is a rare opportunity for the Hu family for hundreds of years.

If Anding County falls into the hands of Shu captives, who knows what will happen?

I heard that many of the aristocratic families in the Shu land have already lost their families, and they were forced by the Shu captive.

It can be seen from this that the brutal government of the Shu captives is fierce!

Yang Wanwan led the cavalry in pursuit of the rout, but encountered no decent resistance at all along the way.

Even the banner of the opponent's coach was seized by himself.

He originally thought that Jingyang City would not have the will to stand firm at this time, but he surrendered after being persuaded, but he did not expect to be persuaded to retreat by a wave of arrows from above.

Although no one was hurt, Yang Wanwan was very upset by the fact that Jingyang City clearly expressed its attitude.

Just as General Wei had guessed, the cavalry he led didn't bring any siege equipment at all, and the number of them was only two thousand. Facing Jingyang City, there was no good way for a while.

At the moment, he had no choice but to hold back his anger, and at the same time, asked someone to bring the news back to the rear and inform General Guan.

The guard of Wuzhi City, who fled back with General Hu, saw this man running wildly along the way, and felt a little contemptuous of him in his heart.

I thought Hu Shoujiang was a cowardly man who climbed to the position of Jingyang city guard only by relying on the stability of the Hu family, but he was also a loyal man?

But he didn't know what was going on above him.

Because after the Wei State lost Xiaoguan, Jingyang became the north gate of stability.

So it is natural to let a loyal and obedient person come over. As for ability, that is second.

After all, there is Wushi City in front of Jingyang City, Linjing, the prefecture in the back, and Yuezhi City guarded by Xiahouba in the north, so it is safe no matter how you look at it.

If we really want to talk about the current situation in Jingyang, it is actually caused by Hu Shoujiang following Xiahouba and Hu Zun's orders.

The main responsibility does not rest on him at all.

The most, the most, is to put a reverse curse on Wuzhi City: Why is Wuzhi City not broken?

Then Wuzhi City was broken.

So for General Hu Shou, it is okay to lose the battle, but if you want him to surrender without a fight, that is absolutely impossible.

Seeing that the Shu captives under the city retreated under the rain of arrows, General Hu cheered up and encouraged him:

"The Shu captives have so much baggage that it will take at least two days. If they attack the city, it will take two more days, and the prefect will lead the reinforcements, and it will only take three days at most."

"Furthermore, Chang'an's General Fuguo is heading north along the Jingshui River. As long as everyone can hold on for a few days, the Shu captives will have no choice but to retreat. By then, everyone will have contributed to defending the city!"

Hearing the general's words, everyone who was originally fearful calmed down a little.

"My country's laws are strict. If you surrender without a fight, everyone will know the consequences. Even if you don't think about yourself, you must think about your parents, wives and children."

General Hu Shou was overjoyed when he saw the change in everyone's expressions, and quickly added fuel to the fire.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Seeing this situation, the general guard of Wuzhi City, with the mentality of making up for his mistakes, suggested to General Hu to summon the city sergeants overnight to explain the situation and encourage everyone to defend the city together.

Although Hu Shoujiang is not good at leading the army, he is originally from the Anding clan.

The call and promise made in his capacity has won the support of many people.

Seeing this, the two guards of the Wei State felt more confident in defending Jingyang.

Some people are optimistic, and others are naturally pessimistic.

Hearing that Jingyang City mobilized the whole city to guard the city, some people sighed in private:

"The Shu captives used tricks to destroy Wushi City, and their intention was Jingyang City. How could they slow down and let Jingyang have a chance to breathe?"

"Let the soldiers guard the city today, I'm afraid that instead of protecting the city, it will arouse the desire of the Shu captives to kill more lives, and only let the people in the city suffer more harm!"

Unexpectedly, this exclamation was told to Shoujiang Hu.

General Hu Shou was furious immediately, arrested this person, and prepared to kill him for disturbing the morale of the army and sacrifice the flag.

On the contrary, the guard of Wuzhi City dissuaded him:

"At this time, the hearts of the people in the city are floating. If you kill someone easily, it will only disturb people's hearts. If you don't, you will be put into a death camp."

General Hu Shou thought it was reasonable, so he put him on death row, and only waited for the Shu captives to attack the city, and then let him die before him.

Guan Ji, who was leading the army to rush over from behind, learned that Jingyang City was unwilling to surrender, and immediately urged the Han army to speed up their pace. It took less than a day for all of them to rush to Jingyang City.

Forcibly comforting himself, Hu Shoujiang, who fell asleep in the middle of the night, did not know how long, someone suddenly woke him up urgently:

"General, it's not good, the army of Shu captives is approaching the city!"

Hu Shoujiang, who was a little dazed because he didn't sleep well, suddenly woke up:

"The Shu captive... didn't he arrive at the city yesterday?"

Suddenly he felt something was wrong again, "Army? The army of Shu captives has arrived? Are you sure?"

At that moment, he came to the top of the city in disorderly clothes and armor, and looked outside the city, and saw that the camp of the Shu captives under the city was much larger than yesterday.

The most striking thing is that General Hu Shou's lost flag and drum were taken out again to flog his corpse.

"...The Great Han fought against the bandits, with a sharp edge, broke through Wuzhi City, and defeated the Jingyang Army. Now that the army is approaching the city, if there are any defenders who cooperate with the city, they will all be counted as followers of the bandits after breaking through the city!"

"If you don't come out behind closed doors, the big man will not disturb you..."

A few Han soldiers were standing below the city, holding a strange object, shouting loudly, the voice was extremely loud.

When General Hu saw his handsome flag, his eyes turned red: again? Again? !

"Let the arrows go, why don't you let the arrows go!"

The soldiers and officers who had just been encouraged yesterday, looked at each other quietly this time, with different expressions.

Defending the city is meritorious, and if you defend the city, you will be meritorious.

That was based on the fact that, as General Hu Shou said, the Han army would arrive two days later, and then attack the city for another two days.

If you know that you can't keep it, but you are given the name of a thief, it is called a fault.

In such a large city of Jingyang, there are no more than a thousand defenders, and most of them are old and weak, and the four corners cannot stand upright. How can they defend?

No matter how hard the sergeants in the city work, how can they compare with the huge Han army under the city?

Let's look at the Han army, they only broke through Wushi City yesterday, and today the army has reached Jingyang City.

As soon as the genius came out, he began to assemble some kind of large-scale equipment.

At this time, what else can this kind of equipment do besides siege?

General Hu yelled angrily a few times, and found that the arrows shot down the city were sparse and extremely weak. The soldiers who shot the arrows seemed to have not eaten breakfast.

It was only then that he suddenly realized that the atmosphere at the top of the city was not right. Looking around, some people bowed their heads and said nothing, while some people looked aside, but no one looked at him.

He seemed to understand something.

All the soldiers of Jingyang City were left in Wushi City, and the majesty was lost.

What I said yesterday is still in my ears, but today the army of Shu captives is already under the city, who would trust me any more?

It's just that the current situation doesn't allow him to think too much.

"If you lose Wushi City, if you can help defend Jingyang, you can still forgive the crime. If you lose Jingyang again, what will you do? What about your parents, wife and children?"

General Hu looked at the general of Wuzhi City and threatened.

The guard of Wuzhi City gritted his teeth, clasped his fists and said, "The general understands, so let's arrange to defend the city."

After speaking, he turned around and strode away.

Guan Ji watched the arrows being shot down from the top of Jingyang city, her eyes flashed coldly, she looked at the closed city gate, and said:

"Let the yelling sergeant come back, stop yelling, and let Wenshi from the engineering battalion come and see me."

After a while, Wen Shi ran over sweating profusely: "I have seen the general."

"When will the siege crossbow and siege ladder be ready?"

The engineering battalion was regarded as a heavy supply battalion, and at the same time, it had to help clean up Wuzhi City, so most of them stayed behind, a day behind.

Keep up, only a small part.

This small part is carrying a siege crossbow.

This time is a rehearsal of the future Guanzhong battle by Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion. The improved stone cannon and the siege crossbow that have passed the test must be used in actual combat.

The stone cannon is too heavy, and it is not easy to assemble, and it takes a long time to prepare.

But the key accessories of the siege crossbow can be prepared in advance, as long as the base is built before the formation.

Of course, because the siege crossbow was put into use for the first time, Guan Ji didn't expect it to play a key role.

This siege still depends on the siege ladder, and it is a simple siege ladder.

If the Cao bandits were determined to defend the city, the casualties of the Wudang camp may be relatively large.

But for Guan Ji, a general who does not control soldiers with kindness and loves the lives of soldiers too much has never been a good general.

"Go back to the general, it will be ready before dinner."

"That means we have to wait another night, it's too slow!"

"Yes, the general will go to speed up immediately."

Wen Shi wiped off his sweat, but he didn't know if it was sweat from work or what.

Feng Junhou is close to others, and this general Guan is more majestic and imposing than Feng Junhou.

Standing in front of him, people can't help but feel the pressure.

If others don't know the details, I'm afraid they would rather believe that the one in front of them is the real prince.

"Hurry up, I'm going to attack the city an hour before dinner."


"Pass down the order to distribute the sugar and food to the Wudang camp, so that they can prepare to attack the city."


Sugar is a good thing, it produces pleasure, excitement.

At the same time, it can quickly replenish energy.

In addition, in this era, the production of brown sugar was not high, and it was controlled by the Xinghan Society. A lot of brown sugar was made into dry food, which was used as an important military material for the Qiang Xiaowei's mansion.

The remaining part that flows into the market can only be obtained by rich and noble families, and it is a precious thing.

Once a large amount of dry food mixed with brown sugar is taken out, it is much more useful than those wine and meat.

That would be the equivalent of a mania shot.

This kind of stimulant is not only more effective than wine and meat, but also extremely convenient to carry.

Instead of killing cattle, sheep, and horses for meat, she directly gave sugar and grain, which is enough to show Guan Ji's determination to take Jingyang City immediately.

The sun is westward, and the heat dissipates.

The Han army pulled back the curtain that had been covering it, and the siege crossbows lined up finally appeared in the eyes of Wei Jun.

When the people at the top of the city saw the huge ballista, many of them lost their blood.

Those officers who were urgently summoned had even weaker legs.

"Block...block...block the city gate, quickly, block the city gate!"

Although General Hu had never seen such a big ballista, it didn't mean he didn't know what it meant.

The copper-clad city gate may withstand one blow, two blows, three or four blows, but it certainly cannot withstand continuous blows.

The guard of Wushi City rolled and crawled down to the top of the city: "Quick, come with me!"

That's too late……

The siege crossbows that have been debugged have begun to officially aim at their respective targets.


The hammer slammed down hard, and the huge arrow spear shot out suddenly, and then with a muffled "pounce", it penetrated deeply into the city wall made of loess.

At the same time, two or three of them hit the city gate directly, making a loud noise.

Except for a small part of the siege crossbows aimed at the city gate, most of them seemed to shoot aimlessly at the city wall.

After more than half an hour, the city wall was filled with huge crossbow bolts.

Guan Ji looked at the sky, the sun had already reached the top of the mountain.


The sound of the drum sounded, and the soldiers of the Wudang Battalion began to rush down the city. The crossbowmen kept shooting towards the top of the city, and the densely packed arrow feathers instantly covered the sky.

The people behind lowered their heads and rushed forward with the ladder.

"Crazy, crazy!"

Seeing the Han army rushing down the wall and starting to climb up the giant arrow stuck in the wall, General Hu trembled.

Seeing that the sky was about to get dark, and the Han army was about to start attacking the city, it seemed that they didn't have any time left for him, General Hu Shou was very anxious.

"Let the stones go, let the arrows go!"

"Quick, quick, why don't you let go?"

The Han army is not crazy, but General Hu Shou is about to go crazy.

The impact of the huge ballista is equally huge.

Some people in the city who have not been trained have been scared to death.

Before they could react, Wudangying's arrow feathers covered the entire city, and then the people at the city fell in a big wave.

When they were urged to start a counterattack, they heard a loud cheer coming from nowhere:

"The city gate is open!"

"General, it's not good, someone opened the city gate, the Han army, the Han army rushed into the city!"

The personal guard ran over and scrambled, shouting loudly.

Upon hearing this news, the morale of the defenders at the top of the city, whose morale was already extremely low, was thrown into chaos.

"Isn't the city gate blocked? How could it be opened? Who opened it?"

General Hu shouted loudly, "This is impossible!"

The Han army has begun to appear in the city below, and the impossibility has become a fact.

I don't know who shouted: "Come out behind closed doors!"

So the officials at the top of the city cried for their father and mother and scattered away.

Guan Ji, who personally supervised the battle, was watching the soldiers of Wudang Battalion struggling to climb halfway, and then the city gate was suddenly opened, and she was also stunned.

"Who opened the city gate?"

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