Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 796: Unlucky Ghost

The gates of the city are naturally opened by the gatekeepers.

As a person who guards the frontline city in a stalemate with the Han army, the defender of Wuzhi City is naturally somewhat capable.

If Hu Shoujiang's idea is really followed, Jingyang may really have two chances.

But when the Han army appeared below the city and began to assemble the siege equipment, he immediately recalled the nightmarish scene of Wuzhi City.

The one who was thrown into the death row yesterday was right: the intention of the Shu captives is really Jingyang.

With the current situation of the Shu captives under the city, Jingyang will definitely not be able to defend it.

Earlier, he rolled and crawled down to the top of the city in front of General Hu, instead of going directly to guard the city gate.

Instead, he quietly turned a corner, ran to the death row, and asked someone for advice in the name of arraignment.

"Your Majesty said that the Han people's intentions are in Jingyang, but Jingyang cannot be guarded. I dare to ask Mr., can stability be guarded? Can't it be guarded?"

"Xiahouba and Hu Zun are under the control of Xiaowenhe, how can they be safe?"

"Then how to keep it?"

"If we withdraw from Jingyang at this time, give up Yuezhi City, and join the three armies in Linjing to wait for Chang'an's reinforcements, then we can defend."

"It's difficult!"

General Hu was determined to defend Jingyang, but Xia Houba and Hu Zun believed that Feng Wenhe was where most of the Han army was located, and the Anding army all went there.

How can the three armies unite in Linjing?

After listening to this person's analysis, the guard of Wuzhi City finally made up his mind.

So it was done.

Sui Xing means to open the city gates and welcome Wang Shi.

The city gate opened suddenly, and the Hu guard at the top of the city had no time to react, and finally failed to escape.

When he was escorted to Guan Ji, he saw the guard of Wuzhi City standing in the Han army camp, he couldn't help gritting his teeth and said:

"Thief, if you do this, you don't want to keep the three clans alive?"

There was no trace of guilt on the face of the guard of Wuzhi City, but a sneer instead:

"If you defend the city, you will perish. If you don't defend the city, you will perish. Do you really think I don't know your thoughts?"

Hu Shoujiang's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Obviously, what the guard of Wuzhi City had said was on the mind of General Hu.

At the moment when the head of the city was threatened, the guard of Wuzhi City had already noticed:

This person is afraid that the responsibility for the loss of Wuzhi City and the capture of the soldiers of Jingyang City will be thrown on his own head.

Even if he defended the city, when the liquidation comes later, he is afraid that he will be charged with the crimes of failing to report the military situation, losing his troops and land, abandoning the city and fleeing, etc.

Otherwise, the Hu clan is very powerful, and Xiahouba is half of the clan, so they can't just let them carry it, right?

After all the calculations, the Wushi City where he was located was the first to contact the Han army, and it was also the first to lose it, so it was just right to be charged with these crimes.

This is the so-called death of the city.

As for those who do not defend the city and die, it is even simpler.

According to Wei law, those who lose their land and lose their teachers will be severely punished.

It may be an exaggeration to lose Wuzhi City first, and then fail to defend Jingyang City. It may be an exaggeration to implicate the three clans, but parents, wives and children may not be safe.

Since both the left and the right are insecure, it is natural to find a place to protect yourself.

"I am from An Ding. My parents, wife and children are all in Linjing. If the big man can restore An Ding, they will be fine."

"Shameless You!"

As soon as these words came out, Guan Ji next to her raised her eyebrows, "Huh?"

It was only then that General Hu noticed the head coach of the Han army. When he saw Guan Ji's face clearly, the expression on his face was stunned.

There is such a handsome man in the world?

"It's the righteousness of the great Han to fight the thieves. How can it be shameless to return to the righteousness?"

Guan Ji's eyes were sharp, and she asked in a clear voice.

Looking at the imposing Guan Ji, Hu Shoujiang didn't dare to look at her, and at the same time, a thought involuntarily popped up in his heart:

That's right, only such a person can be called an exiled immortal.

"You...this general, could it be Feng Wen...uh, General Feng?"

The Han people said that Xiao Wenhe was like an immortal descending from the sky, and they thought it was just because the article was well written, so it turns out that the man is also so handsome.

"My surname is Guan, and I am under Feng Junhou's command."

Guan Ji smiled indifferently, and stood there straight. Although she didn't make any other movements, it gave Hu Shoujiang a feeling of a golden sword standing upright, with its sharp edge out of its sheath.

This kind of person is not Feng Mingwen?

General Hu Shou was very surprised: what kind of romantic person is Xiao Wenhe, who can make such a person who looks like a banished fairy willingly submit to his subordinates?

"General Guan... Could it be that he is the Empress of Hanshou Tinghou?"

Guan Ji nodded: "It's the test first."

"So that's how it is. I heard that the Marquis of Hanshouting still has a son alive with a rare name. I didn't expect it to be such a rare person."

He was obviously in prison, but Hu Shoujiang still couldn't stop admiring.

"That's my elder brother, I'm Shiro Guan, Guan Suo."

General Hu Shou was even more astonished: "It turns out that Marquis Hanshouting still has two sons alive?"

Guan Ji smiled slightly upon hearing this.

She turned away from the subject and asked a curious question:

"General Hu rushed to aid Wuzhi City first, and then returned to Fangjingyang City. These few days must have been exhausting. Have you ever eaten and slept well?"

After hearing this, Hu Shoujiang replied that Guan Ji was mocking him, so he snorted and remained silent.

Guan Ji didn't care about his attitude, and immediately ordered: "Come here, bring wine and food to General Hu."

As soon as these words came out, not only Hu Shoujiang, but even the Wuzhi city guard next to him were shocked.

This Guan Suo seems to be an outstanding character, how can he speak and act so deviantly?

When you meet, you will ask people if they have eaten, and they will not refuse to give them food.

Some tables and chairs were quickly set up below, and then wine and food were served.

After Guan Ji sat down at the handsome desk, she extended her hand to greet with a smile and said, "General Hu, please?"

General Hu Shou wanted to come and refuse to eat the food that came.

Then I heard Guan Ji say another sentence from above: "Don't worry, it's not poisonous."

Now that the other party has said this, if he dares not eat it again, it will appear that he is too timid.

General Hu Shou made up his mind, he can have two sips of wine, but he can take at most one sip of this meat.

The meat on the plate smells delicious, but it is still covered with red mucus, which is really unflattering.

He picked up a piece of chopsticks, put it in his mouth with his eyes closed.

The next moment, his eyes opened immediately, his face was full of astonishment.

"This meat... why is this meat so..."


Guan Ji seemed to know what he wanted to say, so she took up the conversation, "This meat is called sweet and sour pork ribs. It uses lamb ribs, then wraps them in brown sugar, and makes them using a secret method."

"Even in Dahan, only a very small number of people can do it."

Well, when it comes to sugar, even Guan Ji drools.

Fortunately, in order to conceal her identity, she was wearing high-necked clothes, so no one else could see her.

"General Hu can taste this jar of wine."

Someone picked up the wine jar and poured a bowl.

As soon as the wine was poured out, the strong aroma of the wine made Hu Shoujiang take a deep breath on the spot.

Take a sip, it's hot, and it goes straight down from the throat to the stomach, which makes him scream involuntarily: "Cai!"

He agreed to eat only one piece of meat, but he took another piece and couldn't help but praise: "Good!"

"General Hu, please drink this wine again."

There are two jars of wine on the case table, but they are still different.

The second jar of wine is mellow and lingering, with a long aftertaste.

“This wine is even better!”

Guan Ji put her knees on one hand, leaned forward slightly, and asked with a smile: "I know that the Hu family is the most common surname in Anding, and there are connections with the Hu people."

"Dare to ask General Hu, if I can provide this kind of fine wine and brown sugar to the Hu clan, can you help me introduce the Hu tribe in the north of Beidi County?"

Hu Shoujiang, who was chewing a large piece of pork ribs, suddenly had his eyes bulging, and his cheeks were vividly pushed into a steamed bun face by the pork ribs in his mouth.


General Hu managed to spit out his bones, and asked stammeringly, "Wine? Is this just fine wine? And brown sugar?"

Guan Ji nodded, and sat upright, "Of course, there are woolen materials."

General Hu's breathing suddenly became heavy: "I don't know how many generals there are?"

"Well, it depends on the sincerity of the Hu clan."

Guan Ji smiled faintly, "The greater the sincerity, the more things there will be."

Although Longyou was assigned to Yongzhou, because of the barrier of Longshan, it should actually be regarded as a part of Liangzhou.

Most of the aristocratic families in Longyou are heading west, going to Liangzhou, and connecting with the Western Regions.

That is because wool, brown sugar, tea and other things are too profitable for the Hu people.

Those who want money are unwilling to let go of any direction, so some people venture north to explore the way.

But for stability, that's different.

"From Xiaoguan, Anding County is the land beyond the Great Wall; if you go east, you will be the old land of Beidi County, and now it is also the place where the Hu people graze horses."

"Whether the benefits will be great at that time depends on whether the Hu family has a wide network among the Hu tribe."

Guang must be wide. Many of Wei's cavalry horses came from the Hu family through the Hu family in Anding County.

Otherwise, Hu Zun had little military exploits in front of him, so why can he become the prefect directly, and at the same time lead the army to guard the stable place?

The wool and brown sugar of the Han people are well-known in Guanzhong.

Its profits are so high that people are crazy.

General Hu naturally knew.

If he added this delicious wine that was comparable to rose peach wine, he couldn't imagine it anymore.

During the period of Emperor Ling, Meng Tuo, Meng Da's father, once bribed Zhang Rang, the great eunuch, with a cup of roseberry wine in exchange for the post of governor of Liangzhou, which shows its preciousness.

Although it is not as good as before, Emperor Wen also wrote an imperial edict: Brew it as wine, be willing to bow tiller, get drunk and wake up easily. The solidity of the Tao is already salivating, how about the evil of pro-eating?

Hu Shoujiang gulped down a mouthful of saliva, and he suddenly felt that the food and drink suddenly tasted bad.

You are so embarrassing for me!

My Hu clan is a big stable clan, don't you want spines?

"General Guan, as far as I know, I don't want to mention the raw materials, but the brown sugar and fine wine are all controlled by the Xinghan Society."

"I heard that the Xinghan Conference is held by Feng Wen...uh, General Feng has the final say. I wonder if General Guan can speak in front of General Feng?"

If this promise is made by Feng Yong, then I will really believe it.

But Guan Suo... I haven't heard of it, how do I know if what you said is true?

"My words are the words of General Feng."

Although Guan Ji's tone was flat, there was an undeniable taste in it.

So true!

Will the famous Feng Wenhe listen to you? What are you kidding?

Hu Shoujiang was a little vacillating, but what if it was true?

"To show my sincerity, I can let General Hu go back to Linjing, and give General Hu two altars of fine wine and a bushel of brown sugar."

Guan Ji said lightly, "As long as General Hu is willing to convey my ideas to the Hu family. In the end, whether the matter succeeds or not, it has nothing to do with General Hu."

"This fine wine and brown sugar are my thanks to General Hu."

Hearing these words, General Hu breathed a sigh of relief: "Since that's the case, then it's better to be respectful than obedient."

"Excellent! General Hu, please win!"

As soon as Guan Ji waved her hand, someone brought her a bowl of wine.


After persuading General Hu and arranging for someone to take him down to rest, Guan Ji turned to the general of Wuzhi City:

"The general returned to righteousness, so that the soldiers of the Han Dynasty were less injured and killed. Thank you in advance."

"Don't dare! In fact, I was able to wake up because I listened to other people's words. This person is now in death row, and I ask the general to release him."

"Oh? There are people like this? I'll give orders now."

The guy who almost became cannon fodder finally escaped and was brought before Guan Ji.

"Bohai Shibao pays homage to the general."

"So it's Shi Yishi." Guan Ji returned the salute, looking at Shi Bao with some surprise in her eyes.

Although this person was imprisoned, his appearance was still elegant.

Yes, Masami.

Guan Jisu knew that she had the face of a woman, and in the eyes of those who didn't know, it was understandable to be surprised by her appearance.

But the person in front of him was actually only slightly inferior to him.

"Since Shi Yishi is from Bohai, how did he get to Anding?"

One is Jizhou, Hebei, and the other is Yongzhou in Guannei. The distance between these two places is too far away.

Shi Bao's face flushed slightly, and she was a little ashamed:

"Don't dare to lie to the general. A certain man once served as a farmer Sima in Nanpi of Jizhou, and later moved to serve as an imperial envoy to Ye. The matter was unresolved for a long time, so he was trapped and sold iron."

"In the second year of Taihe (that is, the sixth year of Jianxing), a certain person was traveling between Ye and Chang'an. When a big Han attacked Wei, Emperor Wei first came to Chang'an in person, and then fled eastward."

"At that time, there was a great shock in Guanzhong, and the iron in a certain hand was confiscated by the government, and he had nowhere to go, so he had to live in Guanzhong..."

After hearing this, Guan Ji couldn't help showing pity in her eyes.

This is bad luck.

The so-called Gi Nong Sima is actually a small official under Dian Nong Sima.

At that time, Alang was the Wei Cheng of the Diannong School, and among the officials below him, there was the post of Diannong Sima.

That is to say, Gi Nong Sima is a subordinate official among the subordinate officials of Alang's first official position.

The so-called Yuli, in name, is the emperor's close servant, but in fact he is a driver, but it is recorded in the royal roster anyway.

It's just that this guy has no background, "the matter has not been resolved for a long time", that is to say, he was promoted from ginong Sima to Yuli, and the final process did not go through.

The Sima Ganong in the front is gone, and the imperial servants in the back can't take office.

In the end, I had no money to eat, so I had to settle down as an iron dealer to make a living.

Unexpectedly, when the iron sellers went to Chang'an, they encountered the prime minister's Northern Expedition, and the goods in his hand were not sold, but were confiscated instead.

This time, even the travel expenses are gone.

Others get promoted and get rich, but he got promoted and fell into the ranks of merchants.

Others can at least make a living by selling iron, but he has nothing to do with selling iron.

Living in Guanzhong, unable to return home, he was put on death row in the end, and almost lost his life.

Isn't this bad luck? What is bad luck?

Probably seeing Guan Ji's strange expression, the guard of Wuzhi City hurriedly spoke for Shi Bao:

"General Guan doesn't know, but Shi Yishi is actually quite famous. People at the time said: Shi Zhongrong, Jiao Wushuang. This Zhongrong is Shi Yishi's name."

"Guo Xuanxin in Yingchuan was the guest of the puppet emperor of Wei, and he knew people well. Shi Zhongrong and Deng Shizai were his imperial chariots. It was said that these two people had the talents of ministers."

Guan Ji didn't take it seriously, there is such a coincidence in the world that two ministers happen to be driving a car for you?

"Who is this Deng Shizai?"

"Deng Shizai's name is Ai, but he is a bachelor of Duwei in Runan. He is very talented and learned, but because of his stutter, he is not allowed to be an assistant, but to guard the grass in the rice fields."

Well, Shi Bao sells iron, and Deng Ai looks at straw, and because of driving a car, people say that they are talented?

Guan Ji suddenly lost interest.

"What's Shi Yishi's plan in the future? If he wants to return to his hometown, I can provide financial support and donate gold and silver at the same time; if he wants to expand his ambition, I can recommend you to serve in the Huqiang Captain's Mansion."

Shi Bao was silent for a while, and then asked:

"General Guan wants to recommend a certain position?"

Although Shi Bao saw that Guan Ji was not in high spirits, he didn't care about being beaten by the society all these years.

I remembered that I met Xu Yun, the official minister, and I once asked Xu Yun to be an official in a small county.

But that guy said it nicely: You are from my generation, and you should be introduced to the court, why do you want to be a small county?

In the end, not to mention recommending it to the imperial court, not even a royal official was willing to help, so he just watched himself reduced to the point of selling iron.

If the general Guan in front of him is willing to recommend himself, then what is this face?

"The selection in the army of Xiaowei's Mansion is strict. If I recommend it to the army, I'm afraid Shi Yishi will not be the highest at the beginning of the team."

Guan Ji's words are not evasive, after all, Hu Qiang Xiaowei's mansion is different from the general army.

Just put the team rate in other ordinary troops, and at least you can be promoted two more ranks to become a mid-level grassroots officer.

"Besides, under the rule of Huqiang School Wei's Mansion, the rules are the most important. Those who have no merit or talent are not allowed to be appointed."

"However, at this time, there are many places under the name of Longyou Huqiang School Wei's Mansion that are being cultivated. Shi Yishi happened to be a farming Sima before. I can recommend him to be the chief farmer of any party."

"Of course, if Shi Yishi has other ideas, he can also bring them up."

Although the defender of Wuzhi City was influenced by Shi Bao, he opened the city gate and surrendered, but in terms of credit, Shi Bao can only be regarded as a servant.

The main credit still goes to the guard of Wuzhi City.

Therefore, Guan Ji's arrangement was based on credit, and it was not intentional to embarrass Shi Bao.

Shi Bao remembered that he came from Jizhou and was trapped in Guanzhong for more than two years.

If there is a future in Longyou, it's okay, but if you just go to be a farmer, I don't know when I will be able to return to Jizhou in this life?

Think about it or forget it.

"Someone wants to go back to his hometown."

"That would be a pity."

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