Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 797 Acting

"Brother, Cao Thief's army is coming from Linjing."

Xia Houba set up grass people in Yuezhi City, and Feng Junhou set up a camp under the city.

Xia Houba thought he had bluffed Xiao Wenhe, but he didn't know that Xiao Wenhe was the one who should cooperate with you in the performance, so he didn't turn a blind eye, but clapped vigorously.

He even quietly took people to hunt behind the camp every day, enjoying it.

Zhao Guang couldn't stay idle anymore, staring at the top of the city every day, but his elder brother wouldn't let him move around.

In the end, I had to personally take people to the city to check the enemy's situation every day.

When he learned that the Wei army in Linjing had come out in full force and was coming towards Yuezhi City, he immediately ran back excitedly and found Feng Yong who was practicing archery with yellow sheep.

Nock the arrow, draw the string, draw the bow, aim...

Feng Junhou even wore a jade ring finger on his thumb, which looked decent.

It's just that the arrows shot are too floating, and the upper and lower limits of lethality are unknown.

Of course, the greater possibility is zero.

Feng Junhou sighed and waved his hand.

The personal guard untied the gazelle tied to the tree, carried it aside, and prepared to send it to Assassin Han, who would also serve as a butcher.

"It's time to count."

Feng Yong threw the arrow to Zhao Guang, turned back and walked towards the camp, "I just don't know, how is Sanniang's situation?"

"Brother is strategizing, and sister is brave and good at fighting. Presumably, he will be able to defeat Cao thief."

Zhao Guang said quickly.

Feng Yong squinted at him: You sycophant, it always sounds a little weird.

"Brother, now that Bandit Cao has been attracted, what should we do now?"

Zhao Guang asked eagerly.

"Just wait and see."

Feng Yong replied, "Let's see how Cao's bandit army will react when it arrives."

"Huh? Still waiting?"

Zhao Guang immediately looked disappointed.

"What else can we do if we don't wait? Could it be that these cavalry in your hands can defeat the Cao bandits?"

Feng Yong glared at him.

These days, communication is too backward.

Coping and decision-making for various situations can only rely on the integration and inference of extremely limited fragmented information.

Why are strategists and generals so important?

Because of this kind of game, only people with high IQ can play it well.

The vast majority of people can only catch the blind.

"If there's a telephone... no, just a transmitter will suffice."

Feng Yong couldn't help saying reminiscently.

"Brother, what did you just say?"

Zhao Guang couldn't understand this term at all.

Feng Yong waved his hand, not bothering to answer him, and then fell into deep thought.

If you want to be a receiver and a transmitter, you must have a special password and a generator.

There is no problem with a dedicated password. After all, a group of wretched men posted some kind of website in the group. In order to avoid being attacked by dimensionality reduction, they often used Morse code.

But if you want to make a generator, you have to find a magnet first.

Natural magnets or magnets should be found, and it is barely enough to build an artificial generator.

After all, when marching in the desert, in order to experience the extreme environment, artificial generators were used.

As a member of the third team, if you don't even know how to fix the wired phone, then get out of the third team.

One hand is shaking the generator, the other hand is pressing the switch, and there is a phone between the shoulder and the head. Which member of the third team has not done this?

But the transmitter and receiver...

Damn, the key point is that I wasn't in the wireless team back then!

Forget it, let's use horseback riding to convey information!

When I have time in the future, I can try the cable and make it for my daughter to play with.

There is no way to rely on information integration to reduce dimensionality, so I have to play with high IQ.

So Feng Junhou pondered again: It seems that the stable Wei Jun has all been attracted here, and there should be no big problem with Sanniang.

As long as Jingyang is broken, the Wei army in Chang'an can be mobilized to go north, and the task of protecting Qiang Xiaowei's mansion is considered complete.

Xia Houba at the head of Yuezhi City, seeing the army continuously marching into the city, felt that his task of guarding Yuezhi City had been completed.

"General Xiahou first saw through Feng Thief's plan to divide his troops, and then used his plan to scare Feng's army. He is indeed the queen of General Zhengxi!"

Hu Zun stood beside Xia Houba and said with a smile.

Xia Houba said modestly: "Feng Thief is cunning, I just saw it through luck."

That's what he said, but he couldn't hide the complacent look on his face.

Fortunately, when I heard that bandit Feng led the troops here, I was nervous for a while, but I didn't expect it to be a vain name.

"Why should the general be humble? Considering that the Shu captive is in the western frontier, he has little knowledge and knows the heroes of the world? I think it's just a little plan, and he dares to call himself Jia Wenhe. It's really ridiculous!"

"General Hu's words are somewhat reasonable."

After finishing speaking, the two of them laughed loudly, and they both added two points of contempt for that thief Feng in their hearts:

"The bandit Feng didn't dare to rush in when he saw the suspicious soldiers at the top of the city. In the past few days, he just seized the time to cut wood to make siege equipment. I don't know what he was thinking when he knew that he missed the opportunity to attack the city?"

"Thinking about it, it must be too late to regret, and I have no face to call myself Xiaowenhe."

"Haha... let's see how he regrets it tomorrow!"

Xia Houba couldn't wait to write a letter of war to the Han army outside the city.

When he received Wei Jun's letter of challenge, Zhao Guang was also excited:

"This thief Cao doesn't seem to know how to write dead characters! Brother, what should we do this time?"

"It seems that they are in a hurry." Feng Yong narrowed his eyes, still in the mood to figure out the meaning of each word written on it.

After reading it, he chuckled lightly and threw the gauntlet away:

"Then Hu Zun hurried over all the way, and he couldn't even wait for a full day's rest, so he wanted to fight our army."

He rubbed his chin, "Erlang, go get someone to make a sign, make it bigger, so that the other side can see it clearly, write the words 'free battle card' on it, and hang it at the gate of the camp."

"Free battle card?"

Zhao Guang was shocked, what the hell is this?

"It literally means, you can do it, and someone will send a reply to the other party, saying that I am in a bad mood tomorrow, so I won't fight for now, and I will fight again in the future."

Feng Yong waved his hand and didn't explain much, "Also, tell everyone to pack up and we will leave at dawn tomorrow."

"Ah! Why?" Zhao Guang couldn't keep up with his brother's brain circuit at all, "Isn't it the promised future..."

"Soldiers never tire of cheating, don't you understand?"

"But brother, we worked so hard to go to Yuezhi City, set up a village for a few days, and then we left?"

Zhao Guang had a face full of reluctance.

"If you don't withdraw, are you still fighting them?"

Feng Yong looked at him angrily, "On the opposite side is Cao's army. With your thousands of cavalry, why do you still want to charge?"

"Isn't there still a volunteer army?"

Zhao Guang muttered.

"Heh!" Feng Yong sneered, "Yi Congjun? If it goes well, then it's okay."

"Don't say that these people are fighting face to face, they are at loggerheads, and I dare not let them follow behind."

During the Liangzhou rebellion, if Huang Zhongyi hadn't joined the army and turned against him, how could the rebellion escalate all of a sudden?

If it is said that the prestige of the later Han Dynasty had fallen by then, but as far as Feng Yong knew, the Great Tang Dynasty, which was also known as the Great Han Dynasty, also had a battle of Talas.

At that time, Datang was in its heyday, and its prestige in the Western Regions had reached its peak.

However, as a servant army, the Hu army dared to turn against the water suddenly, which led to the loss of the elite expeditionary army of the Anxi Dufu.

What's more, today's Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion is far from being comparable to Anxi Duhu's Mansion.

Wei Guo has been operating in Yongliang and Liangzhou for so long, but it's not like he didn't do anything.

When the overall situation in Longyou was settled back then, there were still Hu tribes willing to make trouble and support Wei, which is evident.

To put it bluntly, as long as there are Hu people who have not passed the assessment and officially joined the battle sequence of the Huqiang School Weifu, Feng will not completely believe it.

Even if it is righteousness.

Zhao Guang heard that his elder brother had talked about this matter, so he didn't dare to talk back, so he turned around and went out to make arrangements.

The most important thing after following my brother for these years is that after losing his general number, he deeply understands a truth:

Elder brother is always right, if you think there is something wrong with elder brother, then you must be wrong.

Returning to his elder brother this time, the adults also said:

That boy Feng, apart from his ability to deploy troops in front of battle, he is a top-notch person, whether he is in command of the army or generals, or in the management of the people and the country.

Go follow him now, remember to watch more, think more, and ask more. As long as you can learn a little bit of his skills, you can truly lead the army alone.

No, at least I learned what a "free battle card" is.

Zhao Guang comforted himself.

"I once heard that Thief Feng acted perversely, and was called Feng's madman. When I saw it today, it was indeed so."

Xia Houba and Hu Zun couldn't help laughing at Feng Yong when they received the letter from the Shu prisoner.

A bad mood can also be a reason to avoid war, which is really ridiculous.

"I'm afraid this person was caught off guard when he saw General Hu leading the army, so he could only use this to cover up his incompetence."

"He was bewildered by General Xiahou. These days, he only focused on cutting wood to make siege tools. I'm afraid he is not ready for a battle on the battlefield. Should we go directly to his camp tomorrow?"

After hearing Hu Zunzhi's words, Xia Houba's heart skipped a beat. After thinking for a while, he shook his head again:

"No, the army came in a hurry. I think the soldiers are a little tired. It's just a good time to rest for a day, so that we can recharge our spirits and beat the thieves in one blow the next day."

"It's been a few days since the thieves set up the camp, and the camp is already complete. Attacking it now will only increase the casualties of the soldiers."

After Hu Zun thought about it, he also felt that it was reasonable, so he nodded and said:

"Forget it, let Bandit Feng be safe for one more day."

Immediately, the two of them sent orders to kill cattle and sheep, reward the soldiers, rest for a day, and only wait for the day after tomorrow to destroy the thieves.

When the military order was spread throughout the city, the Wei army was full of voices and morale was greatly boosted.

Only in the early morning of the third day, Xia Houba and Hu Zun went out of the city to form an army, and at the same time sent people to the Han army camp to shout and challenge.

After a while, there was a rumbling drum sound in the Han army camp, presumably they were gathering troops to meet the enemy.

Hearing the sound of the drum, Hu Zun couldn't help laughing again:

"Before I waited for the soldiers to arrive at the stronghold, this bandit Feng had just started beating the drum. It seems that he really lost his mind."

Although Xia Houba thought he had defeated Feng Yongyi's plan, he became cautious when he was about to face the battle. He shook his head:

"Thief Feng was able to block General Zhang He at the street pavilion back then. Even if he relied on luck and forced General Zhang He to go over the mountain, the teacher was tired, but he should have some skills."

"I'm afraid that he is trying to procrastinate at this time to dampen the morale of our army, so it's better to be more careful."

As if to verify Xia Houba's words, the drums in the Shu camp on the opposite side continued to beating, but the gate of the village was never opened, and no thieves came out to line up.

Xiahouba couldn't hold back anymore and came to watch in person.

When he saw the waiver sign hanging on the gate of the Shulu village from a distance, he frowned.

In my heart, I couldn't help feeling a little disgusted with Feng Zei who acted against common sense.

It's just that the layout of the camp on the opposite side seems to be solid, so he has to be more cautious: this Feng thief, it seems that he really has two points of ability.

Just listening to the loud drums inside, Xia Houba always felt that something was wrong.

He walked back and forth at the gate of the camp for a few times, and suddenly he was shocked and shouted involuntarily: "No!"

After shouting this, Xia Houba turned around and ran into the Wei army camp.

Hu Zun watched Xia Houba run back with a changed face, and before he could speak, Xia Houba hurriedly said:

"Attack the camp, let someone attack the camp immediately!"

"Attack the camp?"

Hu Zun didn't react for a while.

"The Shu captives have escaped! Bandit Feng is really extremely cunning!"

Xia Houba finally couldn't help but cursed, "Traitor!"

"Run away?!" Hu Zun pointed to the opposite side in disbelief, "Then the sound of the drum..."

"Suspect soldier! It must be a suspect soldier!"

Xia Houba gritted his teeth and said, "When I went to his village, I could only hear the sound of drums but no shouts, so he must not be gathering troops!"

"The Feng thief must have fled in fear when he heard that the general was leading the army. At this time, there is probably an empty fortress there!"

What is a bad mood, we will fight again in the future, it is fake, it is all fake!

That thief Feng simply used delaying tactics to gain a day's escape time.

Thinking of this, Xia Houba couldn't help cursing again: "You cowardly as a mouse!"

Hu Zun was not in the mood to scold people here, and hastily sent down orders to send forwards to test the camp.

Until Wei Jun attacked the gate of the village, the thieves on the wall of the village still hadn't fired a single arrow.

After removing the battle-free cards and climbing up the wall of the village, I realized that they were all straw men!

Wei Jun opened the gate of the village from the inside, and the army from outside rushed in. They searched inside and out, but there was no one there.

When others retreated, at least a few old, weak, sick and disabled were left to guard the gate, but he didn't even keep anyone, only human hair.

A dozen or so sheep were left hanging upside down in the air. The sheep's hind legs kept kicking and knocking on the snare drum: dong dong dong...

When Xiahouba saw this scene, his face flushed with anger, and his body began to tremble:

"Feng thief...Feng thief is extremely cunning!"

I thought I had fooled the other party with the straw man, but I didn't know that the other party was cheating with a backhand.

This is not the most important thing. More importantly, there is not a single formed siege equipment in this camp.

In the past few days, I saw that the wood felled by the thieves was piled up neatly and neatly. How could there be any traces of processing?

What does this mean?

It shows that the other party has no intention of attacking the city at all!

In the past few days, I thought I was scaring the other party, but I didn't expect that the other party was also scaring me at all.


Xia Houba thought of a possibility, which would make him feel cold outside when the sun was high.

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