Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 800 Unlucky

Regardless of whether the Shu captives at both ends are elite or not, the fact that Yuezhi City and Jingyang City have been lost cannot be changed.

Hu Zun now faces two choices.

One is to retreat to Linjing and wait for reinforcements from Chang'an.

One is to give up Linjing and run directly back to Chang'an.

Although Anding County goes south, it has to go through Xinping, Fuyi Hujun and other counties to reach Chang'an.

But since the loss of Longyou, except for Chang'an, most of the defenders in Guanzhong were transferred to several important strongholds such as Qianxian and Chencang in Fufeng County, and the rest were placed in Anding.

Even Beidi County, which was originally used as a barrier for Chang'an, is now guarded by local county soldiers.

If the stability is lost, north of Chang'an, the Shu captives can basically drive straight down the Jingshui and push towards Jingzhao.

Thinking of this, Hu Zun asked tremblingly:

"Over there in Chang'an, have you sent any news?"

At this time, he felt extremely regretful, if he had followed Xia Houba's words back then, he would have lowered his face and asked Chang'an directly for help.

So if we retreat to Linjing now, at least we can have a little more confidence.

General Hu Shou naturally didn't know what Hu Zun was thinking in his heart. When he heard Hu Zun's question, his face froze, and he said in a squeak:

"As soon as Jingyang fell, I came here directly to remind General Xiahou and the prefect. Besides, how dare I decide such a big matter privately?"

He wasn't trying to shirk, after all, with his status, how could he have the right to talk to Chang'an directly?

Hu Zun's heart suddenly became cold!

However, although he is in this position because of stabilizing the Hu family, he still has some skills after all.

After determining that things were irreparable, he quickly reacted:

"The Shu captives in Jingyang are probably on their way to Jingyang at this time. Fortunately, I led the army back in advance and will arrive in Linjing tomorrow. I think it should be too late."

Thinking of this, he hastily wrote three handwritten letters, stamped his seal on them, and after they were sealed, he dispatched fast horses to send them to Chang'an.

When Hu Shoujiang saw Hu Zun sending a message to Chang'an, his lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Hu Zun was only focused on arranging things to deal with the imminent emergency, and he didn't notice Hu Shoujiang's somewhat abnormal expression.

After arranging things, he asked General Hu Shou to rush back to Linjing first to get ready, and then he urged the army to hurry.

Regardless of the current situation of the Shu captives at the two ends of Yuezhi City and Jingyang City, and no matter whether they want to defend Linjing or retreat to Chang'an in the end, he must go back first to find out the situation of the Shu captives as much as possible.

General Hu Shou ran back to Jingyang from Wuzhi City, then from Jingyang to Linjing, and then from Linjing to find Hu Zun, and now he was sent back to Linjing by Hu Zun.

I've been running all the way these days, and I'm really tired and tired.

Holding Hu Zun's warrant, he rushed back to Linjing and ordered the entire city to be sealed off so that no one could enter or leave at will, so that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

As for what will happen in the end, it depends on how his clan brother decides in the end, so it is none of his business.

After finishing all this, he went to inspect the gates of each city in person to show his devotion to his duties.

The sudden closure of Linjing City made many people in the city panic.

A few days ago, there were rumors that the Shu captives sent troops from Xiaoguan to settle down.

Two days ago, there were rumors that Wuzhi City and Jingyang City had been lost, so many people had already started packing up their gold and silver and preparing to flee south to Chang'an.

Now that Linjing is suddenly closed, it seems that the rumors are probably true, and the Shu captives are probably coming.

For a time, there were many discussions and rumors in the city.

Those who were planning to flee south and could not get out of the city in time were particularly anxious. Many people asked around for news and asked when they could leave the city.

One of them, seeing General Hu Shou leading his soldiers over for inspection, found a gap and shouted:

"This general is a person from Hebei who is stranded in An Ding. Now he is rushing back to his hometown. May I ask when will he be able to open the city gate?"

General Hu turned around impatiently and said:

"When to open the city gate, the prefect decides, so... eh? eh!"

Halfway through his speech, he saw the face of the person coming, and immediately widened his eyes: "It's you!"

When the visitor saw the face of General Hu Shou clearly, he secretly cried out bitterly!

"It's not me, it's not me, the general admitted the wrong person!"

Shi Bao hurriedly hid her face and wanted to escape.

It's just that Hu Shoujiang can't allow him to run away, so he immediately shouted: "This man is a spy, catch him quickly!"

Not to mention the soldiers below, even the officers and officials around, at this sensitive moment, when they heard General Hu's shout, they immediately shouted, threw Shi Bao down, and crushed him firmly. .

Shi Bao was pressed at the bottom, only felt that there was a weight of ten thousand catties on his body, and he couldn't catch his breath, and his eyes suddenly went dark!

"So... so... isn't... fine... fine work!"

He only felt that he was taking in less air and exhaling more, so he mustered his last breath and shouted intermittently.

It's just that his voice is weak, not to mention that people can't hear what he is shouting, even if they hear him, who will listen to him?

General Hu Shou stepped forward, separated the crowd, and asked the soldiers to tie him up.

When the soldiers kidnapped him, they felt that his body was bulging, and when they reached out, they took out a lot of good things, including a few pieces of paper, which were extremely exquisite.

Hu Shoujiang took it over and saw that it was actually a sugar ticket and a cloth ticket. His eyes lit up immediately, and he pointed to Shi Bao and said:

"How dare you say that you are not a meticulous worker, nor a stable person, so why do you have so much gold and silver? How do you explain these notes?"

For Kanto, these bills may be nothing more than a piece of paper.

But for those well-connected people in Guanzhong near Longyou and Hanzhong, the sugar tickets and cloth tickets of the Han people are hard currency that is harder than five baht.

Because the Han people will have a special caravan come over every year, as long as you take these tickets, you can go and exchange them for real brown sugar and wool.

It's not that no one has tried to counterfeit these bills, but the Han people's bills, no matter whether they are paper or ink, are all high-quality items made with unique secret recipes.

Just to say that it got wet accidentally, as long as you don't crush it, the characters on it won't be blurred after drying, it's enough to make people marvel.

Not to mention, it is rumored that there are unique secret characters on it, which only Han people can see.

Therefore, except for the Han people, no one can make the notes taken out of Shi Bao's arms.

Shi Bao yelled, "General, these tickets are off..."

Having said this, his face turned pale, and he couldn't keep shouting anymore.

General Guan...isn't he the general of the Han people?

Others may not have noticed the word "pass", but Hu Shoujiang is very sensitive to this word.

As soon as Shi Bao mentioned this word, General Hu immediately remembered what happened in Jingyang.

At that moment, he wished to kill Shi Bao on the spot to relieve his hatred: This villain is really hateful, if it weren't for the rumors of this villain to deceive people, how could Jingyang City be lost so easily?

It's all the thief's fault!

He just didn't say that his family brother, the prefect, ordered him to seal the city, but he didn't say what to do next.

Even the final decision of the clan is unknown to him.

This person first spread rumors in Jingyang City, and now he came to Linjing with gold and silver notes, his purpose is self-evident.

Thinking of this, Hu Shoujiang had no choice but to hold back his anger, and ordered:

"Put this spy on death row, and no one can get close to it!"

If the clan decides to cooperate with the Han people, that's fine, if not, let's see how I make you!

As for the things on Shi Bao's body, they were naturally searched out, which made Hu Shoujiang a lot of windfall.

Over the years, Shi Bao has always been lucky.

The last time I survived a catastrophe in Jingyang, I thought I had changed my luck, but I didn't expect that these belongings were thrown out again before they were warmed up on my body.

At the moment, he almost doubted his life: Could it be that I was born poor? Can't touch money?

In September of the eighth year of Jianxing, Feng Yongbing, the captain of the Huqiang School of the Han Dynasty, left Xiaoguan, sent Guansuo to lead a large army to attack Wushi and Jingyang, and led Jingqi to attack Yuezhi City.

Most of the Wei army in Anding County was attracted by Feng Yong. Guan Suo took the opportunity to quickly break through the two cities of Wuzhi and Jingyang, opened the gate of Anding, and pushed into Linjing, the prefecture.

Feng Yong used another plan to break through the city of Yuezhi, and in response to Guan Suoyao, they attacked Linjing.

Chang'an Wei Army Guard General Xian Yufu learned that Jingyang City and Yuezhi City were lost, and led the Chang'an army northward overnight to rescue Anding.

Unexpectedly, when we were halfway through the journey, we got the news that Hu Zun had surrendered the city.

Xian Yufu was taken aback, so he had to garrison Xinping County to prevent the Shu captives from continuing to go south. At the same time, he sent fast horses to inform Cao Zhen in the south of the news of the fall of Anding County.

The news of the loss of one of the northern barriers in Chang'an shocked Guanzhong.

Countless fast horses galloped through Tongguan and headed towards Xuchang.

When Cao Zhen decided to send troops to attack the Shu captives, Cao Rui went east to patrol Xuchang.

On the surface it was said to be inspecting the old capital, but in fact it was to prevent Soochow from sending troops.

The news of Anding's loss reached Xuchang, which shocked the ministers who followed him.

There is also news from Guanzhong that Cao Zhen led the army in Ziwu Valley. Because of the continuous heavy rain, the plank road was damaged, and the army had to dig the road.

It's been almost a month now, but it's only half way through.

Young Fu Yang Fu has always been upright and upright. When he learned of the battle in Guanzhong, he was so anxious to write a letter overnight:

"Today, Wu and Shu are not in peace, and the sky has repeatedly changed. When the armies first marched, there was a danger of rain from the sky, and the mountains and mountains were dangerous. If you continue, you will violate the plan."

"Today the Great Sima trapped the six armies in the valley, with no way to advance and no way to retreat. This is not the way of the king's soldiers!"

Cao Rui replied: "The Great Sima must have his own ideas about the affairs of Kansai. Besides, the military situation is changing before the battle. How can we be in a mess when we are thousands of miles away?"

Wang Lang had just died in the sixth year of Jianxing, and his son Wang Su served as a regular servant of Sanqi, and followed Yang Fu to write a letter to persuade Cao Rui:

"A marcher on a flat road has food for thousands of miles, and the soldiers are hungry. It is said that the army will not be full when the woodcutters are behind the fire. What's more, the great Sima goes deep into the dangers, and when it rains, the mountains and slopes are steep and slippery."

"A large army cannot be deployed in the deep mountains and valleys, and food and grass are a hundred times more difficult than on flat roads. This is really a big taboo for marchers!"

"Today there is another fierce bandit, Feng Bandit, who invades An Ding from the north and disturbs Guanzhong. The army is trapped in the deep mountains and valleys. If Ge Bandit steals the path and disturbs them, and they cannot return to Guanzhong in time, Feng Bandit will be unstoppable, and Guanzhong will be in danger!"

Cao Rui replied: "That's too much! Feng Thief An Neng is so arrogant? I heard that this man is in Sichuan, and he is known for his clever words and tricks. I think he's just a villain who takes advantage of the situation to make things happen!"

Unexpectedly, Yang Fu, who was at the side, was furious when he heard the words, and reprimanded loudly:

"Feng Bandit is cunning and good at using troops. An Neng underestimates him? May I ask Your Majesty, how many people in the Wei army can compare with General Zhang Yun?"

Cao Rui was speechless.

Yang Fu was justified and refused to let anyone else go: "Your minister Jiuzhi Guanyou, you know the Qiang Hu is ruthless, so the bandit Feng has only been in Longyou for three years, and he has won the hearts of the Qiang Hu."

"If he is allowed to settle down, he can intersect with the Hu people in the north of Beidi County, and the Qiang Hu people in Longyou will reappear at that time. I am afraid that Guanzhong will no longer be owned by the Great Wei!"

The so-called Longyou Qianghu incident refers to the second year of Taihe, when the Shu captives took advantage of Wei's unpreparedness and attacked Longyou. Qianghu heard the name of Feng thief, rebelled against Wei and followed the thief.

Zhang He and Feng Thief fought in Jieting, and they couldn't stand each other, but in the end they were attacked by Qiang Hu from behind, and they were defeated.

And Beidi County is located in the north of Chang'an, and it is one of the most important barriers in Guanzhong.

"If the Hu people in the north of Beidi County also follow the Qiang Hu incident in Longyou, then there will be Feng thieves in the northwest and Hu rebels in the north."

"Combined with Zhao Yun in Longyou and Ge Bandit in Hanzhong, Chang'an is hostile on three sides. How can we defend it? The Great Wei has no choice but to withdraw from Guanzhong."

Cao Rui had no choice but to respond: "In that case, I will send an edict to Da Sima to let him retreat."

"As it should."

After receiving the emperor's promise to withdraw the troops, the officials were relieved.

Unexpectedly, after discussing the political affairs, Cao Rui returned to the harem, his expression changed on the spot. He scanned the case, only to hear "ding zero, squawking".

"What a bastard! Xia Houba is really incompetent! There are 20,000 elite soldiers in An Ding, how could they not be able to defend for ten days?"

His face was full of distorted anger, and he scolded through gritted teeth:

"Tie Feng's counting of ruining my major affairs is actually my great hatred! If he can be captured in the future, he will definitely eat his flesh and blood!"

Thinking of Xiahouxuan (Xiahoushang's son) who despises himself and disdains the queen's younger brother;

Xiahoumao (Xiahoudun's son) also sold military rations, which made the Guanzhong army unable to recover Longyou;

Now that Xiahouba (Xiahouyuan's son) came out like this again, Cao Rui was so angry that he pounded the case again, with a "boom" sound:

"Xiahou's three families are all relatives of the royal family. Now they are of no benefit to the Cao family, and they are dragging down the royal family. What's the use of it!"

His words were originally angry words, but words of anger, but he didn't want to be heard by Lian Zhao, his close servant, and he kept it in his heart.

Lian Zhao is Cao Rui's new minister. He is quite talkative and likes to repay the emperor by remembering the minor faults of his ministers, so as to gain the trust of the emperor.

Some time ago, Liu Ye made greedy remarks in front of Cao Rui, saying that Shangshu made Chen Jiao feel authoritarian.

Chen Jiao was afraid, and met Lian Zhao who wanted to overthrow Liu Ye in order to win the emperor's sole favor.

Lian Zhao then took the opportunity to join forces with Chen Jiao, exposing Liu Ye's good at figuring out what he wanted to do to Cao Rui.

Cao Rui didn't believe it at first, but later tried it with the opposite intention in his heart, and it was as Lian Zhao said, so he alienated Liu Ye.

When Liu Ye first heard that Cao Rui said he was going west to Chang'an, but later saw that the emperor had gone to Xuchang, he was already worried.

Later, Lian Zhao thought of a way to let Liu Ye know about it, and finally drove Liu Ye to a breakdown.

Seeing this, Cao Rui hated Liu Ye even more, so he resigned from his position as a servant and transferred him to Dahonglu.

Lian Zhaoyou became more and more dignified.

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