Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 801 Meeting Again

Feng Yong, who was far away in stability, naturally didn't know that he had finally become the villain in Cao Rui's eyes.

In fact, even he himself never imagined that An Ding could be calmed down so easily.

In addition, there is no wireless communication, so I can't contact my mother-in-law.

So after Guan Ji accepted Hu Zun's surrender and entered Linjing, Feng Junhou was still hovering between Yuezhi City and Linjing, thinking about how to cooperate with Guan Ji next.

Unexpectedly, the direction of Linjing actually took the initiative to send someone over: Junhou, the gate of the city has been opened, and I am waiting for you to preside over the overall situation.

Only then did Feng Junhou happily lead the people over, and then he saw the lieutenant generals and the officials of Linjing City standing at the gate of Linjing City, welcoming him.

The one in the lead, who is looking at him with a smile, is not his wife or who?

Seeing this incomparably handsome Guan Langjun, Feng Junhou's heart speeded up unbelievably, and he couldn't help swallowing.

"General Guan, you have contributed the most to this battle, thank you!"

Feng Junhou took Guan Suo's hand and said happily.

At the same time, he gently stroked Guan Langjun's hand a few times.

Well, the army is too aggressive, and when you see someone with thin skin and tender flesh, you can't help it, you can't help it...

"The last general is just acting according to the will of the prince."

The expression on Guan Ji's face remained unchanged, but there was an invisible ripple in her eyes.

After secretly casting a glance at this unscrupulous person, Guan Ji withdrew her hand calmly, and then introduced the person behind her to him:

"This is Prefect Hu who led Linjing City back to the Han Dynasty."

Feng Yongdui put on a smile all over his face: "Prefect Hu understands the righteousness deeply, and he has done a great deed to save the soldiers from the war and the soldiers from casualties."

The so-called good things do not go out, bad things travel thousands of miles, people say "the heart is cruel and merciless", and no matter whether it is Longyou, Liangzhou or Guanzhong, they have all been calculated by this person.

Therefore, in Hu Zun's mind, such a person must have a gloomy face and a mean face no matter what.

Unexpectedly, seeing the real person now, his face is full of spring breeze and enthusiasm.

Although he was not as handsome and handsome as General Guan, he could still be considered to have a good appearance.

But he didn't know that most of the "spring" with spring breeze on his face and the "feeling" full of enthusiasm... came from the handsome and unparalleled General Guan.

Of course, he is also a very important reason.

The meeting in Linjing was complete and enthusiastic.

An Ding, which had fallen to the thieves for nearly two decades, returned to the arms of the big man. Officials from all walks of life in An Ding expressed tears in their eyes, and finally waited until today.

At the same time, a grand banquet was held for Feng Junhou and all the soldiers in the army.

Especially the Hu clan, one of the biggest masters, specially prepared several clean and elegant courtyards.

There are hardworking servants and beautiful maids inside, so that the generals in the army can rest well at night.

Feng Junhou did not refuse the banquet, but declined the invitation to stay in the city for the night, saying that it was inconsistent with the military rules of the big man.

Having said that, Feng Yong was actually a little worried about his own safety.

After all, in the newly descended land, if the old story of Cao Cao accepting surrender and Zhang Xiu happened overnight, he would not have a son or nephew who would die for him.

What's more, those maidservants, how can they compare with their own mother-in-law?

After the banquet, he returned to his handsome tent, retreated to the left and right, and Guan Ji's most trusted father-in-law guarded the surrounding area of ​​fifty feet closely.

After Feng Junhou drank the wine, his heart became hot, and he took Guan Ji's hand again:

"Xijun, I have you, I am really lucky for three lives..."

Seeing this person like this, Guan Ji didn't know what he was thinking?

It's just that although the corners of her eyes and brows are full of affection, she still pushed him:

"Go, you stink! Go wash first!"

"Why don't you take a bath together? I still have a lot to say to Xijun..."

Feng Junhou took her hand again and refused to let go.

"It's not convenient in the army, Alang will go first."

Guan Ji still has a bottom line.

"Squeeze, what's the inconvenience?"


The two were talking, only to hear the report from the guards outside the camp:

"My lord, the Hu family sent people out of the city, saying that they need to find General Guan for something."

Feng Yongda, who was on fire, was very upset that someone from the Hu family spoiled Feng Junhou's good deeds:

"Is there anything you can't say before leaving the city? Do you have to wait until this time to say it?"

Guan Ji, on the other hand, was glad that she didn't take off her armor, so she gave Feng Yong a wink and told Feng Yong to pay attention to her behavior, and then ordered:

"Let him in."

Then he said to Feng Yong with some doubts: "Ah Lang didn't find it strange? They were looking for me, but not you?"

Only then did Feng Yong realize: "Huh? That's right, what do they need Xijun to do?"

"Let's take a look before we talk."

Guan Ji's surprise was that the Hu family's visitor was actually an acquaintance, the guard general Hu who was captured by him in Jingyang and asked him to bring a message back to Linjing.

"I met Feng Junhou, I met General Guan."

As soon as Hu Shoujiang came in, it was probably a little unexpected that Feng Yong was also there, his expression froze for a moment, and he quickly saluted again.

Hu Shoujiang is also on the list to welcome Feng Yong today, he has met Feng Yong before, so he recognizes him.

It's just that Feng Yong didn't know who the other party was, so he nodded slightly as a return gift, and then looked at Guan Ji.

Guan Ji asked, "It's so late, why is General Hu still out of the city, but something has happened?"

General Hu Shou hurriedly said: "It's like this. A few days ago, I was confused and did something wrong. I really feel uneasy in my heart, and I want to ask General Guan to forgive me."

When Guan Ji heard this, a puzzled look appeared on her face, and she secretly thought that you and I have nothing to do with each other except for the matter of sending a message. Now that Linjing has descended, what could you have done wrong to ask me for it?

After Guan Ji was forced to descend to Linjing, before Feng Yong came, in order to avoid suspicion to outsiders, she never met the local officials in private.

Therefore, General Hu never had the chance to ask for an interview, so in the past two days, he was really uneasy.

Without him, it was precisely because he believed that Shi Bao was the secret agent sent by Guan Ji to Linjing.

At that time, he himself didn't know whether Linjing was fighting or surrendering, so naturally he couldn't turn a blind eye to Shi Bao.

Otherwise, if the matter of Jingyang is widely publicized by this person, what's the matter?

What's more, he and Shi Bao still have festivals?

So locking this person up first is the safest way.

And he also made a precautionary measure: if his clan brother decides to stick to Linjing and refuse to surrender, then he will be the first to use this guy for surgery!

Now that the overall situation has been decided, it seems that the idea of ​​brewing stone buds has come to nothing.

But how to make up for this matter needs to be carefully considered.

It is impossible to ask Shi Bao for forgiveness directly.

To judge others by oneself, if it were me, I am afraid that I would also vent my anger.

And it seems that Shi Bao is under the command of General Guan, so I'm afraid his status is not too low, otherwise it would be impossible for him to carry so much gold, silver, money and banknotes.

So at present, it seems that the best way is to obtain a peace talisman through General Guan.

"A few days ago, General Guan sent him to Linjing, and he knew someone. Of course, he also knew someone."

"The matter that General Guan entrusted to the villain has a lot to do with it. The villain dare not be careless. At that time, the secret agent took the initiative to strike up a conversation with the villain. In order to avoid leaking the news, the villain had to lock him up first."

"General Guan, the villain really just locked him up and didn't do anything else to him..."

General Hu Shou babbled, explaining the matter while defending himself.

It's just that Feng Yong couldn't understand these words, even Guan Ji was confused:

"Careful work? What kind of work?"

Speaking of this, Guan Ji glanced at Feng Yong, and there was something in her eyes:

A Lang sent a secret agent to Linjing?

The rangers under my Alang's hands are active in the two prefectures of Yongliang and Liangzhou. They provide a lot of terrain on the military map and sand table.

Feng Yong shook his head lightly: He didn't make any arrangements in Linjing.

In this battle, he was able to march secretly along the foot of the Great Wall to the foot of Yuezhi City, because of the ranger leading the way.

But that's all.

Because although Ranger has a lot of contacts, he has not received much training after all.

Therefore, when Feng Yong wanted to use Ranger to do something, at most he would use their relationship to support him. The ones who really made the move were the people from the Dark Night Camp, or at least those who had received special training.

Seeing the puzzled look on Guan Ji's face, Hu Shoujiang thought he was unwilling to reveal her identity, and immediately said, "Oh, the villain is wrong. He is an old friend of General Guan..."

"Old friend?"

This time, even Feng Yong was surprised: Xijun has never been to Anding this place before, where is his old friend?

"It's that stone bud."

When Guan Ji heard the name, she felt a little familiar. She thought for a while, and then she seemed to think of something. A smile appeared on her face, and she couldn't help clapping her hands:

"It turned out to be him!"

Seeing Guan Ji's appearance, Hu Shoujiang was even more certain, and he said quickly:

"Exactly, the villain and that Shi... Mr. Shi, there is a bit of a misunderstanding, but in the past few days, the villain has provided him with delicious food and drink, and he has never suffered from it."

"I also hope General Guan sees that the villain has been diligently running around for the general's orders these days, so he can make peace with Mr. Shi and let Mr. Shi clear up this misunderstanding."

Feng Junhou couldn't be more clear about his mother-in-law's temperament.

I remember how cold and cold I was when I first met her.

Although it is much better now, in the eyes of outsiders, especially in the eyes of lieutenant officers, General Guan is still awe-inspiring.

There are very few outsiders who can make her look like this.

So how could Feng Yong not be surprised?

"Who is this Shibao?"

"It's a... well, it's an interesting character, let's let him in first."

After Shi Bao came in, Feng Junhou saw this person's face, but he couldn't help but taste a little bit.

Without him, it's so beautiful.

It can be compared with Zhao Guang!

But Zhao Guang is his mother-in-law's younger brother, this Shi Bao... I have never heard of it.

Seeing Guan Ji's face with a wider smile, as if she was very interested in this person, Feng Junhou was even more upset.

Shi Bao didn't notice Feng Yong, at this moment, he only had eyes on General Guan.

Then he touched the soft gold and silver in his bosom, he had counted them all the way, not only was there not less, but there was more.

Shi Bao, who has been severely beaten by the society, has finally come to understand:

This General Guan seems to be the one who solved his bad luck!

Otherwise, how can we meet once, and how much money and goods are on us?

"Meet General Guan!"

Shi Bao bowed deeply.

"Didn't Shi Yishi say he was going back to his hometown? How could he be here?"

Guan Ji asked.


Shi Bao let out a long sigh, "So-and-so intends to go southward along the Jing River to reach Chang'an, but along the way there are many fleeing refugees and broken-up soldiers. So-and-so is alone, with a lot of money on him, I'm afraid it's not safe."

"That's why I turned to Linjing, hoping to find some people to form a gang and go to Chang'an together."

In the past few years, he has been selling iron between Yecheng and Chang'an, so he is naturally experienced.

These days, when going out, who dares to walk alone? All go together.

Otherwise, one day his body would be exposed to the wilderness.

It may be beaten to death with a hoe, or it may be directly bitten to death by wild animals.

In his mind, the war in Anding has broken out, and Linjing is the most prosperous place as the county seat, and he is afraid that many people will flee south to Chang'an.

At that time, as long as he followed those people, the road would be a bit safer.

Unexpectedly, General Hu Shou acted too hard, and set off a day earlier than him, galloping back and forth on horseback along the way.

When Shi Bao arrived in Linjing, prepared dry food for the road, found a partner, and was about to set off, Linjing had already begun to seal the city.

After listening to Shi Bao's narration, Guan Ji couldn't help showing a look of pity on her face: Sure enough, she still looks the same, it hasn't changed at all!

"I heard that the Wei army has been stationed in Xinping County in the south. Shi Yishi's delay may not be able to reach Chang'an."

Hearing this, Shi Bao's face twitched endlessly. He gritted his teeth, took out all the money on his body, and handed it to Guan Ji:

"General Guan, I have an unfeeling request."

"I gave these property to Shi Yishi, how can I take it back?" Guan Ji pushed these things back, "As for Shi Yishi's request, please tell me."

"General Guan doesn't take back the money, so how can someone make a request?"

Shi Bao smiled wryly, "I want to take back what I said earlier, and I am willing to serve as a farmer in the Xiaowei's mansion, and I don't want to go back to my hometown."

Going back on promises might make people look down upon him, but for the sake of his own life, he can only do so.

Besides, I had asked others for an official before, but now I should ask again, so what is there to be afraid of?

Guan Ji did not look down on him, after all Shi Bao had asked herself at that time what kind of official position she would recommend to him.

So she knew that this person was not a virtuous person.

She was just wondering: "Why did Shi Yishi change his mind?"

"There will be wars in Guanzhong, so I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to my hometown. If I have a lot of money on my body, and I have no roots and foundations like floating weeds, I will inevitably worry about my life, so I want to find a place to live in."

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is also in line with Guan Ji's perception of this person, so she nodded and said, "I see."

Feng Yong, on the other hand, heard something unusual from Shi Bao's words:

"This righteous man said that the war in Guanzhong is about to break out, how did he judge it?"

Shi Bao was only focused on talking to General Guan, and didn't notice the other person in the tent.

Seeing him questioning at this time, he noticed Feng Yong, and he quickly saluted again:

"Shi Bao met Feng Junhou."

This time, both Feng Yong and Guan Ji were surprised:

"you know me?"

"In this army, besides Feng Junhou, who can make General Guan stand by his side?"

Hearing his words, Feng Yong made a conclusion in his heart: he is a thoughtful person.

He looked at Guan Ji again, with a question in his eyes, who is this person?

Guan Ji knew what he meant, so she explained what happened in Jingyang.

After hearing this, and knowing that Shi Bao was able to find out Guan Ji's intentions from the incident of the destruction of Wuzhi City, Feng Yong once again affirmed his evaluation of this person just now.

It's just that the name Shibao seems familiar to me?

Feng Yong frowned slightly, and tapped on the table lightly with his fingers. Could it be because Zhang Bao also carried the word Bao?

Seeing his frown, Guan Ji said that he had something to say about Shi Bao, and when she thought of Shi Bao's tasteful appearance when he first entered the camp, she was very angry and funny at the moment.

He explained: "This Yishi Shi is a well-known figure. I heard that he and a man named Deng Ai drove a car for others back then."

"Then it was said that both of them are talented..."

After all, she was someone who had helped her in Jingyang City, and she said this in front of Shi Bao, it was a polite remark.

At the same time, it was also to secretly remind my Alang to pay attention to his attitude.

Unexpectedly, Feng Junhou didn't have much impression of Shi Bao, but he was extremely sensitive to the name "Deng Ai":

"Deng Ai?! Deng Shizai?"

"Ah... Junhou actually knows about Deng Shizai?"

Guan Ji was surprised and almost slipped her mouth.

Not to mention that Shi Bao's eyes widened and he looked at Feng Yong.

Both Shi Bao and Deng Ai have the talents of Qingxiang?

In other words, Shi Bao is about equal to Deng Ai?

At this thought, Feng Junhou's eyes suddenly shone.

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