Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 802 Two people, different treatment

What is the essence of competition?

That is the competition for talent!

This Shi Bao, don't care whether he is at the same level as Deng Ai, or because he has the same name as his brother-in-law, so I feel a little familiar.

But Shi Bao can be compared with Deng Ai, which means that he has at least some ability.

I'm not sure if Shi Bao has real skills, but I know that Deng Ai, who is used as a reference, does have real skills.

How can he let this person go, rather than kill Feng Junhou who is wrong and never let go?

People in this world are either greedy for money, lustful, or in love with power, and most of them cannot escape these types.

According to what Xijun said, this person once asked someone for an official position, so he was in love with power; and he was willing to accept the gold and silver that Xijun gave him, coupled with the painful appearance of saying that he wanted to return the money to Xijun, he was greedy for money.

As for whether it's good or not, I don't know yet.

But if the three accounted for the second, he would already be regarded as a vulgar layman.

What a layman, what a layman, Feng Junhou is also a layman after all.

If you want to talk about noble morals, although Feng Junhou can barely handle a few words, he will always feel a little apprehensive.

It's just that Feng Junhou has a lot of common language when it comes to wine, sex and wealth. For example, he thinks that the emperor of the Han Dynasty is easier to deal with than the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

After all, the resources in his hands are countless.

However, Feng Yongneng sat in his current position and had a lot of talents under his command. It doesn't mean that just listening to the wind and critics makes him useless.

After all, Feng Junhou has a deep understanding of such things as being murdered.

So Feng Yong raised the question that was raised just now:

"What Shi Yishi said just now, that war will break out in Guanzhong, what does it mean?"

If you want to talk about the stability and chaos, or the Hanzhong war, there is no problem, but if you want to talk about Guanzhong... that is debatable.

Because according to Feng Yong's memory, Cao Zhen attacked Hanzhong this time, walked for a month and didn't reach Hanzhong, and retreated halfway.

In the original history, the Zhuge old demon held most of the troops of the big man, so he could only watch Cao Zhen leave.

But now, at most, he only has half of the troops in his hands, and the other half is in Longyou.

More importantly, Adou and the queen are now on their way to Hanzhong, and they don't know where they are.

With Zhuge's temperament, the first priority must be to consider A Dou's safety.

If Cao Zhen withdrew his troops, he might have fulfilled Zhuge Old Demon's wish.

"Hui Junhou, Longyou is the protection of Guanzhong and Hanzhong. If you want to protect Guanzhong, you must protect Longyou; if you want to attack Hanzhong, you must also have Longyou."

Shi Bao's first sentence attracted Feng Yong.

This word is familiar.

Wasn't it what I told Old Demon Zhuge?

Of course, it was the first time I heard the second half of the sentence.

So Feng Yong asked: "If you want to attack Hanzhong, you must also have Longyou. What is the meaning?"

"Your Majesty, although there are several ways to enter Hanzhong from Guanzhong, as long as they are blocked by the mountains and terrain, it will be difficult for the army to dismount, so it is necessary to cooperate from Longyou."

"Because to the south of Longyou, there are two counties of Yinping and Wudu. From then on, these two counties can directly lead to the land of Shu."

"At that time, Hanzhong will have to be guarded separately. It will be much easier if Guanzhong and Longyou can mobilize troops in Hanzhong."

"Now that the Han has taken Longyou, the land of Shu is safe! On the other hand, Guanzhong is always under the attack of Longyou and Hanzhong, so the Han and Wei are fighting, and now the Han has taken the initiative."

The more Feng Yong listened, the more surprised he became, and immediately said: "Jun Zhen is a great talent!"

From a historical point of view, the most correct posture to attack Shu is to cooperate with Guanzhong from Longyou and mobilize troops from Hanzhong.

If you only want to send troops from Guanzhong, Hanzhong only needs to concentrate its troops to defend against danger, and it will be difficult for a large army to enter.

Wudu Yinping is the barrier to the northwest of Shu, if you want to defend it, you must guard Longyou.

This time, Feng Yong stood up, poured a cup of tea for Shi Bao himself, and asked him to sit down, "Please continue to teach me, sir."

When Shi Bao received such a courteous reception from the famous Feng Wenhe, he suddenly became a little apprehensive and apprehensive.

Then he took another look at Guan Suo who was standing beside him, and thought to himself: This General Guan is really my nobleman!

"So in my opinion, it was a mistake for Cao Zhen to attack Hanzhong this time. If he does not attack Hanzhong, those with foresight in Wei will definitely take the opportunity to propose attacking Longyou first."

"Jun Hou is extremely intelligent, and you can see this in comparison." Shi Bao first complimented Feng Yong, and then continued, "It doesn't matter whether Han went down to Longshan first, or Wei went to Longyou first."

"At that time, Junhou will lead the army to fight Wei Guo in the west, and Hanzhong will threaten Chang'an in the south. There will be a big battle in Guanzhong."

"Your words mean that Cao Zhen is nothing but ears!" Feng Yong laughed loudly, "What should you do in your opinion?"

Shi Bao repeatedly said he didn't dare, and under Feng Yong's repeated urging, he continued, "Before the monarch and the prince regained stability, XX hadn't figured out a way. But now, XX has a plan."

"But please come."

"Attack Hanzhong with a bluff of suspicious soldiers, while the army gathers in Qianxian County, or take advantage of its unpreparedness, attack Longguan through Guanlong Avenue, and enter Longyou; or lead the army back to the middle road, go north, attack Xiaoguan, and take the chicken coop road. Enter Longyou."

Guan Ji on the side was a little puzzled: "But the suspect soldiers will eventually be found out. If the Hanzhong army goes out and goes straight into Guanzhong, Cao Zhen's army in the west will be hard to protect."

Knowing that the general Guan in front of him is his nobleman, Shi Bao dare not neglect, he stood up quickly: "General Guan, the so-called suspicious soldiers are not necessarily young soldiers."

"It's just like the division of troops between the princes and the generals of Guan, the false is the real, the false is the real, and the real is the false."

"Wei State has tens of thousands of troops in Guanzhong. It only needs tens of thousands to attack Hanzhong.

"At the same time, we will attack the western pass with tens of thousands of surprises, at least 50% sure."

Guan Ji frowned slightly, she still didn't agree with Shi Bao's point of view.

But Feng Yong said: "This method is probably the best way for Wei Guo to regain the initiative in Guanzhong."

Others don't know, but how can Feng Yong not know?

In the original history, after the failure of the first Northern Expedition, the old demon Zhuge tried to enter Guanzhong from Chencang Road for the second time, but was blocked by thousands of Hao Zhao's troops and died under the city of Chencang.

In the fifth Northern Expedition, he led 100,000 soldiers from Xiegu Road, the best way to go, and sent troops to Guanzhong, but he was at a stalemate with Sima Yi on both sides of the Wei River, unable to advance an inch, and was dragged to death in the end.

In other words, it is difficult to enter Hanzhong from Guanzhong, but it is also difficult to enter Guanzhong from Hanzhong.

According to Shi Bao's method, whether it is to capture Longguan or Xiaoguan, it will play a vital role in consolidating Guanzhong.

At that time, as long as the Wei army who stays in the pass, sticks to several strongholds entering the pass from Hanzhong, and waits for the army from the west to return to help, everything will be easy to say.

What's more, Cao Rui can also send troops from the east.

After all, Wei Guo's strength is still much stronger than the current big man.

It's just that Feng Yong still has one last question:

"I see Shi Yishi, and he knows the general situation in Guanzhong like the palm of his hand. Why?"

Shi Bao had a look of embarrassment on his face: "Don't dare to lie to the lord. Ever since Wei lost Longyou, a certain person has been thinking about his plan to break the situation day and night, and wants to use this to speak out in exchange for a promotion."

"It's just... alas," Shi Bao smiled wryly again when he said this, "In the current state of Wei, the way of promotion is mostly controlled by the aristocratic family."

"A certain person sells iron as his business. He is underestimated by the scholar-bureaucrats. He is also poor and fearful. He sometimes seeks profit. He is said to be virtuous and uncultivated. So how can anyone be willing to work with such a person?"

He is a sincere person who admits that he does not practice virtue.

Feng Yong laughed, "Tai Shigong once said: The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit."

"I've heard that Wei Guo's style of talk is clear, not practical, so he knows the sufferings of the people?"

"So in my opinion, as long as what you do is what you earn from your own hard work and does not harm the people, you will have peace of mind. What does it mean to not cultivate virtue?"

When Shi Bao heard Feng Yong's words, his heart, which had been despised for a long time, was filled with a sense of confidant, and he said with a choked voice:

"The words of the lord and marquis really touched the bottom of a certain heart!"

I am really suffering!

Feng Junhou said with emotion: "In ancient times, there was a saying that thousands of gold bought bones. Today, wars are raging everywhere, but great talents are abandoned. From this point of view, the destruction of the Wei Kingdom is inevitable!"

"If Shi Yishi does not give up, he can serve as a staff officer in our school's lieutenant's mansion. It is similar to joining the army. He can take up the post only when there is a suitable position, is it possible?"

After Shi Bao said so much, he might not have had the intention of recommending himself in front of Feng Yong. Now that he heard that he was actually able to join the army, it was much better than what he wanted to be a royal coachman before. times.

Immediately, he quickly bowed down: "Your Majesty has an arrangement, how dare you refuse to follow?"

"It's easy to talk, come on, let's take Staff Officer Shi down to rest."

Among the brothers in the Xinghan Club, which one doesn't like money?

Like Zhao Guang, didn't he call his brother because he saw the hope of making progress with him?

So far?

As long as I give an order, how many people are willing to die for themselves?

People who are not afraid of asking for something, but not asking for nothing, are the most annoying people.

Because you have nothing to do with him.

Shi Bao followed his father Wei out of Feng Junhou's handsome tent, only then noticed that there were female guards with knives and guns all around, and couldn't help swallowing secretly.

Feng Junhou's life is really...enviable!

Feng Junhou borrowed his mother-in-law's face, and unexpectedly got a person who is very likely to be a great talent.

That feeling, that taste, was like taking a thousand dollars to gamble on a rough stone that produced top-grade violet jadeite.

The pores all over the body are stretched, which is extremely refreshing.

Looking at Guan Ji's eyes became hot again.

Because some things are more comfortable than this...

On the second day, Feng Yong woke up feeling refreshed, so he went to see someone alone.

This person was Xia Houba who had been beaten so dizzy by his new-style cavalry.

Feng Yong has not seen Xia Houba since he was captured.

The first is because Xia Houba was seriously injured at the time, so he had to be healed first.

Then I have to rush to Linjing to preside over the overall situation, and I don't have time.

Of course, Feng Junhou would definitely not admit that it was because of Siniang's relationship that he hadn't figured out how to face Xiahouba yet.

After all, seeing an uncle is like seeing a mother...

"General Xiahou looks good today."

Feng Yong came to the temporary military prison under strict surveillance, saw Xia Houba sitting there with his eyes closed, and said something with a smile.

Xia Houba opened his eyes when he heard the words, and saw a young man standing in front of him, he frowned slightly:

"Who are you?"

"I'm Feng Yong."

Feng Yong arched his hands and reported his family background.

"Huh? Feng Wenhe?"

Xia Houba did not expect that the person he thought about day and night, who had defeated him and captured him, was actually the person in front of him.

"Hey, General Xiahou, a certain name is Feng Mingwen, not Wenhe."

With a forced smile on his face, Feng Junhou gritted his teeth and explained emphatically.

Knowing that he had made a slip of the tongue, Xia Houba's face twitched, and the indifference on his face couldn't hold back any longer. He coughed immediately and reorganized his words:

"So your Excellency is Feng Yong who is known as Xiao Wenhe? It's disrespectful."

Can you stop mentioning "Wenhe" all the time?

Feng Yong showed a concerned look on his face: "Is the injury on General Xiahou's body better?"

Xia Houba was surprised that this person cared about him so much, but it was not good to give him a cold face: "It's much better, I haven't thanked General Feng for letting someone heal someone's wound."

"No thanks, no thanks, it's all a family...cough cough!"

Feng Junhou was speechless and choked on his own saliva.

I thought the other party was here to show off, but unexpectedly it was this restraint, which made Xia Houba a little confused:

Is this person really Xiao Wenhe who is known for his eloquence? Why do you look like you have never seen the world and rarely deal with people?

"What plans does General Xiahou have in the future?"

"What else can a certain plan do? Since it has fallen into your hands, it means that a certain skill is inferior to others. If you want to kill or fight, let you wait."

Although the other party kindly healed his injuries, Xiahouba never thought that he would survive.

After all, the other party is so kind, maybe he has the intention to make him surrender?

If this is the case, it can only show that Feng Yong is thinking too much, he has a sworn feud with the Shu captives, and he would rather die than surrender.

Feng Yong can naturally understand this.

He sat down in front of Xia Houba and said, "I know the general doesn't want to surrender, but I can't do such a thing as killing the general. Let the general go back, that's impossible."

Now the Xiahou family is still regarded as the noble family of Cao Wei, plus the relationship between Xiahouyuan and Xiahourong (Xiahouba's younger brother) who died in Hanzhong.

Given Xiahouba's current situation, it would be extremely difficult to get him to surrender.

But to let him go back... how stupid would you be to do that?

"So I thought about it and wanted to ask the general to go to a place."

Xia Houba was even more surprised when he heard Feng Yong's words were "can't kill" instead of "do not want to kill".

From the moment he came in to the present, no matter his behavior or speech, he was all weird, making people unpredictable, and he didn't know what kind of malicious intentions he had.

Thinking of this person's title of "Cruel and Merciless Xiao Wenhe", Xia Houba immediately became vigilant: I must not be fooled by this person's appearance!

"How are you doing? Where do you want me to go?"

"Hanzhong. I don't want to hide from General Xiahou. The emperor of the Han family is about to come to Hanzhong. Empress Zhang will be with him. General Xiahou, you know that you and the Zhang family are..."

"Shut up!"

Xia Houba blushed.

I knew that Xiaowenhe was not in a good mood!

Back then when there was chaos in my hometown, my adults would rather abandon the youngest son, and also support the orphan daughter of my late uncle, who was also my younger sister.

It is conceivable how important this concubine is to adults?

Unexpectedly, the ring-eyed thief surnamed Zhang actually took that congmei away.

Every time the adults think about this matter, the adults who are already the commanders-in-chief of the first army shed tears countless times.

This is really another great hatred of Xiahou's family!

Now that this surnamed Feng dared to mention this matter in front of him, it was simply insulting.

But seeing Xia Houba's chest heaving violently, he was obviously very angry, and immediately spit on Feng Yong's face:

"The thief dares!"

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