Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 803: Feng Langjun Reappears


Feng Junhou, who was sprayed with saliva, was smiling, showing good self-restraint.

There is no way, these days, we must talk about character.

For someone like Xia Houba who would rather die than surrender, the best way for you is to hack him to death.

It is right for the other party to scold you, but it is rude and unfair for you to scold the other party.

If you really want to change someone else, whether you are a famous general or a famous person, if Feng Wenhe is annoyed, you may be killed and dragged down directly by taking the opportunity.

At most, you can give me the name of dying of tetanus afterwards, what can you do to me?

It's just that this Xiahouba couldn't do anything, which is really irritating.

For some reason, Si Niang has been with her for so long, if it is for love...

Let's just say it's for that pure love, that's okay.

But she has done so many things for herself, and for her, except for the last step, what should have happened has happened long ago, and what should not have been done has already been done.

You can't just pretend nothing happened, can you?

What's more, with the combination of myself and Xijun, Amei, husband and wife and concubine, it can't be said that they can't compare with half of the political wisdom of the fourth mother.

There are still many places to rely on her in the future.

In this matter, the Queen is the least important thing.

For the interests of the royal family, as long as things don't make a big fuss, she will naturally not say a word.

Where does the royal family come from?

A daughter can be sold, let alone my own sister?

Zhang Xiahou's family is the most difficult one to deal with.

Husband and the first emperor are like father and son, and love each other like brothers.

His son leads the Jincheng Yulin Army, and he is deeply trusted by the current emperor.

The daughter is also expensive as a queen.

Even the nobles of the enemy country far to the north are her natal family.

What else?

In Feng Tubie's view, this life is simply perfect.

The only regret of this future grandmother is that she has been away from home for too long in her life and has not seen her relatives for decades.

In the past, it was almost impossible to please others with what Feng Tubie had in hand.

Now that I finally have an opportunity, what are you waiting for if you can't wait to deliver this rare and good gift to your door?

I only heard Feng Junhou say:

"General Xiahou, let me tell you the truth, this Mrs. Xixianghou is actually half of my husband. I also asked her for advice back then."

This is not a lie. In order to compile the basic teaching tool of the school - the "Xinhua Dictionary" of the Three Kingdoms era, Feng Yongke often asked Zhang Xiahou for advice on Luoyang dialect.

"So according to this seniority, you are also my elder, and I should call you uncle."

When Xia Houba heard it, he was a little lost at the moment, and he couldn't help blurting out and asked:

"Is this true?"

Feng Junhou gave a "tsk", and said dissatisfiedly: "I can use this kind of thing to deceive people? If you don't believe me, you will have the opportunity to meet Mrs. Zhang in the future, and just ask her."

These days, teachers are respected and teachers are second only to parents. How can anyone make a joke of it?

So Xia Houba already believed it half to eighty percent in his heart, he never thought that his younger sister would actually have something to do with this young man in front of him.

Thinking of Feng Yong's address to himself, if this person is really his junior, he will be defeated by him...

Not only was he defeated by him, he was even captured by him...

This taste... is really mixed.

Feng Junhou can't do anything else, but his ability to observe facial expressions is first-class.

Seeing Xia Houba's expression, he knew that his heart had begun to waver.

The opponent showed his flaws, and Feng Junhou immediately turned into Feng Langjun, and began to perform special skills, and mustered a three-inch tongue:

"General Xiahou, ah, no, Uncle Xiahou, in fact, I not only have a half-teacher-student relationship with Mrs. Zhang, but also have a lifelong friendship with Zhang's elder brother."

Zhang Bao's life can be regarded as being saved by himself. It's not too much to say that he died, right?

"And Zhang's sister, she called me elder brother..."


This little Wenhe's relationship with his congregation sister is so unusual?

Xia Houba originally had a strong heart of hatred for the Shu captives, but Feng Wenhe's few words under the blessing of special skills actually shook his will.

After all, no matter how much you hate the Shu captives, you were captured alive. What else can you do besides show your strength?

The hateful thing is that this Feng Wenhe didn't play cards according to the routine at all. He didn't mention his official status when he came up, and he came here as a junior to reminisce about the past.

So should I recognize this nephew, or pretend I don't know him?

The corner of Xia Houba's mouth twitched: "My younger sister was kidnapped by thieves since she was a child. I have not known her appearance for a long time, let alone what she has become. Besides, I and the Shu captives are enemies of the country..."

Although Feng Langjun's words dispelled four or five points of his previous firm will, but the remaining points can still allow him to continue to persevere.

It's just that once Feng Langjun's stunt is activated, it will cause real damage, regardless of your magic defense or physical resistance, it will be ignored.

"Hey, Uncle Xiahou, let's finish what you said. Mrs. Zhang's captivity was not her intention. How can a weak woman be blamed for this matter? Such remarks are not the actions of a gentleman."

Xia Houba choked.

"What's more, after the old general Xiahou (Xiahouyuan) died in Hanzhong, if he were replaced by someone else, he might be passed on to the Sixth Army by the head of the owl."

"Fortunately, Mrs. Zhang did not avoid suspicion and asked him to collect his body for burial. At the same time, she sent people to Hanzhong to pay homage every year. Is it possible that General Xiahou can ignore this kind of friendship?"

Xia Houba was dumbfounded.

Seeing that the other party could not refute his words, Feng Langjun was overjoyed, and quickly struck while the iron was hot:

"As a son, the tomb of my father is far away in the enemy's country, so it's fine if I can't go to worship. Now General Xiahou has the opportunity to go, but he tries every means to refuse, what's the point of this?"

"It's not fraternal to know that the lonely girl is far away in a foreign country; it's not filial to know that Kao's tomb is in a different place."

"Uncle Xiahou, the Xiahou family is well-known in the world now. Uncle thinks he is loyal to the country, but have you ever wondered how the world should treat uncle for doing this?"

This person's rhetoric was clever and his tongue was like a lotus flower, and he actually made Xia Houba feel a little self-doubting: Could it be that I really want to go through this experience?

Speaking of this step, Feng Yong finally poured a cup of tea, held it up with both hands and handed it to Xia Houba:

"If uncle is not willing, then don't blame my nephew for being rude and force uncle. Even if uncle blames me, I will not change my mind."

Xia Houba looked at Feng Yong with complicated eyes, but he didn't reach out to pick it up immediately:

"As you said, if you let me go to Hanzhong, that's okay. But there is one thing, I have to make it clear first."

When Feng Yong heard this, he was overjoyed: "Uncle, please tell me."

"I went to Hanzhong just to see the tombs of my sister and my father and brother. It has nothing to do with anything else."

"It's natural."

Feng Yong nodded, "Come, uncle, please drink."

He spoke one uncle, and called it very smoothly.

Although Xiahouba didn't agree, he didn't object either.

After hearing Feng Yong's promise, he took the tea.

Watching Xia Houba drink the tea, Feng Junhou felt elated.

Feng Yong persuaded Xiahouba to go to Hanzhong, but in the south of Shu, Adou did not heed the advice of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and slowed down his schedule, waiting until the situation was clear before moving forward.

Instead, they deliberately accelerated their journey and headed towards Hanzhong.

Over the years, Hanzhong has produced more and more products, and its connection with Jincheng has become increasingly close.

In order to facilitate the transportation of grain to the front, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty made great efforts to overhaul the road between Jincheng and Hanzhong.

The extra manpower that the big man has produced in the past few years has not been increased for military service, but has been spent on this road.

Therefore, although it will rain on this road in August and September, it is not as serious as that in Hanzhong, and the road conditions are good, so it is not so difficult to walk.

In addition, A Dou followed Liu Bei from Jingzhou to Shu when he was a child. This kind of road has been traveled a lot, and he has suffered such hardships, but he can stand it.

Because the military situation in Hanzhong was urgent, the emperor drove to Yang'an Pass, and the prime minister's mansion only sent long officials Yang Yi and Li Yi to meet him.

"What's new about Thief Cao?"

A Dou has a good temper, and with Zhang Xingcai's suggestion by his side, he knows the seriousness and is not unhappy at all, and even takes it for granted.

As soon as they met, they asked about the war with concern.

"Return to Your Majesty, everything remains the same, the Cao thief is still trapped in the Ziwu Valley, and it is difficult to advance an inch."

Yang Yi replied.

Hanzhong battle reports are sent to Adou every day.

Therefore, Adou is also very clear about the battle situation in Hanzhong.

He just smiled when he heard the words: "There is a way that soldiers are valuable and fast. This thief Cao has been in Ziwu Valley for nearly a month, but the distance is only half."

"My car has only been driving on Jinniu Road for a month, and I still feel sleepy. What's more about Cao thief? Even if this thief can reach Hanzhong, I'm afraid the teacher is already exhausted."

"Taniguchi has another prime minister personally leading elite troops to stand in front of us. I'm afraid that I, a big man, will win another big victory."

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "Is there any news from Longyou? It was said a few days ago that Feng Yong led the troops out of Xiaoguan, is there any news now?"

Yang Yi knew that the prime minister had intentionally asked the emperor to slow down, but the emperor turned a deaf ear to it.

Thinking of the prime minister's daily review of the affairs of the army for the safety of the emperor, it is really tiring.

Now seeing the emperor's attitude towards the war in Hanzhong, but also caring too much for Feng Yong who is far to the north, I really feel bad.

"Returning to Your Majesty, there is no news yet. Think about Cao Zhen, who led an army south to Hanzhong, intending to invade our Han territory, so Hanzhong is the place of victory and defeat."

"As for Feng Yong, it's just to contain the Cao thief in Guanzhong. It's gratifying to succeed, but it doesn't matter if you lose. Your Majesty doesn't need to care too much."

A Dou touched a soft nail and was a little embarrassed.

On the other hand, Zhang Xingcai, seeing Yang Yi like this, immediately frowned, disliking this person very much:

"Although I am a woman, I have also heard the words of using righteousness and surprise to win. Kuang Feng Junhou is very good at leading the army, and his subordinates are all tigers and wolves. There are 20,000 soldiers who have left the customs this time."

"Such elite soldiers, not to mention being regarded as rare soldiers, even if they are regarded as regular soldiers, that's fine. Why does Yang Changshi underestimate the school captain's mansion so much?"

Yang Yi just pretended that she didn't hear the dissatisfaction in Zhang Xingcai's words. As the commander of the army, he was the biggest under the prime minister.

Now that the emperor is not in power, what does he have to be afraid of?

Not to mention the queen?

I saw him laughing:

"The queen doesn't know that, although Feng Yong claims that more than 20,000 people have left the customs, most of them are Hu Qi summoned from Longyou, and they can't be regarded as the real elite soldiers of the school captain's mansion."

"So in my opinion, if Feng Yong can attract the attention of Chang'an Cao bandits and make them dare not go south with all their strength, that would be considered a big victory."

"Furthermore, Anding County is already guarded by Cao Bandit troops. If Feng Yong keeps entangled with Cao Bandit in Anding County, then when he goes out of Xiaoguan, it is just to defend against Cao Bandit attacking Xiaoguan."

When it comes to strategy, Zhang Xingcai is not an inferior man.

But after all, she is not like Guan Yinping, who has experienced so many wars and can even lead the army herself.

As for Yang Yi, who followed the army commander Shi, he is very familiar with the affairs in the army.

After these words, Zhang Xingcai was unable to refute for a while.

Yang Yi didn't dare look up at the queen rudely, so she didn't know that the queen's face had become gloomy, but A Dou noticed it.

The little fat man quickly smoothed things over and said:

"Even if Feng Junhou only had 10,000 elite soldiers, that's not a lot. I remember that when he only led 6,000 soldiers, he was able to take Longguan lightly and defeat Zhang He severely."

"Think about the An Ding thief general, how can he compare to Zhang Yun? Feng Junhou doesn't need to attack the city, as long as he can defeat the An Ding thief, he will pay attention to it if he wants to come to Chang'an."

"In this way, it can be regarded as the big victory that Yang Changshi just said."

Seeing that Yang Yi still wanted to speak, A Dou said quickly, "Of course, Feng Junhou's side is considered a rare soldier after all. The final outcome of this battle still depends on the Prime Minister's side."

Well, after all these words were said, both sides were taken care of, Zhang Xingcai and Yang Yi finally stopped entanglement on this matter.

A Dou took the opportunity to excuse that the horses and horses were tired and needed to rest.

Yang Yi led the emperor's chariot and drove into Nanzheng, and arranged the emperor and empress in the palace that had been built long ago.

After arranging all this, he rushed back to Chenggu along Shuangnan Avenue to report to the prime minister.

"The prime minister clearly ordered the emperor to delay the journey for the time being, but now the emperor not only refuses to follow, but deliberately speeds up the journey to Hanzhong."

Yang Yi looked worried, "Prime Minister, in this case, we must be more cautious to ensure the safety of the Son of Heaven. Bandit Cao is powerful, but we have to restrain ourselves..."

Zhuge Liang's beard had turned grey. He hunched over the desk, squinted his eyes, and carefully observed the map of Hanzhong.

Although he has seen this picture countless times and he already knows it well, he still has to observe it every day, unwilling to let go of any subtleties.

Hearing Yang Yi's words, he took a long time to speak slowly:

"The emperor has grown up, and he always has his own ideas. Besides, the emperor's visit to Hanzhong in person boosted the morale of the army, which is a good thing."

"More importantly, if the Son of Heaven didn't have the will to win, how could he insist on coming to Hanzhong regardless of advice?"

"In the past, Emperor Xiaowu went out of the fortress twice from Xiaoguan to show off his troops. Today, His Majesty finally has the spirit of the emperor of the Han family."

When Zhuge Liang said this, he raised his head and rubbed his sore eyes, and there was a bit of relief on his old face.

Yang Yi did not expect the Prime Minister to say such words, only heard him say:

"A certain view of the emperor, it seems that he didn't expect this level, I'm afraid it was the queen's instigation..."

Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed brightly, and he looked at Yang Yi.

Yang Yidun felt the pressure doubled, and he couldn't say the following words.

"The empress... is also for the good of His Majesty. If this battle can be won, His Majesty's reputation will be truly established. This is a good thing, a good thing..."

When Zhuge Liang said this, his face was a little tired, he closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, "Go, call Wei Yan over here."

This was what Yang Yi wanted to say at first, but she didn't expect the Prime Minister to say it on her own initiative.

For a moment, he didn't know what the prime minister meant.

Hearing the prime minister's order, he had no choice but to say "No", and then retreated.

After a while, Wei Yan came in.

"Prime Minister."

"When will we be able to find out the situation on Cao thief's side?"

Days of heavy rain not only made it difficult for the Wei army to march, but also made it difficult for the Han army to check the real situation of the Wei army.

Wei Yanjiu was in Hanzhong, and he had carefully studied the Ziwu Valley and was familiar with the terrain.

At this time, he was also a little helpless: "Back to the prime minister, the mountain road is difficult to walk, and the valley is covered by rain and fog. It is really difficult for the spies to know the real situation."

"Think of a way! We must know how many Cao thieves there are!"

Zhuge Liang opened his eyes and said a little irritably.

Cao Zhen claimed to have 500,000 horses, but the actual number has not yet been determined.

Without him, the Meridian Valley at this time is either raining or steaming, and the spies can't detect it visually.

More importantly, Wei Jun's actions really made Zhuge Liang feel a little weird.

Slow, it is too slow!

Although the road was difficult, they walked very slowly.

I don't know what they are dawdling on the way?

"The Son of Heaven has arrived in Hanzhong. If I don't investigate this matter clearly, I feel uneasy."

As Zhuge Liang said, he took out something, "I'll lend you this thing for now."

What he took out was exactly half a million worth of binoculars stolen from Feng Yong.

"The end will understand!"

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