Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 805 Micropath Nantong

Although the queen comforted herself, saying that Feng Yong would definitely be able to escape unscathed.

But after thinking about it, she still said uneasy:

"No, I have to write a letter to Si Niang and ask her to pass it on to the daughter of the Guan family."

A Dou asked incomprehensibly, "Why did the queen write to the daughter of the Guan family again?"

Zhang Xingcai wrung her hands, showing the tension in her heart: "I just want to let the daughter of the Guan family understand that a big man can have no school captain's mansion, but he can't live without Feng Yong."

"If Feng Yong is really in danger this time, even if we leave all the army in the Colonel's Mansion to the thieves, let her bring Feng Yong back to the big man safely!"

Remember that when Jingzhou was lost, Guan Yinping was still able to break through the siege and return to Shu.

In this battle, the tigers and wolves of the Captain's Mansion are also at their disposal. As long as she wants to break through, it shouldn't be a difficult task.

I'm afraid that she has the heart to fight to the death, and Feng Yong will also be killed.

Zhang Xingcai couldn't help being angry and annoyed at the thought that Feng Yong was leading 20,000 troops and could swallow An Ding, which was defended by Cao's heavy troops:

"What is he so good at fighting for? I'm afraid that others don't know how powerful he is? He has so many outstanding generals under his command, just let them go, and insist on leading the army himself?"

"After this battle, Your Majesty still thought of a way to tell the Prime Minister that Feng Yong should try not to fight in person in the future. After all, the sword has no eyes before the battle, and life and death are on the line."

Now Liangzhou is already in the bag of the big man. According to the current method of the big man, as long as Longyou and Hanzhong in Liangzhou are managed well, the big man will be invincible.

When the time comes, slowly encroach on Guanzhong, so why not worry about the great cause?

But all of this is based on the fact that Feng Yong must live, and he is living under the condition of a big man.

If Feng Yong is killed, the Xinghan Society, which involves the interests of all parties in the Han Dynasty, will collapse directly.

If he is captured alive...

Zhang Xingcai didn't dare to imagine anymore.

"Feng Yong is an evil thief, he is really hateful! If I can capture him, I will take his head and cut off his limbs. Otherwise, my hatred will not be relieved!"

Zhang Xingcai regards Feng Yong as the treasure of the country, but in Cao Zhen's eyes, he is the leader of the villains.

In the Battle of Longyou, it was this thief who captured Longguan, preventing the Guanzhong army from rescuing Longyou in time.

It was this thief again who blocked Zhang He at the Jieting, and wiped out Da Wei's last hope of regaining Longyou.

Every time Cao Zhen thought of this, he would gnash his teeth and couldn't sleep at night.

Once the stability was lost, if he attacked Longyou as originally planned, then Bandit Feng would definitely come down from the north and attack Si County.

Cao Zhen thought of this, his face was full of resentment, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Since this plan fails, then Thief Feng, wait for your death!"

He thought that if he could kill this beast, he would not only avenge the loss of Longyou, but also cut off the Shu captive for the Great Wei.

Cao Zhen, whose eyes were full of hatred, no longer hesitated, and immediately sent an order:

"Come on, let's go north immediately!"

Wei Jun, who was already ready to cross Longshan Mountain at any time, woke up like a hidden giant snake from hibernation, stretched its body, headed north, and hurried away.

Although Xuchang, Hanzhong, and Qian County are far or near from Anding, the time of receiving the news of Anding is also different.

But Ah Dou was right.

Feng Yong broke through the city so fast that Cao Zhen, who was closest to Anding, couldn't react.

When Hanzhong had just sent reinforcements to Longyou, Cao Zhen of Qian County had only just led the army halfway.

At this time, Feng Yong had already held a celebration banquet in Linjing City.

It's just that Cao Zhen was full of hatred and wanted revenge, so he drove the whole army to hurry. When Ma Dai, who was guarding Xiaoguan, found that there was an army coming from the south, Cao Zhen was less than two days away from Xiaoguan.

His heart was on fire, and he sent out fast horses again and again, to inform Feng Yong eastward, and then to the Dudu's mansion westward for help.

Two days later, the army of the State of Wei approached Xiaoguan City with absolute superiority. Ma Dai stood on the closed gate and watched with a miserable face:

Feng Yong, Feng Yong, it's a great fortune for me to be able to guard Xiao Guan this time, but I can't help you.

Obviously, Cao Zhen wanted to forcefully eat all the Han troops in Anding.

What is not to be stopped when returning to the teacher does not exist at all for him now.

In fact, when Feng Yong, who was strengthening his friendship with the Anding officials, heard that his retreat was cut off, he didn't react at all for a while.

"Cao Zhen...isn't he in Hanzhong?"

Feng Junhou had just attended another banquet last night, and even took out the honey wine he had kept in the army to drink with the Anding officials.

At the banquet, Feng Junhou generously promised that he would increase the supply of brown sugar to Anding next year while he was in a daze of intoxication.

No way, for aristocratic families, this thing is the most in demand.

Because the output of brown sugar is really too little, if the flow direction is not controlled, I am afraid that Shudi can digest all the brown sugar by itself.

Therefore, Feng Junhou's promise made everyone smile. They only felt that the honey wine in their mouths was as sweet as brown sugar.

After the host and guest had enjoyed themselves, Feng Junhou took advantage of the wine and had a long talk with Guan Langjun all night, really unhappy.

There is a saying that extreme joy begets sorrow. It is probably because the heavens are not used to seeing this man so depraved and corrupt. Before he woke up early in the morning, the guards broke into the commander's camp and handed him an urgent military message:

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent message from Xiao Guan!"

In October, the weather has begun to cool down slightly.

Feng Yong, who was covered with a fluffy blanket, barely opened his eyes, took the urgent mail, tore it open, and was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Guan Ji who was sleeping inside turned over, closed her eyes and asked lazily:

"What military situation?"

"Cao Zhen led the army and appeared on Huizhong Road. It seems that he is going to attack Xiaoguan!"

"Xiao Guan?" Guan Ji murmured, and opened her eyes suddenly, "Xiao Guan!"


Feng Yong sat up and handed over the urgent mail.

Guan Ji hurriedly took it, and sat up, not caring that the fine velvet blanket fell off her shoulders.

Anyway, the female guard who can directly break into the handsome camp, there are some things that don't need to be avoided.

After reading it, Guan Ji still raised her head in disbelief: "Cao Zhen... Isn't Cao Zhen in Hanzhong? Why did he appear in Xiaoguan?"

Feng Yong first ordered to his personal guards: "Go, beat the drums, and let all the generals go to the camp to discuss matters. From now on, the army will enter emergency combat readiness."

After the personal guards went out, Feng Yong lifted the blanket and said with a livid face while putting on his military uniform, "No one knows why Cao Zhen appeared there now."

"But this issue is not the key, the key is what we do now."

Having said that, Feng Junhou still looks calm enough.

But in fact, he was in a panic.

MP's is unreasonable. I clearly remember that in history, Cao Zhen went to the Ziwu Valley, and then it was rained in it for a month, and finally had to retreat.

I can't remember the history of the years of the Northern Expedition most clearly.

Why would he go to Xiao Guan now?

Fortunately, Feng Yong has been in the military for many years, and he is used to seeing life and death, so he is no longer the recruit of the past.

He has to be calm, now that he is the commander of the three armies, if he can't control his emotions, then all the 20,000 people in the Captain's Mansion will be thrown in An Ding.

Guan Ji got up and got dressed, her eyes were full of worry: "Cao Zhen even hid the truth from the prime minister this time, I'm afraid the plan is not small."

"Tell me, this time, Cao Zhen has been deliberate, what exactly is he trying to plan?"

Feng Yong was dressed in military uniform, standing in front of a giant sand table, with a large map hanging behind him.

All the generals in the army lined up on both sides, their faces extremely solemn.

The back road was cut off, which was a disaster for any ancient army.

None of them showed signs of panic now. Apart from their own military accomplishments, the most important thing was that Feng Junhou, the commander in chief, had a calm face and a calm tone.

It seems that all this is under the control of the coach.

"Could it be that Cao thief, who knew that brother would send troops east to leave Xiaoguan, that's why he set up such a scheme, just to intercept brother?"

Zhao Guang spoke bluntly without any scruples, so he was the first to speak immediately.

"Definitely not." Guan Ji was the first to know the news besides Feng Yong, and she had considered this possibility long ago.

"Cao Zhen doesn't have the guts to use the whole Anding as a bait for Junhou. If he takes ten thousand steps back, even if he dares, he won't show up until Junhou takes all of Anding."

The law of Wei is strict, and the loss of land will be severely punished.

Not to mention losing a county on purpose?

This kind of dangerous place where the enemy is given to threaten Chang'an has too many changes. No matter how strict the plan is, who can guarantee that there will be no mistakes in the future?

If it really wants to be self-defeating, it is equivalent to handing over Guanzhong.

"General Guan means that Cao Zhen originally wanted to sneak attack Xiao Guan? Is it a coincidence this time?"

Aside from the various relationships with Feng Yong, Zhang Yi is the most capable figure in the Xiaowei's army, and also the most valued general by Feng Yong.

He looked at Guan Ji suspiciously.

Guan Ji shook her head lightly, with a puzzled look on her face, she said with a little hesitation: "It's possible, but I always feel that something is wrong."

Feng Yong, who had been watching the sand table in silence, suddenly smiled softly, "Of course not. Just like what General Guan said just now, if Cao Zhen really wants to sneak attack Xiao Guan."

"Then he should always pay attention to An Ding here, instead of coming here after An Ding is lost."

"What's more, wouldn't it be good for him to deploy an army directly in Anding? How could it be possible for us to lay down Anding so easily?"

Zhao Guang scratched his head a little irritably, "That's not right, that's not right, then why did Bandit Cao appear under Xiao Guan by such a coincidence?"

Feng Yong made a fool of himself, he clicked on a certain corner: "Shi Zhongrong, tell me."

Having just joined Feng Yong, Shi Bao, who encountered this kind of thing, is hiding herself in the corner with self-pity and self-pity:

I thought that if I met General Guan, I would change my luck, but I didn't expect that I was so unlucky that I brought everyone into a desperate situation.

He quietly hid in a corner, just not wanting people to remember and notice him.

Unexpectedly, Feng Junhou was extremely sharp-eyed and called him out immediately.

"Ah, Junhou, Junhou, this is really none of my business, and I don't want to do this either!"

Shi Bao was startled and shouted hastily.

So everyone looked at the newcomer suspiciously: What do you mean by that?

Seeing this guy's disappointing appearance, Feng Yong couldn't help but be deeply puzzled: I can't really be mistaken, am I?

"As a staff officer in the army, it's your job to make suggestions and suggestions. How can you say it's none of your business?"

If it wasn't for the Dark Night Camp to carefully check all the activities of this guy in An Ding.

Also, the spy methods of this era are too primitive.

Feng Yong almost suspected that he was Cao thief's spy who carefully infiltrated himself.

"When you first came here, you once had a word with me, if you planned for Cao Bandit, how would you invade Longyou?"

Feng Yong tapped on the case table and motioned, "Do you think Cao Zhen's actions this time are really as you said?"

Shi Bao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: So it's not my bad luck!

He settled down, and then he was in the mood to look at the sand table in front of Feng Junhou, and then exclaimed: "This is also a sharp weapon of the sincere army!"

Veins popped out of Feng Yong's forehead, and he felt his temples throbbing:

You have been standing here for a long time, dare you not even see the sand table? What about the brain?

"You are not talking nonsense!"

As expected of Feng Yong's younger brother, Zhao Guang jumped up and said, "Brother asked you something! Don't you know it's urgent?"

Shi Bao was taken aback, looked up now, and saw Junhou looking at him gloomyly.

"A, no, villain, uh, the last general..." Shi Bao was a little nervous, after all, it was the first time to officially speak in front of the school captain's mansion.

At the same time, there was a Feng Wenhe with a bad face staring at him, which made him feel even more creepy.

"What does the current military discussion look like?"

With frost on her face, Guan Ji reprimanded Zhao Guang, then looked at Shi Bao again, and said softly, "I also heard what Staff Officer Shi said that day, and I feel it is reasonable."

She repeated what Shi Bao said that day to everyone, and then said:

"Since Staff Officer Shi has thought about how the Cao thief attacked Longyou, it can be seen that he has a good plan, but he doesn't know if there is a solution to the current situation?"

Feng Yong glanced at Guan Ji secretly: As expected of my own wife, I know what I want to ask.

Since Cao Zhen didn't intend to attack Xiaoguan at first, nor did he use An Ding as a bait to lure himself into the trap, then the most likely reason is:

Cao Zhen probably adopted the method Shi Bao had told him that day, using part of his troops to hold Hanzhong, and then attacking Longyou with a large army.

In Shi Bao's plan, Qian County is the most suitable location to launch an attack.

Therefore, there is the most reasonable explanation for Cao Zhen leading the army from Qian County.

When everyone heard about Shi Bao's strategy that day, they all felt a sense of enlightenment.

At the same time, the gaze towards Shi Bao finally brought a hint of admiration.

Shi Bao, on the other hand, gave General Guan a grateful glance, and then lowered his head to look at the sand table seriously.

It's just that he is not very familiar with the sand table, and he searched for a long time on it, but he still couldn't find what he wanted, and then his forehead started to sweat again.

"What is Staff Officer Shi looking for?"

"Qian County."

Holding a long whip, Guan Ji tapped a spot on the sand table.

"Also, there is Xiaoguan, Wushi City."

Shi Bao said with some embarrassment.

After Guan Ji pointed it out to him again, Shi Bao finally showed a smile on his face. He pointed to Wushi City and said:

"Your Majesty does not know that there is a mountain in Wushi City, named Longchi Mountain. From there, there is a small road leading directly to the middle road. Cao Zhen's army is gathered under Xiaoguan City, and there must be a lot of food and grass in the rear."

"If the prince and lord hold Cao Zhen with a large army, and then send another team of elite soldiers to start from this trail and cut off his food and grass, even if he cannot defeat Cao Zhen, he will be able to force him to retreat."

Hearing Shi Bao's words, Feng Yong's eyes widened all of a sudden: Do you really have a way?

"There is a small path leading back to the middle path in Longchi Mountain, how did you know?"

Feng Yong couldn't help asking.

There is no better way to plan poison than to run out of food. If what Shi Bao said is true, then this time, Cao Zhen might just want to give himself a wave of heads.

Shi Bao smiled honestly: "Don't dare to lie to the lord, the general has traveled to many places in these years, and heard a lot of rumors."

"Longchi Mountain in Wushi County was actually mentioned in Fang Wang's "Book of Farewell to Kui Xiao", so I went there to pay my respects last year."

It looks very incomprehensible...

Feng Junhou pondered for a long time before asking: "Who is Fang Wang?"

I know this Kaixiao, he was the one who ruled Longyou and Liangzhou when Wang Mang was in chaos.

But this Fangwang... I have never heard of it!

Seeing Feng Yongruo's thoughtful look, Shi Bao thought he was thinking about the feasibility of this plan, but he didn't expect the other party to ask this question.

He almost choked on his saliva, so he had no choice but to explain to Feng Wenblin:

"Your Majesty Lian Fang Wang... Cough, Fang Wang is, uh, when Kai Xiao was promoted as a general, he sent envoys to hire Fang Wang from Pingling as a military adviser."

"Hou Kaixiao wanted to return to the false emperor Liu Xuan (Emperor Gengshi), but Fang Wang thought Liu Xuan didn't know whether he could succeed, so he refused to listen to his persuasion, so he resigned and left. Therefore, there is a book "Resignation Xie Kaixiao Book"."

"There is a saying in the book: Wushi has the mountain of Longchi, with a small path to Nantong, which belongs to the Han Dynasty, and there are strange people nearby. The last general went there, and he also had the intention of visiting strange people."

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