Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 806: Choice

Ju Fu was the most prudent, and he raised a question: "But according to the general, this Cao Zhen came too fast."

"It's only a few days since Junhou laid down An Ding, and he has already appeared under Xiaoguan. What if the false emperor of Wei State ordered Cao Zhen to use An Ding as a bait..."

Guan Ji shook her head: "It is precisely because he came so fast that this explanation is reasonable."

She pointed to Xinping County in the southeast of Anding, "According to what Hu Zun said, after he learned that Yuezhi City was lost, he sent someone to Chang'an for help."

"So Xian Yufu's original intention should be for Linjing, but Linjing surrendered without a fight, so he can only retreat to defend Xinping County."

"Xian Yufu will definitely send someone to notify Cao Zhen when he learns that An Ding has fallen."

When Guan Ji said this, she pointed to Qian County in the south of Xiaoguan, "According to Staff Officer Shi, Cao Zhen was not in Ziwu Valley in the first place, but secretly assembled an army in Qian County."

"So Cao Zhen knew that the time when Anding fell should be four to five days after we entered Linjing."

"For more than ten days, Junhou has been appeasing the officials in Anding, and at the same time, he has to guard against Xian Yufu from Xinping County."

"Cao Zhen took the opportunity to go north from Huizhong Road. Calculating the time, it happened to be right."

Guan Yunchang, as the first commander in chief of Ji Han back then, has his own merits.

Under Guan Laojunhou's precepts and deeds, Guan Ji won the title of Tiger Girl.

She is not good at other places, but she has a unique vision when it comes to military affairs.

After all this stripping and cocooning, every trace fits together.

Now that she is so sure, then as her Alang...Of course he chooses to believe her!

After all the impossibilities have been eliminated, no matter how unreasonable the remaining one is, that is the best explanation.

So Feng Junhou asked Shi Bao with concern:

"Is that mountain trail often visited by people?"

If people often leave, it means that they are well-known, so Cao Zhen is very likely to take precautions in advance.

Shi Bao quickly replied:

"Back to the Lord, Longchi Mountain is the residence of strange people. If people often leave, how can the strange people be willing to live there?"

"That's a good idea." Feng Yong rubbed his chin, "If it's like attacking Anding, our troops will be divided into two groups. General Guan, you lead the army to defend Wuzhi City, and then I will lead people..."


"You can't do it!"

Before Feng Yong could finish speaking, let alone Guan Ji, even Zhang Ni and the others objected in unison.

"Absolutely not!"

Guan Ji stared at Feng Yong with a stern look on her face, "Cao Cao used to judge the way of life, Cao Zhen followed Cao Cao in his early years, how could he not guard against this?"

"Therefore, you can try the sneak attack on Liang Dao, but you must not rely on it."

When capturing An'an, Alang was able to lead troops to Yuezhi City, because he led the cavalry, as well as rangers and barbarians to lead the way.

Even if something happened, the people from the guard camp could run back with him.

But this time is different.

This is to attack Wei Jun's grain road. If it succeeds, Cao Zhen can be forced to retreat, but if it fails, there is a risk of no return.

How could the tiger girl of the Guan family let her husband take risks?

To be honest, no one dared to say that they were fully confident about this battle.

Not to mention Cao Zhen's superior soldiers in the front, and Xian Yufu's army behind An Ding is watching.

However, to stabilize the newly surrendered army, the day to surrender is still short, and the hearts of the people are unstable.

If the situation is stable, it's okay, as long as something goes wrong, it's easy to mutiny again.

The so-called internal and external troubles are nothing more than that.

Although separated by thousands of miles, Zhang Jiawen and Guan Jiawu of Jincheng both had a common point of view:

The army of Xiaowei's Mansion can be left in Anding, but Xiaowenhe must not fall into the hands of thieves.

"Even if you don't do anything, as long as you sit in the position of coach, no matter what happens, the people below will have the backbone."

Guan Ji glared at Feng Yong, "There is a saying in the art of war: use righteousness to win by surprise. Soldiers' risky moves are a last resort. Defeating the enemy with an upright and upright army is the right way."

"Our school's Wei's Mansion has armored cavalry, Mo Dao, heavy crossbow, and elite soldiers that are only seen in the world. When the king calls, Hu Qi will follow."

"Even if you can't retreat from the enemy, you can still protect yourself. When will it be time for the prince to take risks himself? The prince raises soldiers for thousands of days, and the time to use them is the right time."

It was precisely because of having so many elite soldiers at hand that Guan Ji was confident that even if she lost this battle, she would be able to flee back to Longyou with her men.

Feng Junhou was humiliated by his own mother-in-law in front of the generals, and he couldn't hold back at the moment, so he tried to defend himself:

"A confrontation between the two armies, you are enough for the general concerned! Moreover, this battle is of great importance. All the generals in the army must cooperate to form the eight formations and must not leave."

"Only the Dark Night Battalion and the Personal Guard Battalion can all be transferred. If I can't go there, who should let me go?"

Guan Ji didn't bother to pay attention to this man, her eyes swept down, and her eyes fell on a person:

"Huo Shaoxian, do you dare to accept?"

After Huo Yi entered Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion, he was first sent to the Modao Team as a trainee captain, and after he became a regular, he was sent to the Engineering Battalion, Cavalry Battalion, etc. Basically, all the battalions in the Xiaowei's Mansion went around.

When he comes out this time, he will coordinate Hu Qiyi's army and logistics.

Anyway, it is just a brick, and it can be moved wherever it is needed.

There is no way, Huo Yi came out of the palace, so he is naturally a staunch supporter of Mrs. Zhang.

The actual person in charge of the military affairs of Xiaowei's Mansion is Dr. Guan.

Huo Ge wants to have a battalion like Zhao Guang, Zhang Yi and others, unless Feng Yong personally arranges it.

It's just that Guan Ji is in charge of military affairs and Zhang Xingyi is in charge of political affairs. This is a tacit understanding.

It is not easy for Feng Yong to break this balance.

Of course, if he really wants to break it, it's not impossible.

But that is obviously favoring Xiaosi...

The consequences may be more serious, for example, Mrs. Feng's hair will blow up.

Huo Yi also knew his awkward position, but he was not in a hurry because he was still young.

At least compared to most people in the Xinghan Club, he has already started very high.

In addition, the things in the captain's mansion are all knowledge that cannot be learned outside, which just makes him calm down and learn more.

As long as you have experience in the captain's mansion, even if you leave the captain's mansion in the future, you will already have enough qualifications and knowledge.

So at this military meeting, like Shi Bao, he quietly found a corner, ready to listen to the speeches of senior leaders.

Unexpectedly, General Guan actually called his name.

Huo Ge stood up subconsciously, stood at attention and said, "The last general will not disgrace his fate!"

Then I realized something was wrong: I can finally lead an army alone?

As soon as he thought of this, Huo Ge became excited.

Although it was only temporary, it was also leading the army alone!

He never expected that Guan Ji would entrust him with such an important matter.

Huo Ge, as a staunch member of the Han royal family, is also a young man, at the age of passion, so he is naturally unwilling to be lonely.

The revival of the great man is imminent, and the man should make a contribution!

There was no opportunity before, but now that the opportunity has finally come, how can I miss it?

As for whether it is dangerous or not... In the current situation, is it not dangerous to fight head-on with the superior Cao bandit?


Guan Ji looked at Feng Yong, "Your Majesty, I don't know how to arrange the partial teachers sent out more properly?"

Unknowingly, Feng Junhou was taken over by his own mother-in-law to take the lead in the military discussion.

And it seems that this woman is planning to be a mascot herself in the future war.

Then remembering that the handsome sword he gave her has not been taken back, it seems that he will not be able to take it back now.

Thinking of this, Feng Junhou couldn't help but click his tongue:

"The Dark Night Camp is good at sneaking in and attacking. This trip is a good time to use its strengths. In addition to the Second Guards Battalion and the Wudang Battalion, most of the camps are good at walking mountain roads, and some of them can be transferred."

The Dark Night Battalion is a battalion trained by Feng Yong according to the special operations subjects of later generations. It is quite good at sneaking into the rear to attack, kill, set fire, disrupt the rear and wreak havoc.

This time it will definitely be dispatched.

Guan Ji nodded, "Your Majesty's arrangements are very thorough."

Then she looked at Ju Fu: "General Ju, please arrange it then."


Ju Fu hastily cupped his fists and said.

Guan Ji looked at Shi Bao again: "Officer Shi, General Huo led the army to attack Cao's grain road, and I need you to lead the way."


Shi Bao responded quickly.

Guan Ji looked at the rest of the people with sharp eyes:

"This battle is related to the survival of our school's Weifu army, and it is also an important step for the big man to regain Guanzhong. Please work hard together!"

Everyone coaxed to agree.

Only Shi Bao, looking at Feng Junhou who was sitting in the handsome position with some disinterest, was secretly speechless.

He had never seen anything like it.

The generals under his command were able to issue orders over the head coach, and it seemed that others took it for granted.

This is really a miracle!

After discussing everything, Feng Yong, the coach, spoke again:

"Everyone don't need to be too nervous. Although Cao Zhen temporarily cut off our retreat, he also has to face Longyou and our attack."

"At the same time, the prime minister of Hanzhong will definitely find ways to send troops to force Cao Zhen to retreat."

"The most important thing for us now is to grit our teeth and stand up to the pincer attack between Cao Zhen and Xian Yufu. As time goes on, Cao Zhen will definitely be unable to bear it before us."

When the time comes, Xian Yufu will definitely respond to Cao Zhen's actions and attack him from north to south.

And his own strength is already inferior to Cao Zhen, so he must not divide his troops.

Therefore, the south mainly relies on Hu Qiyi to join the army, as well as the newly surrendered Wei army.

Wei Guo Da Sima Cao Zhen personally led the army, and the soldiers approached Xiaoguan, directly cutting off the connection between Anding and Longyou. This news cannot be hidden, and Feng Yong did not intend to hide it.

After the military discussion in Xiaowei's mansion, Feng Yong entered Linjing City and had a secret conversation with Hu Zun, the content of which was unknown to outsiders.

After the conversation, Feng Yong led the army back to the north, preparing to fight Cao Zhenzhen.

Hu Zun, on the other hand, began to take over the defense of Anding South.

The king's flag changed at the top of the city, and the stable situation changed too fast, so fast that some people had no way to react.

Hu Shoujiang, the former guard of Jingyang, had just passed his birthday for a few days, and had to start running around again.

"General, are you calling me?"

Hu Shoujiang's face turned red, and when he opened his mouth, the smell of alcohol gushed out.

Hu Zun, who stood at the top of the city and looked south, frowned slightly: "It's broad daylight, have you been drinking?"

General Hu Shou smiled wryly: "It's all old relationships, so I have to go to the banquet."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Hu Zun's mouth, and he asked sarcastically, "What are they going to do?"

Hu Shoujiang was a little embarrassed: "It's just a reminiscence..."

"What's the old story? Wei Guo's old kindness?"

The contempt on the corner of Hu Zun's mouth receded, no expression could be seen on his face, and he asked in a calm tone.

Hu Shoujiang's face suddenly turned a little pale, and he said: "General, you know, there are some things that I can't help myself..."

Hu Zun sighed softly, "I know, even I, sometimes, can't help myself."

When Hu Shoujiang saw what Hu Zun said, his heart moved, and he asked tentatively:

"General, what do you think will happen this time?"

"Is this what you want to ask? Or is this what they want to ask?"

Hu Zun asked back.

General Hu Shou couldn't speak.

Hu Zun didn't embarrass him, and handed him a piece of paper: "The cells in Linjing are too empty. You send these people to the prison according to this list."

Hu Shoujiang took it with some confusion, and when he saw the name on it, his face finally turned completely white.

Because almost all the people who invited him to drink just now were on it.

There are even some people from the Hu family.

"General, what, what does this mean?"

Hu Shoujiang's hand holding the paper trembled a little. He only felt that this thin piece of paper weighed a thousand catties, which made him almost unable to hold it.

"Just do as I tell you."

Hu Zun didn't explain, "Don't worry, you will understand what you should understand. Also, if someone wants to take the initiative to go in, just lock him in."

Take the initiative to go to jail?

Hu Shoujiang was even more confused.

There are such people in this world?

After talking with Feng Yong, General Xia Houba of Wei State could have limited activities in a small courtyard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this incident came out, he was thrown into prison again.

Then he saw a group of people followed in his footsteps and were escorted into prison by soldiers.

"What does this mean?"

When Xia Houba saw Hu Zun coming in with a food box, he couldn't help asking strangely.

"It's just some people who want to betray Han and return to Wei."

Hu Zun sneered, "Feng Junhou led the army here, and they were willing to submit to the big man on the surface. Now that they heard that the Wei army is powerful, they can't wait to plot to return to the Wei state."

"At this time, it is natural to arrest them first, so as not to cause trouble."

While talking, Hu Zun helped to arrange the food, "General Xiahou, before leaving, Feng Junhou specially told me to take good care of the general."

"It's just that at this moment, the general has to suffer some grievances, please don't blame him."

Xia Houba didn't mind: "It's a good thing that the defeated and captured people didn't lose their lives. Why do you say that you feel wronged?"

Then he looked at Hu Zun: "General Hu had no choice but to surrender Feng Yong that day, but he couldn't help himself. Now that the Great Sima is leading the army, Feng Yong is poor and cannot defend."

"General, why don't you return to the Great Wei and make up for your mistakes. How about a certain willingness to be a guarantor in front of the Great Sima?"

A wry smile appeared on Hu Zun's face, he pointed to himself, and then to the inside of the cell: "General Xiahou, you want me to be like those people?"

"A certain person is also a son of a noble family, and he always wants some face. He surrendered once and was already laughed at by others. If he surrendered and rebelled again, how would the people of the world think of him?"

Xia Houba sighed lightly, knowing that his mind was made up, he stopped persuading him.

"Hearing General Xiahou's words, it seems that he is not optimistic about Feng Junhou's ability to keep the peace?"

Hu Zun asked again.

"No matter how good Feng Yong is at fighting, it's not bad for him to escape back to Longyou with his life."

Xia Houba shook his head, "Just to deal with Da Sima in the north, I'm afraid he's not strong enough, not to mention General Xianyu in the south, he's also a veteran."

He looked at Hu Zun: "General Hu thinks he can hold off General Xianyu for a few days?"

Hu Zun's face was miserable: "No matter how many days, I have decided to stick to it, and I have no hope of surviving."

Linjing is a stable county, with a high city and deep pools. In addition, Hu Qiyi, who was left behind by Feng Junhou, joins the army, so the force is sufficient.

According to common sense, it is not a problem to keep it for a month.

The key is that the surrendered soldiers among the guards are unstable.

So how long he can keep it, Hu Zun has no idea at all.

Speaking of this, Hu Zun waved, and Hu Shoujiang came in from the outside.

"This is a certain clansman. If the city of Linjing is destroyed and the sword has no eyes, and General Xiahou is injured and cannot move, he will protect General Xiahou and go to the Wei army camp."

Xia Hou cupped his hands: "Thank you, General Hu."

Hu Zun waved his hand and pointed to the inside of the cell again: "Some of the people inside are members of a certain clan, so it's impossible for someone to do so ruthlessly."

"In case the city really breaks down, I'm afraid that the Hu family in this city will be doomed, and then I will ask General Xiahou to explain it and let the people in this prison go."

Xia Houba took a deep look at Hu Zun and nodded, "I know."

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