Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 808: First Battle

The weather in October, in Anding near the land beyond the Great Wall, has already started to turn cold.

Especially at night, if you don't wear more clothes, the cold will invade your body.

Fortunately, there is Longshan Mountain to the west of Huizhong Road, which not only blocks the Shu captives in Longyou, but also blocks the cold coming from the west.

But even so, when on duty at night, Wei Jun still quietly raised a fire to keep warm.

Although in the past few years, Guanzhong has tried its best to obtain a lot of wool from Shu captives through various channels.

But the price is too high, and the soldiers at the bottom want to wear such warm clothes, that is just a dream.

The most, the most, that is, those elite soldiers in the army have such qualifications.

And the elite soldiers in the army had already followed Da Sima to Xiao Guan's place, how could they still stay behind to escort the food and grass?

I heard that Feng Yong, the well-known thug of the Shu captives, has been blocked by Da Sima in Anding. I think news of a big victory will come in the next few days.

In addition, the grain and grass were transported from Qian County to Xiaoguan. In the past few years, Qian County had deployed heavy troops to strictly prevent the Shu captives from entering Guanzhong.

Shu captives were able to cross the roads of Longshan, no matter whether it was a road or a small road, they were closely monitored.

So even though Huizhong Road is at the foot of Longshan Mountain, it is considered safe.

Seeing that winter is coming, and the army still has to move, it is really a bit too much torture for the top soldiers at the bottom.

In addition, there were no bandit troops around, and the military marquis and school lieutenants in the army turned a blind eye to some of the actions of the soldiers below, as long as they were not too excessive.

A Wei soldier shrank his neck, walked to the fire in the corner, and kicked another Wei soldier:

"Get up, it's your turn to go over."

Wei Bing, who was dozing off while holding the weapon, was kicked awake.

He yawned, rubbed his eyes, and asked lazily:

"What time is it?"

"It's almost Yin time, isn't it?"

Wei Bing, who came to call for someone, put down his weapon and stretched out his hands to warm the fire. When he found that the fire was almost extinguished, he added another piece of firewood to the fire.

The somewhat cold hands became warm again, making his face show a satisfied expression.

Wei Bing, who was on duty, got up reluctantly and walked to the position on duty.

After leaving the fire, he suddenly felt a little cold.

When people feel cold, they tend to have the urge to urinate.

He looked left and right, quietly walked to a bush, and lifted his robe.

With the sound of pattering water, he closed his eyes comfortably.

Then it seemed to hear an extremely soft human voice: "Cao!"

He was so frightened that he quickly opened his eyes, and just opened his mouth, before he could make a sound, a hand that smelled of urine tightly covered his mouth.

Then he was thrown to the ground.

He struggled "uuuuuuuuuuu" and accidentally licked that hand.

Mmm, a bit salty...

When the hand left his mouth, he could no longer make a sound.

Because the extremely cold dagger just scratched his throat.

His body was then carefully dragged into the grass.

"what happened?"

The captain of the Dark Night Battalion leaned close to the ears of his subordinates, and asked in a mosquito-like voice, "Didn't it mean that this is not Cao's night patrol route?"

"It should be convenient for me to come here temporarily. I thought I was discovered..."

The night hunter, who had just killed one person, suppressed his nausea, wiped his hand on the corpse, and felt unlucky in his heart.

Sneak in and lie down here to be good, but suddenly someone pissed half of his body, it's really unlucky!

So he couldn't help but cursed secretly: "Cao!"

The Dark Night Camp was trained by Feng Junhou himself, so the words and deeds of the people inside more or less bear the shadow of Feng Junhou.

For example, the word Cao, Feng Junhou said, meant to call Cao thief.

The captain of the Dark Night Battalion felt relieved after hearing the explanation from his subordinates: "Let's act!"

At the end of autumn and early winter, the days are short and the nights are long.

Between Chou and Yin, it was just before dawn that the night was darkest, and it was also the time when people slept the deepest.

When Wei Bing, who had gone to call people earlier, sat down, he had already imitated his companion just now, and began to doze off with his weapon in his arms.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, he didn't even bother to turn his head, he just muttered: "Why are you back again? Don't be discovered by the Marquis, or you won't be so lazy in the future..."

The visitor didn't answer, just sat down and put his arms around his shoulders.

The action of his companion finally made him open his eyes, and turned his head impatiently.

Then what I saw was a face like a ghost, gray and green, making people wonder if it was a human or a ghost.

Under this fright, his drowsiness disappeared immediately, and he felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

The opponent's strength was enormous, and the hand holding his shoulder not only prevented him from getting up, but also reached out to cover his mouth.

After a while, the Wei Bing twitched, then lowered his head again, and sat still.

Wei Bing, who was guarding a high place not far away, naturally saw this scene. He watched the person who walked back to the fire approach his companion's ear, as if whispering something, and behaved extremely intimately.

He frowned and said "pooh": "Dirty!"

He thought that when the time came, he would tell the Marquis Jun that not only were these two lazy when they were patrolling the night, but they were still doing such things.

Thinking this way in his heart, he got up and stretched.

An arrow flew from nowhere and pierced through the air, piercing his neck fiercely.

He covered his neck with his hands, widened his eyes, looked at the dark night sky, and fell down unwillingly.

After a while, a flame burst out in a corner of the Wei Jun's temporary camp.

"It's out of water!"

After someone discovered this situation, he hurriedly went to inform his superiors.

"Those guys must be burning a fire at night to keep warm, and accidentally caught fire!"

The captain was extremely annoyed, and cursed, "From tomorrow night onwards, no one is allowed to light a fire without permission!"

Curse it, but he didn't have much worry in his heart. He immediately sent people over to organize the fire fighting.

Unexpectedly, the fire at the other end was not extinguished, and another soldier ran over to report the fire at the other end.

"Why are you so careless..."

Before the captain finished speaking, he already felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, people ran to the generals of the Wei army one after another, all saying that there was water leakage.

"Xiao Zuo! Xi Zuo has sneaked in, come here, pass on the order, unless you receive a military order, otherwise the battalions are not allowed to move rashly!"

The generals of the Wei army were able to take on the heavy responsibility of transporting grain, so they were naturally not randomly assigned, and they responded quickly.

Camp riots at night are prone to camp whistles.

Although the soldiers in the army are not before or after the war, their emotions are still stable, so there should be no need to worry too much.

But prevention is still necessary.

It's just that this kind of practice is fine for ordinary detailed work.

What he didn't know was that this time he was facing professional arsonists.

Feng Yong sent this team out this time, and he came here for food and grass.

So he divided some of the tung oil in the engineering camp and asked Huo Yi to take as much as he could.

After all, to play with fire, of course, it would be better to add fuel to the fire.

Taking water to put out a fire started by oil will only fuel the fire.

So Wei Jun discovered that the fire became more and more prosperous as it was rescued.

When it was about to dawn, the flames in the camp burst into the sky.

When the shouts of killing sounded outside, the general of the Wei army who was burned to death by the fire in the camp couldn't help crying secretly:

This camp is in chaos, and there are thieves outside taking the opportunity to attack the camp, I'm afraid the people who come here are not good!

Huo Yi outside naturally didn't really want to attack the camp. After all, he came out this time with a light army, and he also had the important task of harassing Cao's food road.

How can it be easy to waste troops?

He did this to meet the Dark Night Camp in the camp.

The soldiers of the Wudang camp set up their longbows and began to throw rockets at the Wei army camp.

There was Wei Jun who wanted to rush out, but was persuaded to retreat by a wave of arrows from the Wudang camp, which had been prepared for a long time.

When it was daylight, the enemies outside the camp finally retreated.

General Wei Jun was able to fight the fire with all his strength, but after the fire in the camp was extinguished, when he counted the losses, it made him want to cry without tears.

Not many soldiers were killed or wounded by the bandits, but quite a few of their own families trampled on each other.

Most importantly, most of the grain and grass were burned.

Looking at the piles of grain and grass that were still smoking and emitting a pungent stench of oil, General Wei Jun's face was pale.

Cao Zhen under Xiaoguan naturally didn't know that a batch of grain and grass in his army had been burned halfway.

At this time, he looked at the camp of the Shu captives opposite, and frowned.

This thief Feng really has a way of leading the army.

I thought he came from a long journey in a hurry, the soldiers must be exhausted.

Unexpectedly, it took only half a day and one night to build such a camp.

Not only that, but simple antlers were even placed in front of the camp, and a trench that was not too shallow was dug.

Just when he thought Feng Zei would follow the village and keep watch, he suddenly saw the gate of the village was opened.

Team after team of Shu captives came out, relying on the camp, and began to arrange the army formation.

"That Feng thief is really brave. He dared to directly confront Da Sima if he didn't defend his stronghold!"

The generals of the Wei army thought they were going to attack the camp, but they didn't expect that the other party would dare to come out.

"This camp seems to be fine, but it was built hastily, and I think it's not very strong. Bandit Feng knows this, so instead of waiting for us to break the camp, it's better to fight to the death!"

Guo Huai clasped his fists and said, "Grand Sima, the last general is willing to help the vanguard and break the bandits!"

"Did I let the governor be the vanguard to test the thieves?" Cao Zhen shook his head, "And when I look at the Shu captives, their morale is not weak."

"Our army is so powerful, it's better to slowly encircle it and attack it in turn. The Shu captives are already exhausted because they are in a hurry, and there are few soldiers. At that time, the parties will not be able to respond in time, and the camp will collapse by itself."

Although Feng Yong has been belittled repeatedly, how could Cao Zhen have no vision after leading the army for many years?

The opponent's armor is bright, the army formation is strict, and the advance and retreat are orderly. The expected low morale did not appear at all.

In addition, in the past few years, Feng Zei's reputation for being good at fighting has spread throughout Guanzhong, so Cao Zhen will not be careless.

Anyway, I have a superior force in my hand, and the terrain is flat and wide, which is just right for deploying a large army.

Once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.

A battle with thousands of people and a battle with tens of thousands of people are two different concepts.

Because in this era, no matter how high a commander's command is, he can only command what his eyes can see clearly.

If there are five or six thousand people, then the peak has been reached.

The rest can only be handed over to the generals under him for free play.

Tens of thousands of people from both sides are facing each other on the vast land. The coach can only arrange tactics before the battle, and deploy different forces in different directions.

The offensive team will constantly try from all directions in order to find the weak link of the defensive team.

In actual combat, the coach can only dispatch troops based on the situation reported by the generals below.

As for what will happen under his hands, the coach can't control it at any time.

This is why it is said that a thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is rare.

When it's time for the coach to go into battle, it's basically because the battle is too tragic, or it's already at the last moment.

"It seems that the number of Cao thieves should be more than 50,000."

At the highest point of the camp, Guan Ji in military uniform held up her binoculars, watching the Wei army on the opposite side begin to slowly mobilize, constantly deploying troops to the two wings of her side.

She calculated silently in her heart, and said.

Cao Bandit's current strength has reached at least 30,000 to 40,000.

According to the usual practice, the first day of this kind of battle is for both sides to set up their military formations and test the opponent's strength in all directions.

So it is impossible to suppress all the troops from the beginning.

Feng Junhou was standing behind Guan Ji, all his attention was on the armor on her body.

This is a fine armor specially made for Guan Ji by Hanyang County Manufacturing Bureau. Of course, some Feng Junhou's ideas are also mixed in it.

Under the shining of the sun, Guan Ji, blessed with armor, is like a Valkyrie.

"If Cao Zhen wants to attack Longyou with 50,000 elite troops, he must mobilize at least 100,000 troops."

After hearing Guan Ji's words, Feng Yong opened his mouth and responded slowly.

The officers and soldiers of the school captain's mansion said that they were ahead of an era, which is too exaggerated, but it is only natural to say that they are a century ahead.

Logistics alone is enough to crush any army of any era.

Not to mention the high level of organization at the grassroots level in the army, as well as the most basic qualities of soldiers.

The Colonel's Mansion said that there were 20,000 elite soldiers, but according to the standards of this era, it was perfectly normal for 20,000 elite soldiers to organize 100,000 troops.

But is that necessary?

It is not necessary at all.

Knowing that Cao Zhen wanted to use superior forces to crush him on the flat ground, Feng Yong dared to come here because he had confidence:

Even if I can't beat you, don't try to eat me in one bite.

Otherwise, based on Feng Tubie's temperament, he would have led the army to the desert long ago.

Anyway, there are Hu Qi in my army, so I'm afraid of a hair?

The big deal is to spend a year and a half in the desert.

And with Guan Ji by my side, I won't be too lonely on the way...

The two were talking, only to see that Wei Jun had already started to attack in the southeast corner.

Guan Ji shouted loudly: "Xun Wei! Du Men!"

At the same time, he picked up the small flag on the table in front of him and waved it a few times.

The coach's drum soon sounded, and at the same time, there were messengers running to the southeast on horseback.

After receiving the commander's order, there was no movement on the outermost layer of the Han army in the southeast corner, but the inside had already turned around. At the same time, a reserve battalion from the commander's camp entered the southeast corner to respond.

The attempted attack of the Wei army's two thousand infantry quickly disappeared into the southeast corner of the Han army's formation.

This made Cao Zhen frowned again: Why do I think this Shu captive is a bit weird?

Could it be that that is where the Shu captives deployed heavy troops?

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