Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 809: Stalemate

"Let the arrow!"


On the way of the Wei army rushing towards the Han army, the rain of arrows covered them like locusts flying.

Those Wei Jun who were sent out to test the Han army's camp screamed, blood burst out of their bodies, and fell to the ground.

Many of them only wore cloth armor.

The long arrows thrown down from mid-air directly penetrated their bodies.

The fresh blood permeated the clothes, dripping drop after drop to the ground, moistening the land.

I don't know how many plants and trees will grow luxuriantly because of their flesh and blood in the spring of next year?

After the rain of arrows, the Wei army finally rushed to the front of the Han army.

What greeted them was a line of rejected horses.

Wei Jun shouted, holding a spear, hook gun, etc., trying to push and pull these sharp objects away.

It's just that the Han army behind the horse refused to let them get what they wanted.

I saw long spears poking out like a forest from the gap between the horses, and many Wei soldiers fell to the ground one after another, unable to dodge in time.

"Up the shield!"

Wei Junxiao's eyes were red, and he shouted loudly.

Soon Wei Jun ran over with a big shield.


The horse is crumbling.

"Come again!"

Although Feng Yong has an engineering battalion specializing in civil engineering, after all, it only takes half a day and one night. Being able to build such a camp is considered a miracle.

This kind of refusal can only be regarded as a temporary and hastily made, not very solid.

After Wei Jun suffered a group of casualties, after repeated collisions, he finally smashed the Juma to pieces.

"Come on!"

Seeing that a gap was finally opened, Colonel Wei Jun was overjoyed, raised his knife and shouted, and took the lead in rushing in.

A long arrow shot straight through his throat.

Colonel Wei Jun, who was still alive and kicking just now, suddenly lost his eyesight.

A hundred steps away, in the formation of the Han army, a general of the Han army wearing a hideous ghost mask was putting down the longbow in his hand, and muttered:

"You are the only one who is happy!"

The lieutenant suddenly fell to the ground. Wei Jun's most successful charge today was a failure, and he was pushed back by the Han army again, forcing him out of the camp.

When Cao Zhen, who was in the main account, received the news, he had a smile on his face.

According to his thinking, he has enough troops on his side to test the Shulu army formation, and under his repeated attacks, he can always test out the weaknesses of the Shulu army formation.

However, judging from the feedback from the bottom, the formation of the Shu army is really weird.

No matter where you attack from, you will encounter exactly the same resistance.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

One is that Feng thief can know in advance where he will attack from.

If Feng thief only has two or three thousand people in his hands at this time, it is still possible.

But from the current point of view, there should be nearly 20,000 Shu captives.

With such a large army formation, he couldn't even see his own army formation.

How could it be possible to see where he would attack in advance?

So there is only one possibility left.

That means his formation is a circular formation.

The circular formation is a defensive formation, which looks difficult to break, but is actually the most cumbersome.

Just like a tortoise, it can only be beaten passively, but it has no way to attack.

Once broken through, there is no chance of escape.

Thinking of this, Cao Zhen laughed loudly, and finally ordered:

"Mingjin withdraws troops."

Although many soldiers were killed or injured today, it was worth it.

On the second day, watching Wei Jun's attack resumed, Guan Ji suddenly said:

"Cao Zhen is going to mobilize the cavalry."

"A sudden ride?"

Feng Yong touched his bosom subconsciously, and then remembered that the treasure worth half a million coins was in Guan Ji's hands, so he had no choice but to stretch his neck and look across.

I saw that the crowd on the opposite side was still as crowded as yesterday, densely packed, black and oppressive, boundless, with no end in sight.

Apart from this, nothing else can be seen.

So Feng Junhou glanced at his mother-in-law: You let me take a look!

Unexpectedly, Guan Ji didn't even look at him.

He didn't notice Feng Junhou's eager expression of wanting to see at all.

Thinking of the telescope hacked by the old demon Zhuge, Feng Junhou felt even more depressed.

Guan Ji held up the binoculars and looked at her two wings, but found no sign of Wei Jun charging into the battle.

This made her a little strange.

"It's indeed a sudden cavalry. Cao Zhen seems to be directing the sudden cavalry to charge forward."

"He's crazy?"

It is not impossible to directly let the cavalry attack the front, but that is on the premise of using pawns to consume the enemy, and then look for opportunities to tear the enemy's openings.

Yesterday was the trial formation. Logically, today should be a formal contest between the infantry of the two sides in a certain direction of the formation.

This kind of contest, to put it bluntly, is a war of attrition.

What is fighting is the strength of the two sides, as well as the will of the soldiers.

Because of this consumption, it is often not just a day.

It lasts for two or three days, three or four days.

A long time, even a month.

Like the Battle of Hanzhong that year, it lasted for two full years.

Therefore, in such a battlefield where both sides have tens of thousands of armies, the cavalry was invested from the beginning.

Either one side has already grasped the initiative on the battlefield, or they are just stupid, easily wasting the most precious combat power on the battlefield.

Cao Zhen is not a tough guy, at least he doesn't appear to be.

The sudden cavalry did not go into battle immediately, and the first to come up were still consumable pawns.

Wave after wave of Wei troops rushed up, filled the trenches dug again by the engineering battalion at night, and pushed away the last antlers in front of the formation.

Finally, there was more and more billowing yellow dust rising from the far end, until finally it covered the sun with clouds.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes gradually became clearer, and the drumbeats like a storm quickly magnified in the hearing and vision of the Han army.

Guan Ji's expression finally turned serious.

"Let the arrow!"

Although the sudden cavalry was shot down by two waves of arrow rain, the rest continued to charge forward without any delay.

"Raise the gun!"

Tall spears were raised like a forest.


Facing this forest of spears, the Wei Army cavalry gritted their teeth, lowered their bodies, and clenched the halberds or spears in their hands.

The two sides collided violently, arousing a blood-red sound.

The sudden cavalry carried a huge impact, and they had halberds and spears in their hands, although the row in front died tragically under the spears.

But the spears of the Han army also broke.

The development of Modaoying has gone through a lot of actual combat, and it has been improved a lot compared to the beginning.

Long spear team, ring knife team, etc., all have configurations.

The first attack of Wei Jun's sudden cavalry was consumed by the Long Spears before the Modao team came on the field.

The Hu cavalry in the Han army camp quickly spread out, swimming around and from both sides, chasing the Wei army cavalry who wanted to escape from time to time.

But soon, Wei Jun's second wave of sudden cavalry rushed up.

The intensity of the match on the second day far exceeded Guan Ji's expectation.

This made her involuntarily clenched the binoculars in her hand.

Fortunately, there are such treasures as A Lang, otherwise Cao Zhen would be caught off guard today.

Guan Ji was rejoicing, but Cao Zhen became irritable.

For a whole day, he mobilized a large number of troops and concentrated on the same position of the Shu captives to continuously attack.

Several times, it was clear that the front camp of the Shu captives could be disrupted, but for some reason, the soldiers who rushed into the formation were finally driven out again and again.

This feeling is like seeing victory in front of you, just a little bit, just a little bit.

But this point is always slipping out, which really makes people extremely depressed.

At night, Cao Zhen couldn't sleep, so he went out to inspect the camp.

However, although the morale of the soldiers is not diminished, compared with the previous few days, the victorious spirit is gone.

It can be seen that today's casualties still affected the soldiers somewhat after all.

"Big Sima, why don't I wait for tomorrow and take a full day's rest before fighting again?"

Guo Huai suggested.


Cao Zhen flatly refused, "The morale of our army is not bad now. Thinking of Bandit Feng, who came from a long distance and fought fiercely for two days, he must be much more exhausted than us."

"Let this group of soldiers go down tomorrow, and then transfer the battalion behind to come up and charge again."

The match on the third day was still exactly the same as the second day.

Seeing that the army formation of the Shu captives on the opposite side was almost about to be broken, victory was just around the corner.

But the soldiers who rushed in were driven back again and again.

The army formation set up by Feng thief is like a huge wheel, which is constantly turning, throwing out everything that wants to join it.

Obviously always break through again and again, but always can't see the final breakthrough.

No matter which direction he chooses, the Shu captives always seem to be well prepared and always wait there ahead of him.

This gave him a sense of restraint.

So Cao Zhen became a little irritable: Could it be that there are secret operations of Shu captives in our army?

But it shouldn't be, even if there are special workers, it is impossible for every battalion to send special workers, right? !

The reason why he chose to raid Longyou in October was naturally after consideration.

Because it must have snowed in Longyou in November.

As long as he can enter Longyou, it doesn't matter whether he can defeat the Shu captives in Longyou.

The important thing is to be able to establish a foothold in Longyou.

Only at the end of October or November, when it snowed in Longyou, the Shu captives in Hanzhong could not send a large army to reinforce Longyou.

The two sides can only have a truce, and wait until the spring of the next year when the snow melts and then fight again.

Then Da Wei can take advantage of the truce, strengthen his defenses, and gain a firm foothold in Longyou again.

Unexpectedly, Feng thief on the opposite side was even faster than himself, and directly attacked An Ning.

Thinking of this, Cao Zhen couldn't help scolding: Xia Houba and Hu Zun are two idiots!

One was captured alive, the other surrendered to the city, and Anding was occupied by Feng thief as quickly as possible, which completely disrupted his plan.

Because I can go north to Xiaoguan along the Jiazhong Road, cutting off Feng thief's retreat.

Then in the same way, if he doesn't care about Feng Zei who has already occupied An Ding, but directly enters Longyou from Qian County, then Feng Thief will definitely go south along the Huizhong Road and threaten Qian County.

At that time, your own back road will be in danger.

Now he led the army northward, blocked Feng's thief's return, and forced him to come, thinking that he could break it in one fell swoop, but unexpectedly it turned into a stalemate.

If Feng thief is not destroyed, Xiaoguan will be difficult to get off.

When Cao Zhen thought of this, he couldn't help being very angry.

So he organized his elite soldiers into ten teams, and took turns to attack the camp of the Shu captives every day.

This is not the only thing that makes Cao Zhen irritated.

Because a batch of grain and grass that should have been delivered from Qian County was not delivered on time.

This time he led the army in a hurry from Qian County, and he didn't bring much food and grass.

In addition, Qian County has a heavy army and a lot of food and grass, which can be sent up in batches, so there is no need to worry too much.

But if the food and grass are not delivered on time, it is a felony at this time.

"The last general is guilty, Da Sima, this time in the middle way, a group of thieves appeared out of nowhere to harass the food road."

"The batch of grain and grass that the last general was responsible for transporting was attacked at night, and almost all of them were burned."

The general of the Wei army who was in charge of transporting food was pitch-black all over his body, and he didn't even wipe off the black ash on his face. He cried to Cao Zhen with tears in his eyes.

Cao Zhen, who was waiting to lead the army to fight Feng thief again, looked at this guy who rushed over overnight, and felt that a burst of anger was about to burst out of his chest.

"Where did the thief come from back to the middle?"

Cao Zhen asked sharply, holding down the hilt of the sword with his right hand, almost unable to restrain his urge, and cut off the man's head directly.

"The last general doesn't know either. I only know that this group of thieves are extremely capable, beyond the reach of ordinary thieves. Strong bows and crossbows, long arrows and heavy arrows, extremely powerful, I am afraid they have a long history."

Cao Zhen was already extremely annoyed, but when he heard the words "long arrows and heavy arrows", his heart suddenly jumped.

In the past few days...there are a group of thieves on the opposite side of Shu, are they using long arrows and heavy arrows?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked to bring up the two arrows.

These two arrows, one for the bow and the other for the crossbow, both came from Feng's army.

In the past few days, once the cavalry and infantry in the army were hit by such arrows, they would all pass through their armor. Only armored soldiers in the army could stop them.

Its format is different from ordinary arrows.

The food transport officer looked at it, and quickly shouted: "Yes, yes! It's the arrow!"

"That thief is not only good at sneak attacks, but also came prepared. He even brought oil, which can make rockets..."

Oil? Rocket?

Cao Zhen thought of all the rumors about the Battle of Longyou, he gritted his teeth, and finally squeezed out two words: "Tie Feng!"

He finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, drew out his sword, and slashed out, the cold air swept across the food transport officer's hair, making him shiver in fright, and quickly lay down: "Great Sima, please forgive me!"

"Come here, send the order down, let the soldiers have a full meal tomorrow, and raise the army to attack the camp!"

Although I don't know how Feng thief sent people to Hui Zhongdao, Cao Zhen understands a consequence.

If this batch of grain and grass can be burned today, then the next batch of grain and grass may also be burned tomorrow.

The longer I procrastinate here, the greater the pressure on the army's food supply.

Knowing that Feng thief has a partial teacher who is threatening his food path, Cao Zhen has only one thought now, and that is to defeat Feng thief as soon as possible and capture Xiaoguan.

Then regroup the army and consolidate the Guanzhong defense line.

As for whether he can cross Longshan Mountain in the end, it all depends on God's will.

"Is Cao Zhen crazy?"

Even Feng Junhou, the mascot of the army, could notice that Wei Jun's charge was different from the previous few days.

In the past, they chose the central focus to break through, but now they are overwhelming the entire army and charging in an all-round way.

This is clearly to fight a bad battle and use the number of people to drag down their side alive.

If he fights like this, even if he can defeat himself, he probably won't have the strength to cross Longshan Mountain.

Because of this style of play, it takes a lot of time just to rest after the battle.

Guan Ji also frowned, and after a while, she slowly let out a breath:

"Ah Lang, it's time to get Erlang's armored cavalry ready to attack."

"Is it a costume?"

Guan Ji nodded: "Armor mounts!"

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