Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 811 Armor Riding Equipment

"Your Majesty, there are too many bandits, you can't kill them, and you can't hold them back!"

The bloody messenger ran over and brought back bad news to Feng Yong.

Feng Yong looked at Guan Ji.

There was no emotion on Guan Ji's face, and she said lightly: "It's right if you can't stand it. If you can't stand it, it means that Cao Zhen didn't use up his strength. If he doesn't use up his strength, how can we have a chance?"

Feng Junhou quickly asked: "Then what should we do now?"

"Ming Jin withdraws troops, let the soldiers retreat back to defend the stronghold."

After hearing this, Feng Yong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly ordered: "Ming Jin!"

Cao Zhen rushed into the formation like crazy, not to mention the soldiers at the front, even Feng Yong in the rear was a little terrified.

It can be said that he didn't understand the soldiers he brought out with his own hands.

It is well deserved to say that they are rare elite soldiers in this era.

But no matter how elite soldiers are, there are limits.

Fearing that the back road would be cut off, he led the army and ran all the way back to Wuzhi from Linjing.

After only a day's rest, he hurried all the way to Xiaoguan, and then immediately fought hard for many days with the Wei army who had the numerical advantage.

In this case, even Iron Man will be worn out.

Faced with Wei Jun's crazy attack today, it is extremely rare for them to report that the front can't stand it until now.

After all, Wei Jun has an advantage in numbers and can take turns to fight, but he doesn't have this treatment on his side.

The sound of the sound of retreating troops sounded, and the soldiers of the Han army at the forefront heard the sound of heaven.


The leading lieutenant roared and pointed out two song directors: "You lead the others!"

"Don't panic, hold on! Hold on for a while, and you can retreat!"

Retiring troops is a kind of operation that extremely tests the quality of the army.

It is not a herd to retreat, but to cover alternately and retreat gradually.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause a big rout.

Especially for those troops that are not well organized, they can't easily retreat, otherwise they will turn around and run away on the spot as soon as the bell sounds.

It is very likely that they will not be defeated by the enemy, but will be dispersed by their own family members instead.

This will not happen to the elite soldiers of the Captain's Mansion.

In other words, there are almost no enemies in the world today that can make the soldiers of the Colonel's Mansion flee while still fighting.

Grass-roots literacy officers who have initially possessed a sense of ownership are its greatest guarantee.

The first to retreat as a cover was basically the battalion with Nanxiang soldiers as the main force.

Although the front battalion had become somewhat disorganized under the desperate impact of the Wei army, under the effective organization, the Han army still tried its best to ensure an orderly retreat.

"Great Sima, the Shu captives are defeated, defeated!"

Hearing the news from the front, Cao Zhen was ecstatic, and laughed loudly: "Feng thief, no matter how powerful you are, can you still conjure up some tricks?"

He remembered that his plan was to communicate with Liangzhou first, and make preparations to take down Longyou.

Later, he only wanted to take down Xiaoguan, and consolidate Guanzhong.

Now the only thing left is to break this evil thief, so as to vent the evil spirit in my heart!

At this point, Cao Zhen was first happy, then sad, and then hated!

For those who are happy, it is Feng thief who will break.

What is sad is that the plan that I and His Majesty had planned for a long time was shattered by the villain.

The countless money and food invested, countless painstaking efforts, were gone in one day.

More importantly, all the things arranged by the Great Wei in Liangzhou, Longyou, would probably be exposed in front of the Shu captives.

"This thief is immortal, he should be my great enemy after the Great Wei Dynasty!"

Cao Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "Come here, send an order to let the front army retreat and rest, and the rear army presses up and prepares to attack the stronghold."

He has been at loggerheads with the opponent these days, and he knows how difficult the opponent is.

Now it was hard to force them to retreat, and it was a good time to pursue them while the morale of the army was booming.

Otherwise, when the opponent recovers, I'm afraid there will be another bad battle.

"Cao is really in a hurry."

Guan Ji watched Wei Jun's rear army come up and prepare to attack the stronghold, as if she didn't give herself a little time to breathe, so she said this.

Although she was forced to withdraw the army back to the village by Wei Jun's crazy attack, she still looked calm.

The heavy casualties ahead did not seem to affect her in the slightest.

"He has to be in a hurry!"

Although I am a mascot, Feng Junhou said that I am not a tool person, and I am also thoughtful.

"We've been entangled with him here for so long, not to mention Longyou, even Hanzhong, I'm afraid they have already reacted."

"The longer he stays here, the less hope of breaking through Xiaoguan. If the reinforcements from Longyou and Hanzhong arrive at Xiaoguan, he hasn't decided the victory with us yet."

"Don't say it's Xiao Guan, I'm afraid he won't even be able to keep his stability..."

Guan Ji finally looked back at Feng Junhou, and smiled softly:

"It's as if he can keep his stability now!"

After saying this, she shouted, "Where is Zhao Guang?"

Zhao Guang, who had been waiting for the military order under the commander's platform, was scratching his head all the time, neither sitting nor standing.

The urgent battle situation ahead was reported again and again, but my sister just didn't call him by name, which made him like an ant on a hot pot.

If it wasn't for his sister's strict command of the army, which made him feel awe, I'm afraid he would have gone forward to ask.

At this time, he finally heard his elder sister order his general, he jumped up all of a sudden, and said loudly:

"Zhao Guang is here!"

"You come up first."

Zhao Guang hurriedly ran up to the handsome stage.

Guan Ji handed him the telescope, and pointed him in a direction:

"Did you see that big flag? Among Cao's bandit army, this flag is the tallest. It must be where Cao Zhen's handsome camp is."

Zhao Guang looked in the direction Guan Ji was pointing at, with excitement on his face, he nodded repeatedly and said, "I see."

"Thieves Cao is now at the time when the front and rear armies are alternating, and our army is retreating to the camp. They must not have thought that we would counterattack."

With a calm face, Guan Ji said slowly: "Your task is to charge forward from this direction, to open a path, don't look back, and don't spare the horse."

"It doesn't matter where you rush, if you can rush through Cao's army formation, that's the best!"

Three thousand armored cavalry broke through the 100,000 Cao bandit army? !

After hearing this, Zhao Guang felt that his soul was burning.

Let's have fun, that's to lead Jiaqi to have fun in Cao's bandit camp!

Thinking about it, Zhao Guang was already trembling with excitement.

"The last general will not disgrace his life! If you don't destroy the bandit camp, you will never return to the army!"

On the other hand, Feng Junhou, who was standing next to him, didn't like hearing this, so he gave a "tsk", and just wanted to say "If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood".

How could Guan Ji, as his pillow person, not know what he was thinking?

Immediately, the phoenix eyes just stared over, staring Feng Junhou's words back into his stomach.

"If you can really break through the enemy's camp and penetrate the enemy's formation, after this battle, you will fight with General Zhao in the battle of Banpo."

Guan Ji suppressed Feng Junhou with one hand, and at the same time exerted fanaticism on Zhao Guang, who was already passionate.

Don't look at Zhao Guang, who was beaten up by old general Zhao since he was a child, but he is really a fan of his own adults in his heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to imitate General Zhao's appearance when he was young, with a white horse and silver spear and a suit of flamboyant silver armor.

At this time, when he heard Guan Ji's words, his eyes were already congested, his nostrils expanded rapidly, and he wheezed like a cow.

"General, let's just watch the performance of the last general!"

Zhao Guang clasped his fists heavily, turned around and got off the stage.

In the deepest part of the Han army camp, three thousand armored cavalry are armoring themselves and their horses with the help of their followers.

The so-called armored cavalry refers to people wearing armor, while horses don't wear armor or only wear light leather armor to cover their vital points.

The so-called outfit refers to horse armor.

Even in Yuezhi City, Feng Yong only dispatched the armored cavalry instead of the harness.

Because this thing is too expensive too expensive.

So expensive that even Feng Junhou, who is rich and powerful, has barely raised three thousand horses so far.

The vast amount of money and food is just the foundation.

There must also be qualified tall horses and enough refined iron.

As for the knights, they are the easiest. After all, it is common practice for big men to raise horses, and with Feng Yong's scientific training, soldiers are not a problem.

Thanks to Emperor Xiaowu, it was he who improved the horse breeds of the Dahan. In addition, the Dahan has become popular in raising horses, and the horses are not as degraded as the later generations.

Coupled with Liangzhou Dama, it is famous all over the world.

So Feng Yong used it for three years, raised it himself, tried to find a way to buy it from Liangzhou at a high price, and collected it all over Longyou, and finally got together this few war horses.

Coupled with the development of Nanxiang iron smelting technology, Huang Yueying's improvement of iron smelting tools, and the master Pu Yuan personally supervised the manufacture.

The output and quality of refined iron have been improved, which allowed Feng Yong to form the three thousand heavy cavalry.

The above conditions are indispensable.

It can be said that without the foundation laid by Feng Yong over the years, there would be no such three thousand armor riding equipment.

Nominally, there are 3,000 people, but in fact, the rangers and Hu riders on weekdays are their followers.

In this official battle, all rangers and Hu cavalry in the army must help them put on armor first, and then follow them into battle.

The unusually quiet place in the Shulu camp made Guo Huai slightly uneasy.

Taking advantage of the gap between the front and rear armies, he found Cao Zhen:

"Great Sima, this Shu captive is an elite soldier, and he is also the traitor Feng. He is full of tricks, vicious and cunning. At the end of the day, the general will observe that when he retreats, it is orderly and undisturbed, not a rout."

"Now that they are suddenly huddled in the camp, I'm afraid there may be some tricks, so it's better to be more careful. It's better to let people test it first, and make arrangements before attacking the camp."

Cao Zhen had already been blinded by hatred at this time, and all he wanted was to catch Feng Wen and that animal, whip him a hundred times, and then peel them and cramp them and dry them in the sun.

Where are you still thinking about waiting?

"My Ren Feng Wenhe has all sorts of tricks, is it possible that he can still break my army?!"

Wasn't he great a few days ago?

That's because I still want to spare my strength to capture Xiaoguan.

Now when he exerted his full strength, wouldn't he have to obediently retreat?

It's just that in this battle, I used mental calculations without intention, and at the same time had a huge advantage in troops, but in the end I fought like this. Even if I won, it would be disgraceful.

Thinking of all the failed calculations, Cao Zhenxin's anger was even higher.

The most important thing is that Feng thief has delayed himself too much time, I am afraid that the reinforcements from the Shu captives will soon arrive.

It is estimated that after this battle, the best time to capture Xiaoguan has been lost.

If you don't take advantage of the victory to attack the camp at this time, if you really want to let Feng thief run away, how can you face your majesty?

Thinking of this, Cao Zhen stared at Guo Huai with blood-red eyes: "General Guo, didn't you say at the beginning that you wanted to be a vanguard to defeat thieves? This time I will follow your wish!"

Guo Huai trembled subconsciously when he heard this!

If he said that because he didn't know Feng Zezhirui before, then these days, he has finally realized the difficulty of the other party.

Guo Huai, who had been commanding the battle on the front line, could tell that the retreat of the Shu captives to the camp was by no means a defeat, but an orderly retreat.

It is probably impossible to say that the other party is playing some kind of trick, because he can see that the Shu captives really can't stand it.

But if it is said that the other party wants to stand guard and delay time, that is very possible.

What he was worried about was that if Thief Feng really wanted to procrastinate for time, then he would definitely make arrangements in the camp.

The first batch of soldiers who went up to attack the camp might not be able to please them.

It's just that at this time, he couldn't swallow back what he said before, so he had to force himself to respond: "How dare the last general disobey his orders?"

At the same time, I thought to myself: If you can't please, you can't please, as long as Feng thief can be defeated, it can be regarded as eliminating a great harm for Wei.

Thinking this way, I went down to arrange the camp preparations without mentioning it.

As a general of the Wei Army, Guo Huai had his own merits, and instinctively felt that something was wrong, but the soldiers of the Wei Army under him didn't think there was anything wrong.

Seeing that the Shu captive was forced to retreat to the camp, most of the soldiers were very excited. After many days of hard work, the capture of the thief was just around the corner.

But before they started attacking the city, the gate of the opposite camp suddenly opened wide, and even a large piece of the wall fell down.

This sudden change surprised many Wei soldiers.

"Could it be... the Shu captives are planning to surrender?"

Someone said subconsciously.

As soon as the words fell, there was a faint vibration on the ground.

"what is that?"

Those with sharp eyes saw a row of red iron walls appearing on the opposite side, and they were still red iron walls that would move forward.

As the red iron wall approached rapidly, the vibration of the ground became more and more obvious.

The hooves are like thunder!

The heavy cavalry, both man and horse, were wrapped in red armor, holding long cavalry-specific spears, rushing towards them like a red torrent.

Before Wei Jun, who was at the forefront, could figure out what he was facing, his body was knocked away like a piece of paper.

This is... cavalry?

The last thought of many people before they die is: Is this the underworld ghost rider summoned by the ghost king?

Needless to say, the cavalry pawn covered in armor, even his face was covered with an iron mask, only a pair of extremely cold eyes were exposed.

The mounts under them had long and narrow iron shields covering their faces, just like their masters, only their eyes were exposed.

There is an armor made of nail plates on the neck, and the chest and body are tightly protected.

The person and the mount seem to be integrated into one, making it impossible to see what it is.

The Wei army was originally at the time when the front and rear armies were alternating, and coupled with the sudden charge of this unknown monster, no one could stop it, and a big hole was torn open all at once.

"Sudden ride!"

Even though she was prepared in her heart, Guan Ji never expected that the impact of this armored riding gear would be so powerful!

Wherever the armored riding gear went, the Wei army would collapse at the touch of a touch, just like ointment meeting a red-hot iron.

In the blink of an eye, the heavy cavalry had already broken through the front army of the Wei army, and continued to charge in without slowing down.

Guan Ji almost couldn't react, and immediately shouted: "Hurry up, Tuqi, hurry up!"

The Wei army's former army was in a mess after being ravaged by the heavy cavalry. Before they could recover from the shock, Tuqi, Huqi, and Ranger followed closely.

Long spears, long halberds, long arrows and heavy arrows came down like a torrential rain.

"Don't stop, follow the armored cavalry!"

Guan Ji shouted sharply.

The drums of the Han army became more and more excited.

Zhao Guang, who was rushing at the front, could no longer hear the drums behind him, and now he only kept in mind his sister's order before he set off: that is to rush!

Don't look back, keep galloping forward!

Go as far as you can, and it's best to break Cao's army formation!

The iron hoof knocked countless objects into the air, first infantry, then cavalry, and then camps...

If you can't fly, smash them!

No one can stop this torrent of red iron armor.

Cao Zhen was waiting to order the former army to prepare to attack the camp, only to see some personal guards running up and down:

"Big Sima, it's not good! That thief Feng... Feng thief sent ghost riders to charge the battle, the front army is in chaos, it's all in chaos!"

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