Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 812 Broken Wrist

In fact, there are many ways for infantry to block the impact of cavalry.

Immediately rejecting horses, digging trenches, sinking horse pits, deploying dense spear arrays, etc., are all good ways to deal with cavalry.

But these have a premise, that is, they must be prepared in advance.

What's more, the role of heavy cavalry is also very single, that is, frontal charge, and the requirements for terrain are relatively high.

As long as there is a way to slow them down, the power will be greatly reduced.

When a light cavalry is slowing down or stopping, it can still fight with a knife, but once a heavy cavalry stops, it is a living target.

It is a pity that Cao Zhen forced Feng Yong to fight on the largest flat ground in Anding County in order to deploy his superior force.

Now, in order to make it easier to attack the camp, people have bulldozed all the trenches and horse refusals set up by the Han army earlier.

Coupled with the fact that he has been on the offensive side from the very beginning, how can he be in the mood to prepare too many trenches and barriers to reject horses?

Now it seems that they were all prepared for the heavy cavalry charge of the Han army.

So when Cao Zhen heard the guards wailing and yelling that the ghost riders were rushing into the formation, and the front army was already in chaos, he never thought that the battle situation ahead would change suddenly, and he only thought that the guards suddenly went crazy.

What ghost ride?

Why is the former army in chaos?

Isn't the front battalion of the Han army already defeated?

Then he felt the ground shake.

"Cavalry? Who dispatched the cavalry?"

Cao Zhen has led the army for many years, so he can naturally judge that this is a large number of cavalry running.

He suddenly opened the handsome camp, and what caught his eyes was the red torrent led by Zhao Guang.

The Han Dynasty belongs to the virtue of fire and advocates red.

When Cao Zhen saw the red color, he was shocked and blurted out: "Why are the Shu captives here?"

"Ghost rider, that is the ghost rider summoned by Feng thief, Feng thief, Feng thief knows sorcery..."

The guard who reported the letter came out immediately, and said in a trembling voice.

"Damn your mother!"

Cao Zhen kicked the guard away and cursed, "I have fought for decades and killed countless people, but I have never seen anyone with such supernatural skills!"

If there were ghosts and gods in this world, then Zhang Jiao would not have died back then, and the Yellow Turban Bandit would not have been wiped out.

The red torrent is getting closer, Cao Zhen can even see a touch of white in the torrent, that should be their leader.

The soldiers standing in front of them were knocked away by them, the mules and horses who were too late to run away were knocked down by him, and the tents were knocked down by them.

Everything that stood in front of them was knocked into the air, and those that could not fly were also trampled into a mess.

Some soldiers shot arrows at them from a distance, but no matter where they fell, they would be bounced back mercilessly.


Seeing all this in front of him, Cao Zhen instantly understood why this group of Shu captives appeared here.

"Da Sima, that ghost rider is rushing over, let's go!"

A guard came over to help him leave.

"Where to go! I don't believe he can get here!"

Cao Zhen shook off his personal guards, fixed his eyes on Jiaqi, his face was full of disbelief, and his lips trembled:

"Impossible. In this world, how could there be cavalry stronger than tiger and leopard cavalry?"

In the Battle of Nanpi, Cao Cao fought Yuan Tan outside the city. The casualties were too great and he wanted to stop.

It was Cao Chun who tried to dissuade him, and finally threw himself into the tiger and leopard cavalry's rush to attack, and then beheaded Yuan Tan.

In the battle of Weinan, Cao Cao also invested in the tiger and leopard cavalry at the most critical moment, and only then did he defeat the Xiliang iron cavalry.

The most important thing is that Cao Zhen himself once commanded the most elite cavalry army in Wei State.

So he could tell at a glance that this Shu captive cavalry army was definitely like tiger and leopard cavalry, no, it was even more fierce than tiger and leopard cavalry!

Even if it was the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry back then, it would be impossible to charge all the way here from the front.

Of course, if he knew that Feng Zei still had such a surprise soldier hidden in his hands, he would not be able to easily alternate the front and rear armies and attack the camp in a hurry like now.

The Jiaqi got closer, and Cao Zhen could even see the hideous ghost mask on the face of the leading Shu captive.

"Big Sima, get out of here!"

The guard begged bitterly.

"It's impossible for Shu captives to charge here!"

Cao Zhen's face was ashen, his eyes were still staring at Jiaqi without blinking.

Zhao Guang had already seen Cao Jun's camp under the banner, and even saw Cao Zhen standing there in a bright armor.

It's not that he doesn't want to rush over, but the front is not only a place with a slightly higher terrain, but also a ditch blocking it.

It seems that although Cao Zhen fell into the schemes of his elder brother and sister, his handsome camp was still arranged strictly according to the standard of the camp.

Zhao Guang felt a little regretful in his heart.

Because before setting off, my elder brother gave thousands of instructions to rush into Cao's bandits, and I must not slow down, let alone stay for a while.

Of course, this is not the main reason.

The main reason is that his elder brother threatened him. If he dared to stay, even if he won the battle, he would be punished when he came back, let alone want to lead the army in the future.

The sky is big and the earth is big, the father is big, the mother is big, and the elder brother is also big.

How dare Zhao Guang not listen?

Just seeing that person who is most likely to be Cao Zhen standing in front of him so loudly, he felt extremely unwilling.

Immediately, he handed the spear in his hand to the bodyguard who was closely guarding him, then took off the longbow, and pointed the bow at that side to draw an arrow.

When Jiaqi rushed over, the guards around Cao Zhen had already raised their big oars, and Zhao Guang naturally couldn't shoot Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen only heard the sound of the sky above his head, and then there was a "chop" sound!

He quickly turned his head to look, but saw an extra long arrow on the pole of the handsome flag behind him.

"There are such people among the Shu captives?"

Cao Zhen couldn't help but turn pale with astonishment when he saw that the opponent was galloping at unabated speed and wearing heavy armor, but he could still have such archery skills.

When he turned his head again, the leading Shu captive general had already galloped away.

Followed by the red torrent, rampant in his own army camp.

Cao Zhen seemed to have thought of something, and quickly climbed up to the high platform in the handsome camp, and looked towards the direction of the Shulu camp.

Sure enough, the camp ahead was in chaos, and he could even see cavalry in red armor clashing back and forth.

After seeing the terrifying armored cavalry, the outside of the handsome camp was in a mess, and Cao Zhen's face finally turned pale.

In the past, when he commanded tiger and leopard cavalry, he always found opportunities to fight. He first used tiger and leopard cavalry to break through the enemy's formation, then supplemented with light cavalry or sudden cavalry to expand the gap, and finally used infantry to cover up the kill.

Such tactics are like turbulent waves, wave after wave, it is really unsolvable.

Then remembering that he was only thinking of taking Feng thief down as soon as possible, and the camp ahead didn't even have a fence, Cao Zhen only felt that his eyes were dark, and he leaned back, about to fall down.

"Big Sima!"

Fortunately, Qin Wei had a sharp eye and a quick hand, and quickly supported him from behind.

Cao Zhen fell into the arms of his personal guard, feeling ashamed.

Thinking of these days, Feng Zei first showed himself to be strong, and then showed himself to be weak. Even the soldiers under his command suffered heavy casualties, so he did not dispatch this cavalry army.

Just to let himself be paralyzed and show flaws, Cao Zhen couldn't help but let out a long and sad sigh, his face paled:

"Cruel and merciless Xiao Wenhe, ruthless and merciless Xiao Wenhe!"

Not only is he ruthless to others, but he is even more ruthless to himself, no wonder he is called ruthless Xiao Wenhe!

It really is the right name.

"Da Sima, what should we do now?"

The guard asked with lingering fear.

"Let's see Guo Huai, Qin Lang and others report back."

Cao Zhen managed to stand still, and looked forward again, still hoping in case.

The terrain in front of Xiaoguan is relatively flat compared to other places in Anding, because several rivers flowing down from Longshan Mountain converge here to form a semi-alluvial plain.

Cao Zhen led the troops here earlier than Feng Yong, so he naturally occupied a favorable terrain in advance.

For example, according to the high camp, according to the water security camp.

Feng thief sent a surprise soldier to break through the gap with his army. This is not the most terrible thing.

The most frightening thing is that Guo Huai and others in the front could not gather the soldiers in time, which caused the Shu captives to force the soldiers to roll back, causing the army to trample on their own.

The so-called defeat of the army is like a mountain, but it is nothing more than that.

So as long as Guo Huai and the others can return in time, return to the original old camp, or even retreat to the other side of a certain river.

As long as you can temporarily avoid that kind of armored cavalry, take a breather, and save two points of vitality for the Guanzhong army, it will be regarded as God's favor.

As for the tens of thousands of people I pushed up today...

Thinking of this, Cao Zhen's body began to falter again.

The chaos ahead became more and more obvious, and the look in Cao Zhen's eyes also became more and more dim.

"Where is Da Sima? Has he ever been safe?"

Just when Cao Zhen was almost unable to hold on, following an urgent voice, a handsome young general rushed in without waiting for the guards to inform him.

Seeing that Cao Zhen was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief, clasped his fists and said, "The last general is being rude..."

Unexpectedly, when Cao Zhen saw the other party, he went up to hold his hand without waiting for the other party to finish speaking: "General Qin! You are finally here. How is the battle ahead?"

When Cao Zhen asked this, his hands were trembling slightly.

"Big Sima, I can't stand it anymore! Bandit Feng has already started dispatching his infantry to cover up the attack, and now even the two wings are in chaos."

Qin Lang was full of anxiety, "The last general was guarding behind the left wing, but the former army generals did not record each other, they fled one after another, and the Shu captives took the opportunity to cover up and kill them, the last general... the last general..."

Having said this, Qin Lang glanced at Cao Zhen again.

"The last general really couldn't stop it. At that time, he saw the Shu captives rushing straight to the camp of the Chinese army. The last general was worried about the safety of the great Sima, so he had to lead his troops and retreat while fighting."

Unexpectedly, when Cao Zhen heard it, it seemed like a shot in the arm.

Seeing him refreshed, he hurriedly asked: "Is your family still complete?"

"Shang Quan."

"Very good!"

When Cao Zhen heard what Qin Lang said, it was really like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw.

"The front army is hopeless, and there is a river not far behind. The only way to do it now is to lead the rest of the troops to retreat to the opposite bank, block Feng's bandit, and then retreat to Qian County, as a plan."

"Now that the army is about to collapse, the only person I can use by my side is General Qin."

On Xiaoguan's side, Cao Zhen still left some troops to prevent the Han army in the pass from coming out to meet Feng Yong.

His current thinking is to quickly let the soldiers guarding against Xiaoguan withdraw to the south. As for the soldiers here, how much they can run depends on God's will.

Qin Lang knew that the situation was urgent, if he retreated directly like this, he might not even be able to run away, so he cupped his fists and said, "Dear Sima, please just order!"

Cao Zhen won Qin Lang's troops, and immediately took advantage of the fact that the whole army was not defeated, gathered up the battalion that could still obey orders, and retreated all the way.

Treating the tens of thousands of people ahead as human shields, they threw them all at Feng Wenhe.

Although Guan Ji saw the banner receding, she knew that Cao Zhen had fled.

But there are too many Wei soldiers in front of her, she has no way to divide her troops to pursue them.

In addition, these days, the soldiers have been fighting hard for days, the casualties are not small, and the strength of the troops is also insufficient, so he stomped his feet resentfully:

"If Yang Weiran is here, then Cao Zhen must have run away!"

That's Cao thief's chief Sima!

He is the number one person under the Cao thief and false emperor. If he can be captured, it will be an unworldly feat.

Yang Weiran is Yang Wanwan, he was Zhao Guang's deputy, commanding Ranger and Hu Qi.

Only this time, he was left behind in Linjing, and together with Hu Zun, he protected a coward's future.

On the other hand, Feng Junhou, who was standing beside Guan Ji, stretched his neck to watch his soldiers driving away the defeated Wei soldiers like sheep, and was taken aback when he heard this:

"Cao Zhen ran away?"

"Run away, the banner moved back..."

"I am Cao! Cao thief's chief Sima is actually this virtuous?" Feng Junhou couldn't help but swear, "The front army hasn't been completely defeated yet, and he ran away behind?"

When Guan Ji heard this person's words, she couldn't help giving him a blank look:

"Aren't you going to run and wait to be captured? In Cao's current battle situation, even if Sun Wu is resurrected, there is nothing he can do."

As she spoke, she raised the binoculars again, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face: "Let's see how lucky he is!"

"What's the matter?"

Feng Yong quickly asked again.

"It's Erlang. Erlang led the armored cavalry and turned back. Looking in that direction, it happened to be rushing towards Cao Zhen's banner."

When Feng Yong heard this, he tiptoed and stretched his neck, but he was not clairvoyant, he couldn't even see Cao Zhen's banner, so how could he see which direction Zhao Guang was in?

At that moment, he dared to look at his mother-in-law without saying a word: You should give me a look!

"Look, there is Cao thief ahead!"

In front, Zhao Guang led the armored cavalry, and rushed all the way. I don't know how long they rushed. Anyway, they rushed until Cao thief could no longer be seen, and then stopped.

He counted the armor cavalry who could still follow him, and in the end there were only a thousand or so left.

Looking around, I didn't know where it was, so I ate two mouthfuls of sugar and food, took a breath, and then followed the direction I came from to find my way back.

Unexpectedly, before walking for a long time, someone from below pointed to the front and shouted.

Zhao Guang looked up, and he saw a large group of Cao bandits not far ahead, retreating obliquely in another direction.

When the two sides met suddenly, they all had a meal.

Zhao Guang secretly complained: I only have more than a thousand people now, and I have run out of horsepower, so I don't know how many people the other party has?

But he didn't know that when Wei Jun saw this red iron armored cavalry appearing from the angle, many people's legs became weak immediately!

"Da Sima, that group of people seems to be the ghosts who rushed into the battle today... Shu captive cavalry!"

Qin Lang's throat was a little dry, and he said in a trembling voice.

"I know."

Cao Zhen also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his forehead was sweating, and there was only one thought in his mind: what should I do?

"General, what shall we do?"

Someone was also quietly asking Zhao Guang.

Zhao Guang looked at the big flag, and was a little puzzled: "Why do I think that big flag looks familiar?"

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