Before Zhao Guang went to the battle, he was given a fanatical blessing by Guan Ji, and his mind was full of the idea of ​​"I can be the same as my lord Chang Banpo".

So when he rushed to Cao Bandit's camp and saw the big flag, he firmly remembered the appearance of the flag in his heart.

He had always thought that the flag would stand in its original position, waiting for him to pick it up.

Unexpectedly, the position of the flag was automatically moved in front of him now, and there was no Cao thief's camp underneath, and the environment changed, so he didn't realize it all at once.

I just feel that this flag is very familiar.

"General, isn't that the commander-in-chief of Cao Bandit?"

It was a reminder from the soldiers around him.

When Zhao Guang heard this, he suddenly came to his senses, his eyes lit up, and he slapped his thigh: "Isn't this my Changbanpo?!"

As soon as I thought about it, not to mention whether the hand on the iron armor hurt or not, even the exhaustion all over my body disappeared immediately, and I immediately rode out on the horse and shouted loudly: "Cao Zhenxiu go!"

When the guard saw Zhao Guang go straight up with a gun, his expression changed drastically: "General, be careful!"

At the same time, he hurriedly rushed out, trying to protect Zhao Guang.

Unexpectedly, the soldiers below saw the general and his personal guards rushing to the front, and thought it was the general who took the lead in the charge, so they mustered up their remaining strength, yelled at their mounts, and followed the general to charge.

When Wei Bing on the opposite side first saw this ghostly Han army armored cavalry, his face was already ashen.

Now seeing that the other party didn't agree with each other, they rushed directly to their side, and many people were immediately out of their wits.

I don't know who shouted: "The ghost rider is coming!"

It is even more reminiscent of the nightmare torrent impact of the Han Army's armored cavalry.

Immediately, someone couldn't hold the weapon in his hand, fell to the ground with a "clang", turned around and ran away.

Some people took the lead, and the rest of them are willing to use their flesh and blood to block this red torrent?

At the moment, he fled in all directions with his hands and feet.

Beads of sweat had just emerged on Cao Zhen's forehead, thinking about what he should do, the soldiers under him had already pointed out the way for him.

Seeing this scene, he knew that his side had been defeated like a mountain, and the soldiers had no fighting spirit and no courage.

At the moment, he had no choice but to order: "Retreat, retreat to the other side!"

Hearing this, Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly ordered his troops, who were still able to obey orders, to escort Cao Zhen back in panic.

Cao Zhen gave the order to retreat, and the Wei army fled in a swarm.

In this kind of rout, the flag officer in charge of the banner in the army was the most unlucky. Being chased by the armored cavalry of the Han army was already exhausting.

How can he protect the commander-in-chief if he is backed by his own defeated army?

The most frightening thing was that Zhao Guang only had the big flag in his eyes, so he just urged his horses to chase after the big flag.

Therefore, from the perspective of the flag officer, the Han army didn't care about the other routs at all. It seemed that they only had this big flag in their eyes, and they just clung to it tightly.

Under this kind of chaos, Shuai Qi staggered from side to side for a while, and finally fell down directly.

Zhao Guang chased to the water's edge, only to see the big flag lying on the ground, and there were many military advocacy and other things around, except Cao Zhen's shadow was missing.

He raised his head and looked forward, only to see Wei soldiers scrambling to wade across the water. Many people had already crossed to the opposite side. How could they clearly see who Cao Zhen was?

Although October was in the dry season and the water wasn't too deep, but Zhao Guang's men and horses were all wearing iron armor and they were extremely heavy. If he really dared to enter the water, he might not be a ghost rider, but a water ghost.

If you really want to catch Cao Zhen, what do you want to do with this big banner?

Seeing the invincible power fly away like this, Zhao Guang felt as if a piece of flesh had been dug out, and his heart ached extremely.

He was so angry that he shouted loudly: "Where is Cao Zhen?"

Cao Zhen, who had just crossed to the opposite bank, heard someone calling his name behind him. He turned his head and saw the ghost-masked general he had seen before, wandering back and forth on the bank with a silver gun in his hand.

Seeing Han Jiang like this, he knew that he would not chase after him, so he made up his mind.

Just remembering the bravery of the Han general when he first saw the charge when he was in the camp, and the astonishing arrow, Cao Zhen finally couldn't help asking: "Who is this person?"

Immediately, some of the officers and men under the command shouted loudly: "May I ask who the general on the other side is?"

When Zhao Guang heard someone from the other side question him, he immediately remembered the prestige of his lord when he was in Changbanpo.

Especially the illustrious words that Cao thief remembered in his heart: I am Zhao Zilong from Changshan!

I don't know how fascinating it is!

Unexpectedly, he would have such an opportunity now, so he proudly shouted: "Listen well, I am Chang-Shan-Zhao..."

When Cao Zhen heard this, his face changed again, and then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked around and said, "It turns out that it is the hero of Dangyang Changban..."

Even when Emperor Wu was in Hanshui, he exclaimed that the heroes of Dangyang Changban were still alive, and he really did not complain when he was defeated by such heroes.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the Han General finally shouted out his name: "Guang Ye!"

Cao Zhencai's slightly normal face suddenly turned into a pig's liver.

"Zhao Guang? I've never heard of it! But this person claims to be from Changshan. Could it be that he has something to do with that Changshan Zhao Zilong?"

So the soldiers below shouted again: "May I ask what is the relationship between General Zhao and that Changshan Zhao Zilong?"

This question really touched Zhao Guang's heart, and he laughed, "It's my father!"

"It turned out to be the Queen of Heroes!"

Cao Zhen sighed.

Thinking of the Shu captives, Feng thief who is full of tricks, and such brave heroes, there are really many talents.

And what about Da Wei?

Xiahouba was captured alive, Guo Huai's life and death are unknown now, as for Qin Lang in front of him...


On weekdays, this Qin Lang might still be outstanding.

But when compared with Feng Wenhe... Sigh!

Cao Zhen was in a state of confusion here, and Zhao Guang, who was on the opposite side, saw that he had no way to capture this person, feeling unwilling and depressed.

Recalling that his elder brother let Zhang Yun run away in Jieting, he was so angry that he jumped up and called Zhang Yun a mountain-climbing general.

Now he finally understood how his brother felt.

Zhao Guangben was deeply influenced by Feng Yong, and now he also imitated the example: I can't catch you, why can't I scold you?

Then he cried out again:

"Cao Zhen, you are the great Sima in vain, leading an army of 100,000 and losing to my elder brother's 20,000; now that you see me, you turn around and run away, are you ashamed?"

"In the past, Zhang Yun was beaten by my elder brother to climb the mountain and fled. He was called General Mountain Climb by my elder brother. Today, you escaped by crossing the water. I think you can also be called Sima crossing the water."

"Could it be that you and other Cao bandits are all people who climb mountains and cross rivers?"


Cao Zhenben also lamented that Zhao Guang was worthy of being a hero, but Zhao Erha, under the influence of a certain clever talker, actually gave him the title of Sima crossing the river.

Cao Zhen was angry and anxious when he heard the scolding from the other side.

However, as the Great Sima of the Great Wei, he was actually defeated by Xiao Er, and he was unable to refute the other party's words.

Cao Zhen only felt the qi and blood surging in his chest, his throat was sweet, and with a "plop", he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Da Sima, Da Sima!"

Qin Lang, who was beside him, saw Cao Zhen fell down, and quickly stepped forward to support him.

"Retreat...Retreat, return to Qian County!"

Cao Zhenqiang supported himself to finish this sentence, when his eyes darkened, he passed out.

Zhao Guang on the other side jumped and scolded for a while, but he never saw the other party answer, but continued to back away.

He also said that Cao Zhen was too thick-skinned and ignored himself.

At the moment, he just felt that it was very boring, so he rolled up the handsome flag, and asked those soldiers who could follow to pack up their advocacy and other things, and only after the battle, they went to receive meritorious service.

After all this tossing, I went back to find those soldiers who couldn't keep up.

After a final count, it was found that most of the more than a thousand war horses left were already foaming at the mouth, and they seemed to be useless.

Coupled with the fact that the soldiers were too tired, Zhao Guang had no choice but to find a high place to defend as a plan.

Anyway, I personally chased Cao Zhen across the other side, and I think my elder brother and sister will definitely win a big victory, so there is no need to worry.

On the contrary, there were batches of Wei troops fleeing backwards in front of them, but when they saw the Han army with red armor on the high place, they bypassed it far away.

He didn't know that the Han army had exhausted its strength early, and it was just lying there to rest.

Even if Zhao Guang wanted to, he was powerless, so he could only watch them escape by detour.

However, the Wei army was even worse, claiming that the Han army had already cut off their retreat, and immediately abandoned their weapons and surrendered, but let Zhao Guang lie down and captured a group of Wei soldiers.

It's just that what Zhao Guang didn't notice was that one of the Wei soldiers who were routed from the front gathered them in an orderly manner after crossing the water.

This Wei army was led by Guo Huai.

He was sent by Cao Zhen to be the vanguard of the former army, but Zhao Guang's armored cavalry broke through before he could become the vanguard.

Then the Han army continued to attack with Hu Qi and rangers, and finally even the Han infantry rushed out of the camp again.

Guo Huai saw that there was nothing he could do, so he had to lead the remnant soldiers back.

After this retreat, it was discovered that Cao Zhen's banner had moved back.

He hurriedly led his army to follow, and chased after, until finally even the commander-in-chief flag disappeared.

Instead, I saw a Han army blocking there.

Guo Huai didn't know about Cao Zhen's news, so he had to lead his troops across the water. While quietly gathering the remaining soldiers, he sent people around to find out about Cao Zhen's news.

Finally, he met the soldiers sent by Qin Lang to deliver the news, and only then did he know the exact news of Cao Zhen.

Guo Huai did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly led the army to go.

After Guo Huai and Qin Lang joined forces, he learned that Cao Zhen was still unconscious, and he couldn't help feeling sad and happy when he thought that Cao Zhen had died in battle.

After the two discussed, it was decided that Qin Lang would take Cao Zhen back to Qian County first, and Guo Huai would take Da Sima's soldier talisman to lead the remaining Wei army in front of Xiaoguan to retreat.

Feng Yong and Guan Ji naturally didn't know what happened after Wei Jun crossed the water. Even if they knew, they would probably be the same as Zhao Guang: intentional but powerless.

Because there are too many Wei Jun.

Their former army had already become chaotic, and the disappearance of Cao Zhen's banner disintegrated the last resistance of the Wei army.

The cavalry and infantry of the Han army went out, covering the whole line.

Chased all the way to the river that Cao Zhen escaped, and finally stopped.

Wei Jun abandoned the corpses, armor and other things in the river, almost blocking the river.

On this side of the river, there are still a large number of routs that need to be dealt with.


Watching my mother-in-law continue to issue orders quickly, and as military orders were issued one after another, the officers and soldiers of the Captain's Mansion rushed out of the camp and spread in all directions.

In the end, even those with a little combat power in the engineering battalion were sent out, and only the female guards were left in the camp. Guan Ji really had no soldiers to send, so she stopped with still unsatisfied intentions.

Feng Junhou, who had never seen tens of thousands of people fleeing like a landslide, still couldn't believe his eyes until now.

He looked straight ahead at the soldiers chasing the fleeing Wei Jun, and suddenly asked, "We really won? Mr. Xi, try pinching me?"

Guan Ji turned her head, she was commanding like a general just now, her brows and face were full of joy at this moment:


"Uh, forget it, don't pinch it. I'll do it myself."

Feng Junhou pinched himself hard, feeling quite painful, he was stunned for a while, and then suddenly burst out laughing: "Old man Cao Zhen, that's all!"

Guan Ji couldn't help laughing seeing her Alang's gaffe.

On the other hand, Feng Junhou saw the Valkyrie's smile, like a beautiful jade shining, and his heart moved immediately.

Looking at the female bodyguards all around, and seeing Guan Ji in military uniform, Feng Junhou's mood was agitated, and his mind was also turbulent.

Quietly took Guan Ji's hand: "Xijun, thanks to you in this battle, I, Feng Yong, met you in this life, I am really lucky in my life."

Guan Ji's eyes fluttered: "Ah Lang, it's thanks to you! Without you, there would be no such unparalleled soldiers in the Xiaowei's Mansion, and my concubine would not have the opportunity to command such a battle..."

"Well, we met each other and were lucky to each other."

As Feng Junhou spoke, he gently stroked Guan Ji's hand several times.

It is said that touching my wife's hand is like touching my right hand with my left hand. Why can't I get tired of touching Xijun's hand? Strange, so strange!

Feng Junhou guessed in his heart: This is probably because the battlefield is too murderous and angry...

Later generations say that it goes up to the hall, down to the kitchen, outside, um, inside, oh's the best.

The woman in our family can go to battle and sleep on the couch. It's as cold as autumn and as soft as autumn water, so what is it?

Just when Feng Junhou was thinking about it, he heard someone suddenly shouting loudly:

"Victory! Victory!"

I don't know where the cheers came from, and then infected the people around. Gradually, the whole battlefield also shouted.

The sound wave was louder and higher, and went straight into the sky.

The cheers of the soldiers woke Guan Ji up. She pulled her hand out of Feng Junhou's claws and gave him a blank look.

"If you don't catch the thief well, what are you calling?" Feng Junhou, who finally felt the atmosphere of passionate love on the battlefield, was a little unhappy, "It's really not doing business properly!"

Not doing business?


Guan Ji glared at the man angrily and amusedly.

"This should be what the soldiers discovered, could it be..."

Thinking of a possibility, Guan Ji's eyes lit up and her breathing became rapid: "Could it be that Cheng Erlang really caught Cao Zhen?"

"Cao Zhen?"

This time, even Feng Junhou was taken aback: This woman in my family really dares to think!

Of course, it turned out that Guan Ji still thought too beautifully.

Cao Zhen didn't have any, but the false emperor Cao Rui gave Cao Zhen a lot of advocacy and so on.

The most eye-catching one is the Cao Zhenshuai flag that Zhao Guang used to roll up to promote.

It was night, Feng Junhou ordered to kill horses and sheep, and reward the whole army.

The whole army cheered like thunder, and shouted for victory, which lasted for a long time.

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